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View Full Version : Prayers for Juno please!!! =(

03-12-2005, 09:08 PM
It's weird how life works. Two days ago EVERYTHING was perfect!!! Really, absolutely wonderful. Funny how life works. Besides the problems I had yesterday, when I went to the farm two days ago to visit the dogs everyone was doing awesome! The dogs were happy, I visited with some old ratties I bred (which my mom now has) and just had a great time up until the evening. Then yesterday life just started sucking really bad. My bf and I broke up, and to make matters worse Juno got hit by a car. You see, the dogs love to run in front of the car and Juno was accidently hit. :( It WAS an accident. It's hard keeping the cars away from them. She ended up getting her back leg scratched up so my mom took her to the ER and they stitched her up. They also felt her pelvis and she has really bad hip dysplasia to the point where her ball is gone. Eventually she will need surgery. She is only two and LOVES to play and run with Freckles. It's all they ever do. She is at home recovering right now.

Please pray for her. She LOVES to run and when it comes time for surgery I will do anything I can to help pay for the cost and keep Juno active. I love this dog to pieces! Her and Freckles are inseperable! Please pray she makes a quick recovery. She is on meds for her hips.

03-12-2005, 09:24 PM
Poor baby! Prayers fro Juno are on their way--- yeah, two is way too young to be bogged down by hd, hope she's feeling better soon- is there any way you can keep her from chasing cars?

03-12-2005, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by cyber-sibes
Poor baby! Prayers fro Juno are on their way--- yeah, two is way too young to be bogged down by hd, hope she's feeling better soon- is there any way you can keep her from chasing cars?

There's really no way. There's only one driveway in the yard and the dogs are out all the time. They'd have to build a really weird fense to block it off. :/

03-12-2005, 10:28 PM
Thoughts and best wishes for Juno mate. And also for yourself, it's never an easy time.

03-13-2005, 12:22 AM
Keeping you and your pets in my thoughts and prayers....hoping things work out ok. There will be better days ahead!

03-13-2005, 12:30 AM
I'm sending prayers Juno's way. She looks like a very precious girl. I hope she's feeling okay and her surgery goes well when she has it.

If there's any way to build a fence, even a weird one, I think that would be a much better investment than possible further surgeries down the road and maybe even losing a dog that way :( I'm sure its not your decision, but maybe you can talk your mom into it.

03-13-2005, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by aly
I'm sending prayers Juno's way. She looks like a very precious girl. I hope she's feeling okay and her surgery goes well when she has it.

If there's any way to build a fence, even a weird one, I think that would be a much better investment than possible further surgeries down the road and maybe even losing a dog that way :( I'm sure its not your decision, but maybe you can talk your mom into it.

Well the thing is they LOVE to run beside the car. Do you know any ways to teach them not to do that? Perhaps she has learned her lesson now. I'll talk to my mom and see what we can do. :)

03-13-2005, 05:28 AM
Prayers coming for Juno! Please teach them to stay away from the cars! One way, have someone leave in the car, carefully, and spray the dog with a water pistol in the face. Maybe some others have some other suggestions. I'd tie them or keep them in the house while a car is moving if I couldn't teach them to stop chasing the cars. I hope Juno does well.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-13-2005, 06:29 AM
Poor Juno.....! Get better soon, okey:)

03-13-2005, 06:32 AM
You hang in there Juno.things will be back to normal in no time.

03-13-2005, 06:43 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Juno,,, please keep us posted on the lil fella!!!!

03-14-2005, 12:11 AM
oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for you and your Mom, this must be heartbreaking :( Juno is such a gorgeous girl!! BC's are totally notorious for chasing cars (I know mine would if he could)... could Juno possibly be kept inside or in a fenced-off area while cars are pulling out? It would be horrible if she was accidentally hit again and it aggrivated her hip problems. Is she from rescue or a breeder?

I'm really sorry about your boyfriend too. that really sucks, especially that all of this is happening at once. I hope you feel better! Everything will turn out ok ^_^

03-14-2005, 12:20 AM
Warm wishes being sent to Juno! Get well soon!!!

03-14-2005, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by bckrazy
oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for you and your Mom, this must be heartbreaking :( Juno is such a gorgeous girl!! BC's are totally notorious for chasing cars (I know mine would if he could)... could Juno possibly be kept inside or in a fenced-off area while cars are pulling out? It would be horrible if she was accidentally hit again and it aggrivated her hip problems. Is she from rescue or a breeder?

I'm really sorry about your boyfriend too. that really sucks, especially that all of this is happening at once. I hope you feel better! Everything will turn out ok ^_^

I think from now on they will stay inside while cars are coming in and out. We are always very very careful pulling in though. I believe she came from the Humane Society, though I'm not 100% positive. :p

And my bf and I got back together. :D Which makes me way too happy for my own good, LOL!:D

03-14-2005, 12:42 AM
Aah see. Just a little dip in the road. No doubt Juno will get better real soon too. :D

03-14-2005, 06:33 AM
I hope she does well in her recovery. I agree with Aly that even if it was a weird fence, that it would be needed. Sometimes the things we love to do aren't good for us all the time, you know?

03-14-2005, 10:36 AM
Oh I'm sorry to hear about Juno. I hope she gets better soon.

I agree with the others about a fence, or at least a tie out chain.

03-14-2005, 10:44 AM
Oh no! :(:( Get well soon sweet♥

03-14-2005, 12:09 PM
aww...Poor Juno...I hope she will get better very very soon...Prayers are on way!!


03-14-2005, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I think from now on they will stay inside while cars are coming in and out. We are always very very careful pulling in though. I believe she came from the Humane Society, though I'm not 100% positive. :p

And my bf and I got back together. :D Which makes me way too happy for my own good, LOL!:D

that's good! I really hope Juno stays out of trouble and feels better :).. I was just wondering if she came from a breeder, so you could tell the breeder about her hips.

aw, I'm happy for you and your bf... he must've realized what a stupid mistake that was.. :p LOL

03-14-2005, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by bckrazy
that's good! I really hope Juno stays out of trouble and feels better :).. I was just wondering if she came from a breeder, so you could tell the breeder about her hips.

aw, I'm happy for you and your bf... he must've realized what a stupid mistake that was.. :p LOL

LOL! Well she's a great Dane mix. Do you think she has border collie in her as well? I mentioned to my mom the other day that she might. We were trying to guess her other half.

03-14-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
LOL! Well she's a great Dane mix. Do you think she has border collie in her as well? I mentioned to my mom the other day that she might. We were trying to guess her other half.

that's the first thing I thought when I saw her :)... whatever she is, she's super cute!

Kevin Farmer
03-14-2005, 07:36 PM
:( she may have taught herself --the hard way--maximus used to make a mad dash for the open front door, one day he made it... and of course into the street and hit by a van--we were lucky--just some bumps and alot of bruises--now, he doesn't run out the door even when is left open and he won't even go into the street without his leash. we hope she is feeling better soon!!!