I noticed last night that Boo was limping really bad. I knew what had happened... I had put the baby gate back up to keep Amy out of my bedroom and my bet was she injured herself jumping over it. I promised her last night if she was still hurting this morning, I would take her to the vet.... just to make sure it was her arthritis and not something else...

Now, I just want to cry. It is something else. She has tore her ligament in her leg that holds her knee in place. The options for treatment is # 1.. surgery, but at her age this is not much of a option, not even if that surgery only cost $1... Next is to just treat the pain and give it time to heal on it's own and TRY to keep her off of it. She got a shot for pain that should last 48 hours and then drops for pain to give her every other day. It is breaking my heart seeing her limp in the pain she is in, especially knowing it was something I did that caused her to get hurt.. Want to talk about feeling guilty?!

Anyway, could you send prayers for a fast recovery and the pain meds to work better than they seem to be right now.. I am just SO outdone that she is in ANY pain that my heart is breaking... I just want to cry!