View Full Version : Chubby has gotten shot...

05-28-2004, 05:32 PM
but he is okay.

My parents let Chubby out this morning while I was just sleeping. Usually when the boys are having their "bathroom break" they walk around the farm. So, when Chubby wasn't in the yard, we thought he was just walking around like usual.

When I woke up, I called his name. He always comes back after a few minutes. My mom was showing me something on the computer. My dad had left for work. He came back, because he forgot something.

He came into the yard and he saw blood on the sidewalk. He followed the blood, and found Chubby drinking water. He had been shot in his front leg.

My dad came in and yelled for my mom and I. We ran downstairs, and when he told us "something has happened to Chubby," I just about fainted. Literally.

We got him cleaned up, but he was loosing blood fast. He was almost squirting out. My dad pinched the skin so blood wouldn't keep coming. He had lost a lot. He was becoming weak.

We called all of the vets we knew. Everyone said they were booked. We told them that it was an emergency, but no one seemed to care.

Finally, we called a vet on his cell phone, and he told us that we could come in. We had nothing else to do.

We got Chubby into the pick-up, and we were trying to keep him from loosing too much more blood.

I had to pinch Chubby's skin, to help stop the bleeding. When we got to the vet's office, I had blood all over my hands. He took him in and cleaned up the wound some more. Luckily, he was not shot in the bone, just on the edge.

The bullet hole had almost hit an artery.

The vet stitched him up, and gave us some medication for the pain. He slept until we got home.

I am so glad that the worst did not happen. I would have told you guys before we went to the vet, but I didn't know very much then. I was way too busy.

Chubby is now relaxing. He is still tired, especially since he lost that blood. The vet said that he will be fine.

Please, pray that Chubby has a good recovery.

05-28-2004, 05:37 PM
Oh thank God he wasn't too badly injured!! Praying for a speedy recovery for Chubby.

Emma...wow. I almost fainted when I saw your thread title. :eek: You guys did the right thing and so quickly. And Chubby seems to have handled it pretty well. He's one lucky pup!

05-28-2004, 05:40 PM
When I read the titled, I said "Ohh no! :eek:"

Wow, what a scare! I'm so glad that your handsome boy is going to be ok! Paws crossed for him, and wishing for a speedy recovery!

05-28-2004, 05:45 PM
oo I am glad he is ok, he IS one lucky pup, my mom bosses dog was not so lucky when he got shot, they got him to the vets, but the vet could not do anything :( so chubby is one VERY lucky pooch :eek:

05-28-2004, 05:46 PM
OMG! I can't believe it! What a sick individual. I am so sorry this happened to Chubby. Prayers that Chubby will be just fine, and heal up quickly. I am glad your father forgot something!!! It could have been worse.

05-28-2004, 05:49 PM
:mad::mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: STUPID IGNORRANT PEOPLE!! ARGH!!!

I'm so happy Chubby is okay... I almost cried just reading the title. You seemed really calm while you were holding him... I would have been hysterical and not been able to do that... Kudos to you, Emz... excellent job. I'm praying he will make a 100% full recovery, and whoever did that... :mad:

05-28-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
:mad::mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: STUPID IGNORRANT PEOPLE!! ARGH!!!

I'm so happy Chubby is okay... I almost cried just reading the title. You seemed really calm while you were holding him... I would have been hysterical and not been able to do that... Kudos to you, Emz... excellent job. I'm praying he will make a 100% full recovery, and whoever did that... :mad:

Of course, I was crying, but I was trying to remain as calm as possible. I didn't want him to use his energy.

Thanks for all of the well wishes everybody. I agree, he is a very, VERY lucky pup.

My mother told me that there is a rule, by the DNR, that if animals are harming, or chasing, wildlife, a person has every right to shoot at it. I will have to look this up.

05-28-2004, 06:05 PM
OMG!! Why would anybody shoot Chubby? I agree with Johanna, my god, it had to be some sick individual with no brains at all.

Chubby is in my prayers and my thoughts. Poor sweet Chubby! I am so glad that it didn't get a bone. Poor baby.

Keep us updated, Emma.


05-28-2004, 06:14 PM
OMG! Poor Chubby! :eek::(:eek:

I'm *VERY* glad that he's okay, Emma. Hoping for a speedy recovery...

Love ya, Chubby boy! :D

Cinder & Smoke
05-28-2004, 06:25 PM
So Glad :) the Vet thinks Chubby will make a full recovery!

But I think you should investigate What HAPPENED to him!

