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Thread: Silly things your dog does...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Silly things your dog does...

    I just got off the phone with my brother and he had me laughing about his dog, Millie, a west highland white terrier. He was telling me about some of the silly things she does. The one that had me laughing was this. When he and his wife get ready to go out she (the dog ) starts barking. She walks to the door with them barking all the while and then starts twirling around in circles by the door. They have windows which run down each side of their front door and they have stood and watched her twirl even after they are outside. Just to see what would happen, one day my sister-in-law knocked twice on the door after they went out. Millie stopped barking and twirling and just stood there! Now whenever they leave to go out, they close the door and knock twice before heading off to the car. LOL!

    My Ripley barks at the vacuum cleaner and tries to bite the light! Makes it a little hard for me to push sometimes with a little poodle pouncing at it!

    Anyone have any other strange stories?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Northern Colorado
    My RB dog Jack was a real friendly guy. He would be so joyous at the prospect at being petted that he would just twirl around in a "C" shape. It looked like he was chasing his tail but he just wanted to get petted all over simultaneously. So he'd spin around with his big snout in the air and his tongue hanging out. It was THE CUTEST THING!
    Last edited by Kater; 08-17-2003 at 07:23 PM.

    Many thanks to Roxyluvsme13 & k9krazee for my great new siggy!!
    *click* Kirk's Recovery Thread *click*

  3. #3
    Pepper loves to chase the beam from a flashlight, but now that he has realized that the light comes from the flashlight he likes to take the the flashlight in his mouth and run around with it, it is really funny when it's on and he is outside running around with it at night b/c all you can see is a light moving really fast around the yard, LOL He chases his tail too(or what he has of a tail, lol) He does a lot of normal doberman things that are really funny, like leaning against people when they pet him, or going down the steps in one 2 leaps, dobes are just an overall funny breed, LOL

    Honey when going up the steps sometimes she will stop at the last step, turn around and go up the last step backwards, LOL She also likes to curl up and sleep in laundry that has to be folded, and Pepper has this really big bone that Honey likes to steal, but she can't quite fit it in her mouth so she has to kinda drag it, LOL
    Stephanie, Honey, and Pepper

    Thank you for the wonderful sig kfamr!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sometimes, when we give Kiki a treat, he takes itm tosses it in the air, and dances around it. Lol. He also sometimes rolls on top of a treat. Lol. I am going to video tape it sometime.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Saint Louis, Missouri
    We can kind of get our dogs to "howl on command." lol... a while back when Rosie was a puppy, we had an alarm system at our house. We checked it monthly. My brother would always say, "READY?" right before pressing the button to make the alarm go off. So, he'd say, "READY?", then the system would go "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!" And then the siren that was installed under our front porch would go off. Rosie would start howling, every time at this. And she got the other dogs started up, too. So now, all we have to say is: Ready? Beeeeeeeeeeeeep! (And then make a siren sound.) ---- And that makes her howl, which makes Zoe howl, Bart bark and Molly *try* to howl. lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    Dusty always has to have his butt on you. He practically never faces you. 99.9% of the time he is sitting on your feet. If you are sitting down, he'll sit on your lap with his feet on the ground, so technically he isn't on the couch. lol.

    Teddy (my pomeranian) plays super duper rough with the big dogs. There's this thing he does that puts me into hysterics. He gets on the very top backside of the couch, runs it's distance, and leaps into the air. He spreads his legs out like a flying squirrel so that he can get distance, and then he lands on Dusty or Roxy's back. They start bucking and he rides them. The things that comes to mind when I watch this is Wrestle Mania. lmao.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Gosh these are a riot! I would love to be able to see videos of everyone's silly dogs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Northern Colorado
    Originally posted by Pam
    Gosh these are a riot! I would love to be able to see videos of everyone's silly dogs.
    I agree! Keep the great stories coming everyone!!!

