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View Full Version : The nosey neighbor strikes again!

07-16-2004, 06:52 PM
OMG! :mad: Today, these people came to look at our house. They loved it. In fact, they came back a second time and really seemed like they were going to make an offer...

Then the lady asked "Is that woman next door always that snoopy? She was asking me a ton of questions. I couldn't even get up your driveway." And "Does that nosey woman always have that beat up old RV in her driveway?"

What was I supposed to say? I am a horrible liar.

Then, later, I was getting out of my car and the nosey neighbor came up and said "Did you get an offer?" I go "No." She goes "Oh, I thought you would since they came twice...Once at 10am and right back again at 1pm..." WTF does she do, stare at my house all day?! By then, I was mad enough to fib a little, so I gave her a dirty look and said "They said that they would buy the house if it weren't for you. The woman said you are to nosy and your RV is an eyesore."

07-16-2004, 07:04 PM
Do'h!! What was her reply when you said that to her??!! :eek: LOL LOL Good for you! Really, I never understood why some people have to be so nosey when it comes to other people's business. It's one thing to be friendly, but it's a completely other thing to be downright nosey. How rude!

07-16-2004, 07:26 PM
LOL! I'm sorry, but I was laughing when I read through that. :o

We have pretty bad neighbors too. One of them is a family with 823753746 million people living in one house [I'm serious, it's THAT many]. They even converted their garage into a bedroom. My dad said the next time he sees someone sleeping in there, he's going to call them on it. It's just unsanitary. The kids look over the wall of our backyard EVERY frikkin day, just to taunt and torment the dogs. Molly will start barking at them, and then they would say "Shut up, dog!" Idiots. :mad: Oh, and they also kept Chickens and a Rooster a few months ago, and we had to call animal control.. they were keeping them for their eggs, and the Rooster crowed at 4AM every d@mn day. We live in the CITY, not the country!

Our other neighbors [who are right next to us, too] son is in a band. I don't have a problem with that, but their garage isn't sound proofed, and a few times every week, they'll play. It's LOUD, to say the least.

Sorry for ranting.. but I can say I know how you feel. :o We really, really want to move too.. but the neighbors really do make it hard to sell a house.

07-16-2004, 07:38 PM
OHHHHHHHHHH I would want to smack that woman sooooo hard to knock some sense into her, but I doubt that would even do the job. I just hate nosey people like that. It irks me to no end.
We use to have a woman on the street that we called, "The Gazette" because she butted into everyone's business.

Tonya, did your statement finally shut her up or did it just go over her nosy head.
By the way, that was a great answer.

07-16-2004, 10:56 PM
All she did after that was smile sweetly and say "Yes, the RV isn't moving."

07-17-2004, 12:39 AM
My brother and his wife made an offer on a house that they really loved. The inspection proved that it wasn't the best buy because it had some serious problems - heating, plumbing, solar panel shot etc.

When they realized that they weren't getting the house they were actually relieved. Relieved because a neighbor had been on them like a fly. She was filled with information, came right on in the house with them and had a bajillion questions.

They said they were glad they didn't get the house because she would have been the neighbor from hell.......you know, the kind that never knocks.........just walks right in!

07-17-2004, 09:40 AM
How about getting a restraining order against Ms. Nosey Neighbor??? She IS invading your privacy afterall. As far as the RV is concerned, I know that in Michigan all vehicles on private property have to have a up to date place on them or they'll be towed. I'm not sure what the laws are where you are, but I'd sure as hell look into them.