Go to the mountains ! I've been camping, or out and about somewhere for what seems like two months now. I spent a week in Utah enjoying the awesome weather there and when I came back to San Diego it was way too hot so I went and spent some time in Mammoth Lakes in the Eastern Sierras . I have a ton of pictures to go through and I took all of the Utah ones, so need to do a lot of editing before I can post those. However, I was a moron and left my camera charging at home when I went to Mammoth . I guess the good news is I can steal pictures from my friend who did have a camera and can post those.

Every year some of my closest friends and I head off to Mammoth for a weekend or more of hiking, fishing, and just enjoying the good ole outdoors. The last two years we've stayed at Upper Soda Springs and I can honestly say that it's my favorite place on earth. I grew up fishing Mammoth in the summer and skiing Mammoth in the winter and someday I will retire here.

The gang at camp. I'm in the white shirt blue hat second from the right.

Our annual trek out to Rainbow Falls (Can you spot the Rainbow?):

Fishing the Falls (I'm in the background, my buddy Mike is in the foreground) The water level was extremely high this year and it was like standing in a monsoon, but we do it every year and there's some great wild trout in there.

The lower falls

Just a few more in the next post....