View Full Version : The coolest thing...

05-17-2004, 06:16 PM
This morning, i was on my way to work & listening to the radio. I guess this started last week, but the local humane society is working with the radio station, and they are featuring a "dog of the week". They bring the dog into the studio, and talk about what he's doing, what he looks like, how he acts etc. It's about a 15 minute spotlight, and then throughout the rest of the week they keep advertising them in like a 1-minute segment.

I just thought it is great way to reach a lot of people, and since they are focusing on one specific dog, that somebody might fall in love with them over the airwaves. :p


05-17-2004, 06:31 PM
Our humane society does that on several radio stations and on a few TV. From what I understand it is very rare a featured animal does not get quickly adopted. In fact, out humane society's adoptions rates are going so well (they are very low-kill...only in cases of severe illness or aggression) they are going tobe changing their policy. Right now they are alimited intake facility, but next year they will become a open door facility, meaning they will refuse no animals.

I hope your humane soceity has as much luck with the program as ours has.

05-17-2004, 06:38 PM
This is such happy, encouraging news:) Our area shelter is also a "low kill" shelter that rarely puts an animal to sleep except for severe illness or aggression:) We have similar type "highlight" features on local TV and raido stations with great results! This is definitely the way to go:)

05-17-2004, 07:54 PM
It's so neat that they would have that. I haven't heard about it though. It would be nice to hear about someone's pet from here.