miz Ladybug went to the vet yesterday.. hopeing to find out some things about her! when she came to us, we had been calling her "the old lady" because she appeared to be 12-13 years old..when she got so much better, we wernt so sure about that age anymore. well...according her her physical...she actually IS 12-13 years old!


heart murmer, and she a few mild signs of heart failier, but just very early stages, and since she is otherwise in great shape, my vet is not overly concerned.

bad hips..vet said likely her hips have always been bad, and its just starting to actually trouble her now.

broken tooth that she starting to abcess..this is the biggest issue..problem is, with a heart condition AND being a sighthound X, she cannot be safely put under to remove it. she is eating totally fine though, chewing on both sides equally and everything, so all we can really do right now is keep an eye on it.

thats it, the vet said that all things considered, she is in remarkable shape..I have to agree, for a 12-13 year old large dog with a heart problem..she looks d*mn good!