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Thread: Phoenix is in big trouble big trouble :(

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Unhappy Phoenix is in big trouble big trouble :(

    Hello all Sorry this maybe a long one

    Phoenix is the 8 mths old basenji i got about 2 mths ago well i did have some back round on him i met the other owners before we got him well he's now 10mths and being a bundle of trouble so that's become a daily fight with the hubby because phoenix has bite him twice and he wants to get rid of him.

    Witch will NEVER happen loose the man before the pet is my moto LOL anyways
    I believe he may have been hit in the past because when he bit him he was going to get him by the collar to put him in timeout for tourturing the cats. It was'nt a really bad bite it did cut the skin but no making him bleed.

    So i called a behaviorist and she came over and watched him for about 4 hrs i know in his other home he was in his crate for about 14hrs a day everyday and that';s one of the reasons i got him i don't crate here so i thought it would be better because he hates the crate now No surprize there but now he goes crazy like he's being crated and only let out a few hours i thought that would happen at first of course but now 2 mths later he's still at it he gets alot of exercise and also i have the other 2 dogs he plays with all day. i've had basenjis in the past and know how they can be but his behavoir is not normal plus i can't get him to leave the cat alone he does leave 1 alone for the most part except when he runs i understand that but the 1 that is the moody cat and will claw out a dogs eyes is the one he does'nt leave alone she has got in on the nose about 7 times now and he still does'nt learn. My I think he views me as the alpha kinda because he will listen to me mostly but he just acts like hubby is not there when he call him or whatever hubby also has a very deep voice so the other 2 hear it and are at attention immedialy but Phoenix nope he does'nt listen to him at all i have tryed having hubby feed him and also give him is treats and go his connands but it does'nt help.

    If he gets me really mad and i raise my voice and say PHOENIX YOUR GETTING MOMMA MAD he'll lay down and put his paws on his snout which the first couple times cracked me up but then he just gets up and is back at it.
    Anything in the house he take which i know is a basenji thing and i can deal with that it's the biting and acting like he's the boss i can't sorry to get back to the beaviorist

    She said the best way to curb him would be to have a leash on him all times except when i go to sleep . but the problem with that is i have to hold it because i also have Aspen the 8mth old who thinks it's a toy So now he can't play because he can't go to far from me also i think he fears now going out for walks because of the leash thing. i have'nt seen much results with it eithier he still trys to run after the cat but he can't So i don't think it's teaching him must just don't do it when you have the leash on.

    So i was wondering if anybody had any suggestions that maybe i have'nt tryed .

    The cats do have there privite place over the baby gate but they come out to get attention and i don';t want to have to lock them in a diffent part of the house But i don't want her getting killed or him losing an eyes eithier so i'm stuck here any suggestions would be greatly appreacted

    Thank you Lori : )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    Wink I am not an expert....but please read this story.

    Many years ago, I dated a guy who had a sheepdog. Jim, the guy, went on a ski vacation and asked me to watch his dog. Jim warned me that Beau, the dog, barked continuously while riding in the car.

    I had watched a program on Public TV some years back, about trying to change a dog's aggressive behavior. Basically, what they did was to expose the dog to a child (big aggressive favorite for this dog) and when they leashed the dog, but allowed it to go toward a very brave child, they warned the dog with a NO and the dog looked at them. They rewarded the dog with a treat each time the dog was NOT aggressive around the child. They did this until the dog finally GOT IT.

    Back to Beau. I bought a huge box of Petridge Farm gold fish. I took Beau to the car and as soon as he got in, he barked. I said NO in a very very firm voice and said NO soon as he stopped, I gave him a gold fish. I kept this up all the way home and each time I went out in the car with him. Eventually, we were down to one gold fish per ride. He got it.

    So, my advice would be to correct his behavior with positive reinforcement, not negative.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by sasvermont; 10-23-2005 at 08:57 AM. Reason: ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Yeah I agree that you should try to use praise or treats to help Phoenix's behavior. It's good that you brought in a behaviorist though, maybe they can give you some helpful suggestions to change his unwanted behavior.
    One of my dogs does the same thing with my husband, though- she would never bite anyone but she doesn't listen to his everyday commands unless he's holding a treat, where as she listens to me. I think the difference is I make sure she does what I ask (like if she's outside and I call her in, I get her to make sure she understands it's important to come in when I ask) and he gives up, so she thinks it's not important to listen to him. My advice is that when your behaviorist gives you suggestions on ways to stop Phoenix's aggressive behavior, make sure your husband is involved, too. That way you can both be consistent with each other and hopefully Phoenix can learn what's expected of him sooner. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    You're on the right track by starting with a behavorist.

    I agree with the others. sasvermont ha some excellent advice.

    I think your husband needs to be more involved with Pheonix. I'd start the NILIF (nothing in life is free) and make sure everyone in the house obeys by the NILIF too.
    I'd have your husband feed the dog more often, spend some fun time together too. See if he can take 10 minutes twice a day and play a little fetch or go for a short walk with him.

    I'd also enroll into an obedience class and have your whole family go & participate.
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Well i thought i'd give you all an update on Phoenix.
    I have been looking around for a very good trainer in the area and found one : )

    He's kinda like a boot camp dog trainer of sorts i guess He's very expensive 750.00 but it's for 6 days a week and for 2 mths minimum.

    He comes to the house to do the training. So he and i can do it in the envorment that he needs it in Phoenix had already shown improvement and it's only been a couple day.

    The first thing he did when he came in the house was take the leash off and said that's not going to do anything except tell him it's not ok to do the stuff just when he's on leash. Where working hard on the cat issue but the domaince in Phoenix has decreased alot.

    He has me do this wierd kinda thing i've never heard of before but when Phoenix is nipping to lay him down and put my mouth over his throat not hard just hold in there till he stops trying to get away.

    I know my dogs play like that and he said that when the dogs play and the dog does that to the other that in dog terms there saying I WIN and the bottom dog will except that at the moment.

    I have done it a few times and it has worked he gets up and looks at me like ok ok you win

    So he's doing great with training so far just the big issue right now with the cats.

    I'll keep you all updated on his progress thank you all for the resonses

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    Thats great news! The price actually seems a little cheap considering how often & for how long he's going to be working with you. Around me trainers charge by the hour, about $75/hour, 1 hour a day, 6 days a week for 8 weeks is $3600!

    I'm glad to hear he is improving! I don't like the leash idea either for any type of that training, like you said it only teaches the dog to behave when he's on the leash.
    I hope he continues to improve! I'm looking forward to seeing updates & training secrets!
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

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