I was really tired Friday morning, driving home from work and wasn't going to stop and take any pics. So, I didn't stop at my normal place. As I drove, I kept thinking how pretty the sky was. How it looked like it had a few neon streaks running through it. There's another pasture that is also a good place to stop. This is on a busy road. I drove by it and then decided to turn around and get pics. It was just too pretty not to. I had to cross that busy road four times because after I had taken just a couple, my batteries died. I can't believe I had just bought batteries the night before for something else. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to capture the beauty. By the time I was finished, my shoes were soaked and my pants were soaked almost up to my knees. But the stress from the night before was gone and I had a huge smile on my face. So, it was all worth it. I hope you enjoy.