So.... it is really cold here. -35C, -48C with the windchill. Obviously that means the dog park has been put on hold for

So what do you do with 3 dogs to keep them busy? I dug out an old toy the shelties hadn't seen in years, and Ramone has never seen.

It didn't take the shelties long to remember what to do... and it sure didn't take Ramone long to figure it out either. There aren't any pics of Emily because she doesn't like the camera indoors (hates the flash) and wouldn't go near the dispenser if I was holding the camera.

First up is Clipse (please excuse his poor grooming..... ops: ops: ops: he's on my list I swear)

So what do I do with this.... I just put my paw here....

...and push down...

Ah yes that's it... yummy...

Wonder if I can do it with my other paw....

Yep that way works too...

A video of Clipse getting his own treats...