I'm watching the news tonight and another cat hoarder has been arrested. This jerk has property all over New Haven county. It seems he's been keeping hundreds of cats at his different properties and the cops have been watching them all. This JERK'S property is where my Ari was with 50 other cats when he was rescued. The news station actually showed the conditions my poor baby had to live in. They've found more cats at another one of his properties. He wouldn't allow them into the home so the cops had to get a search warrant. More cats. Another 25, as well as many dogs. He is being charged with animal cruelty. The whole story made me cry to think MY little boy had to deal with that kind of filth, then to have to be in a cage for 2 1/2 months. I went over to him and covered my boy in kisses. I love him so much and and blessed to have him here with me safe, sound and happy.

The police are watching ALL of his properties.