View Full Version : Are you scared of spiders?

Miss Meow
04-26-2004, 11:15 PM
I am.

I was home by myself last night as Shane was on duty, so naturally it's the night that the Huge Scary Spider from Hell came to visit.

I went into the bathroom and in the window, between the glass and the fly screen, was the biggest eight-legged monster in the world. And it was staring at me. I was busting to use the toilet, which faces away from the spider, so sat down twisted my head sideways under my arm, to try to see its reflection in the mirror. The second I made a noise the spider ran. I jumped and nearly made a hole in the ceiling (and a mess on the floor).

The spider and I had a staredown at the OK Corral. It won. In round two I managed to wind the window open a little, but Mr Scary Spider wanted to hang around. I got a box of tissues and tapped on the screen - hey, who wants to live in a noisy neighbourhood? It ignored me. I tapped a little closer and it finally put its eight legs into a forward gear and went looking for a new home. I wound the window shut so hard that it'll probably never open again.

For the next few hours I got the creepies and imagined that spiders were crawling over me. Am looking very glam with my four hours' sleep ;)

04-26-2004, 11:18 PM
I am. I don't know why but I am. They just creep me out.

I can't even squish a little one. I know they are good and eat insects but I can't help not liking them.

In fact spiders are one of the reasons I don't want to go to Australia.....LOL There are some really scary ones there.

04-26-2004, 11:18 PM
No worries...I hate any type of bug. Blech. If it doesn't have fur, I don't want to have anything to do with it.

You did much better than I would have. I normally see it, freak out, run upstairs to grab a thing of tupperware, and put the tupperware bowl over the spider until my mom, dad, or brother kills it for me.

When they flush them down the toilet, I can't use that toilet for at least a week. lol. :p

I don't want anything to do with them. :eek:

04-26-2004, 11:18 PM
WHAT - didn't your attack "spider" dogs help you out???

If John is home, then YES, I will make him REMOVE the spider. But if I am home alone ...... or have a scared friend, I am the spider (creepy crawly anything) queen.

I would have saved you, or at least talked to you about the thickness of glass and the fact that a SCREEN was in between you and the spider, and no spider I know of will eat through the metal screen, in the 30 seconds it took you to pee ...!!! :D

04-26-2004, 11:35 PM

I don't know why.. sometimes I am.. sometimes i'm not.

04-26-2004, 11:44 PM
I'm afraid of big, dark, nasty, creepy spiders. As for the smaller ones...........not really, but I'm grossed out by all of them. They disgust me, and I can't stand having one in the house for a second. I see one, and the next second, its getting sucked by the vacuum cleaner. :)

Miss Meow
04-26-2004, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by captain
WHAT - didn't your attack "spider" dogs help you out???

If John is home, then YES, I will make him REMOVE the spider. But if I am home alone ...... or have a scared friend, I am the spider (creepy crawly anything) queen.

I would have saved you, or at least talked to you about the thickness of glass and the fact that a SCREEN was in between you and the spider, and no spider I know of will eat through the metal screen, in the 30 seconds it took you to pee ...!!! :D

Spider dogs are only six inches off the ground - evil spider was six feet off the ground. Note to self: buy stilts for spider dogs ;)

You could have explained the wire screen to your heart's content: I was convinced that it was going to slip in the side, travel around the wall, under the door and come and get me while I was asleep ...

04-26-2004, 11:54 PM
Ewwwwwwwwwwww! I don't like spiders at all. Yuck!!!

04-27-2004, 12:22 AM
*Glances down at the black widow in a deli cup on the desk munching happily on a cricket*

Umm....not usually. :) Harvestmen scare me though, and I don't know why since I KNOW they're harmless. (Harvestmen are what most people call "Daddy Long-Legs")

Edit: Please don't think I'm a complete nut job...I'm planning to realease it eventually.... ^_^

04-27-2004, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan

Umm....not usually. :) Harvestmen scare me though, and I don't know why since I KNOW they're harmless. (Harvestmen are what most people call "Daddy Long-Legs")

That's funny since that's one of the spiders i'm not afraid of! :p

04-27-2004, 12:56 AM
EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I would have had to of found a restroom elsewhere. I HATE spiders. I'm terrified of them!!! :eek: :eek:

Spiders are why I allowed David to get a cat (back before I saw the light)...so I guess I"m not allowed to hate them that much. ;)

Spiders are also why my car is NOT to have its windows down while I'm not in it. EVEN if I'm just running to the store...those things fly or ride on the wind or something and my car is spider heaven or something.

