View Full Version : Missing cameras, stray dogs, and hospitals... oh my!

12-04-2003, 08:49 AM
Good gracious what a night....

My work day was actually really good till about 10 to 5. I decided I'd get some pics of Kia with her new dog bed (per Anna's request :D ), opened the drawer.... the camera was gone.

Trying not to panic, I called my boss to tell her. She said that I wouldn't get in trouble or have to pay for it.. *phew!* We checked all over, asked other employees if they had borrowed it or seen it. No luck. Clare asked me to check at home just in case before she filed a stolen/missing report. Well, it wasn't at my place, my parents, or Andy's....so yep.... no furkid pics for awhile... unless I get that digicam I asked for for Christmas. :)

Anyway.... when I got home, I took Kia for her walk and when we were about a half mile from home, Kia froze. It took a minute for me to see, but there, in the shadow of a house, was a black dog. Kia wanted to play, and thankfully, so did the dog. When he came into the light, I saw it was a young male husky mix. He had some tan markings on his face (maybe some aussie in him?) and a few spattered on his body. I asked around but no one seemed to know him.

I took Kia home and the dog followed. He ran into the road a few times, and fearing he'd be hit before I could call Animal Control, I took him inside. Zam didn't mind.

Logan pitched a fit.

My common sense decided to take a vacation and I figured I'd put the cats in the bedroom. As soon as I picked Logan up, he flipped out.

And sunk his teeth into my finger.

Called Animal Control and arranged for them to pick up the dog outside my apartment and I headed off to the ER.

No stiches needed but I have three deep puncture wounds in my right index finger. :(

My medication has to be given by IV, so I have a bandaid on my left hand and wrist where the first two IV's were attempted... OW!!!... and the second nurse finally got it in my inner arm. It's still there because I have to go back for more treatments.

Got a tetnis shot in the left shoulder and a bandage on my right arm where I discovered after I got to the ER that Logan also scratched me.

5 hours at the ER... got home at 1 a.m. to find a very happy and hungry Kia, and two calm cats. :)

I'm tired, sore, and hoping I got treatment before any kind of infection set in.

Hindsight, sometimes I swear....... ;)

12-04-2003, 08:55 AM
Wow! That was a very busy evening. Hope your finger gets better and the rest of the treatment goes well. Glad that you will not get in trouble for the camera. That would have really sucked!

Hope that pup finds a home soon!

12-04-2003, 08:57 AM
On My, Kim!!

Geesh, that was not a good day or night! Hope you can just take it easy today so you can recover from yesterday. Hope the owwies aren't smarting to bad today.

I hate IV's! They freak me out. I cringe just thinking about it and your story made me hurt too!!!!!

Hang in there....Robin :)

12-04-2003, 09:03 AM
Sounds like your evening didn't go to well:(

That's too bad about the camera, so you think someone stole it? Terrible!
Hope you get that digi from Santa this year;)

I hope the dog gets a good home.

Isn't it amazing the things you have to go through for cat scrathes and bites:eek:

I hope your feeling ok today!


12-04-2003, 09:17 AM
Thanks. :)

It's not throbbing as bad, but typing is... well.... kinda hard. Can't feel the keys with my one finger of course, so I'm correcting a lot of typos.. LOL!

I loathe needles and was feeling weak and woosy so they had to lay me down to finish.

I do hope that pup does find a home. He was so sweet and not aggressive at all towards Kia or the cats. He liked to jump.... and pee/mark all over my apartment. O_o

I thought I had an idea about where he lived, but I described him to some neighbors and maintenence this morning and they said he's been roaming around the area for about a month. So sad. :(

Anna, yep, we think someone stole the camera. Thing is, they grabbed the camera, but nothing that went with it.. (charger, cable to download images, manual).. all of it was right there in the drawer. And it was a Sony CD Mavica too... it's not like they could just stick it in their pocket.

Management suspects the cleaning crew.

12-04-2003, 09:29 AM
Good Gosh, Kimmy! What a night! Knowing you are OK, just sore, I can now say, Way to look after the animals (the stray). That really does make it all worthwhile....easy for me to say without three puncture wounds, right?:D

12-04-2003, 09:45 AM

What a night!!

I'm glad you are ok, even with the puncture wounds. The emergency room sucks, and needles are awful!!!

