What a week this has been. The 4 who had the virus to start with are now getting over it. Not a whole lot of sneezing going on. I hoped that my other 3 would be spared but Yodie Yodie is really sick w/it. She has hardly moved at all today. At first I thought it was because I was giving her an antihistamine but she hasn't had one in 24 hours and she's still lying around like a lump, not eating and I'm not even sure if she's using the litterbox. I feel so bad. When she meows, it sounds like air being let out of a balloon. I called Dr. Lee but he's out for the next week, on vacation, I guess. Dr. Feeman was supposed to call me back but he didn't and now it's after hours. So I guess he'll call me in the morning. I didn't say it was an emergency but I still would've appreciated the call back tonight. I just hope Puddy doesn't get it. I don't want her to get dehydrated. And Creamsicle is in heat again so she's singing opera all day and night. She was due to be spayed but then got the infection in her hair follicles so that was nixed. Then Pigeon got sick w/the nosebleeds. Good grief, when is this going to end? I'm exhausted and my finances are squeaking. Anyhow, please send some prayers out to my Yodie Yodie. She's so loud and boisterous and when I hear that pathetic meow I could just cry.