If I found a spider in my car, then couldn't find it so David could send it back to hell (where it came from, of course), I'd get my car detailed and demand to see the DEAD spider.

Can you tell I don't do spiders??? ;) (hee hee)

guster girl
04-27-2004, 01:03 AM
I'm only ok with them on tv and in tanks. I can't handle them in my home or outdoors. They so seriously give me the willies. I think they're beautiful, but, if they can come anywhere near me, ugh, forget it. I've literally broken things trying to smush spiders in my home......the worst is when they're swinging around on their webs....omg....nothing makes me freak out like that (except flying stinging buzzing insects). :)

04-27-2004, 01:11 AM
No, I'm not scared of spiders in the least. I think they are beautiful. If I find one in the house most of the time I will leave it alone but if my cat is bothering it then I will take it outside. I would never kill one.

04-27-2004, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Kater
No, I'm not scared of spiders in the least. I think they are beautiful. If I find one in the house most of the time I will leave it alone but if my cat is bothering it then I will take it outside. I would never kill one.
Kate? Will you come live with me? You can protect me from spiders and protect them from David. ;)

hee hee

04-27-2004, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Kate? Will you come live with me? You can protect me from spiders and protect them from David. ;)

hee hee
Would I get free rent? ;) heehee.

04-27-2004, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Kater
Would I get free rent? ;) heehee.
Sure!! ;)

04-27-2004, 03:03 AM
:D :D :D

Nicole- that could have been me. I try to be rational about spiders but it just doesn't work.

Siegmar catches them under a glass and releases them outside: one of the reasons I need a man in my household;) We would never kill them because around here they are useful.

These days I stepped on a big nasty dead one (it was dead before I stepped) that was lying on the floor in the living room. I felt there was something under my foot, thought it was a cat toy and looked down: *jumps higher than she ever expected to jump and squeeks at high volume*:eek:

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-27-2004, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I was busting to use the toilet, which faces away from the spider, so sat down twisted my head sideways under my arm, to try to see its reflection in the mirror


I think you are more brave then you know...

I went to church the other night and my mom-in-law and a guy from our church was helping me get some stuff out of my car.. and the guy kept saying "is that a bug,,,,, *short pause*,, is that a bug"

i finally looked down and there was this SPIDER sitting right next to me... i nearly clawed through the roof of my car to get away screaming... they knocked the spider out of the car and kept laughing at me.. EWWWWWW...

I won't kill a spider .. or any other bug.. i make Eric *rescue* them and throw them outside.. BUT that does not give them permission to get near me!!!!!

04-27-2004, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by ChiRen

When they flush them down the toilet, I can't use that toilet for at least a week. lol. :p

LOL! LOL! To my knowledge no spider has been able to swim upstream in a swirling, flushing toilet, but one can't be too careful! LOL!

I agree with all of you spider fearing people. My fear increases with their size I guess and I hate the ones that seem to have "fur" on their bodies the most. **shivers** The other day I was watching the Ellen (DeGeneres) show and her monolog was about laying in bed about to doze off to sleep and spying a spider on the ceiling. My gosh she covered every emotion a spider fearing person has and I was laughing hysterically. She went into all of the thoughts we all have had when seeing a spider on the ceiling, including my favorite 'what if I try to kill him and miss and he comes back with revenge on his mind.' LOL!

