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View Full Version : Fister's slimming diet!

02-28-2003, 11:23 AM
Recently, when I went to the vet to buy some food for Fister, the vet suggested to try Hills W/D - so we did, and Fister likes it. :) It doesn't contain as much fat as the other one (S/D) - so we're anxious to see if he slims down a bit - NOT THAT HE IS FAT!!! :eek:

We have noticed that he doesn't eat all that much, so I have started meassuring. A 6 kg. cat is allowed 70 - 95 grams a day for slimming purposes, and "for other indications" 85 - 115 grams a day. Since Fister is nearly 8 kg. I gave him 100 g a day to start with, but he doesn't even eat that much! I feed him twice a day, in the morning and when we go to bed. He eats most of it during the night. It has taken him 4 days to get through less than 300 grams!!

He gets a little wet food about twice a week as a treat - and a tiny slice of ham now and again. :)

How much does your cat eat?

02-28-2003, 11:28 AM
I haven't really measured but Max and Speckles get a small handful of Medi-Cal Reduced Protein in the morning. Specks always eats but sometimes Max sleeps in and doesn't eat breakfast. When I get home from work (usually around 8pm) I open a can of Hill's K/D. This food seems very concentrated and seems to fill them up more so they don't eat as much. They go through 1/2 can (the same size as a tuna can) at night along with a bit more crunchies.

They are indoor cats and sleep all day and night so I'm not worried too much about the small portions. Hope this helps!

Former User
02-28-2003, 11:52 AM
Casper eats about the same as Fister (Casper is 6.8 kg's) and Kitty about 15g's less. And they get wet food once a week, as a treat, about 50g. each.
And ours eat Hill's food also. We have the hairball version now.

Edwina's Secretary
02-28-2003, 01:57 PM
Ask my husband :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

I fill Edwina's bowl up once a day with about 1/2 cup* of IAMS low fat for the mature cat. She free feeds.

She gets a few bites of turkey in the evening.

As to what he feed her in the morning....who knows!?!?!?!? Turkey, treats, filet mignon????

Once again last Friday I had to solo at the grocery store (the second time in our marriage -- it was better than the Auto Show!)
Don tells me I got the right turkey but I didn't have it sliced thin enough....so Edwina still isn't happy. I'll skip over my response!

(* I tried to be international and convert this to grams -- I got so confused -- how about a handful as translation!)

02-28-2003, 02:20 PM
Sara....you sure have quite the Princess on your hands! ;) Too funny! :)

Let's see...our cats get Royal Canin in the morning and at night. (Indoor and Special) They all have their own bowls, not that they actually use the same one each day. ;) I put 1/4 cup of the Indoor and about 1/4 cup of the Special in their bowls in the morning and before we go to bed. Because they all wiegh different amounts, its hard to make sure they get enough, but there are always a few kibble left over.

02-28-2003, 02:42 PM
If they don't, they'll surely let you know!!!! - In the middle of the night!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-28-2003, 04:38 PM
I've never actually measured how much T & P get, but what I've noticed lately is it seems they're turning into little piggies.

They have two bowls and they both eat out of both bowls. I used to put...ooohhh..it would probably be about the 1/2 cup that Sara mentioned, in each bowl each morning. The next morning it wouldn't quite all be gone, but most of it was, so I'd put in another 1/2 cup in each bowl. It went on like that for the longest time. But lately if I put that much in the bowls in the morning, Tubby is relentless in the evenings. :rolleyes: I follow him downstairs and the bowls are completely empty. And I mean not even one little crumb left! :eek: So I've started adding a little more in the mornings, maybe another 1/2 cup or so split between the two bowls, and we're back to the regular of some being left in the morning, but not much. So I don't know what the deal is with that...... Oh, and they both get Science Diet Senior Formula, with wet food as a treat about twice a week, along with various bits and pieces of human food "accidentally" dropped on the floor now and then by a certain unnamed daddy. :rolleyes: :D

And Sara, you're doing the right thing because this way he will be sure and not let you go alone too often. It's kinda like when I ask Terry to do the laundry, he doesn't even sort anything, so I butt my way in and say never mind, I'll do it myself so I know it's done right. Same theory with getting the wrong turkey. Don will just have to come along, or go himself, to make sure Lady Edwina gets the proper turkey. :cool: :D

02-28-2003, 04:49 PM
During day time they eat wet food. About 200 g both. During the night they get dry food. Maybe another handful both. Filou (8 lb.) eats more than Tigris (13 lb). Both haven't changed their weight since they are adult.

