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07-08-2005, 03:36 PM
Hi everyone. I'm soooo annoyed with computers in general right now, he he he....and have something to ask those of you who may know more about techie stuff than I do.

About 3 weeks ago, my computer suddenly 'crashed', out of the blues. My brother tried to fix it, but sadly the motherboard and harddrive both blew up, and there was no way we could fix it without spending hundreds of dollars.......so......my dad went and got me a new computer instead.

ANYWAY, the new computer was GREAT......so fast, and I was just thrilled to have a new desktop. It is an HP Pavilion, and was working great for the past 20 days. Just this morning, I turned on my computer and logged onto PT. I was reading a thread, and was on the same thread for maybe 5 minutes, when out of nowhere, my computer says, "An error has occurred and the system in now shutting down to prevent damage to your computer." I just sat there like this ---> :eek:. What in the world? I was on the same page for 5 minutes, so basically doing nothing. I didn't download anything, didn't go to any site other than CNN and PT, didn't do ANYTHING that would cause a computer to kill itself. It is a brand new computer, has all of the latest virus protection software.....everything, so I really can't believe this.

I thought, "Okay...I will restart the computer, and we'll see what will happen." I restarted it, and it never returned to Windows. Basically gave me an error and told me to proceed to the System Recovery system, which I did.

I started System Recovery, and until 50% was done, it was going fine. After 50%, I got the same error, and it turned off again after telling me to call HP's customer service for help. I tried again...5 times, and each time, it does NOT recover. Boo hoo hoo! I did everything the computer manual says to do. NOTHING is working. I don't want to format a brand new computer that I can take back and get exchanged.

Now....thank GOD it has only been 20 days since I got this computer, because I can take it back to the store and get it exchanged in up to 30 days. That is what we intend to do.....but I am wondering this.

My last computer crashed with no warning, while working perfectly. Now this one does the same thing. Do you think there could possibly be a problem with my electricity outlet?? It works fine, but I'm thinking if its loose, it could possibly be sending sparks, occasionally, which could damage my computer. My brother says he doesn't think so because the moniter is connected to the same thing, but.......my dad thinks this might be a possibility. I mean, it is a brand new computer, so it is ridiculous that this happened. Do you think we should get the outlet checked? When we moved into this house, some of our light switches were loose (internally), and the lights kept flicking, so my dad opened them up and fixed that. I'm thinking maybe this outlet is loose too, and maybe my dad needs to check it out. What do you think?

Right now, I am on my dad's laptop, sad and annoyed that my new computer is already giving major problems, but hopeful that I will get a new one to replace it because it has only been 20 days.


Anyone has any suggestions?

07-08-2005, 03:47 PM
1. Make sure your virus scan dat files are up to date and WORKING....... There are viruses/worms out there that shut your system down during operations

2. Use a surge protector - they can run as high as $100, and I think I spent somewhere around $75 for mine........

I have a pavilion at home and rather like it. I did have some problems at the beginning, as I recall and I finally stopped having them after reloading the system a couple of times.

Sometimes software collides.

I hate computers too.

07-08-2005, 03:56 PM
How disappointing and I know how you feel because it happened to me as well. Several months ago my old computer began crashing on several sites. It got worse and worse and finally died. My hubby and son work in computers and did all kinds of troubleshooting and said it was time for a new one. Off to Best Buy we went and bought me a new machine. Within 48 hours I started getting the same messages you got. Finally it wouldn't even boot. Fortunately we drove over and exchanged it with no problem. If your dad can check the wiring in the electrical boxes that certainly wouldn't hurt. I know how disappointed you are.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-08-2005, 04:10 PM
Like SAS says, be sure and update all the virus software. Even though it's a brand new computer, anti-virus software goes out of date almost immediately so be sure to update it regularly. Also, invest in anti-spyware software such as ad-aware or spybot. Spybot is supposedly the industry leader, but sometimes it pays to have more than one anti-spyware. Spyware is different from viruses and you need to protect against both.

Definitely invest in a surge protector. There are many out there, some even include UPS systems (uninterruptable power systems which means if your power goes out all together the battery in the UPS will keep the computer running long enough for you to shut it down correctly). I don't remember the name brand I bought at home but it was maybe $30.00 and came with a lifetime guarantee and something like $100,000.00 in protection insurance, which means if say, I had a plasma TV plugged into it and the TV was damaged by a surge that the surge protector didn't catch, they would replace the TV. Surge protectors are definitely worth the money! Think of them as insurance, especially if you're in doubt about your outlet. Which, if you dad can check it, that wouldnt' hurt either.

Was the old computer XP? I'm assuming the new computer is? If it is, some software and peripherals (printers, scanners, card readers, etc) just are not compatible with XP and they will cause the computer to not reboot - had that problem with a scanner and it is so aggrivating!

Finally, call HP customer service or check their website FAQ page. There may be a known issue that they can easily fix. And/or when you take this one back, explain to them what happened and maybe they will have some ideas.

Good luck because I know how frustrating computers can be. They are fantastic when they're running right, but when they have problems.....ugh!

07-08-2005, 06:12 PM
Thanks so much for the advice. No luck with rebooting the computer yet. The computer came with spybot and norton, and both were set to update automatically everyday...which they did, so I know it isn't a virus. It could be my surge protector. I have one, but it is very old, and one of those that are just a few dollars. Maybe I should get a better one. I really think it is that OR the outlet, because two computers crashing with no warning in the same way within 3 weeks is ridiculous. So........I'm going to take it back to get it exchanged, and hopefully get a new surge protector. I will also have my dad check the outlet to see if it is loose or not.

:( Its not fun getting a brand new computer and having this happen. 'sigh' I really don't think its the computer.....I think it has to do with the electricity/outlet/surge protector, because when my computer shut down, it told me it was shutting down to prevent damage. Seems that a sudden surge that the surge protector didn't stop got it, and though the computer TRIED to shut down and protect itself, it wasn't exactly successful.

Debbie, my old computer had Windows XP too.

Ugh....frustrating! And now my dad is frustrated cause I took his laptop to my room. HE HE HE! :D

07-08-2005, 06:54 PM
Poor electrical supply can really fungoo up a computer. Bad electricity can not only be traced to your house, but it could be bad coming in from the power lines. I have to be extra careful with my computers as Carson City is notorious for having really cruddy power. It took my parents losing two home subwoofers and an amp unit to bad electricity before they invested in surge protectors.

Starting over not only once but twice must be really frustrating. I hope you get the problem fixed soon!

07-08-2005, 07:12 PM
New surge protector! Definitely. They can wear out or become faulty, and it just can't hurt!

Have you tried doing a clean install of the OS? Does it boot from the Installer CD?

As it is still under warantee, I'd go back and demand a new one - with a new warantee start-date, of course. Don't tell them you think your electrical supply might be the problem. Sounds like bad luck more than anything.

07-09-2005, 12:16 AM
I definitely won't tell them that I think the surge protector was the problem! LOL! I've had that same surge protector for the past 7-8 years maybe, and it is a cheap one too, so maybe it isn't good. Thank God this happened before the 30 days. Hopefully they'll deal with it nicely and exchange it with no problems. Off to the computer store in the morning....boo hoo hoo!

Ps. It won't reboot with the CD....just gives me an error when I do that......and that makes me think something 'internal' blew up.....which also makes me think it was a surge. :(

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-09-2005, 01:51 PM
OOPS :eek: , now you got me scared :eek: . We just installed our new pc yesterday! Let's hope no virus finds its way into it!!

That new sreen is fantastic! It is really large and flat:)

Good luck with yours, Poppy!

07-09-2005, 01:56 PM
Lut and PCP maybe it's a very good idea to invest in a virus portection program. We run Norton's interent security and norton's anti-virus and still viruses manage to get through sometimes. We update both weekly online but you can never be 100% protected. At least with a good virus program you can prevent serious damage from happening.

Lady's Human
07-09-2005, 03:15 PM
PCB, It's probably not a virus, more likely an electrical problem, especially if the house wiring is questionable and you have an old surge protector. In our last house we had electrical problems that killed a tv, 2 dvd players and a vcr inside of two weeks. It turned out to be a neutral ground fault (Neutral and ground were reversed on the circuit). I repaired the fault, and in addition to that I put everything on a UPS to use it as a line conditioner (it essentially assures you are getting clean power into the system, it acts as an expensive filter in a way, but a $70 UPS is a lot cheaper than a new comp)

07-09-2005, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Lady's Human
PCB, It's probably not a virus, more likely an electrical problem, especially if the house wiring is questionable and you have an old surge protector. In our last house we had electrical problems that killed a tv, 2 dvd players and a vcr inside of two weeks. It turned out to be a neutral ground fault (Neutral and ground were reversed on the circuit). I repaired the fault, and in addition to that I put everything on a UPS to use it as a line conditioner (it essentially assures you are getting clean power into the system, it acts as an expensive filter in a way, but a $70 UPS is a lot cheaper than a new comp)

I agree it doesn't sound like a virus with the same error msg.
everytime. From what you've said about the electricity & outlets,
I'd look for the problem starting there. Or a bad connection
elseware. Good luck.

07-09-2005, 05:25 PM
I'm 100% positive it wasn't a virus...as I had the newest version of Norton and it was updated...and...it happened SO sudden and did not seem to be a virus. More like a sudden surge which prompted the computer to shut down. I very much doubt it was a virus.

I just got back with a new computer, and they exchanged it with NO problem! Yippee! The guy didn't even ask anything...just told us to leave the old computer with him and go get a new one. I'm on the new computer now....just setting things up. I got a new surge protector too. I don't even think it has to do with the house electric system. Our house is only 5-6 years old, so that shouldn't be a problem. We just had a few 'loose' switches with we first moved in, which was only a 'tightening the screw' problem. My dad did check my outlet though with this tool he has, and he checked the screws too. Its seems to be okay. The old surge protector doesn't seem to be okay though. It sparked when my dad checked it. :eek:

My old surge protector was VERY old....and it was a cheap one too. I'm pretty sure it was that, because my old computer got 'killed' in the same way 3 weeks ago while connected to the same thing, and now this one. Thank God it all happened before the store's 30 day warrantee was over. While we have a full year warrantee from HP, I think dealing with the company would be more of a hassle.

So.....everything's connected on the new surge protector now, which I bought for $20. It has a lifetime warantee, and $75,000 in protection insurance. HOPEFULLY everything will be okay this time. Better pray for this precious computer of mine. ;)

07-09-2005, 06:10 PM
Sorry you are having problems but glad that things seem to be working out. Makes me want to run out and get a new surge protector...lol

Lady's Human
07-09-2005, 06:44 PM
Just a minor warning.....surge protectors normally work once or twice. the expensive ones work more than that, but especially if you're in a lightening prone area, it's a good idea to replace them fairly frequently.

07-09-2005, 07:22 PM
It almost sounds like a over heating failsafe to me.
but your not running a high graphical game or doing anything to really make your computer 'sweat'..

its just very strange....

sorry,, wish i could have been of help to you,, but wanted to wish you the best of luck. :D