All Creatures Great And Small
04-27-2004, 06:18 AM
I am afraid of really BIG spiders, with pointy legs and big bulbous bodies. Thankfully in Wisconsin we don't get any with hair - (the only reason to like our 6 month long winter; it kills every scary bug out there). I'm no longer afraid of little "dust pideys" as we call them; the ones that are yellowy-white and like to hang around in the corners of the ceiling, and daddy long-legs don't scare me anymore either. Last night, Sammy was going nuts in the kitchen, trying to get a little spider off of the ceiling. I finally went out there, climbed up on a chair, and hoisted him up on my shoulder so he could reach the stupid thing. He reached up, swatted it, and sent it flying directly onto my face. I am so proud - I didn't scream OR wet my pants, but I did swat at my face and then shake out my hair just in case it was stuck there, since I couldn't see it on the floor. :p :rolleyes:

04-27-2004, 07:02 AM
LOL! :D I'm not afraid of spiders in the least, but then, I haven't come across the really huge ones. However, I really don't like cockroaches or any other flat crunchy insects!! :eek: Once, I lived in a house with lots of other people - we had chickens, rabbitts etc. out in the back, and the owner brought back sacks of bread for them. Soon after, the cockroaches were all over the place. We had to empty everything out in the kitchens, when we took the fridges out, there were loads of eggs sitting on the warm pipes. In the end we got rid of them by using some blue stuff we smeared over the edges and doorsteps.

04-27-2004, 07:08 AM
I *HATE* spiders, in fact, I dislike pretty much any sort of bug or insect... Ladybugs are cute and ok as long as they don't touch me. When I was little I used to like daddy long legs, I'd pick them up and let them crawl on me*shudder* now just thinking about spiders makes my skin crawl. I seriously feel like they are all over me right now just because I'm typing this. I think that a type of bug that I hate even more than spiders are BEETLES *eww* over here in Japan there are tons and they creap me out. I will admit to being an avid bug squisher (if they are in my home) but beetles just won't die. they're so icky *shudder* eeeew ok well now that this post is over it's time to go take a shower to wash away all of the imaginary bugs that are crawling all over me..

If Paul is home and I see a spidey on the floor I'll generally jump up onto the highest available surface-kitchen counter, computer desk, etc. and call for Paul to come squish it.... the stinker will ocassionally come at me with the tissue covered in bug parts, but thankfully he doesn't do that often:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

04-27-2004, 07:55 AM
I don't like spiders, never have...never will. They just give me the willies. Expecially if they're in the house. Outside is fine, just not in the house!

Edwina's Secretary
04-27-2004, 08:00 AM
I am the official bug handler in my home (perhaps from 20 years of living alone????) The Es find them amusing but never get around to killing them and I'm better at it than my husband. Since I was told it is bad luck to kill a spider in the house, I used to capture them and let them loose. As we live in an older home with lots of trees I don't think I will be disturbing the future of the species by killing a few.

Now what I hate is centipedes. With all those legs they move soooo fast and are so hard to smash!

04-27-2004, 08:08 AM
Spiders really don't scare me overall, and I enjoy seeing them. That said, I still like to know they are there and are still startled by them if one suddenly runs over me, like if I pick up a shoe in the garage and one runs over my hand, it will spook me and I'll drop the shoe :p

Up here in Minnesota, however, there are very few venomous spiders. Where I grew up in Southern Missouri, brown recluse were common, and I was more wary of spiders until I was sure of what kind they were. In that case I kept a spider book around and made sure I could identify them. I think if I lived in an area with many venomous spiders I would probably be more wary of them, simply because they are so small and easy to miss.

Black widows do kind of give me the creeps though. I watched a nature show a few years ago just on black widows and it went into detail what the poison does to a human's nervous system. Just can't help but be chilled by something so small that can be such a danger to a human, but I also feel awe over them as well. I do think Hollywood has played quite a negative role on how people view spiders, and other "creepy crawlies."

I have no desire to kill spiders. Whenever I see one of the resident little house spiders in the middle of the floor, I just give it a nudge so it runs to a safer spot. :)

04-27-2004, 01:17 PM
Hate them Hate them!!!!

Your story was almost like mine last night. I went to the bathroom and was doing my thing when I reached over to get some TP and there he was right next to the roll. :eek: :eek:
Thank goodness, he was just as afraid of me as I was of him, he ran off somewhere.