You should try to find out -
1) WHO shot him - and -
2 WHY it was necessary that he be shot

Originally posted by Dogz

My parents let Chubby out this morning...

Usually when the boys are having their "bathroom break"
they walk around the farm...
... we thought he was just walking around like usual.

"Letting the boys out ... for their bathroom break ...
and to walk around the farm..."

Can be a bit "risky"!

Is it YOUR FARM the "walk around on" -
or a Neighbor's farm?????

SOME folks do *NOT* like someone else's dog using their property
as a poddy room! (MOST Dawgz furget to "flush"!) :p

"My mother told me that there is a rule, by the DNR,
that if animals are harming, or chasing, wildlife,
a person has every right to shoot at it."

I don't know WHO can take action against animals threatening WILDlife -
(might have to be a DNR Officer rather than a "citizen")...

Most States allow FARMERS to "protect" their own Livestock
from both wild and Domestic (DOG) predators!

Your Dog - chasing Farmer Brown's Livestock -
is a very likely candidate for getting SHOT!

I'd suggest that you take whatever steps are required to
Make CERTAIN that "the Boys" never go NEAR someone's Livestock!

/s/ Phred

Toby's my baby
05-28-2004, 06:38 PM
OMG, I can't believe someone would shoot him! I am glad Chubby is better, I hope he heals fast and can get back to his normal rambunkshus self again!

05-28-2004, 06:43 PM
Thank you, Phred. :)

I do not know how I could find out who shot him. It could have been anybody. It could be somebody just driving past who saw him. Someone could have mistaken him for another animal.

When the boys go out on their bathroom break, they go into OUR woods. They like to sniff around in there. And, it IS ours.

I, usually do NOT let "the boys" be loose in the yard without supervision. Like a stated, I was sleeping. (Naw-tee Em!) They DO have an outdoor cage.

And, that is what I am scared of. I am hoping that my pups aren't sneaking away. I am not sure if my mom knows too much about the whole situation, I was just stating that she said that. She probably meant livestock.

05-28-2004, 07:30 PM
Emma, even IF Chubby was right up on top of something, it doesn't mean someone should shoot at him. I bet it was just some fool with a gun. I don't think there was/is anything you could have done differently.

05-28-2004, 07:38 PM
Poor Chubby! Please give him lots of love from me. I would love to find out who did this and shoot them! The only difference would be that they wouldn't get medical attention. If you find out who did it, I would sue the crap out of them.

05-28-2004, 08:09 PM
Oh Emma, I'm so sorry -- but so thankful that the ChubMan will be okay. Good thoughts being sent your way, and Moose sends some extra Labby-Boy energy to Chubby! ;):p

05-28-2004, 08:20 PM
Oh Emma, what a horrible experience. This is just awful. Are you doing ok? I think I would be a nervous wreck after it all happened. I am sending out lots of positive vibes for Chubby and wishing him a speedy recovery.


05-28-2004, 08:35 PM
Very glad that Chubby will be ok.

Sending hugs to CHubby.

05-28-2004, 08:42 PM
Wow! This is just incredible! I am just soooo happy that Chubby is going to be OK and that he didn't go off somewhere and bleed to death! I know you will be a nervous wreck now each time he or any of the others go out. :eek: (((Hugs))) to you and Chubby. I hope he is as good as new real soon! :)

Holly's mom
05-28-2004, 08:43 PM
OMG:eek: Poor Chubby! I am so glad he's ok. How scary it must have been for you. I'm so glad you got him to the vet on time! I just can't believe some of these people with guns, shooting someones's pet. Give Chubby a big hug, and Holly sends a slurpy kiss and tail wag.

05-28-2004, 09:35 PM
OH NO!! Not CHUBBY, the one and only Chubby!! Emma, how very scary!

Please give Chubby lots of extra-special, extra gentle hugs from me. I hope he feels better soon!

05-28-2004, 09:48 PM
Oh Emma! I was stunned for a little bit when I first read the title. Thank goodness Chubby is alright, but I'll still pray for him to have a very good recovery.

05-28-2004, 10:10 PM
Oh no, poor Chubby!! I'm glad he's ok!! Is your property fenced?

05-28-2004, 11:50 PM
I know we already talked about this even before you posted it, but I still cannot get over the fact that someone hurt your poor pup like that!!! :mad::(:( Some people are just so sick. :( Poor Chubby. I'm so glad he's going to be okay though. Try your best to find out who did that, and take care of little Chub. :(

Dixie Belle
05-29-2004, 12:46 AM
Glad to hear that Chubby is okay.

I do not know how I could find out who shot him. It could have been anybody. It could be somebody just driving past who saw him.