I hope the stray dog finds a good home, thank you for taking him in so he didn't get hit or killed.

As for the camera, I hope someone finds it--how awful that someone just stole it!! The Sony Mavica is not a small camera by any means--my husband's boss has one at work as well.

I hope Santa brings you one for Christmas!!!

12-04-2003, 10:00 AM
Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Poor Kimmy! :(
Thanks for helping this stray get off the streets! :D :D :D
I hope your finger feels better soon!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-04-2003, 10:15 AM
Oh my! What a night you had! But I'm glad you helped the stray - hope he finds a good home too. Sorry about the camera too. Hopefully, maybe, somebody just decided to borrow it for a day or two and will put it back, but I guess that's unlikely. :(

Hope your finger feels better and the rest of the treatments aren't too bad. Big hugs for being the caring person you are though. :D

Cinder & Smoke
12-04-2003, 11:08 AM
:eek: !

My what an "exciting" :rolleyes: day and night!

Hope all the various *ouwies* feel better soon!
(Notice how the "treatment"
is often WORSE :mad: than the injury!??) :p

Now that you're on the mend...
What about the Husky Pup!!??

What are his chances at Animal Control?
Any real hope for a New Home for Christmas?

Are they a NO-kill facility;
or does he have a time :( limit?

Would Kia like a BROTHER!?? :cool:

Or should we start a Pet Talk RESCUE Campaign?

Please heal yourself up -
but also keep us Posted on Husky Pup, please!

Cinder & Smoke
12-04-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Would Kia like a BROTHER!?? :cool:

Or should we start a Pet Talk RESCUE Campaign?

Wade a minnit...

ANDY gotz no Dawggie...


Miss Meow
12-04-2003, 02:36 PM
What a day from hell!

I'm glad you're still in one piece! :D It sucks when you get punished for doing the right thing!

Get well soon :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-04-2003, 03:40 PM
Poor you! Hope you recover quickly!

(Ally bit me badly last weekend, I got treatment, but my entire wrist is STILL Black & Blue bruises (NOT patches - all over - really weird), and I still cant bend it, but it's not hurting as much!

We'll forgive you for the typos!

12-04-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Wade a minnit...

ANDY gotz no Dawggie...


:D :D

12-04-2003, 07:32 PM
Had a new voicemail from Kim when I got home from work. It sounded like she was coming home from the hospital from another IV drip she had to do after work today, and she said she has to go back to the hospital for yet MORE IV drips at midnight, and again at 6:00 am tomorrow morning. :(

12-04-2003, 08:07 PM
No FUN!!! Who would have thought one little bite....

Hope you are feeling better soon Kim and that there aren't too many more IV's to endure!

12-04-2003, 09:07 PM
Yup that's all it takes is just one puncture from a cat bite and it's almost instant infection.
Kim, it must be serious wound if you have to go for I.V. treatments that many times. Prayers and positive thoughts heading your way for a full and complete recovery.

My sister was attacked by her 19 year old cat this past summer and had two puncture wounds on her hand. She also had to go for I.V. drips, twice a day for a week. Her hand swelled up and looked like a little football. She had a complete recovery as I'm sure you will also.

12-04-2003, 09:26 PM
Yep... it really hasn't been a good day.

After a mix up between the ER, Wound Center, and Infusion Center, I ended being an hour late for my appointment.

They still took me in but first, my IV had clotted up and they had to put a new one in. :( :mad: *sighs*

Thankfully, despite her taking awhile, she was able to get it in on the first try.

But then!... she didn't like how the redness was spreading.... so she didn't give me the meds, but instead sent me back to the ER.

Three hours of wait, I was finally seen and they went with a stronger IV med. And like Andy said, I have to go back at Midnight and 6 a.m.

I'm gonna head off for a quick nap now.

P.S. Not to be shrewd, but my first priority is my health. I feel bad that that pup is at a shelter. Yes, it is a kill shelter. Most likely they took him to Ingham County Animal Shelter. They have a page with Petfinder which I plan on checking. Neither Andy or I can take the pup.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-04-2003, 09:50 PM
Oh Kimmy, I'm so sorry this is turning into such an ordeal. :(

Try and get as much rest as possible because you're not going to get better without rest.

