View Full Version : Your Easter...

04-16-2003, 12:42 AM
As we approach Easter time, i am wondering how you all celebrate it, if at all, what does it mean to you? and do you do anything special or unusual or by tradition.
I am curious how most Americans spend Easter, my sister is at this very moment jetting her way to L.A and will be spending her very first Easter in Las Vegas, now that should be interesting lol.:)

04-16-2003, 01:21 AM
I'm flying home on Friday so I can spend Easter with my family. On Good Friday we have a big dinner with fish and shrimp usually it's just my parents me and my sister who will also be flying in for the weekend. Then on Easter we go to church and we all meet at my Aunts house for the celebration. We do an easter egg hunt for the kids and we all sit around and eat lots and lots of food and have a good time.

04-16-2003, 01:22 AM
Just another day.

Former User
04-16-2003, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Just another day.

Yup, same here, nothing special. Well, my husband will be home for 4 days, that's special :D

04-16-2003, 02:38 AM
Brian and I usually split holidays up, spending half the day at my house and half the day at his. Both of our families have a big dinner, and easter egg hunts for the little ones.

Me personally, being pagan in a catholic family is difficult around holidays, so I time our splitting up of the holiday so that Brian and I are at his house at any point at which I would be uncomfortable at my own. The holiday "easter" means nothing to me, but celebrating Spring with our families is a joy.

04-16-2003, 04:25 AM
Hi UAB - nice to see you 'chatting'!

Our Easter this year is going to be sooooo different! I reckon Good Friday will be a hoot - 'cos we're packing for our trip to Spain - on the bike! So many clothes - not enough space!!
Then on the Saturday we're driving down to the south of England to Portsmouth to get the Ferry over to Bilbao (Spain) - we arrive there on Monday morning. So we spend the whole of Easter Sunday on a cruise!! Easter Mnday we'll be driving down through Spain to reach the Med., and on Tuesday should make it to our hotel for the next 7 days!! After which we do it all in reverse to get home!! Getting excited now!


04-16-2003, 05:25 AM
Easter in Moldova is on April 27 - this year one week later than yours.
I am an atheist, but still celebrate it as just another holiday. For Moldovans this is a family holiday - so, I'll visit my parents, have a special Easter meal. Women bake special bread - Pasca, very sweet, with different yummy things in it. Lamb is a traditional food and red eggs also.
I can't wait.
We have one more Easter - on Monday, one week after the normal one, when we go to cemeteries, remember the relatives, people we loved, drink a glass of wine for them and eat something for them. EVERYBODY celebrate it. Still, it's not a sad holiday.

04-16-2003, 05:47 AM
Here in Australia we have school holidays (thank god for that) and we have a family dinner and thaats about.

04-16-2003, 06:13 AM
We do church and we do dinner with my dad, but that is really about it.

04-16-2003, 08:01 AM
Just another day

That sums it up for me too!

Edwina's Secretary
04-16-2003, 10:15 AM
I was recently looking at family photos at my parent's house.

There was always an Easter basket with candy and a stuff animal. We went to Mass and then we would go to the "fancy" hotel in town for breakfast. My mother's parents came to visit for Easter so we were a large group and had a private room.

Then there was an Easter egg hunt -- a tradition we continued long after we were grown (even when there weren't any children!)

What amazed me looking at the photos -- my mother made new Easter outfits every year for my two sisters, me and herself. Our outfit was either a suit or a dress with a coat. The only thing she didn't make was the hat. My favorite was a red suit with a white blouse with red polka dots and a straw hat with red, blue and yellow flowers. The white anklet socks were a little distracting but otherwise it was on outfit I would still wear today!

This year my husband and I, my sister, my niece and my parents will meet for Brunch. I'm sure we will also have an Easter egg hunt!

04-16-2003, 10:15 AM
We will be travelling home to my dad's house, for dinner at my Grandmother's--gram has all of the big dinners for the holidays, and it's wonderful to see most of the family together.
My mother in law will be coming with us this year, and it will be interesting travelling with all 3 dogs!!

When we were younger, it was a different scene--new frilly dresses, with hats to match, egg hunts, and lots and lots of candy!!!
This year I'm making an easter basket for the dogs.

Cisco's Mom
04-16-2003, 10:24 AM
red eggs also. Ok, Vio&Juni could you please explain to me what a red egg is?

