I decided to post this being as I'm not painting a dog at the moment so can't post it in here, lol.

I painted this last autumn as an xmas present for my brother and his partner. The dog was called Tess and she was our Jess's younger sister. She had to be put to sleep in June last year due to an infection of the womb. She would have been 10 now, turning 11 at July the 4th.

I can post all the updates now so you don't have to wait ages inbetween like with Mega. I got Mega back from the framers today btw. I'll be taking her to my aunt and uncles tomorrow.

Here is the first wip. Just painting in the background colour here.

Here I have started on the main head study but also started working some background in behind the smaller study at the bottom. That tree sort of just painted itself and just emerged by accident. I had no actual plans before I started the painting as to what would be behind that one at the bottom.

More work on the main head study and that tree.

More work on the main head study.

More work on the head study and a bit more on that mini background at the bottom. I had started painting in grass for her to lay on working forward from the trees.

Continued in next post....