View Full Version : Question for Jen and others with multi-cat households

01-13-2004, 06:08 PM
I'm just curious! How long does it take you every day to clean the litter boxes?

Would be interesting to know because since I have two cats, I'm now spending so much more time doing this every day, and I never would have thought that one cat more or less would make such a difference! LOL

Since my Luna is very finicky when it comes to the litter box business, I have three boxes and I'm cleaning them at least twice a day. And when they poop while I'm at home, I'm removing this immediately. Sometimes there are days I seem to do nothing else but cleaning my girls' boxes, and I would really like to know how this works in multi-cat households! :)


01-13-2004, 06:28 PM
I only have 2 cats and 2 litterboxes. Because I work fulltime, I scoop in the morning and the evening, and like you, if they poop when I'm there, I scoop immediately. For me it's great.
Once a week the boxes are emptied, washed and refilled.
What I find time-consuming is scrubbing the rug after a puke or after Speckles scoots. I seem to be spot cleaning every day. Last night I got home and Max had the runs so I not only had to give him a butt bath but also spend time cleaning the rug. He's not sick, he just gets like that sometimes and it goes away after a day.

01-13-2004, 06:32 PM
Ditto what Slick said. Scoop two boxes twice a day (if I remember) :rolleyes: Clean/change the litter boxes once a week. I know all cats are different. My two seem fine with this arrangement. Doesn't take me that long - scooping takes less than 5 minutes a day; the cleaning/changing thing takes about 15-20 minutes once a week. The vacuuming every other day is another story .... Oh well, I love my little poopies! :D

01-13-2004, 06:33 PM
Gosh, I seem to have it easy... I scoop the box once daily. The one in the basement can go for two days before I scoop it because its much larger.

I thought Allen was picky because he made me scoop it once a day. I am humbled.

I thank God Pouncer doesn't care one bit if the box is overloaded. He's funny though because he watches me scoop the one box and then runs downstairs to watch the other box.. then in the middle of it, he jumps in and makes me wait so that he can do his business for me to pick up.

01-13-2004, 06:43 PM
We have four cats, and three litter boxes (we only recently added the third box). I clean the litter boxes once per day. We use Tidy Cat Scoopable litter.

01-13-2004, 06:56 PM
The boxes are scooped in the morning and in the evening. I never scoop in between. if it is particularly stinky it usually means it is not covered. I shift the litter so it is. Usually works. (hee hee)
We have 18 boxes. I use scoopable litter but really don't dump it as often as most people.
A round of scooping probably only takes about 5 to 10 minutes depending on whether I need to add litter to the boxes or not. But when it comes time to scrub the boxes, it is a big chore. (lots of stair climbing).

K & L
01-13-2004, 07:41 PM
We change the litter daily. We have the type of litter boxes that have 3 levels that you sift (much easier and faster than scooping). When it's time for scrubbing we have a large plastic tub we bought at Home Depot. We fill it with bleach water and soak several litter boxes at one time. Then we rinse with the hose and let air dry. This takes about 15 minutes doing it this way, plus the bleach helps sterilize things. My husband does the litter and I do the feeding.

leslie flenner
01-13-2004, 07:55 PM
5 minutes am and pm. I have one box and 9 cats.
#1 litter is Walmart's scoopable. In 28lb box, Special Kitty is only 6 bucks and lasts my 9 over a week. Consumer reports gave it raves a few years back (said it was best on market) and Walmart is out of it most of the time because it is the choice of multi-cat homes- esp. those who foster great numbers and the shelters- they wipe out the stock the same day it comes in!
My friend does extensive rescue work spends at minimum about an hour a day- once, in the evening. But that also includes cage cleaning, food, and medication. She washes when she has time! Obviously cage boxes are washed frequently while home floor cats can go a while.
Like Jen- if it stinks, it's cuz someone neglected to cover! I always call out- "Go back and cover that!" But mostly I end up doing that!

