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View Full Version : 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, BC

07-02-2003, 07:54 PM
Is anyone else as excited as I am???

Ever since I was a tiny little girl I have wanted to go see an event at the winter Olympics, and now it looks like I might get to!! ... in 7 years :D I knew Vancouver was one of the contenders and I was REALLY hoping they would get it :D I was so excited this morning when I heard that they did! I'd love to go see the opening ceremonies, but I'm sure tickets are probably very expensive.

NYCbabi 13002
07-02-2003, 07:59 PM
Ooo, I would love to see the Winter Olympics!! I hope you get to go. LOL, hope you remember this in 2010...Take pics!!! I love to watch on TV!:p

07-02-2003, 08:03 PM
Yup, it's pretty exciting all right. I heard the news on the way to work and was expecting cars honking, but nothing happened.....Let's just hope the govt pitches in some $$$$ so our taxes don't go up too much (wishful thinking...)

07-02-2003, 08:15 PM
When they were announcing it this afternoon, me and my sis were joking around and crossing our fingers. It was funny because they had this huge envelope and everything. When they got picked we were liek "EEEEEEE!" lol That was fun :p

07-02-2003, 08:22 PM
Vancouver got picked? Hmm...woohooo I guess? Lol...I guess that's good....even though I'm in vancouver..I couldn't be less excited lol...I guess I'd try to see the opening ceremonies...but then..I have 7 years to worry about it lol.

07-02-2003, 09:38 PM
To me, that is exciting news!! I remember when they announced that the 1996 Summer Olympics would be in Atlanta, and even though I didn't go to a single event, I was just thrilled that it happened so close to me! If I had been in a better financial situation, I would have been there, believe me!!

Congrats to Vancouver!!! :D

07-02-2003, 09:42 PM
ooh how fun! I hadn't heard! (the final result). cool I have several friends there. Think I'll put in a housing request now!

07-02-2003, 11:21 PM
I am one of the pppl that are against the 2010 olimpics in vancouver. I think it is a waist of money, Time, and space.

07-02-2003, 11:31 PM
lol i agree w/you tm...only cause...we have such major problems downtown east side...and the four pillars approach obviously isn't working...and now..they want to spend all that money on the olympics which would most likely bring money in..BUT i remember there was one place that lost money because of the olympics..if there's anything we don't need right now..is loss of money...especially with the layoffs for teachers....nurses...etc

07-02-2003, 11:35 PM
I adore the Olympics-well the winter ones! The bronze medal winner in ice skating in 1972 is a goood friend of mine from Canada. i'm going to be there in 7 years with my toque on and my cold feet! Wish they would use some doggies in the opening ceremonies. O Canada!!

07-02-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Airedalekisses
Wish they would use some doggies in the opening ceremonies.

Lol that'd be so cool..have some doggies do some musical freestyle or something...or have some pound poochies there..

07-03-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I am one of the pppl that are against the 2010 olimpics in vancouver. I think it is a waist of money, Time, and space.

... I'd say something, but i'll hold my opinions back.

However, think it's a waste? Don't pay attention to it. :)

I could careless about the Olympics, but, others do, so let them do what they want, lol.:)

07-03-2003, 12:30 AM
I am not a big fan of sports but I respect the people that watch the Olympics 24/7 when they are on.
Tho I don't agree with you simple lack of disregard and disrespect of the whole thing.
Personally I don't think either one of you is old enough to understand the concept as a whole.
Course I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am, you always do.
B/c you are both always right, and noone else ever is.
Cities clean up for this type of thing. Maybe it is what Vancouver needs.

07-03-2003, 12:35 AM
I wasn't quite sure about the Olympics coming to Salt Lake City....

But wow, I was so glad that it did! I completely enjoyed it! They really cleaned up the city, and added some great features to it. Because of the cost, I didn't get to attend any actual Olympic events...but they did, however, have a bunch of free concerts. I went to a couple of those, and it was great! They also had a bunch of tents set up that you could go in before and after the concerts and they announced the olympic winners for the day during each concert.

D'oh...I DID go to an event! I was picked from my high school to go to one...I don't recall the name of the event, but it involved skis lol.

I think its kind offensive to say it's a waste of time, money, and space...but think whatever you want. Hope everyone else enjoys it!! :D

07-03-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I am one of the pppl that are against the 2010 olimpics in vancouver. I think it is a waist of money, Time, and space.

You say this but have you ever taking in to consideration the amount of money that the olympics will bring in? I was in Calgary during the 88 Olympics, yes I was only 8 years old but I remember it well. Businesses profits increased during the Olympics, all of the facilities that were built for the Olympics are still used today many of them for the purpose of training future athletes that will one day represent OUR country at these very Olympics. Plus it opened up the worlds eyes to Calgary and Alberta, it let them see just how wonderful a country it is and just how great the people are.

So maybe I'm just being an overly proud Canadian, or a stubborn fool but personally I think the this is great news not only for the people of BC but also for the people of Canada as a whole. It's a way to bring the country back together because lets face it lately things haven't been all that great between the east and the west.