We have a lot of banana trees around us and they have what we call a banana spider, living in them. BIG ugly guys and they can jump like no spider I've ever seen. They scare the you know what out of me and they are not afraid of people. Thats always been my hope with spiders, is they are afraid of me too, but not these guys, insteading of running away they have jumped on me. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Just thinking about them right now and i'm getting jumpy, Brandy just rubed my leg and I jumped out of my chair. So I'm off to a new subject now. LoL :D

04-27-2004, 01:25 PM
I HATE spiders. They're so gross. I have no idea why I'm so afraid of them, we don't have ANY harmful spiders here. We don't even have ones that bite or whatever. Just little ones..yet I'm afraid of them..........They're just sooo gross

Desert Arabian
04-27-2004, 03:26 PM

In fact, this past weekend I was up at camp volunteering again, and when I walked onto the porch of the cabin there was a large wolf spider on the wall- I saw it and SCREACHED, jumped off the 7 flights of stairs and started crying. All the guys and my friends came running out to see what was going on- I was hysterical. Thank the Lord Catanya moved it and threw it into the woods! OH! I have so many terrifying experiences with spiders! Since they are so well camouflaged, and I walk around in high grasses/woods a lot, I run into them before I can see them. When mom and I were at a mule show in Missouri, I was trying to take pictures of the pretty wildflowers. I was focusing on the flowers so much, getting real close to them to take good pictures, I didn't notice the two HUGE Orb spiders 2 inches away from my face. When I did finally notice them I screamed, ran backwards, almost dropped the camera in a puddle and started to cry- a bunch of people came over to see what was going on. OH- ANOTHER- Fred, the wolf spider- he lives up at camp and his known for coming in your shower stall when you are taking a shower. Well, he paid me a visit this past summer. Fred is HUGE, I mean HUGE, he has to be at least the size of a tennis ball circumference wise. I was washing my hair *la la la de da da* with my eyes closed- opened my eyes- to see Fred on the wall next to me. Gee, what did I do!? Scream, run out of the stall buck nekkid, and almost went running out of the building naked but luckily my friend covered me up before I went outside to finish my fit.

I cannot stand spiders, even pictures of spiders make me cringe, and scream if I am not expecting it.

Same story for centipedes, in fact they even tend to creep me out more, since they have more legs- it's the legs that get me- they are disgusting. A couple of weeks ago I was in the basement and a centipede about 5 inches long ran out of the sink onto the floor- OH MY LORD- the fit I had! I started screaming and bawling, jumping up and down, shaking! I was screaming so hard my throat was sore for two days afterwards. My dad was outside doing yard work and he could hear me. Before he came inside, I grabbed a bottle of bleach and threw it on the centipede. Sammy killed a centipede in my bedroom, right next to my bed- had a fit over that too- I would not go inside my room until my mom cleaned it all up.

I seriously cannot handle spiders or centipedes AT ALL.

Desert Arabian
04-27-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Thankfully in Wisconsin we don't get any with hair - (the only reason to like our 6 month long winter; it kills every scary bug out there).

Ah! Ja! We do ma! Wolf spider. :eek: :eek:

04-27-2004, 03:36 PM
Nope, not scared of them. I actually encouraged spiders to spin webs in my room when I lived at home. They ate the misquitos that got in thru the sump pump. :)

Now, if I'm in a situation where one might get in my hair... that gives me the willies.

I've had a few big ones catch me off guard, but in general, I'm the one that captures and releases. :)

04-27-2004, 04:14 PM
I don't mind spiders. As for roaches, yuck, but I'm not afraid of them either. The one bug I absolutely cannot stand whatsoever is a slug. I would rather be stung by a bee 20 times than to even see a slug, they make me want to throw-up.

04-27-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Spiders really don't scare me overall, and I enjoy seeing them. That said, I still like to know they are there and are still startled by them if one suddenly runs over me, like if I pick up a shoe in the garage and one runs over my hand, it will spook me and I'll drop the shoe :p ......

.....I think if I lived in an area with many venomous spiders I would probably be more wary of them, simply because they are so small and easy to miss.....

I have no desire to kill spiders. Whenever I see one of the resident little house spiders in the middle of the floor, I just give it a nudge so it runs to a safer spot. :)
Thanks, Jessica, you've said it all for me! :)


04-27-2004, 05:51 PM
Hi, it is the "deadly" Spider here …. And I think it is time for MY side of the story ……..

Well, for the past few days it has been mighty cold in Melbourne, and just the other day it started to rain. RAIN!!! We have not had rain for quite awhile, so I had to find myself a sheltered spot.