01-13-2004, 08:01 PM
My husband does potty patrol at my house too. (I'm lucky, I know this) ;)

Anyway, he scoops first thing when he gets home each morning before he showers, and he does a complete "dump" each Friday. I'm sure they could stand to be scooped more often, but we deal with it. Also, I do try to feed premium food most of the time, so that helps hold down on the quantity of poops! ;)

01-13-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

We have 18 boxes.

GOOD LORD!!!!!!!!!

leslie flenner
01-13-2004, 08:12 PM
My friend as mentioned above, has at least 11 floor boxes and then there's all the cage boxes. That can fluctuate between 4 or 5 up to lots more in kitten season! What sucks is when they have diareah or when it's a cat who wants to take extra care to cover to the point that they scoop out all the litter out of the box with the poop and all then tip over the box and lie in it!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-13-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by IttyBittyKitty
GOOD LORD!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D Sorry, but this hit my funny bone. I know it's something we normally don't think about, but really, with what - somewhere around 20 cats or so, 18 boxes seems to fit the bill, doesn't it. It's kind of one of those things that we know, but never really think about, and then when it's put in black and white for us we're shocked. :D :D :D

Sorry, IttyBittyKitty, but I'm still giggling. :D

01-13-2004, 08:37 PM
Three boxes at our house. I scoop in morning and evening. In between time as needed. Overhaul clean out every couple weeks. I add litter to boxes on average 2x a week.

leslie flenner
01-13-2004, 08:42 PM
yeah but one doesn't have one box per every 1-3 cats! At least I don't think so- if you're in rescue work, it's not possible. OR, Jen has lots of room and some! I know for my friend, it's more than 10 (aint gonna say) on the floor. And they have their boxes they favor! (so take a bit longer to clean!-thank god for Special Kitty litter!)
it is a comical topic and as I was typing this, someone made a horrible stink but then covered it so I smell nothing! yay for covering!

01-13-2004, 08:50 PM
We have two boxes for three cats using Costco scented scoopable litter. We end up cleaning them twice a day unless someone leaves something a little too stinky. That's a ral motivater!

01-13-2004, 08:50 PM
I have 3 cats and 2 litter boxes, one is a littermate.. the kind that cleans itself, But Patches it scared of it.... :rolleyes: 100 bucks down the drain lol, anyway, I clean the box twice daily, Morning and night.

01-13-2004, 09:52 PM
A Multi-Cat House Hold. I could answer this one. I scoop once a day or I would be scooping all day long. I am a breeder and have LOTS and LOTS of cats. But then I have huge over size boxes not litter boxes. I have several that are 12 " tall X 18 " X 30". They take awhile to clean but are worth the work. Plus lots of jumbo boxes. In the kitten room I have 2 litter boxes for the moms and when the kittens are old enough I start with 4-6 small litter boxes and Mom and kitten boxes are cleaned 2 X a day. All are washed out once a week. When my son was in school and needed a punishment it was litter box duty for a week, he really hated that. Plus I don't have small cats, I breed Maine Coons.


P.S. Found the count 18 of my own, 2 visiting males and a litter of 6 kittens.

leslie flenner
01-13-2004, 10:01 PM
so do you use scoopable or both kinds!? We just recently realized that a puddy scraper saves on the wear and tear of the wrist (carpel tunnel from scooping). They make those darn boxes with stupid curves in the corner so....My friend's kitten room is only 4 or 5 boxes right now but that's because that's also where the picked upon live (deaf, blind, prefer not to be out in the house, etc). In the bedroom are handicaps but also handicaps in run of the house. (3 legged, 2 legged, rescued twisties- darn those women)

01-13-2004, 10:57 PM
8 cats = 8 litterboxes.

I scoop every other day and totally empty and clean the boxes once a month.

It doesn't take me very long to scoop. But emptying them totally and disinfecting them takes a while, about 2 hours.