And not to worry, of course your first priority is your own health, and between having a late night last night, and the big run around today and then back to the hospital tonight and early tomorrow morning, I'm sure you'll just want to sleep and won't have much time to check on the pup. You did your best by getting him off the street. I like to think there was a reason he was put in your path to be saved, and that's so a loving family somewhere can get a great pet - all thanks to you. :)

12-05-2003, 01:34 AM
Sounds like you have had a very very rough 2 days!!!!!
I hope you start to get better asap!!!

My good friend who has Kylie's sister had a similiar encounter like you did!!! Tome ( Kylie's sis) bit Lorrie 3 times while she was attempting to give her a bath. Her jaws completely closed on her arm. Her teeth were together!!!
It took her big hubby to pry her off!!! So she had to come to the ER also!!!
And Tome has been renamed to GW aka Great White!!

12-05-2003, 02:43 AM
Eeek, things just keep getting more complicated! Uck, and all these IV troubles! :mad:

I hope you're sound asleep right now and then your amazing body can do it's work & heal itself! It really never ceases to amaze me what our bodies can do!

Logan is reaaal sorry he caused his Mommy such a big *ouchie.* :(

You did your best by getting him off the street. I like to think there was a reason he was put in your path to be saved, and that's so a loving family somewhere can get a great pet - all thanks to you. :)
I agree wholeheartedly!

12-05-2003, 06:22 AM
Jeepers! I sure hope tomorrow is better.

12-05-2003, 09:11 AM
Hi Kim

Just checking in on you. What an ordeal you are going through! Running back and forth like that must be wearing you out. They had to change the IV thing again?!?!?!? Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!!! I hope things are feeling a little less achey this morning. Let us know how you are doing.

Take Care....Robin :)

12-05-2003, 09:51 AM
Hey all! :) I hope I didn't sound too b**chy in my last post. I was just really tired. :o

Well, the ER was packed around midnight, so my treatment was delayed about an hour, subsequently bumping my next treatment an hour. They didn't know when a bed would be available, so they set me up in a chair at the nurses station. :) I was home by 2:30 a.m. (crashed at my parents.... they are watching Kia.) Mom woke me at 6 and it felt like I had just fallen asleep. :(

No wait this time though, and I slept during the treatment. :) They changed my bandages and I have to go back at 5 pm for what is hopefully my last treatment.

I'm also on pills... Augmentin every 12 hours and Motrin every 8.

Amazing how a little bite can do so much damage.... :p :rolleyes: :)

I'm at work now... chicken pecking the keyboard.... lol!

12-05-2003, 12:24 PM
Logan is reaaal sorry he caused his Mommy such a big *ouchie.*

You mean this time, or last time when she was all clawed up by him? She had large nail scars across her chest that lasted quite a while. :(

12-05-2003, 08:30 PM
It's 9:30ish and I'm finally home from my 5p.m. appointment. :D

And the great news is, I'm done with the IV treatments! Yes!! :D :D

He also took off the splint saying he wants me to move it more but to keep elevated now and then to help the swelling go down. If the redness starts to spread again, I have to go right back.

I fell asleep during the treatment and the nurse woke me up... my IV had stopped dripping but I still had half a bag left. She was concerned that she'd have to start a fresh IV. :eek: :eek: :(

But she wiggled the IV in my arm and it started dripping again. So whenever it stopped, I would just wiggle it. :) And soon my treatment was over. yay!

Exhaustion is creeping up on me.... :o so I will bid you all a very well goodnight and I hope you all have a safe weekend.

Stay safe those that are getting hit with snow. :)

12-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Oh Kimmy,

I'm so sorry you had to go through this!! I remember when that mama kitty bit me last year at your complex. Although I waited 48 hours (and the redness had crept up my right arm), I only had to endure the Augmentin. Are they giving you rabies treatments??? That's what it sounds like. The bite you have sounds alot worse than the one I had.

Feel better toots, gets lots of rest.

*Hi Aunty Kimmy!"*

This here is Lil Eli. Mama Donna tole me bout that big fat rat Logan bitin you! You tell him iffin he ever does it again, I'll have no choice but to kick his furry butt!!!

I hope your boo-boo feels better REAL soon! I wuv you!!


