View Full Version : Purebreds..and why?

01-20-2004, 04:49 AM
Like many here - I have always gone after the cats who needed me and have never owned a purebred animal of any kind. But I dream:) There are three breeds I would LOve to be owned by. First - a Ragdoll. They are SO beautiful and I love the way they flop in your arms. I also like what I read about their personalities - affectionate and loving. Next I would like an Aby - a sweet and funny creature to ride on my shouders and give head bumpies and be able to stroke that velvet fur. Last, since reading the Norton books, I dream of a sturdy and cute Scottish Fold to spoil!! Will never happen (well....highly unlikely unless one appears in a shelter!) but it is fun to populate my fantasy home with all of these wonderful cats to wander about and be spoiled - now that the kids are gone and we have the space and I have the time:D :D I don't care if I EVER leave the house if I have my kitties!!

01-20-2004, 05:57 AM
I had never really thought about a pure bred cat before. I have always had mutts and never really thought anymore about it. Now that I see PT kitties I'm getting an urge to have an aby. I have never seen one in person but they sound like soooo much fun. The other pure bred I have thought about is the Ragdoll because of how they are supposed to be so loving, big, and gentle. Of course, if all Russian Blues looked like Nakita I would be after one of those too!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Just give me a cat, any old cat will do!! I just gotta have cats!!

01-20-2004, 05:59 AM
To be honest, even if the cat WERE in a shelter, I can't see myself owning a purebred cat. It's just not one of my fantasies.

01-20-2004, 06:14 AM
Well, I have two Maine Coon mixes .... so that is as close to a purebred for me right now! I would love an Aby some day as well, but I certainly won't be trading in any of my "muttcats" for one!!! ;)

Felicia's Mom
01-20-2004, 09:30 AM
Beau is my first purebred, because I wanted to own at least one purebred cat. There may be more in the future.

01-20-2004, 09:34 AM
I see both shelter kitties and more abys in my future...(not a near future but later on in life)

01-20-2004, 09:42 AM
I have owned feral rescues before but already my first cat Grisette who lived in the 70s looked like a Russian Blue- she was from a feral litter.

I loved her looks and always thought I would like to own a Russian Blue again.

Then there was this period with moving, divorce, new job etc. When I started to live with Siegmar we knew we wanted to have cats but we were so busy working and it took us around 15 years until he retired.

I still had that dream of Russian Blue so we went to a cat show just to look. After that cat show we were hooked with Abys. I remember one of the jury members showing the different character of a Persian (who hung over his arm like a wet towel ;)) and an Aby -who attacked a featherwhisk.

I sure will love any cat (I still wonder whether I should not have stolen that little boy our neighbors brought home 3 months ago. they let him run outside and he disappeared in 2 weeks. I hope so much he has found a mor responsible home). But the Aby character just got me:D :D

I am so glad to have met Filou:)

K & L
01-20-2004, 09:43 AM
I've always wanted a Ragdoll!!

01-20-2004, 09:58 AM
Our first family cat was a grey cat that was either a Russian Blue mix or just looked like one. Since then, I always wanted to have a Russian Blue female. I still do. They are so petite and delicate and so beautiful. Those mesmerizing green eyes and that silky fur, how could anyone resist? Nakita is a living proof :)

I never thought that I would like a long haired cat. But when we saw Pichu - so fluffy and so sweet, we had to take him. He is gorgeous! He has the most beautiful fur! And tail! And btw, he is a purebred - Main Coon, and I am glad those neighbors spent the money and I have him :D

01-20-2004, 09:59 AM
I wouldn't ever buy a purebred... our family had problems with purebred dogs. I wouldn't ever want to show or breed them, so I wouldn't spend the money.

I'm still kicking myself, however, for not taking the other persian that was at the shelter...

01-20-2004, 10:15 AM
I'm going to get a Scottish fold one day. :) My grandma knows a reputable breeder of them. I did lots of research, and they sound perfect for me. But I always wanted to adopt a cat from a shelter because there are always so many, so I'm just going to do both! :D

I don't think that there are alot of people with education about breeds...I took my dog/cat breed book to school once, and my friend is like "I didn't know that black cats were a breed. I see them all the time. I thought they were all mutts." And then my friends will look through the book, pick out a cat that looks like their's, and say "Hey, that's my cat's breed! I never knew she was a purebred!"

01-20-2004, 10:40 AM
I'm going to admit something I've never admitted in public: I love the Siamese in Lilian Jackson Braun's murder mysteries! I've wanted Yum-yum for a long long time. We almost got a Siamese mix at the time we got Pouncer... that fell through and we ended up with the charmer we call Pouncer and I wouldn't want it any other way! From now on, its striped cats for me!

01-20-2004, 11:58 AM

My daughter is a huge fan of Lillian Jackson Braun and has read every single book! I have 3 purebred rescues, a Munchkin (Shortie), an American Curl (Carly the Curly Girl) and of course, a Sphyx named MooShoo.

I've always wanted an Aby but don't foresee it in the near future since I am going to school and have reached my max of 8 cats.