01-13-2004, 11:06 PM
Gosh I feel bad about complaining about the one stupid box we have (not my cat)
2 cats one refuses to potty inside MUST go out . Thats Bens Old man 14 year old Winky. The new 2 year old female Ebony has refused to go out since the snow, did go out during the nice weather.
18 boxes do you have floor space for people? I keep tripping over the one little box in the basement by the washer.
I scoop when ever I notice it used , while I'm doing wash or washing wool. I repeat NOT my cat , so much for I'll take care of it , with a kid. I feed them too but he buys the food(Yaaaaa)

01-13-2004, 11:28 PM
I have 3 cats of my own and then there is my son's cat also.
Total 4 cats with 3 large litter boxes. I scoop in the morning, at night and in between if needed. Which I usually need to do.
About every 2 weeks, soak the boxes with bleach and then start all over again.

:eek: JEN 18 BOXES. I figured with your crew, that you would need about that many, but like T & P said, to actually see it mentioned in black and white, is just mind boggling.

01-14-2004, 12:23 AM
I have 4 cats and only have 2 extra giant litter boxes. I would get another one but don't have any more room for it. I usually only scoop once a day in the morning. If I have time or notice that they're really messy, then I'll scoop again in the evening too. I use EverClean Extra Strength scoopable litter and just add new litter to the old when it's needed. I also use 2 Johnny Cat litter box liners per litter box and change these as needed. I've never scrubbed their litter boxes out with bleach. Is this really important?
I have covered litter boxes and if they accidently spray on the inside of them I use Simple Solution which is a stain and odor remover and is safe for pets. People never smell any kind of cat odor in my condo so the litter and spray must be doing a great job.

01-14-2004, 12:41 AM
I am a single cat household so I shouldn't answer but I am anyway! ;)

I scoop when I smell a fresh poo. Which is usually right after she does it b/c she doesn't cover it. And I change the litter box completely every week the day before garbage day. I use litter liners so it takes about 10 minutes.
Currently using Feline Pine that I don't like and am trying Premium Scoopable litter that a lot of my multi cat PT friends suggested. :)

leslie flenner
01-14-2004, 12:45 AM
bleach kills everything so if there is any concern of eggs from worms, fleas, or virus shed like distemper or uri, bleach is the only thing that will kill it. When I was doing serious fostering, I bleached my floors daily (wood) because one of the kittens i had for a while was fip questionable. and i was always battling fleas (now there are flea remedies even easier to use than advantage for us multi-cat homes). There are also better remedies now for uri, (once every 2 weeks for only 2 weeks) and for ringworm! (2 oral dosages and done!)
But bleach is the best for killing virus and bacterial inf. everywhere and if you do any volunteer work- bleach the bottom of your shoes when you leave! (i've taken home ringworm from not paying attention to that).

01-14-2004, 03:06 AM
We have three covered boxes for seven cats but they are inside/outside and often go outside as well in the warmer weather.

Two downstairs in the back room and one in the upstairs bathroom for Sandy (upstairs boy) We scoop every other day and clean out completly weekly.

Anyway I'm only on Pet Talk this early, as I got up for work but I still feel very ill with a bad cold, so I have just rung in sick. I feel guilty about not being in work, though this is my first sick day in nearly five years. I'm off to bed. See you guys later.

01-14-2004, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
:D :D :D Sorry, but this hit my funny bone. I know it's something we normally don't think about, but really, with what - somewhere around 20 cats or so, 18 boxes seems to fit the bill, doesn't it. It's kind of one of those things that we know, but never really think about, and then when it's put in black and white for us we're shocked. :D :D :D

Sorry, IttyBittyKitty, but I'm still giggling. :D

ME TOO! Don't you worry!

01-14-2004, 06:22 AM
Jen, 18 boxes!!!! :eek: Surprises me it doesn't take you much longer! LOL

Interesting replies everyone! :)

Leslie, that was helpful information about bleach, I didn't know that.

I thank God Pouncer doesn't care one bit if the box is overloaded. He's funny though because he watches me scoop the one box and then runs downstairs to watch the other box.. then in the middle of it, he jumps in and makes me wait so that he can do his business for me to pick up.

Little Pouncer, it seems you and Lily have so much in common! :)

PayItForward, I'm sorry to hear you're sick! Get well soon!


01-14-2004, 06:32 AM
Of course 2 cats in 2 cat households are more spoiled....