As far as easter goes there will be a sun rise gathering with the pastor and than a big family dinner.:)

04-16-2003, 11:49 AM
We will celebrate Easter at home, alone, this year. Even our parents said they would wait to come visit......they want to come when the children are at home! LOL!!

We have many church services that we will attend, starting Thursday, ending Sunday, with the Easter celebration. Otherwise, it will be uneventful, just a thankful home, with two adults, enjoying the quiet (and each other) and the furry and feathered friends.


04-16-2003, 12:11 PM
Normally for me it is just another day. If I'm home, I'll have dinner with my parents and sometimes grandparents.

Last year I spent Easter with Andy and his family. His parents are very religious and I respect that. We had a nice time attending church and then having dinner.

This year I'll be in Toronto with my friend and her family and participating in their Easter Parade. :D

As a child, my parents would hide plastic eggs all over the house. Some years we'd find an egg months later! LOL!

Desert Arabian
04-16-2003, 03:28 PM
Ma and I will be at the Kentucky Horse Park on Easter. We usually make a huge Easter dinner, dye eggs, etc- but we are away from home this Easter so we are doing something different.

04-16-2003, 03:40 PM
This year we are going to my Grandmother's for Easter, we have a dinner at her house with family. Then we usually have an Easter egg hunt for the littler kids and we paint Easter eggs.

04-16-2003, 04:19 PM
I love Easter....its actually one of the few holidays I enjoy celebrating. (I don't find a lot of meaning in a lot of the others, like Valentines Day, I celebrate that every day wtih my hubby. Same with Mother's Day, etc.)

So anyway, I'm not Catholic but I've been participating in the tradition of Lent. I've given up all soda (except for Sprite for my tummy, which I normally don't drink) since then.

We'll go to church with my in-laws on Sunday morning and then to brunch. My father-in-law plays the bongos at church, so we'll meet him at the last service. I always enjoy the Easter service at their church, they put on a different "play" and each year is a new rendition. I'm really looking forward to that. :)

Then, after our brunch, we'll go to my parent's house and eat dinner with them. That part I'm not all that thrilled about. To them, its just another day and I would much rather spend a day that means something to me with those that feel the same way. :( Oh well....we'll most likely do the easter bunny thing there.

I hope everyone has a very nice Easter! :)

Miss Meow
04-16-2003, 05:51 PM
We aren't religious so we don't have a traditional celebration, but we have a nice dinner and spend time together. I really enjoy Easter, it's more meaningful as Noah's Mommy has said.

Shane's parents are arriving this afternoon for a holiday (they live on the other side of the country in Perth) so it'll be great showing them around and catching up (well, for a few days anyway!)

And it's my birthday on Easter Sunday this year, so a double celebration!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-16-2003, 07:02 PM
I love Easter too!!!

Easter Sunday we go to church.... our Easter services are ALWAYS AMAZING!!! (well every service we have is awesome)
We don't have a play or anything but .... It is just such a meaningful holiday!!

THEN!!..... every year we go to my grandmaw's house after church to take Easter pictures in our Easter church clothes..... my grandmother has some pretty flower bushes and we always take the pics in front of them!...

NOw that I'm married we then go to Eric's mom's house and we eat dinner and they have an Easter egg hunt for the kiddies..... last year we all hunted the eggs cause Mathew was too young to hunt and it wouldn't be any fun for Melanie to hunt all by herself... even 72 year old Uncle Ray hunted for the eggs too!:p

04-16-2003, 07:06 PM
Normally for me it's just another day. This year though, my aunt is having us over for dinner. She has been so great about trying to continue family traditions, and create new ones since my parents passed away. It's really nice. My uncle is flying in, and my sister, her kids, and I will be there for dinner. This is the third or fourth time my aunt has done this sort of thing. Really nice. :)

04-16-2003, 07:11 PM
Thank you all for your easter stories, i have so enjoyed reading them all, for me its just holidays, its the school holidays here right now, 2 weeks of them, and so my husband will beable to be part of them this time with the easter break and our anzac day,, so that will be nice, we will probably be painting that fence again, and tidying things up, and maybe go somewhere nice to waingaro hot springs for a swim and hydroslide and picnic hopefully,short trip away,
I am not religious either so just enjoy the break, and shopping, all the sales are on for the long weekend .
My daughter will get lots of yummie easter eggs from family, and we might even indulge in some ourselves.
well everyone enjoy your easter whatever you decide to do. cheers:)

04-16-2003, 07:27 PM
Usually my extended family gets together and has a big Easter dinner. However, the family has had a bit too many "feuds" this year... so we're staying at our own homes. So my boyfriend, parents, great-aunt, Ruby, and myself are going to pack a picnic lunch and spend the day at the dog park. :D I'm looking foward to it :)

I hope everyone has a great Easter! :D

Aspen and Misty
04-16-2003, 08:17 PM
This is my first Easter Spent in this house and also my first easter spent with my parents seprated. So we have no tradiotions.

