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View Full Version : R.I.P Black Lab

Desert Arabian
09-16-2003, 03:07 PM
Warning: This thread my sad/disturbing to some readers.

This morning, a Black Lab was hit and killed by one of our school busses. :( :( I'm so sad, I have been wanting to cry ever since I heard the horrible news. This is what happened: the bus arrived at one of the stops to pick up the dogs owner. The dog was behind a fence, but somehow opened up the gate and ran down to the bus. The dog had a history of chasing down cars, so this was bound to happen. The dog ran into the wheel and was killed. The dogs owner was on the bus and saw their dog get hit....that's the really sad part. The bus driver happens to be a big dog lover, and is very upset.

What really erks me is that some kids were making some very upsetting comments such as "who cares, it's just a dog" and they continued to crack jokes and laugh about it with each other. I want to punch them!

I haven't been able to focus real well today, because I keep on thinking about this event. I can't remember half the stuff we talked about today at school.

Anyways, I just wanted to make this thread to say Rest In Peace sweet little black Labbie, and I offer my condolences to the faimily who lost a family buddy.


My Peanuts
09-16-2003, 03:15 PM
That is terrible! Those kids on the bus think it's funny now, but when they grow up it is those things that they will remember about themselves. I feel sorry for the lab, the owner/s , and the bus driver. It seems that there was nothing that could have prevented this. :(

09-16-2003, 03:19 PM
Oh such terrible news. This must be very upsetting for the driver and owner. And very terrible for so many people to witness...especially the owner.

-- RIP Black Labbie :(

09-16-2003, 03:27 PM
My tears are with you, YLL. What a sad thing to witness. :( And to hear the uncaring words of others had to make it worse. I am so sorry. :(

09-16-2003, 03:29 PM
I couldn't read past the first line:( But from reading the replies, I know a black Labbie died, a family is heartbroken and the children on the bus thought it was funny:mad: The poor doggie, family and bus driver:(:( I understand completely, how you feel. You must have been devastated. I know I would be. Rest in peace, sweet precious Labbie.

Samantha Puppy
09-16-2003, 03:55 PM
Very sad. I feel awful for the dog and the family who lost their buddy... I can only hope it was very quick and with the least amount of pain possible. Poor doggie.

09-16-2003, 05:28 PM
I probably would have killed my bus driver if he hit a dog.

Poor dog and the dogs owner. If I was him/her , I most def would have hit the driver. I would be outraged and sad.

WHAT IF that had been a child?

And for the kids laughing and making rude comments I WOULD have punched them. :mad:

09-16-2003, 05:33 PM
Oh that's so very sad. Kids can be cruel to each other and other living things. RIP Lab. I know you are playing happily at the RB and please make sure you make friends with Toshie and Trixie.

YLL: Just have to tell you that I dreamt about you the other night. Don't know why and can't remember the dream but just know that I was talking to YellowLabLover. Very strange.

09-16-2003, 05:35 PM
OMG that's so sad!! Some people just don't get it that IT ISN'T "JUST" A DOG!!! :mad: I can't even tell you tired I am of constantly hearing that!!!

I hope that sweet labbie runs fast and plays hard at the rainbow bridge.


09-16-2003, 06:26 PM
Poor dog..:( Kids can be so rude and immature...thats why I prefer the canine race over the human one. How upsetting..I'm sorry you had to see that. :(:(

09-16-2003, 09:15 PM
Poor dog...I blame the owners who knew that the dog chased cars and didn't take measures to prevent it.

Don't blame the bus driver, I'm sure they weren't trying to hit the dog!! If it darted out in front of a moving vehicle what could he do? Buses don't stop that fast, nothing does. Don't say you would hit the driver who most likely did his/her best to stop and is probably feeling horrible right now.

Again, I think the owners were irresponsible not to make sure their dog couldn't do the dangerous thing they knew it was prone to do.

Rest easy poor puppy. :(

09-16-2003, 09:20 PM
Yeah I don't really think the bus driver should be blamed these things happen sometimes, I hit a piegeon once despite all attempts not to and I had to pull over and cry.

R.I.P. Black Lab know that you were loved during your time here, and enjoy being at the rainbow bridge where you can run and not have to worry about being hurt again.

09-16-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Don't say you would hit the driver

I said it.

More than likely I would have to try my hardest not to.

I'm not sure if I would if it was someone else's dogs, but if it was Simba or Nala, I would. Either that or I'd pass out from seeing it happen.

Although, like you said, it is irresponsible of the owners if the dog is able to get out and actually have this happen.

09-16-2003, 10:41 PM
Rest in Peace dear sweet Labbie.
You will be free from pain or worry at the bridge.

What a horrible thing to see--the kids on your bus were just awful--I would have been in tears.

09-17-2003, 12:59 PM
How Very Sad.....

What is even more sad is that fact that those kids saying mean things do that more that likely because they have heard or seen there parents do the same!!!

RIP sweet Black Lab!!!!
Have fun at RB!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
09-17-2003, 01:18 PM

Sounds like YOU weren't on the bus when it happened,
and maybe you don't even know the student who lost their Pet...

But it might help You,
and would certainly help the poor kid(s) who who lost the Pet ~
If you could find out who those grieving kids ARE and locate them at school.

A Big {{{HUG}}} and a few Kind Words from you will go a long way
towards helping them feel a bit better.

Rest In Peace, Black Lab!

:( /s/ Phred

09-17-2003, 01:38 PM
RIP little black lab. :(

How very sad.. :(

Desert Arabian
09-17-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Sounds like YOU weren't on the bus when it happened,
and maybe you don't even know the student who lost their Pet...

But it might help You,
and would certainly help the poor kid(s) who who lost the Pet ~
If you could find out who those grieving kids ARE and locate them at school.

A Big {{{HUG}}} and a few Kind Words from you will go a long way
towards helping them feel a bit better.

Rest In Peace, Black Lab!

:( /s/ Phred

No, I wasn't on the bus that hit the dog, thank God- otherwise I would be in a mental hospital right now!!!

I would love to find out who the kid is and meet him/her, but they go to another school, and there really is no way of meeting them except for outside of school- but even that might be impossible.

I think my German teacher knows the kid, so maybe I will talk to her about seeing the owner.


09-17-2003, 08:09 PM
Tissue alert!!! :(
That is so sad, and devastating.
I feel sorry for everyone who had to witness
the incident. Especially the dogs owner and the poor
bus driver.

09-18-2003, 11:19 PM
Oh how horribly tragic! I can't imagine the pain the owner is going through to have witnessed the accident. I am so sorry. RIP Black Lab.