02-28-2003, 04:55 PM
Trevor was not going to let me read this post because he didn't like the subject line with the "D" word. :eek: I managed to push him aside so I could sit in my chair to respond. Actually my boys eat exactly what Lady Edwina eats (minus the turkey). I put 1/2 cup of IAMS Weight Control in each bowl every morning. Of course I can't really be sure who is eating how much because they free feed all day and use each other's bowl. In the morning the bowls are both empty and I am hounded by one orange cat, who shall remain nameless, :rolleyes: for refills! My boys really do not exercise much at all. Walking from the food bowl, to the nearest sofa, chair or bed for a nap, to the litterbox and back to the food bowl again doesn't burn off very many calories. Trev is currently 19 lbs. and Andy is 13 lbs. :o

03-01-2003, 07:29 AM
Everyone gets 1/2 cup at 7pm. They eat science diet light (LOVE IT!!!)

03-01-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
..... along with various bits and pieces of human food "accidentally" dropped on the floor now and then by a certain unnamed daddy. :rolleyes: :D
OHHH, can I relate! ;)

It's kinda like when I ask Terry to do the laundry, he doesn't even sort anything, so I butt my way in and say never mind, I'll do it myself so I know it's done right.
.... and here too! :rolleyes:

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-01-2003, 08:21 AM
I have a 1 cup measuring cup in Tinky and Jupiter's bag-o-food... and I split the 1 cup between them when I get home from work.. which is about 2am.. and split 1 cup again during the day.. about 2pm... so I quess they eat about 1 cup every 24 hours. And I feed them Iiams too.. but I don't feed them weight control or anything... Tinky is only 10 pounds and Jupiter is 15 pounds... He does not look fat though.. I think he is just a big cat.

. It's kinda like when I ask Terry to do the laundry, he doesn't even sort anything, so I butt my way in and say never mind,

I don't let Eric touch our laundry... when he lived with his roomate he would pile everything in the washer and wash it reds and all... I don't think he ever looked at the tag.. so I started doing his laundry while we were dating.. cause his clothes were getting so dingy.. and He can think again before he even thinks about washing MY clothes that way... :p

03-01-2003, 09:37 AM
I notice this is now a thread about men and laundry.
Siegmar never sorts the laundry. I sort it and tell him what program, then in general he brings it donwstairs to the washing machine. I think this is the optimum you can reach:D

03-01-2003, 10:14 AM
Laundry? DON?! Oh we are joking - aren't we?!
I'm sure he thinks we have a laundry fairy!! :D :D


03-02-2003, 01:44 AM
I feed Storm and Sunny about 11/2 cups of dry food a day. Right now I'm feeding them 1 cup of Nutro Complete Care Weight Management Formula with 1/2 cup of Felidae mixed in. There's usually some Felidae left in their bowl in the morning. I think that they prefer the taste of the Nutro.

03-02-2003, 08:00 AM

Yes I must admit that I notice all sorts of clothes and things hanging on a dryer at our place quite regularly. There’s a cellar just under where we live with these weird machines. There are all sorts of buttons and “programs” you have to choose from. :confused:

I wonder what all that is about? :eek:

(… and by the way, don’t let me loose in the kitchen, it will be more trouble than it’s worth!) :D :D :D


03-02-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I feed Storm and Sunny about 11/2 cups of dry food a day. Right now I'm feeding them 1 cup of Nutro Complete Care Weight Management Formula with 1/2 cup of Felidae mixed in. There's usually some Felidae left in their bowl in the morning. I think that they prefer the taste of the Nutro. I forgot to mention that the 11/2 cups is for both of them to share. They share the same food dish. :)

03-02-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by jonza

Yes I must admit that I notice all sorts of clothes and things hanging on a dryer at our place quite regularly. There’s a cellar just under where we live with these weird machines. There are all sorts of buttons and “programs” you have to choose from. :confused:

I wonder what all that is about? :eek:

(… and by the way, don’t let me loose in the kitchen, it will be more trouble than it’s worth!) :D :D :D

john LOL Too funny John. :D

Edwina's Secretary
03-02-2003, 07:44 PM
I hate laundry! I made the foolish mistake when first "in love" of doing Don's laundry. Now he EXPECTS it. I have been trying to convince him there is no reason to wear clean underwear every day. Just turn it inside out and get at least two days out of it...... sigh...