01-20-2004, 12:35 PM
There are a few breeds that I would like to own. I really like ragdolls, Abys, siamese and sphyx kitties. I'm not sure that I will ever own one but it doesn't really matter. I'm happy with my orange kitty and my siamese mix :).

01-20-2004, 12:43 PM
I'm not sure of Butter's lineage, since he was a stray, but I've had many tell me that he is a Flame Point Siamese. I love Butter :), although it is that unique, feisty personality that makes me love him so much. Many think I have been nuts to keep him for the three years I have had him.

I've never thought much about purebred cats because every cat I have ever had either "showed up" or was an unwanted kitten from an unexpected litter. But, if I ever chose one for myself (which I have never done), I'd go to the shelter and get a full grown cat that purred and loved on me!! :)

I must say that I am totally fascinated with the purebred cats I have met on this site, though, especially those beautiful Abys!!! :)

Miss Meow
01-20-2004, 03:24 PM
I like all cats and have no real preference; Jasmine was our only planned cat because Shane loves Tonkinese and the others just happened to come home with us :)

We have some beautiful grey and silver tabbies in our street, and I met two beautiful neighbourhood torties the other night.

If we had more cats, I'd love an orange cat, a Scottish fold, a Russian blue, another orange cat, a grey and white cat, Jen's Lucas ;), a Bengal, a Bombay, a white cat and I've seen some stunning snowshoe meezers on COTD, oh, and an orange cat :) I adore Abys, but they seem too smart for me!!!

01-20-2004, 03:38 PM
In the futer I would like to own a persian, but I think I would stick to shelter animals...but you never know

01-20-2004, 04:35 PM
You can always get a shelter persian!!!!:)

01-20-2004, 05:04 PM
Ripley is a Maine Coon mix and that's close enough to purebred for me. I'd love to have a Russian blue mix or just look a like and I think Havana Browns are gorgeous. I'll probably just go for whatever shelter cat 'calls' to me.

My husband says when Ripley is gone he wants another Maine Coon mix because he likes having a big cat he can rough house with.

01-20-2004, 05:11 PM
Blueberry is a purebred Persian:) We got him from a breeder. Before we got a cat, we didn't really consider getting a cat from a shelter. My mom loved Persians, so that's why we got one:D They are my favorite breed of cats too:)

I think that in the future, I would probably still buy from a breeder for Persians...if I'm gonna get more cats in the future. But I will also get from the shelter too.

01-20-2004, 07:08 PM
i just love my mutt cats :p

Felicia's Mom
01-20-2004, 07:43 PM
I would like a Bombay cat

01-20-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by sirrahved
You can always get a shelter persian!!!!:)

Thats True! :D

01-21-2004, 12:51 AM
I LOVE my muttcat. I hope that my next cat will be either a calico or a black kitty.
But if I ever got a purebreed I love the Abys and the Japanese Bobtail. And I fell in LOVE with a persian boy at the cat show last fall. He was so laid back he just melted into my arms. I also like the Snowshoes and the Ragdolls.

01-21-2004, 01:03 AM
If it have 4 legs, fur goes meow, thats my breed. Heck, even if It have 3 legs and can't meow, I'll take it.

But I would give anything for a Bengal, I just love them. I just never see Bengals at the shelters and thats the only way I'd do it. Rescue or gift thats the only way. Anyone what to give me a Bengal? Good loving home just waiting. ;) ;) :D

01-21-2004, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I LOVE my muttcat. I hope that my next cat will be either a calico or a black kitty.

I got just the calico kitten for you. ;) ;) ;)

01-21-2004, 01:10 AM
Are you talking YOU have one or the gorgeous little kitties that Kim keeps torturing me with? ;)
he he

01-21-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Are you talking YOU have one or the gorgeous little kitties that Kim keeps torturing me with? ;)
he he

I have one and a friend has one little tiger calico kitten also, that need a good home. She looks a lot like this one that I had only with more colors.


01-21-2004, 10:20 PM
Well I want MooShoo :) Such a pretty kitty!!!!! But since i cant have him lol, I would like a Irish fold or a rag doll, But I would never trade my Mutts in lol :D

01-22-2004, 12:16 AM
We have a Maine Coon mix (Noah) and a Fawn Aby (Micah)...both were rescues.

All I can say is that I know God brought Micah and I together. Most people would see him at the shelter and want him because he's a "pure bred"...I don't think most people would love him for who he is inside (medical issues and all), but for his outside and title. I shuddered each time I saw the look in people's eyes when they saw him...I can only imagine if he'd even be alive if one of those people were allowed to adopt him. :eek:

I will always, always have an Aby...they are amazing cats. :)

As far as wanting a breed of cat...there are a ton of breed specific rescue organizations. :)

01-22-2004, 01:53 AM
There are a lot of purebreds who are very special and attractive...
but until today I am sure that the cats choose you (and not vice versa) and I know for sure that the cats don't care about us being of royal origin or whatever!;)

01-22-2004, 05:34 AM
I wanted to own a ragdoll at least once in my life and Randi is just such a wonderful, beautiful kitty.

Normally I go for the muttcat meezer mixes like Pixie!

01-22-2004, 01:54 PM
I can't believe I forgot the MUNCHKIN!!! I would love to have one!