Now the lovely house I am currently living near has a PINK kitchen ……. Quite ALARMING actually!!! I mean really, who has a PINK kitchen in this day and age? ……… BUT I digress ….

I found this FANTASTIC spot, between a window and the fly screen of this not often used room in the house. People only occasionally enter, and not for long periods of time. Generally, the light is on for a short time, so a spider guy can get some good rest, which is what I was doing ….
WHEN all of a sudden the light came on, and a woman doing some strange acrobatics entered the room. She was doing this weird under the arm gymnastics ………. And had a look of horror on her face
(HEY LADY, try seeing yourself from my angle!!!! – pants around your knees!! – there is horror for you!!)

ANYWAY, wouldn’t you know it, she started towards me with this HUGE box of something, and was tapping on the screen. I clung on for dear life ……….. HELLO, LADY – you do realise I am on the OUTSIDE of the screen and could fall, injuring one of my 8 legs???

Well, she would not go away, so I eventually hightailed to the outside ………. And SHE CLOSED THE WINDOW. HOW CRUEL is this woman???? It is COLD out here ……….

But never fear, spiders are resilient ………….. and I have REVENGE on my mind. YUP, Ellen DeG was right, we can be vindictive ………..

Spider Guy

04-27-2004, 06:12 PM
YES!!! I am squeemish about anything buggish. Spiders, flies, moths, you name it. For some reason, my feline fellas love all of them.

I hate this one type of bug that has been haunting me for nearly a year - ever since my boss found a ton of them in HIS car... they must have followed mew home. Anyway, these bugs (whatever they are) fascinate the cats and when I squash them, their blood is the awful bluish green (yech) Hubby just catches them and releases them outside, and I say "kill the stinker because I KNOW it'll find its way back into my house!" One time I pulled out a drawer in jewlry box and one was hiding in there! Freaked me out... they are everywhere and anywhere and out to scare the lights out of me!

04-27-2004, 06:28 PM
LOL, thank you, Spider Guy. I will remember that next time I start tapping on the window. :p

Originally posted by Kfamr

I don't know why.. sometimes I am.. sometimes i'm not.

Same here. Sometimes I will just move them, and sometimes I will say, "Oh my doG."


04-27-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by captain

Hi, it is the "deadly" Spider here …. And I think it is time for MY side of the story ……..

Well, for the past few days it has been mighty cold in Melbourne, and just the other day it started to rain. RAIN!!! We have not had rain for quite awhile, so I had to find myself a sheltered spot.

Now the lovely house I am currently living near has a PINK kitchen ……. Quite ALARMING actually!!! I mean really, who has a PINK kitchen in this day and age? ……… BUT I digress ….

I found this FANTASTIC spot, between a window and the fly screen of this not often used room in the house. People only occasionally enter, and not for long periods of time. Generally, the light is on for a short time, so a spider guy can get some good rest, which is what I was doing ….
WHEN all of a sudden the light came on, and a woman doing some strange acrobatics entered the room. She was doing this weird under the arm gymnastics ………. And had a look of horror on her face
(HEY LADY, try seeing yourself from my angle!!!! – pants around your knees!! – there is horror for you!!)

ANYWAY, wouldn’t you know it, she started towards me with this HUGE box of something, and was tapping on the screen. I clung on for dear life ……….. HELLO, LADY – you do realise I am on the OUTSIDE of the screen and could fall, injuring one of my 8 legs???

Well, she would not go away, so I eventually hightailed to the outside ………. And SHE CLOSED THE WINDOW. HOW CRUEL is this woman???? It is COLD out here ……….

But never fear, spiders are resilient ………….. and I have REVENGE on my mind. YUP, Ellen DeG was right, we can be vindictive ………..

Spider Guy

He he he! :D

Another story from the spider side.........