    Many thanks to Roxyluvsme13 & k9krazee for my great new siggy!!
    *click* Kirk's Recovery Thread *click*

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    Taylor my lab has associated the phone ringing with people coming to visit, probably b/c we let people in the front door by phone system. Whenever the phone rings he runs to the door immediately and waits for someone to come through the door. Let me tell you he's very disapointed when it's just a phone call and not company.
    Also he figures the bathtub is a fantastic place to play, not only in my house but every house we go into he feels the need to go immediately to inspect the tub. At home he keeps coming to get me until I turn on the cold water tap for him. In the tub he jumps, gets a quick drink and he starts the doggy paddle. I don't put the plug in but he's figured out that if he does the doggy paddle in the running water it shoots up to get his belly wet. Kind of makes a mess sometimes but what can I say he's an only child and it is quite humerous to see this animal shooting water all over the place.
    "You can be the poorest person in the world but having a dog makes you rich beyond belief!"

  10. #10
    When Mick was younger I was out in the back with him so he could go potty. I opened the patio door and he would usually just walk inside but he has heard a noise in the street and it distracted him. I closed the door to go get him and he thought I had just opened it. He ran full speed into the patio. It's glass so my sister saw his face sqwished up on the other side. He was fine but it was too funny! He's also tripped and banged his head on the telephone pole.

    He's so clumsy. Even now. He was trying to bark and scare off the "scary radio" and he tripped on something and was just sliding across the floor, barking. Lol.

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
    from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you.
    I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
    - Jack Kerouac; On The Road

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    When I sweep the floor in the Kitchen Ringo trys to attack the broom while I'm sweeping, he also growls at it Such a funny little pup
    Don't Delay Neuter or Spay!! Ringo Rocks!

  12. #12
    Dale barks at things that are out of place. Swissies arent known to be "barkers", but they are known to bark at something they arent used to seeing (even if it is just a trash can in the middle of the back yard). So i had been cleaning the bathroom and left the dust pan and brush in the hallway...well he comes down the hallway and starts arching his back, with his front legs stretched infront of him...barking at the dust pan...for no other reason but that it was in the hallway and out of place!! hehehe It was cute!


    "Oh no, i better bark at that vicious dust pan, before it tries to attack me!" hehehehhe!

  13. #13
    'Otis looks so funny sometimes because he will be getting ready to go to sleep, but before he does, and scratches his face on the bed, and then he scratches his ears. And then he rolls around, and then turns around a couple of times and curls up.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Last week my niece had a baby, so I bought her some balloons. I had to come home first so I brought them in the house since it was so hot outside.
    Well, I'm in the bathroom and all of a sudden Huney starts barking non stop. I called & called her...nothing. She just kept barking. Then I finally realized that I bet she's barking at the balloons The fan was on so they were blowing around a little. After I went in there & showed her they were nothing to be scared of, she was just fine!
    A dog scared of balloons, how silly

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Captain first :

    When we go to work, the doggies get left in the laundry with the doggie door so they can sleep in the house, and still go out.
    When we get home, Captain comes BOLTING in, and attacks his bed! Grabs his blanket or pillow and runs around the house with it - shaking it about, growling at it ..

    It is as if he is really MAD about the pillow and blanket being allowed inside, and he isn't!

    Ruby :
    When she sleeps, if the light nearby is on, she covers her eyes with her paw! Once you turn the light off, she takes her paw off her eyes .......... she also tried to bury her head under the pillow and LOVES to be covered up when she sleeps. She will lie and watch you ........ almost trying to hypnotise you to come and cover her up!

    Jo :
    Well, what a nutter of a bird. When we let her out, she stand on the top of her cage and does "exercises" - flapping her wings, screeching .... then she "attacks" the newspaper, or ANY paper lying around - picks it up and throws it off the ledge and then stalks the next piece of paper ...... hysterical.
    Gotta get a video of her doing that!
    "No dog is born either vicious or friendly, but rather a blank slate that is moulded, for better or worse, by the owner."

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