there are plenty alone-threads of tabbies, goldens, bettas, squeakies and more... here's deaf-pet thread! while I don't think there's MUCH of you have one..but I do! so I'll start with introducing her, little sweet eclypse altanta!

eclypse was already named when I adopted her in california, but I added her middle "atlanta" in remember of my other white deaf cat, altantic who I lost for a stupid reason. anyway, she's the only very frighten sweetheart I have here to hooman guests but she loves new pets! her best friend is my dog, crayola. she is VERY GOOD at vibrations (like me ) while sleeping. I once sat about 10 feet away from her, I blooooooooooow. *woke up, peeked to be exact*..."yes, gina?" also, sometimes after I whistle "dinnertime!", I will have to walk to her and stroke her and sign eat. *MEOWS!* or often since the kitchen is pretty far away from cattree (her favorite spot now...) I flick the light off, on, off, on until she's --

here's picture of her, any more of you? or had one before and share the funny, cute experiences!, her blue eye on right means she's completely deaf on that side but the green one, she SEEMS to hear about 4% but LOUDS rare woke her up.