I heard last night on a special on CBC (yes I watch the CBC) that the majority of Canada is behind Vancouver on this. Vancouver won't be doing this alone, all of Canada will be involved in this.

And as for the waste of time it's two weeks...not a lifetime, not a year...but two weeks.

07-03-2003, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Personally I don't think either one of you is old enough to understand the concept as a whole.
Course I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am, you always do.
B/c you are both always right, and noone else ever is.
Cities clean up for this type of thing. Maybe it is what Vancouver needs.

I'm definately not old enough or educated enough to understand the whole concept. But then again, I'm entitled to my own opinion and so are you. So, I respect what you have said and won't try to argue because nothing good comes out of arguments.

Vancouver definately needs a clean up. I think the opening and closing ceremonies are being held near Main street, which is probably the most needy of improvements in Vancouver. I had to go past that area everyday of the summer last year to go to work. It was aweful. I'd love to see a change.

07-03-2003, 01:04 AM
Well, I really don't like the olympics because it's all people talk about for the longest time afterwards and it can get on my nerves. And I hate sports lol. The only sports I like are horseback riding and skiing, but only horseback riding is something I'd want to watch. So I really don't care for the olympics, it's just not my thing. But if others like it, that's fine with me! :D

But I'm glad that it's going to be in Van, because it's attracting more people to Kelowna. Alot of the olympic athletes are leaving their things in Kelowna. I think it's good for publicity, and I'm proud atleast to say that the Olympics were held near my city! lol.

Anyone going wanna come visit me??? :D

Personally I don't think either one of you is old enough to understand the concept as a whole.
Course I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am, you always do.
B/c you are both always right, and noone else ever is.

Whoa, that seemed like an awful lash. I know you don't like Jynnelle, but you don't have any reason to be rude to Ashley :confused:

07-03-2003, 12:54 PM
"But then again, I'm entitled to my own opinion and so are you. So, I respect what you have said and won't try to argue because nothing good comes out of arguments" ------>

quoted from Binka Nugget respectivaley.
I am entitled to my opinion about different people on this board, just as I am sure I am not real high on certain people's likable list either!

07-03-2003, 01:51 PM
i have always loved the olympics because for
two weeks you tend to forget the world's problems,
the world comes to your town and everyone gets to
play. you get a chance to rub elbows with people from all over the world and get a chance to have a little national pride

i have seen the olympic torch on three tours.
84, 96, and 02...

in 84 i went to freestyle wrestling, canoeing and the opening set of baseball games.

you get to see some of the best athletes, people who have dedicated their young lives to a sport that probably won't make them rich, famous or get them a job after their careers are over.

it's not just the 16 days that mean alot to these
athletes.....it's going to be the 7 years that lead up to 2010. right about now, in a house in Vancouver there is one or two kids that think, 'hey cool! the olympics are coming to my town....'

maybe you'll see those same kids getting a medal on a podium and you may say to yourself,

actually its watching people become something larger than any singer, actor or musician for a few weeks....

i'd love to see cameron diaz, that lopez gal, the mathers rapper dude or anyone else try some of the
olympics events.......lol! down hill rapping...
short track speed acting....

sometimes watching people 'do' a 'stupid sport' is far more inspiring that watching people with no talent 'try'to act, sing, rap or try and wrangle their way out of a shoplifting charge...

yeah, some people don't like sports or the olympics ......remember that in 7 years when the circus comes to YOUR TOWN....it's a wonderful sight-you'll notice a real strange party atmosphere in the air...

when it's over and everything goes well for your town you'll savor-and miss-that feeling..the closing ceremonies are always a let down....

who wants a great party to end??

07-03-2003, 02:05 PM
Being slightly (:rolleyes:) older than Crikit I have a much better recollection of the Calgary Olympics and all of it was good. In 1988 there was an extremely divisive nurses strike in Alberta during the two weeks immediately preceding the Olympics. Having the Olypmics not only forced the government to settle the strike, but it also helped bring the community back together in a way that nothing else could have.

Does any one else remember the joy and spirit of the Jamacian bob sled team :D :D ? If you want to understand what the Olypmics is all about watch a movie with John Candy about the bob sled team (Cool Runnings) was created by Disney.


07-03-2003, 04:49 PM
I am entitled to my opinion about different people on this board, just as I am sure I am not real high on certain people's likable list either!

Lol very true. This probably doesn't matter to you but I just wanted to say anyways...you are very much on my likeable list among everyone else. I admire those who speak up about their opinions :D it gives variety don't you think?

07-04-2003, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Lol very true. This probably doesn't matter to you but I just wanted to say anyways...you are very much on my likeable list among everyone else. I admire those who speak up about their opinions :D it gives variety don't you think?

Thank you very very much, sometimes my fingers get ahead of my brain, and I get a little reckless!
No Hard feelings! ;) :p