Some may think this is silly and that is ok. lol

Reilly is 10 months old now and this morning for the first time when Jeff and I were walking him, he hiked his leg to potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It made me so proud and at the same time made me sad, I actually teared up a little, my baby is growing up!!!!! I just took him out again and he did it a little bit, he is still kinda off balance some but you can tell he is trying.
The last 7 wks Reilly has been going to obedience school, I took him by myself tonight because Jeff is sick, he did really good, next week God willing he graduates. We have seen such a huge change in him and with us. The relationship he has with Jeff now was so worth doing this class, not to mention Reilly is much happier now that Mom and Dad's head is screwed on He now knows what we want from him and we know the proper way to show him. He has calmed down considerably, he still has his hyper moments but we expect that he is still a puppy, but he is so much easier to be around now when he is. Well that is it just wanted to share our BIG BOY moment with you all.
Reilly says Hi and licks to everyone.