But tomrrow me and Julian will be visiting my school and talking to the littel kids about careing for a rabbit and how they shouldnt NOT get one for easter and that if they do want a rabbit they should wait till after easter to get one from the ASPCA. We will be going on and on about if your family is not ready for a dog then they are not ready for a bunny and stuff like that. I will speak for about a half hour or why you shouldn't get a bunny as a spur of the moment pet and what easter is really about. I also will be doing the same thing at my church.

I will probly wake up and watch tv liek any normal sunday day. Then go to church and talk to the kids and Julian will spend a whole Church Service in a pew with me listeing to our Pastor talk. So Julian is now a Holy bunny, yipee :D

Ash :D

04-17-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Cisco's Mom
Ok, Vio&Juni could you please explain to me what a red egg is?
We boil eggs in a special red solution, and they are red (inside not). We give each other eggs and sweets.

04-17-2003, 06:29 AM
well we dye easter eggs and have dinner with the our family and my aunts family, but other than that, nothing big.:)

Dakota's Mommy
04-17-2003, 01:33 PM
When I was little we used to wake up to get Easter Baskets! Then we would get around to go to church that morning. After church, we'd either go straight home to change or straight to Grandma's and change there for our big family meal (at Grandma's house).

04-17-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
This is my first Easter Spent in this house and also my first easter spent with my parents seprated. So we have no tradiotions.

But tomrrow me and Julian will be visiting my school and talking to the littel kids about careing for a rabbit and how they shouldnt NOT get one for easter and that if they do want a rabbit they should wait till after easter to get one from the ASPCA. We will be going on and on about if your family is not ready for a dog then they are not ready for a bunny and stuff like that. I will speak for about a half hour or why you shouldn't get a bunny as a spur of the moment pet and what easter is really about. I also will be doing the same thing at my church.

I will probly wake up and watch tv liek any normal sunday day. Then go to church and talk to the kids and Julian will spend a whole Church Service in a pew with me listeing to our Pastor talk. So Julian is now a Holy bunny, yipee :D

What a social bunny, Julian is!! He gets to go to church??? How wonderful!!!

I hope you will have a very happy Easter, Ash, and perhaps you can start a new tradition this year!!!! :)

04-17-2003, 02:52 PM
How fun Ash! That is an awesome thing to do.... :)

We've extended our Easter to Friday. I want to go to Good Friday church as well.

BUT!! Guess what? Wolflady is celebrating Easter down here with her family so we'll try to meet up as well! YAY!!!! :D

04-17-2003, 02:59 PM
I love Easter, for what it stands for, and what it doesn't. I have Easter baskets for some neice and nephews, and some other friends..and Lillycat! We are having my youngest brother over, with prolly one of his kids (the other is with mommy at church), then, a dinner with mom. I don't care if it is about religion or not, just getting together with loved ones makes the holiday.

04-17-2003, 04:30 PM
This will be the first Easter I spend away from my family. Usually I go to church on Good Friday and then Easter Sunday. Our youth group gets together to dye eggs on Saturday night and then hides them for the younger church members to find. I mailed off Easter cards to my parents and grandmother but it's not the same. I wish I could spend Easter with family. :(

I won't really be celebrating Easter here in Madison. I will be doing childcare for a local church on Easter morning though. It's not like I'll be bored though --- I'm really busy with school and club activities. But I think I'll try to take some time out of my day to read about the resurrection and appreciate the gift that is God's son Jesus.

04-17-2003, 05:26 PM
Here goes...
We wake up extra early to find our baskets, then we go to my grandma's and do the same. She holds an easter egg hunt and we probably wont have one outside this year due to snow. Then, we all have a huge dinner with ham, and everything, then we go back to our house and eat our candy and hope the dog doesn't get it.
~ILMAG~ hehe