At our house (2 cats, 2 boxes), Tigris stands in front of you meowing loudly which translates in "Slave, clean the box. Asap!" After it is cleaned or while you are cleaning, they are queueing up to use it as soon it's clean.

Filou has been seen to poop in one clean box and then go over to the other and pee:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-14-2004, 06:35 AM
Filou has been seen to poop in one clean box and then go over to the other and pee

Yes, so does Luna! Luna is also famous for pooping on the floor next to the box when she has just used that one for peeing! :rolleyes:


01-14-2004, 07:16 AM
5 cats, two boxes. But they are indoor/outdoor cats so the frequency of cleaning depends on the weather. It's funny when they have to go when it's rainy or snowy. They will go from the front door to the back door as if the weather will change :D My D-in-law takes care of the upstairs box (where her three prefer to "go") and I take care of the downstairs box every time I go into the bathroom where I have it. Multi-cat hard clump litter. No problems.

01-14-2004, 07:45 AM
I have three Jumbo litter boxes for my nine. I scoop in the morning, evening, and before I go to bed. We do not completely empty and clean as often as we should. Probably every six months unless there is goo on the sides. We just keep adding fresh litter as needed. They seem ok with it so I'm ok with it. http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-14-2004, 10:17 AM
Two jumbo boxes for three cats using Fresh Step Premium. We scoop twice a day and I keep a tiny broom/dustpan to pick up the kicked out litter. No problem with anything uncovered because we have superfinicky Emily who does catbox patrol and makes sure EVERYONE'S business is covered. As for a total empty and scrub..:o well, can't even remember when I last did that - many months I am sure, but there is no odor and we keep them in the same room off the hall. Once a week or so, I remove the boxes to vacuum and mop the floor really well under and behind, etc.

Felicia's Mom
01-14-2004, 08:36 PM
Two boxes for two cats. Both boxes are in the bathroom, and they are scooped at least twice a day.
The litter is made of wheat and is flushable. I have not completly changed the litter since I started using this brand.

01-15-2004, 11:56 AM
Only cat lovers would be talking about poo, hehehe, I love it.

To answer the question, I have 3 cats and 2 big covered litter boxes. I scoop everynight before bed and only change and clean the whole box when it looks or smells bad. I just add litter.

Once we got the third cat, we realized the second litter box was needed after one of the cats (we know it was Priss, hence her name) pooped in the shower twice. Imagine my surprise when I went to take a shower!

Just 2 days ago she made one poop in the HALL! We caught her covering it up. I think it was because I had been in the process of cleaning the new litter box (her favorite) and stopped when my show came back on and left the lid open and the plastic bag and scoop in her way....talk about a PRISS! I had to laugh at it because just seeing the poop in the hallway was hilarious and to hear my fiance, her favorite person in the world and she's his baby girl, trying to discipline her "Priss! Don't poop in the hallway!" It was too funny.

Silly Kitties.

I can't belive Jen with the 18 boxes! :eek: That's love! :D

01-15-2004, 12:08 PM
I have three cats and four litter boxes (two are jumbo sized). I scoop once a day.

Julie Grove
01-15-2004, 01:53 PM
I have two litter trays and Lucy has access to outside. In this weather she prefers not to go outside though.

I have read somewhere that it is not advisable to use bleach around cats, particularly in case they walk on it and then clean their paws. (I shall see if I can dig out the paperwork where I read that). I usually use "green" washing up liquid and a bit of elbow grease! Seems to do the trick.

Edwina's Secretary
01-15-2004, 01:56 PM
Once again I am feeling inadequate....we have two litter boxes. I, along with my faithful helper Eddie, scoop only once a day -- in the evening actually. Once he checks the quality of my work, he leaves a new sample. (While we are in the basement he also takes the opportunity to greet Turnip the guinea pig with a pat on the head through her cage:rolleyes: )

I have posted before of the Battle of the Pans. Right now I am trying to get them (Edwina) to accept the same litter in both pans so I don't have to buy two different brands.

The pans are not in a heavy traffic area so I'm not aware of any odor problems.

And I keep a small broom by Eddie's pan. He's a kicker.

