View Full Version : Things you enjoy at the workplace?

10-07-2005, 07:03 PM
There's a lot of times where we all just complain about our jobs, well now we can say the things we like. :)

One thing I REALLY enjoy about my job is the fact that people bring their dogs through the drive-thru.
Today we had two HUGE Great Danes. They took up the whole ladie's back area of her SUV. We keep dog biscuits to hand out to the dogs that come through. The owners love it and so do I. ;) It really makes their day and we have frequent customers (dogs) that are expecting their treat when they come in. Another thing is if we are really busy and things are stressful, seeing a dog at the drive-thru really brightens everyone's mood. Makes everyone smile. :) There's a lot more that I like about my job but this one is at the top of the list.

Anyhow, what do you like about your job? :)

10-07-2005, 07:06 PM
(Most of) the people I work with. I love my managers, I love talking to people, I love having fun with the friends that work with me.

I work as a cashier at a grocery store. It has boosted my confidence and has made me a lot more outgoing since I talk to anywhere from 50-200 people a day. :)

10-07-2005, 07:17 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v415/chica1/CHICA2/cid_002201c5cae1a0faf1e0067D8EF1Kar.gifOne thing I like about my job, is that I work in a hospital and I help people.I work in respiratory and the patients are usually nice, and really need help. :D

10-07-2005, 07:24 PM
What a nice idea KayAnn! Everyone always talks about what they don't like but never what they DO like....
I like the people I work with. I don't know anyone here so for me, it's nice just to have someone besides Collin and Duncan to talk to!!! ;)
And I like being busy all day and having lots of work to do...makes the day go by fast and you feel like you've accomplished something at the end of it.

What you said about the drive-thru is cute!! I am one of those people that can NEVER go through drive-thru if Duncan is in the car though...:( He barks and growls at the people like a madman and when they stick their hands out, he tries to bite them!! So, needless to say, we don't go through drive-thru anymore!! :D

10-07-2005, 07:35 PM
Surfing at PT when not busy. The cute youngun cop that comes in and flirts with all the older ladies. Getting to see our K9s sometimes. Enjoying the co workers. That was something I couldn't too much on my other shift. Since I'm on nights now, they even have pajama parties where you can come to work in your PJs. I haven't gotten to do that yet but I look forward to it.

10-07-2005, 07:43 PM
I guess there are a few things I like about my job. ;) I've been there 13 years now. I'm glad it's very close to home and I can come home at lunch,especially because of my furkids. It's nice having friends you've known for years and knowing the ropes, so to speak. And when there are changes or problems, we still have each other. :)

10-07-2005, 08:01 PM
The costumers. Especially the regulars we have. They make my day. We have a lot of fun joking around and it just makes my job soooo much easier

10-07-2005, 08:21 PM
The general feel of the hospital: compassion and the collective effort to help people in need
Helping patients feel a bit better about what they're going through
Meeting new people from all walks of life...and getting to know more about them
That I get to help make someone feel better - that is really important to me that I have a job that enables me to make a difference
All the things I'm learning about medicine...tests, ailments, surgeries, etc.
The people I work with
Working in a Christian environment
Pioneer Park - one of the waiting areas that's an actual park! Its right outside the ER and its so nice to walk through when you need a moment to yourself
The volunteers that work hard and truly enjoy helping out
The cafeteria and its staff....yummy food and fun/sweet people

I made a thread that talks more about my new job and what I've encountered the past few days: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=90253


10-07-2005, 09:15 PM
Unlimited free movies :D
Some of the managers are really nice. There's one that *always* jokes around and asks if I dyed my hair or got a new piercing.
My co-workers. Probably the main reason why I haven't left yet. I have loads of fun working with some of them... just a couple nights ago, we got bored and started playing hockey with broomsticks and smashed plastic cups. We were playing right in front of one of the managers and she told us to move cause the customers might see. :D LOL
I'm much more confident and outgoing now

10-07-2005, 09:19 PM
I get to work with kids and really sweet people!

Laura's Babies
10-07-2005, 09:33 PM
I like the freedom of being able to try new recipes or creating my own. My Captain can spot a homemade cake over a boxed cake in a heartbeat or a homemade pie over a thrown together quickie and always compliments me on them. I love it when I cook something they really like and they all but threaten each others lives on who gets the left overs first!!

Then I love it when they come to me for advice or they need help with something, a lost button, a slpinter in their finger, what to do for that tummy ache... The cook is Dear Abby, Dr. Mom, and a all around problem solver out there on the river. Some of them even ask me to make them cards to send home for a birthday or some special day since I take a laptop and printer out there with me and I love doing things on the computer for them. Best of all I LOVE THE PAY AND TIME OFF!!