Lil Eli

12-08-2003, 08:53 AM
I'm not sure Donna, but I'm feeling a lot better. :D

Hugs and Kisses to lil' Eli. I'll be sure to pass on his warning. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-08-2003, 11:34 AM
When I was telling Terry about this and he heard about the IV's and how often you had to go in, the first thing he said was "They must be treating her for rabies." So maybe that's what it was.

Anway, I'm sure you're finally catching up on your sleep which would make anybody feel better right there. :)

Cinder & Smoke
12-08-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
... "They must be treating her for rabies."

Doesn't sound like a Rabies treatment...
Here's the New Jersye Protocol for Rabies Treatment:


Postexposure prophylaxis begins with a thorough flushing and cleansing of the wound using water and soap.
Following this, a complete course (one dose of HRIG and five 1-ml doses of vaccine) is necessary for adequate prophylaxis. This protocol should not be modified.

1.HRIG - Administer intramuscularly (IM) only once on day 0. The dose is 20 IU/KG or 9 IU/LB. HRIG is currently available in two and ten milliliter (ml) vials with a concentration of 150 IU per ml. At this concentration, the dose is 0.133 ml/kg or 0.06 ml/lb of body weight. Always check the package to be sure that there have been no changes in the concentration. As much as possible of the full dose should be infiltrated into and around the wound(s), and the remainder administered intramuscularly at an anatomical site distant from the vaccine. Do not give more than the recommended amount of HRIG since this may affect the immune response to the vaccine.

2.Vaccine - Administer 1.0 ml of human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV), rabies vaccine adsorbed (RVA) or purified chick embryo cell culture (PCEC) vaccine IM on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28 into the deltoid muscle in children and adults. In infants and small children it may be preferable to give the vaccine in the midlateral aspect of the thigh. All doses must be given. Vaccine should never be given in the buttocks, since two prophylaxis failures have been documented when the vaccine was given in this manner.

Info from: New Jersey Rabies Guide (Dated August, 2001) (http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/pxrabies.htm)

Rabies TREATMENT is almost never started IF the domestic pet
is available for quarantine and observation...
They WAIT for 10 days -
an INFECTED pet will die :( from the disease within that time and
will then be tested.

Possibly Kim was being given IV ANTIBIOTICS ??

And, (THANKS, God!) the IV Treatments are now over! :)

Hey Logan !
*Biting* :eek: Meowmee is NOT *nice*!
QUIT dat!

12-08-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Possibly Kim was being given IV ANTIBIOTICS ??
Phred is right. :D

Sorry about my previous post. I knew they weren't treating me for rabies. :) They were treating me for Cellulitis (says so on my sheet).

Even on my discharge sheet it said: 'Course of IV Antibiotics completed.' :) Silly me.

Here's a definition of Cellulitis that I found at a Kids Health Site.

What Is Cellulitis?
Cellulitis (say: sell-yoo-ly-tess) is a bacterial infection of the deep layers of the skin. Because it is easier for the bacteria that cause cellulitis to invade the body through an opening, cellulitis often starts in a spot where the skin has been broken from a cut or a scratch. From there, the infection spreads and usually involves the tissue just below the skin's surface. When someone gets cellulitis, the skin and the layers underneath it become red, swollen, and tender.

What Causes It?
Different types of bacteria can cause cellulitis. The most common are group A streptococcus (say: strep-toh-kah-kus) and staphylococcus (say: staf-uh-loh-kah-kus).

You come into contact with bacteria every day. Some types of bacteria even live on our bodies, but our protective skin keeps them outside the body where they cause little harm. But if there is a break in the skin, bacteria can get inside the body and start an infection.

Although cuts and scrapes are the most common causes of breaks in the skin that can lead to cellulitis, you can also get cellulitis after a dog, cat, or other animal bite. During the summertime, insect bites often cause cellulities in kids. Sometimes chicken pox can become infected with bacteria and lead to cellulitis, too.

The incubation period varies, depending on the type of bacteria causing the cellulitis. For example, cellulitis caused by Pasteurella multocida has a very short incubation period - less than 24 hours after an animal bite. But other types of bacteria may have incubation periods of several days.

Cellulitis usually resolves after a few days of antibiotic therapy. However, it's very important that the child receives the medication on schedule for as many days, usually 7 to 10, as the doctor directs.

Professional Treatment
If your child has severe cellulitis, your child's doctor may decide to treat him or her in the hospital using intravenous (IV) antibiotics.