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Thread: Digging!! Post 14- question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida

    Thumbs down Digging!! Post 14- question

    Alright, this is not typical backyard digging. This is while mommy is laying on the floor let me come over and dig at her and her clothes to try and fluff them up. I am speaking of Chopper, my 4 month of chi. He is very well behaved all day long, listens pretty good(still working on the come thing ) but all in all he is a typical puppy with exploring and stuff and when told NO he stops what he is doing and if not I remove him from the situation. But lately he just comes over to me and starts scratching and digging at me and my clothes(only at night when we are relaxing watching TV). I tell him NO and he completely ignores me. I have picked him up, made him face me and tell him No. He will stop for a few seconds and then do it again. After the first time being picked up he tries to quickly flip over and bite at my fingers when I go to get him the next time. I guess the only other thing I can start doing is getting up and walking away or sitting on the furniture(but that is my down time with all the dogs and I hate to punish the other two because the little monster can't behave). Does anyone know how to deter this behavior without having to pick him up and have him nipping at my fingers(I don't want him to think this is a game). I fear if I allow him to do it it will just get worse as he gets older and he may start digging at other things. Oh and I have tried placing his blanket down by me but he just gets under the blanket and continues digging at me. Thanks for any help you may offer.
    Last edited by WELOVESPUPPIES; 08-02-2007 at 12:21 PM.
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I have no suggestions for you but will wait eagerly for the others to respond. Very interesting! My Ripley (mini poodle) not only goes around and around in circles six or seven times before settling down in bed with me each night, but he digs the sheet first. It is a routine with him and I just lay there and wait for his ritual to end before we both doze off. Thankfully he doesn't feel the need to dig me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida
    See he will dig at his own bed too and push his blankets around with his nose but he only does it for a few seconds and lays down. The first time he did this to me I just let it go when he first started because I thought okay he will just dig for a couple of seconds and stop but he didn't stop and those little tiny puppy nails are very sharp! So I started telling him no. He is not as easily startled as most small dogs so a loud clap doesn't really bother him(tried that too). Maybe that is because he lives with two large barking dogs and he is desensitized to loud sound? I thought of using the pebbles in a can but I don't want to stress my other dogs out either. I surely hope someone has something I can try, I will try anything. The only other thing I can think of is to just get up and walk away, maybe he will quickly get the idea? Or put him in his kennel every time he does it?
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    He thinks you are his bed. He's trying to make his "nest" on you. Do you crate him? Does he do this at the same time every night? Then about half an hour before he does, make a little fun nightly ritual of putting him to bed in his crate. He'll make himself comfy in his own nest instead of digging on you.

    Now, for the NO with you staring at him? B-A-D idea. I'm not going into dominance theory, because its too long of a discussion. Just mark my word, more trouble than good comes from dominance theory on puppies. Instead of NO, sternly tell him what is wrong. NO is too general. No bite! No dig! No bark! Tell him once. Don't ask him. Tell him.

    Most of all.... get this guy into puppy class. You need some training yourself (we all do) and he needs socialization. I wish I had chis in my class. I NEVER have any. For some reason chi owners think their puppies don't need socialization, and within 9 months they have a little monster on their hands because the puppy knows the owner can be ignored... which sounds like he's already doing by ignoring your command NO which results in you doing the dominance stare while saying NO. They know if they are bad enough they'll get removed from the situation. instead of having to listen to you, they wait til you stop them because thats what they learn is status quo. They also need socialization because they think they are their parent's guardian... they need to learn how to fend for themselves in the big world without constantly being held and protecting you. I have yet to meet a chi in public that didn't fear me and give me a bite in response. I have siply learned to not say hello to a chi I don't know, and I am sad to admit that as I love to say hello to all dogs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austria, Europe

    Digging on mum

    Hi, i think what catnapper suggested are very good ideas. Your little baby really needs to go to "school" and to get to know other pupils as well.
    I would also suggest not to stare at him and say no, just put him away, say no digging, and give him a command he already knows. As soon as he follows it, praise him or give him a treat. This can take a while, so be prepared to do it again and again, give him time to understand what you want him to do. So as soon as he starts digging, put him away, say no digging, give him a command and praise him, that is my suggestion. And a very important point is to have him trained at a professional puppy class.
    All the best for your little digger and you
    Since every animal is unique, they deserve particular attention. (Linked)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Catnapper. Thanks. I am going to look into puppy classes(was trying to wait until school was back in because it makes it hard with all the kids home). I don't pick him up to stare him down, just to make him realize it is HIM I am talking too. I do see what you are saying though.