01-15-2004, 02:34 PM
7 cats, 6 boxes. I scoop the box once a day, in the am.

I change out the whole box prolly 4 times a year.

leslie flenner
01-15-2004, 09:49 PM
let me know if you find that article. Years ago, a cat rescue org. told me that bleach is so safe you can actually drink it and be ok (small amt.). I know, that's just wierd!
Anyway, if the bleach is mixed with 1 part bleach and 2 parts water it's supposedly fine and kills bacteria. When I had a bad ringworm thing going on in my apt. years ago, I was advised by yet another rescue group to make the above solution and use it to wash the cats with a washrag squeezed out from the solution. I did that as well as used a garden pump with solution to spray baseboards, walls, the bed and furniture (they deliver a fine mist) Ring worm is SO hard to get rid of and Fulvicin sucks. There is a better remedy now that kills it so much faster. (Than the typical 8+ weeks). And the bleach helped control it and tresederm on the cat's ringworm areas helped too.
But anyway, if there are any dangers, us in MA need to know- bleach is used in all the shelters (one place I went to made us walk through a pan of bleach solution in a big pan they keep inside the doorway to prevent others from bringing in infectious diseases, conditions, etc.

Julie Grove
01-20-2004, 10:04 AM
I found the article. You can see it at www.fabcats.org under Poisons in the Home (Feline Advisory Bureau). It says that bleach is POTENTIALLY dangerous so I suppose it is not absolutley clear.

01-20-2004, 10:19 AM
Neither of my cats cover...

We bury for them when we're in the bathroom (where the kitties' litter is) and scoop once a day or every other day. We empty the litter once a week. they have a big litter box. We had to buy it after we had problems with going outside of the box when we got Pickles.

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-20-2004, 12:03 PM
Two cats and two jumbo litter boxes. We scoop AM and PM, and empty and bleach them every 4 weeks.

BTW, if someone does a REAL STINKER, shake some of that "Shake and Vac" powder into the box. (Connors nick-name is Stinky-Butt - for VERY good reasons:rolleyes: ). The "Shake and Vac" works as well as commercial litter deoderiser, and is half the price for a huge tin.

01-20-2004, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy

BTW, if someone does a REAL STINKER, shake some of that "Shake and Vac" powder into the box. (Connors nick-name is Stinky-Butt - for VERY good reasons:rolleyes: ). The "Shake and Vac" works as well as commercial litter deoderiser, and is half the price for a huge tin.

That sounds interesting, never heard about that here! I've got some litter box deo with vanilla flavor. Has a nice scent and the girls don't mind it.


01-20-2004, 03:17 PM
Glade Shake N Vac is a carpet deoderizer marketed by SC Johnson and is available in the UK. There's probably something like it in Germany if not that same product.

I use a baking soda-based cat box deoderizer by Arm & Hammer. It has a pleasant scent and does a good job of killing the odor.

01-20-2004, 07:44 PM
I have 6 cats. Two are FeLV+ and have to be separated and have their own boxes. For the 4 that have the run of the house, I have 4 large boxes and use unscented Exquisicat clumping litter. I ritually scoop morning, evening, before bedtime, and whenever in between.

My black and white cowgirl Debra will pee inappropriately at times, so I try to make sure whatever box she may choose is clean enough for her, or she will pee on the litter catcher outside at the box entrance. She will never cover her poops or pees, and she will also pee/spray down the inside of the box at times, so I have paper towels and Simple Solution to clean up after her.

With clumping litter, I never have felt it necessary to empty a box; I just add more as needed, and keep it quite deep, which is why those automatic litermaid boxes would never work for me and mine.

No cat odor in my house (except momentarily after Debra does her poop) and if any of my cats were sick with worms or something contagious, then I would feel the need to completely empty and sanitize the boxes.

Only problem I have is with the darned DUST!!!!! :mad: :mad:

The 99% Dust-Free claims of the litter manufacturers are total BS, for sure!