10-07-2005, 10:38 PM
well I have only been working for a week, but everyone is really nice, they like to joke around and chat, the work itself is simple, pretty much all the custamers are older people who really dont mind that it might take me a bit to figer things out, everyone knows all the delivery men by name, and joke around with them etc.. its really very simple stuff, today I spent my entire day(8 hours) replacing order numbers on the shelves, and I still aint done! I mean basicly what I do is place orders(reading the stickers and typing numbers into a computer) and when orders come in open boxes, stick on the inventory stickers, toss em in a cart and put them away, with the occasional till work in between, and thats about it lol not too tricky, and only one crabby co-worker who nobody likes and nobody takes seriously anyway, why on earth she is working with the public is beyond me lol

10-08-2005, 01:32 AM
I enjoy being able to bring my dogs to work everyday.

I like being able to work with dogs and have the opportunity to be around so many different breeds. I get to learn their temperments and specific breed traits.

10-08-2005, 02:06 AM
I LOVE my job! I wouldn't trade it for the world!

~I love the fact that I have a GREAT boss. She is an amazing person and is like an idol to me. She's one of my best friends and I'm thankful everyday that she hired me.
~I love that I'm in an environment where I can talk to my coworkers about anything. We talk about the most discret things -- sex, relationships, anything X-rated and it doesn't matter because we are all comfortable.
~I can bring my dog to work (and my puppy that I'm getting next year!).
~ I learn so much. It is such an amazing learning environment and there isnt a time that I don't like to fill my head with more knowledge in order to better improve myself and my skills.

I will never quit my job, it is way to important to me. I hope to stay there forever. And when my boss retires, perhaps I'll buy the shop from her. I would love to carry on in her footsteps because she is just a great person and I'm so happy that she has filled my life with such opportunities and happiness.

10-08-2005, 02:14 AM
Things I enjoy at the workplace:

I get to sit next the man I love all day...
I can play with LOUD Louie &The Beans whenever I want...
I get to wear my Pj's...
I love what I do

10-08-2005, 02:32 AM
I'm a groundskeeper at a private golf course. It's physical work and I'm not as young as I used to be. The best thing about working there are the members. They treat me like a regular person and are real friendly towards me. It's just the opposite of Caddyshack. Some of the older members I consider as old friends. Thats what I like about working there.

10-08-2005, 07:08 AM
I *love* my job, too. Here are a few reasons:

My job is very diverse. No two days are ever the same. I am rarely bored, and if I am bored one day, I know the next day will not be.
I love waiting on 99.9% of my customers. The majority are "regulars" so I get to know them on a somewhat personal basis.
My office environment is wonderful. There are only 8 people, and we are like a family.
I do a lot of design work, so it's a creative outlet
I feel appreciated
So many other aspects, too many to list.

smokey the elder
10-08-2005, 08:14 AM
I work in a lab, which may seem like a dry environment. Just the opposite! If you get enough MDs and PhDs together it gets really wacky! I think 75% of my coworkers have cats. I knew there was something I liked about this place. Also, what I work on today might save someone tomorrow (we make AIDS drugs, blood pressure meds and asthma meds, and a few other kinds of drugs.)

10-08-2005, 09:39 AM
I am still getting used to my labmates, but I really like my advisors. I like the classes I'm taking this semester, and I think I'm going to get a really good PhD project.

10-08-2005, 09:50 AM
I'm a carrier so...

Jumping speed bumps.
Driving in left lane.
Music on the radio at midnight.
Working with the 48 other psycho people in this town :)
Working with 48 other psycho people sugared up on coffee and cake, who are being trusted with vehicles and plastic bags.
The crazy stuff, and people out at 2:AM.
Throwing stuff at McDonalds. (subscribers)
:p I got lots of reasons, I hardly have a complaint. Its a fun job.

10-08-2005, 10:51 AM
I love my customers (yes, I also do not like a lot of them). Working at Starbucks I get to see a lot of the same customers every day. I enjoy laughing and joking with them, we talk about our pets and their children. We have customers that really care about us, they ask about Payson and the kitties, how rugby is going. In return I know the names of their pets and children and about their jobs. It's nice working a job were you make lots of new friends.

10-08-2005, 12:00 PM
The number one thing I like about my job is the hours I work:) Although I work every weekend, I usually only work 3-5 hours at a time.
I can trade, swap, and give away any hours I don't want. Then pick up any hours I want to work. There arent' too many place around that you can do that!

I also like the money. I love having money in my pocket everyday! Some days are bad, but then you'll turn around and have a GREAT day:)

10-08-2005, 04:07 PM
I work for an ophthalmologist and have been there 10 years. I can jump in almost anywhere to assist in the office, but I cut back to part-time several years ago and so right now my main job description is doing all of his transcription. We have some dear patients and they even bring us treats and pictures of their new family members (grandkids, in-laws and outlaws LOL!) and even mail us postcards when they go on vacation. My boss is very good at what he does (I would trust him to do surgery on my eyes any time - sure hope I never need it!) and my co-workers are great. The office is small - 7 of us, counting the boss. Five of us have dogs and they are as crazy about theirs as I am about mine so a lot of our break time talk is about dogs! :cool: