View Full Version : Onyx meets Nemesis! Finally some decent photos of my black boy. =)

04-12-2005, 07:08 PM
Well the time has come to "teach" Onyx how to behave respectfully around small animals. To help teach him I brought out my biggest boy, Nemesis. I must say Onyx did fairly well for his first time. He's shown a lot of interest in the rats and other animals lately, meowing at the door to their room begging to play with them. So I figured, since I had the batteries I might as well photograph him being a good boy. Thanks to Nemesis I finally got some decent shots of my boy. He's always on the go, and likes to explore. Rarely does he sit down for more than a second.

He also found great pleasure in attacking my stuffed cat! :eek: Naughty boy. :p

The Cat:


The Mouse...err, Rat!:


He feels it. The urge to pounce on unsespecting critters is there. Can we curb this behavior? We shall see. (you can see Speedy in his recovery cage. :( )


"Nice to eat...meet you"


*lick lick*

Meanwhile, Nemesis could care less something big and black is stalking him...:rolleyes:


Dotty can't bare to watch. She runs behind the pillow!

More coming...

04-12-2005, 07:13 PM

"Huh, what? I'm being a good boy, just look at me!"

"That dirty old hag! How dare she tempt me with such sweet morsels"

"This is boring, I'm leaving"

So he decides to sit and ponder his next victim.





More coming...

04-12-2005, 07:20 PM


"Where did my fuzzy friend go?"


"Mom, you suck!"

"It's dark now. I can't even look out the window." :(

More coming...

04-12-2005, 07:22 PM
"Wait, what's that?!!!" :D

He seems nice and friendly, but little do you know a madman lives inside! :eek:


"Say Uncle!"

"I SAID, say Uncle!"

The end. I hope you enjoyed the story. :)

04-12-2005, 07:28 PM
Very Much So! And you might be safe,as Cats,that have been taught to hunt,by thier Mothers,or have had,to learn,to hunt,through necessity,are generally,faily good around small Animals!Micheal,The Princess,and Scrappy 2,I would not leave,around Nemesis!


04-12-2005, 07:31 PM
All of my cats grew up around the rats. They play and eat together, groom eachother etc. I would never leave Onyx unattended with one of my small animals though, as he grew up feral. He's very good with them, and eventually he will get used to it, as all my cats have. Rats are VERY smart, and if they know they are in trouble will defend themselves. Nemesis could very easily hurt Onyx if he wanted to. Don't underestimate the ratties. ;)

04-12-2005, 09:02 PM
LOL!!! I was hardly able to breath as I was scrolling through that first meeting! I kept thinking...oh boy, he's gonna do something bad!:p

Great pictures and captions! I love seeing cats and rats/mice together. It is so cool to see them being friendly to each other. Onyx is GORGEOUS! Nemesis is also very handsome! He sure does look like a big boy.

Thanks for the smile tonight!:D :D :D

Laura's Babies
04-13-2005, 08:57 AM
OK, I waited and waited until you finished posting all the pictures! This was a GREAT thread and I enjoyed every one of those pictures!

You sure captured the black cat in every one of those pictures! They are so hard to get good pictures of. It is only recently that I have gotten good ones of Samantha but I have none close to being as good as the ones you have here!

Those with the little buddie are just priceless!! Totally priceless! I am not really a rat person but he is a cutie pie and the more I am seeing them on here, the cutier I think they are.

This was a great thread and I really enjoyed it! Thanks for posting it!

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-13-2005, 09:28 AM
Me too, I was sitting on the tip of my chair... :eek: !!
Great pics and story, Cass! I wouldn't trust my Maya with a rattie in the neighbourhood :eek: :D

04-13-2005, 10:56 AM
CUTE story and pics! So glad that Onyx didn't make din-din out of cute little Nemesis!:D

04-13-2005, 12:20 PM
AW! :D Onyx is adorable!!

04-13-2005, 03:33 PM
Onyx sure is handsome!!!! I'm glad Nemesis made it through okay. I would never be brave enough to try that.

PJ's Mom
04-13-2005, 03:38 PM
I think I would have to pry the mouse out of my cats mouths. :eek: Neither of mine would ever have that much self control. ;)

They are adorable pics, though. :)

04-13-2005, 04:04 PM
LOL, thanks everyone. :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the thread! :D I shot so many pictures trying to get some that actually looked decent. I had to lower the aperature on my camera so he didn't look so washed out. I'm pretty happy with the shots. :)