I know when Thor was hit by the car, all I wanted to do was find out who. I know that I will never find out who did it, but if I ever did in one way I would have to thank them. The fools out here wouldn't think twice about shooting an animal. I've always been thankful that they didn't decide to put Thor down for me.

There are some very cruel people in this world. Very sick people too. We talk about it all the time on here. I wish there was a way to stop it. But there are so many people with the "It's just a dog!" attitude. In my case, the "just a dog" was my son's pet.

Keep us posted on how Chubby is doing!

05-29-2004, 04:33 AM
:eek: Poor Chubby!!! I'm glad he's okay now.. I hope he makes a fast recovery!!!

Who would shoot such a cute, sweet dog?!?? :mad: :(

05-29-2004, 07:02 AM
OMG :eek: i nearly fainted myself when i read the title of this thread.

I am so glad Chubby is OK, and that you got him to the Vets in time. I will be keeping Chubby in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.


05-29-2004, 09:59 AM
That's just awful!

Thank goodness he's OK. Is any wild game in season right now? Could it have been a hunter who shot him by accident? I just hate to think about people doing something like that on purpose. I know people can be mean and viscous - it would be so much better if it was just an accident.

Did you save the bullet?

What do you have to do to take care of the wound now? Is he good about letting you touch it?

If it was Max it would take 3 people to hold him down for dressing changes - he's SUCH a big baby!

05-29-2004, 10:27 AM
Oh Emma, how horrible :( :( :(

Poor poor Chubby boy :(. How horrifying that must have been, but thank God he's going to be okay. When I think how easily he could have been killed, it sends a shudder through me.

Please keep us updated on how he is doing. I'm sure you are giving him lots and lots of kisses and hugs and loving.

Poor boy :(

05-29-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by stacwase
That's just awful!

Thank goodness he's OK. Is any wild game in season right now? Could it have been a hunter who shot him by accident? I just hate to think about people doing something like that on purpose. I know people can be mean and viscous - it would be so much better if it was just an accident.

Did you save the bullet?

What do you have to do to take care of the wound now? Is he good about letting you touch it?

If it was Max it would take 3 people to hold him down for dressing changes - he's SUCH a big baby!

No wild game in season right now. So, I don't think it was on accident, unless they were just trying to scare him.

The bullet went right through is leg. Like I said, it was on the edge.

We can't do much with the wound. I am sure he would let us touch it. He still has the bandage on right now, but we will take it off today. He has to have medication twice a day; morning and night.

Thank you for all of you support. Chubby and I really appreciate it!

05-29-2004, 01:49 PM
Oh, that is awful! Poor Cubby, I am so glad he is going to be ok.

I will be saying prayers for a good recovery.

Sending hugs to you both.


05-29-2004, 02:09 PM
Oh no!!!! Not Chubby man! Emma, you must have been beside yourself:(:(:( Thank goodness he's okay!!!! I can't imagine how ANY vet, especially one whose office is open, could refuse such an ermergency because they're BOOKED??? Please get better, sweet Labbie boy and recovery quickly and completely! I really hate guns:(:(:( {{{HUGS}}} Sandra, Cody and Star

05-29-2004, 07:34 PM
Oh wow, you really scared me! Poor Chubby:( I'm glad to hear that he's ok though. Good thing you guys found him and did what you did.

Hope he gets a speedy recovery!:)

05-29-2004, 09:54 PM
OMG that;s horrible! I'm happy to hear he's ok, I was so scared to open this thread when I saw the title. I hope that he fully recovers very soon.

06-19-2004, 12:58 PM
Hey, how is Chubby doing now??

06-19-2004, 02:25 PM
Thank you for your concern, Val.

Chubby is totally back to normal. He acts as if nothing has happened! He just has a little bit of fur on his leg that does need to grow back.

06-19-2004, 02:40 PM
That's great to hear! Keep him away from that idiot neighbor and give him a hug from me.

06-19-2004, 03:10 PM
Wonderful news Emma! I had just been thinking about him, and wondering how he was doing also:)

Canis Amicus
06-20-2004, 02:43 AM
Only today (Sunday, Jun. 22) I came to read about what happened to Chubby. What mean people would do to a sweet boy!
I am glad he is ok.

06-20-2004, 12:46 PM
I'm glad to hear that he's recovering!:D

06-20-2004, 05:30 PM
Emma I am soooooo sorry, I can't believe what hapened to your poor dear sweet Chubby. He is such a beautiful doggy. I am sooo relieved that he is all right, though. Get well soon, Chubby.:)