    Yes as I mentioned he is crated(but only for bedtime in our bedroom). He has a bed on the floor in the same room that we watch TV in also which is about 3 feet from where I am laying with all the dogs. I figured that he is trying to "nest" me but he does not do this all day and he sits in my lap on and off as I work at home. When it comes to time I guess it varies but is usually about 30 minutes to 2 hours before bed(I guess depending on how hard he played earlier in the day how tired he is). I do say No Digging(not just no, sorry I was a little vague in my description).

    He has been getting socialization(outside of being in a puppy class). I take him anywhere I am allowed. He is exposed to other people all the time holding him, playing with him, reaching to pet him while he is in my arms(I don't want him to think he has to protect me and that it is okay for someone to reach out and pet him) and he is also exposed to other dogs. He is exposed to kids daily, not only my own but their friends also.

    The removal from the situation is what I read on another site about training. That is the problem, all advice is different and some of it conflicting. So sometimes you think you are doing what is right and you may be making the problem worse. I will be calling around this afternoon about classes to see if there are any available. I definately do not want to have what people think is "the typical chihuahua".

    Thanks again.
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida
    petpsychologist. Thanks. I guess we were posting at the same time. I am going to get him in classes, I agree he needs them. I have never had experience with small dogs, always larger breeds and never experienced this "diggin" not on myself anyway I will definately try putting him away, telling him no digging, making him do the sit command or something and when he responds give him a treat.
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Puppy classes would be a great idea!

    I was thinking of this: maybe Chopper is just bored. When dogs are bored they will dig. How many walks a day do you give Chopper? Do you play with him during the day? If dogs don't play much and get short long that don't tire them out, they are most likely to start digging.
    Thank you so much for my siggy, kittycats_delight!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by KittyGurl
    Puppy classes would be a great idea!

    I was thinking of this: maybe Chopper is just bored. When dogs are bored they will dig. How many walks a day do you give Chopper? Do you play with him during the day? If dogs don't play much and get short long that don't tire them out, they are most likely to start digging.
    Well unfortunately that is not the problem(I wish it was that simple ). I am at home. He is played with all day. I take several breaks while working, at least once an hour, take him outside unless he is sleeping of course, play with all the dogs(fetch or just running around chasing me) or just letting him explore the smells in the yard. Plus while he is awake after coming in I will play fetch with him inside by tossing all his little toys around. He also plays with Champ several times during the day, kind of wrestiling around(as much as a 2 pound dog can do with a 60 pounder). And prior to him doing his "digging" I am playing with him on the floor, either working with his sitting, laying, or just playing fetch or running around. He is very well exercised. As far as walking goes we mostly stay in the yard as the asphalt is just so hot here right now. We walk up and down the driveway or run through the grass. He loves to play chase with me and the other dogs.

    edit: Also we are teaching him to swim so he can get exercise in the hot Florida sun and stay cool at the same time.
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    It seems as if you're doing everything "right" and seeking advice -- thats awesome!!!

    Yes, there are conflicting opinions out there. Just like you can have a100 opinions on raising a human child, its the same with a puppy. What I tell me students is that not everything is going to work for you and your puppy. You know your temperment, what you can be consistent with, and you know your puppy's temperment. Take what you know about yourself and your puppy and tailor advice to fit. Try something a few times (as long as its not harmful in any way, obviously) if your puppy's not responding then thats not the right solution to the problem. In the end, patience, consistency, and timing will result with a dog you're proud of.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by catnapper
    It seems as if you're doing everything "right" and seeking advice -- thats awesome!!!

    Yes, there are conflicting opinions out there. Just like you can have a100 opinions on raising a human child, its the same with a puppy. What I tell me students is that not everything is going to work for you and your puppy. You know your temperment, what you can be consistent with, and you know your puppy's temperment. Take what you know about yourself and your puppy and tailor advice to fit. Try something a few times (as long as its not harmful in any way, obviously) if your puppy's not responding then thats not the right solution to the problem. In the end, patience, consistency, and timing will result with a dog you're proud of.

    Thanks. I know it is frustrating when one says this will work and someone else say NO-NO don't do that. But I do not want a dog that walks all over me so I am willing to give it my all with whatever techniques are out there until I find one that fits us and works. I am definately commited to my pets and he is a free spirited little man, he has his moments of listening to absolutely every word and then other moments where I feel like aliens have invaded his body*sigh*. But I will keep plugging along til we are both on the same page. I will be getting into puppy classes, hopefully I can find someone local as we have no local pet stores that offer it so I will have to be a dog trainer. I will be callin around.
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

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