View Full Version : Pixel's First White Coat Visit

05-31-2003, 04:20 AM
Well, technically not her first as she stayed with the White Coats a whole week after we got her ... but it is her first routine White Coat visit, for vaccination boosters.

I brought out her cat carry box, opened it, and wandered off to do something. When I came back, she was sitting in the box, ready to go! We took her to the vet's (about a 10 minute drive) and she did not cry once (she is very good in the car).

She waited patiently in the box until it was her turn. Considering that she'd had such a long stay with the White Coats when we first got her, she was quite relaxed. In fact, she was not at all fazed about the Big Scary Needle. She just sat there calmly. The vet was *very* impressed with her good behaviour and confirmed that she is now five months old. She also commented on how beautiful Pixel's coat is (she is a blue point, but also has very subtle tabby pattern on her back and tail).

What a good girl! She got a treat for her good behaviour :D:D

05-31-2003, 06:23 AM
glad the visit went so smoothly!:)

05-31-2003, 06:35 AM
I know only too well how distressing vet visits can be when your cat gets upset!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-02-2003, 12:04 PM
What a good little kitty. I'm sure the vet appreciated having such a good patient. Did she get extra treats at home for being such a good girl?

Tubby isn't fazed by the vet either. All he wants to do is get down so he can investigate the place, and could care less about what the vet is doing. :)

06-02-2003, 12:07 PM
I have a kitty named Pixel, too. :D

I love that name. Someone told me once about a work of literature where a character had a cat named Pixel. Have you heard of that?

Just curious....

And my Pixel doesn't like the vet either. She doesn't want to come out of her carrier. :(

Missy and Pix

06-02-2003, 12:08 PM
Oh Pixel, you are such a good girl! So glad everything went well. Pictures, please.

Edwina's Secretary
06-02-2003, 12:14 PM
Could you please ask Pixel to come and give Edwina lessons? She is such a bad girl she has a notation in her file and the vet was afraid of her this year.....:( :o

06-02-2003, 12:24 PM
Glad to hear that everything w/ Pixel went so well. Jack didn't mind the vet either when he was young...now he cries the whole time (being part Siamese, his cries can be quite loud). Ali just tries her hardest to hide under my arms when she goes.

06-02-2003, 03:42 PM
I haven't had a bad cat visit in years. For some odd reason, even Gabe, the monster kitty was good for me at the Vet's.

Ti has been a good boy too!

Miley is always good...a little scared...but good.

Glad to hear you are lucky too!


06-03-2003, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
What a good little kitty. I'm sure the vet appreciated having such a good patient. Did she get extra treats at home for being such a good girl?

Tubby isn't fazed by the vet either. All he wants to do is get down so he can investigate the place, and could care less about what the vet is doing. :)

LOL, yes she wanted to explorer this fascinating new place :) ... and yes, she did get a treat when she got home for being such a perfect girl :)

GretaGirl ... Pixel was indeed the name of a cat in a book, that's who my Pixel was named after! Pixel, the Cat who could Walk through Walls is a character in Heinlein's books. In the books, she's a He and a Ginger Tom! But meh!

06-03-2003, 05:22 AM
What a good girl!:) I am due take Ebby to the vets for the first time in August, I only hope she will be as good!

06-03-2003, 06:23 AM
Oh I hope that Oatmeal (the stray who adopted us) is that well behaved when he goes to the vet on the 16th...Our 4 don't fuss while AT the vet, but going to and from we have a continual chorus of meows......fortunately the office is about 5 minutes away.

06-03-2003, 07:39 AM
Good girl Pixel! Please tell your mommy to give you some scritchies from me.

Felicia's Mom
06-03-2003, 09:41 PM
I'm glad the vet visit was good.

06-03-2003, 09:45 PM
what a good girl you are! you deserve a treat for being a well behaved kitty!:D :D

06-03-2003, 11:10 PM
What a wonderful little girl!!!

I always wonder what the cats are thinking when they have to go to the vet. Maybe that if they go, they'll get a treat? I bet that makes them be extra good. ;)

Thats so cute that she walking into her carrier. I love when they do that. Usually its a huge battle over here.

06-04-2003, 12:45 AM
I'm so glad that Pixel was a good girl and that everything went well. :D Storm and Sunny are also very good. They're so scared that they'll let the vet do anything to them. :) Cirrus needs to be sedated because he's not used to people and he gets very scared and wild. :(

06-04-2003, 07:19 AM
what a good girl you are Pixel! Romeo is going next week for his boosters, I hope our visit goes as smoothly!
Sammy hates the whole idea of the carrier. I had to put the carrier on it's side, and try to "pour" him into it, when he went to get neutered!

06-04-2003, 11:26 AM
Good girl, Pixel!!! Now tell mommy we want some PICTURES!:eek:

06-04-2003, 09:27 PM
I only hope that the good trend continues!