View Full Version : What do you do when it's cold out?

10-05-2004, 09:07 PM
I'm so bummed that summer is already over here!
I just wonder where the time went this year? I have off on Tuesdays so, I decided just to lay around all day on the recliner, with the 2 dogs on my lap, cuddled up with a warm comforter, sipping hot tea & watching tv.
I just never know what to do with myself. I do work full-time but, maybe I am one of the most boring people in the world. All I do is work, come home & play with the dogs & talk to my hubby for a bit, watch tv & eat, & go to bed. I definitely need something more in my life, I just wish I knew what it was!!!!:rolleyes:

10-05-2004, 09:11 PM
What's cold?
We go to the beach in the winter time!
It's just about the only time when it's bearable outside.

I HATE turning the heat on. If we have the heat on, I open my bedroom window. I can't stand the dry, stuffy feeling the heat gives you.

I normally cuddle up with the mutts and wear a sweatshirt. :)

10-05-2004, 09:17 PM
Well, I'm somebody that is soooo glad summer is over!:D I don't like the summer and hate the hot weather. I love the winter so I voted being active outside, I enjoy skiing or taking walks in the snow. I love to be outside that time of year, I also love to cuddle up inside too when it's cold. I'm very happy winter is right around the corner!:D I'm much more active during this time of year.

10-05-2004, 09:55 PM
Well its cold in my room all year round. I live in an unheated basement. I have tones of blankets on my bed all year round :)

This year there really wasn't much of a summer, I found it cool.

I have to wear long johns & ski pants in the winter or my knees will get sore & through off my walking & I refuse to be sent back to the hospital cause I cannot walk, so I deal with the swish, swish, swish my pants make all winter long hehehehe

10-05-2004, 10:35 PM
Love winter! I spend way more time outside in the winter than I do in the summer. It is never too cold to run a dog team--well, at
-35C I tend to stay closer to home! I cross country ski, run my team, skijor....I love winter!

My allergies go away, except for the ones I inflict on myself--like the dogs, cats & straw. I can breath much better. I don't sunburn. I am very pale and sunlight is not my friend. Course, the sun isn't up much here in the winter!

I just can't wait for some real winter.

Desert Arabian
10-05-2004, 10:54 PM
I enjoy hiking in the woods during a Wisconsin winter day. Especially when all the trees are still covered in snow, before it all settles down to the ground- so beautiful. Tracking animals by their footprints is fun too. Hunting also goes on during the cold months, I can be found in the marsh and forest a lot then. Ice fishing is another common thing as soon as the lakes freeze over. When I get too cold I love to huddle under my electric blanket and warm up. :D

I'm outdoors a lot, even though I get cold pretty fast. :/

10-05-2004, 10:57 PM
I HATE turning the heat on. If we have the heat on, I open my bedroom window. I can't stand the dry, stuffy feeling the heat gives you.

Kay I'm the same way! I often leave my window open during the winter. Granted neither one of us has very cold winters :)

10-05-2004, 10:58 PM
whats warm? lol its always cold here! I think I stay inside more when its hot then I do when its cold! lol it also warms me up to think in perspective! lol for example "this will feel like shorts and tee-shirt weather in a couple months when its 40 below every day!" :D

PJ's Mom
10-05-2004, 10:59 PM
It's been so long since it's been cold, I forgot what I do. ;)

10-06-2004, 06:35 AM
Brrr I hate the cold..I stay inside in my flannel pajamas, my fuzzy blanket and the heater. My fingers and toes are always freezing and it makes the rest of me cold.:(

Oh yeah, and I hate getting into the car in the morning when it's soooo cold.

10-06-2004, 08:27 AM
Start a fire in the woodstove and curl up with the pups!

10-06-2004, 08:32 AM
I do all the normal daily outdoorsy stuff (Walk dogs etc) but come night time i am inside cuddled up infront of the heater with the dawgs.

10-06-2004, 10:26 AM
You don't have the option "Curl in a little ball under a blanket and whimper until it warms up" lol

I HATE the cold. It always makes my old sports injuries act up and I get really stiff and sore. Winter is misery for me most of the time.