I used to use Scoop-Away unscented, until their "unscented" started having a fragrance. I complained to the company but they still insist on adding fragrance to their "unscented", which is false advertising. I have opened the plastic to stick my nose in the boxes, hoping I had just gotten a batch that got mixed up at the factory, but not so and I had to switch brands.

Does anyone know if only clay-based litters are clumping, or are there alternatives? I won't go back to any litter that is not clumping . . . wonderful invention . . . but I just can't stand the dust that lands on everything close by to the box. Maybe it is due to the natural breakdown of the litter, since I never actually change it completely, even though I am replacing it cupful by cupful . . . I'm stymied and want answers, because I have even tried to pour a brand new box of litter back and forth into buckets to try and rid it of as much dust as possible, but the nature of the beast must be that the dust only increases as the litter gets moved around . . . I don't know what the answer is !!! :confused: :confused:

leslie flenner
01-20-2004, 08:17 PM
don't know if you saw my note here or not but find the best clumping to be the walmart brand, "Special Kitty". It's the least dusty so far and least tracking (but they all do both, there's no gettting away from it I guess.) It's hard for us to keep it in stock at home because all the shelters and foster homes on Boston's north shore use it too. It's a matter of beating them to the Walmart's before they wipe them out every week. It clumps the best too. Tip for all- If you spray a Pam cooking spray kinda thing inside the box just after washing, litter sticks hardly at all for several weeks. I was brought up anti-aerosol but have yet to find this product in a non-aerosol form. Killed me to buy it but I use it extemely rarely because no need to wash boxes much with this litter. It does need improvement as do all but there is no perfume smell which is a plus.!!

01-24-2004, 07:07 PM
I have been using the clumping litter and trying to be diligent about scooping. It is doing an awesome job with the poo smell and Kylie is covering it again. Which she hasn't done often.
But my question is I notice that sometimes it clumps in the bottom of the pan. The back of the bag says there shouldn't be any reason to do a total litter change but with it sticking to the bottom like that, I can't imagine doing that. I am wondering if it is b/c I use liners? I wonder if that could have something to do with it. Should I stop using the liners? Altho I don't know what I would do with the bag and a half of liners I have left but that is a small price to pay.

leslie flenner
01-24-2004, 07:27 PM
I don't think liners would have much to do with it because I don't use them and the best scoopables still stick and clump to the bottom over time. the older the litter is, the more it sticks. Even when you add fresh, there's still some of the used mixed in there. I recently learned from QueenScoopalot to use a puddy knife when a few cats prefer to pee on one corner of the pan, if ya don't want carpel tunnel! I TRY to remember to spray the cooking spray (Pam stuff) before filling with fresh after washing!

01-24-2004, 09:43 PM
We have eight cats and five indoor cat boxes and one in the outside enclosure as well. :)

I scoop the boxes a night, before I go to bed every day.

We have three of these, and really like them:


One of these in the bedroom, for Olivia:


And just a regular box where Phoebe and Samson like to pee. We are going to get this and put it there instead:


01-24-2004, 10:23 PM
I have 4 cats and 2 boxes, and I scoop whenever they've used it, which would be several times a day, but it only takes a minute :)

01-26-2004, 07:54 PM
Leslie's friend Jan here. I have a large number of potties, and use a mix of clumping and clay depening on who uses them. I have 3 huge boxes in the basement (two restaurant bussing boxes&one guinea pig cage bottom). These could actually count as six boxes as they are about 3' x 18" roughly. The rest of the house is mainly a combo of covered boxes, and for new rescues regular pans. I use clumping litter for about half the group, and clay for the other half. Newbies get clay as it's dumped constantly especially w/kittens. Man they seem to poop and pee out far more than they take in! My special needs kitties like Willy & Kirby etc. have soft scooping litter as it's easier on their limbs (which are crippled from birth defects). All in all depending on the time of year it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Right now I'm low on rescues, so the poop and urine accumulation is one grocery bag! I gauge the numbers by litter accumulation, and I'm at an all time low! YAY! Well that's not counting the clay that gets dumped every other day.....then it's a 50lb bag. *SIGH* P.S trying to fix my typos doesn't work! clay depending on...