Hello! I am a spider from the US! I was born in a little spider web, in the corner of the ceiling in some girl called *Popcornbird*'s room. I lived here peacefully all my short life.........she never noticed me. I witnessed the cruel inhumane killings of my family. My siblings were squished before my eyes, my dad flushed, and my mom sucked by this horrible machine, known to humans, as the vacuum. Now I sit here alone, huddled in the corner, wondering what will be my fate. I am tiny now, but when I grow up, some human will certainly see me and bring my life to an end. I fear that day. I fail to understand why the humans are so very much afraid of me. They are, perhaps, 1000 times larger than I am. When I look down at them, it is like I am looking at an enormous, gigantic creature, that can crush me in half a second. I look at them, and they look back, and scream and run away. I am so little..........why are they so afraid?? I know that my life is limited.........that one day, I was meet my fate, and be squished or flushed or vacuumed. But I shall remain strong. I shall refuse to leave this house. I will stand up for my rights........even if it means losing my life.

Squeaky Spider

Ps. Attached is a picture of my beautiful RB spider mom, who was sucked by a vacuum because she was too big to squish. Isn't she beautiful? May she RIP. *sigh*


04-27-2004, 06:34 PM
Big ones, yes. Little ones, no.

Miss Meow
04-27-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by captain

But never fear, spiders are resilient ………….. and I have REVENGE on my mind. YUP, Ellen DeG was right, we can be vindictive ………..

Spider Guy

Dear Spider Guy

Spider Catcher Man is home again, so I'll forward your message to him. I am already well-schooled in the system of revenge, so I know that Brother Spider, Sister Spider, Mummy and Daddy Spider, and Grandad and Grandmother Spider will be waiting for opportune moments to scare the living bejesus out of me.

I will promote the new Spider Catcher from now on - if you leave me alone!


(Michelle, you are a scream!)

Felicia's Mom
04-27-2004, 08:14 PM
No, I don't like them, especially big ones. I used to be afraid of them no matter what size them were.

04-27-2004, 09:48 PM
oh i know what you mean i got the hebie gebies just reading that felt like they were crawling on me and yukkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i am scared of any kinda spider they only ones i will kill are daddy long legs and only with a broom. note to self cancel the trip to alstralia. no spiders!!!!( i will cry if i see one as big as you were saying

Originally posted by Miss Meow

You could have explained the wire screen to your heart's content: I was convinced that it was going to slip in the side, travel around the wall, under the door and come and get me while I was asleep ... [/B]

04-27-2004, 11:13 PM
Spiders don't normally frighten me, but if I saw one of those that was posted that shows up in Iraq, I'm done for! :eek:

04-27-2004, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Spiders don't normally frighten me, but if I saw one of those that was posted that shows up in Iraq, I'm done for! :eek:

Why? They're only about 4" long and not venomous. :)

04-28-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Why? They're only about 4" long and not venomous. :)

It doesn't matter if they're not venomous! They're freaky! :p He he

I must report, that Mr. Squeaky Spider met his fate, this evening, around 8:30pm. He was high up on the wall above the stairs, well beyond reach. My dad brought the vacuum, and stood there, thinking how to reach him. He was way too high. After a minute, it was like Sqeaky Spider decided that he WANTED to die..........perhaps he wanted to go to the RB to meet all of his spider friends. Squeaky Spider ran down the wall, and into our reach, where he met his fate, and got sucked by Mr. Vacuum.

RIP Squeaky Spider........you will be missed..........

NOT! :p

04-28-2004, 04:46 AM
Eeeeeeewwwwww!! the little suckers must have heard me talking about how much I hate beetles! look at what was on my balcony this morning!! How in the world did it get up to the 9th floor?

04-28-2004, 07:58 AM
A Brown Recluse yes, otherwise not at all. Besides, with all the 17yr cicadas about to pop out of the ground in a week or so (20 billion kazillion of them) my poor spidies wont have a chance this year

04-28-2004, 10:49 AM
PCB, I wish I hadn't read those posts about the spider killings. How sad :(

I just can't kill something that I know is not harmful to me. It looms large with me that I am snuffing out a living being's life, and that it better be a good reason to do so, i.e. for my survival or that of my loved ones. Who am I to say the life of a spider is less significant than the life of a pretty butterfly, or a bat, or a bird?

I know I know... oversensitive here.

edit: Should say I did not mean to be preachy in my post. Rereading it I can see it sounding that way. I eat meat, am not against hunting (for food, can't stand 'trophy' hunting) etc. etc. I just personally cannot kill something because I don't like its species. :o

04-28-2004, 10:53 AM