However...I continue to be successful at ineptness at the grocery store and washing the dishes. I am just untrainable :D :rolleyes: ;)

All Creatures Great And Small
03-02-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
there is no reason to wear clean underwear every day. Just turn it inside out and get at least two days out of it...... Eeeeeeewwwww...:eek: (I know you're kidding)

You know why men feign ineptness - so they don't have to do any housework! They know if they bung it up everytime, we girls will come in and stop them from doing it. Then they can say, "hey, I offered, but you wouldn't let me....." I think I'm going to do that with the cooking and yard work from now on ;) :D - I will suddenly have no idea how to operate a lawn-mowing contraption........

03-02-2003, 11:51 PM
We have a really good family friend who lives on his own. I went to his house, and he had an ENTIRE laundry basket FULL of socks. I said, "Wow, Ted.. don't you ever fold your socks?" he said, "oh those are all dirty. When I run out of clean socks I just buy more." HE WASN'T KIDDING!! :eek: :D :eek: :D My aunt went to visit him and she ended up doing two loads of JUST socks for him.. :rolleyes: :p :D

My boyfriend knows how to do laundry.. I taught him how to use his machines at home and how to sort it, and he does just fine. I won't let him do mine though - too many "hang to dry" or "wash in cold only" stuff that he might overlook. He is a fabulous cook though, so it all evens out :)

As for kitty food - all three of the girls get a low fat treat of wet food for breakfast. Then they free-feed all day. It's a weight control/weight reducing mix with hairball control. Bassett is supposed to be on strictly weight reducing, but I've tried separating them for food and it's impossible.. they are too used to free feeding. So I mix some high protien stuff with Tilly and Nutmeg's breakfast so they get all the nutrition they need.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-03-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
However...I continue to be successful at ineptness at the grocery store and washing the dishes. I am just untrainable :D :rolleyes: ;)

Aaahhh...I see you know exactly what I was getting at. ;) :D

Unfortunately I made the same mistake when first "in love," but I was not smart enough to confine it to just the laundry. :mad: :rolleyes: So unfortunately the house is my domain, but I learned my lesson and will not repeat the mistake with the motorhome.....unroll the awning? You mean me? or Drain the water tanks? What do you mean, I thought all that stuff just went down the sewer.....oh, you mean we're not hooked up to a sewer, well, where does it go then? ;) :D

Sorry everybody, didn't mean to turn this into a laundry thread.

So, back to feeding. T & P each got 1/4 of a small can of wet food on Saturday as a treat. :)

03-03-2003, 11:31 AM
Rocky could stand to lose weight but Taz needs to gain. However, they refuse to eat if fed in separate rooms, and they insist on sharing if fed in different bowls. I don't know how to feed then dif. foods if they won't cooperate.
So, I have one fat cat and one skinny one. :rolleyes:

03-03-2003, 03:26 PM
Sorry I don't have a laundry story, since I live alone. I'd like to get the dogs to try their paws at it though. They sure can create enough of it!

I have 5 cats in the cat room right now. My only male, Ghost, weighs in at 16 pounds. The vet said he's got to lose a few pounds. So every morning and every night I feed him 1/2 cup of diet Nutro. And all of the other cats get their own dish of 1/2 cup of regular food. Of course, they ALL get some wet food mixed in. But Ghost gets mostly juice. I watch while they eat.

Maybe that's why he hasn't lost an ounce in 6 months.


Edwina's Secretary
03-03-2003, 03:39 PM
It was a dark and dreary winter day yesterday. I decided to make soup. I opened the can of chicken stock. I then sliced open the middle finger on my right hand on the edge of the can top. That was not in the recipe.

It is a rather nasty cut. I probably should have gone to the doctor and had stitches but then dinner would have been so late -- Sunday night and all.

It hurts and it is VERY hard to type with any sort of accuracy. I do however enjoy showing people which finger I cut. ;) :D

03-04-2003, 04:34 AM
I don't give Juni anymore dry food. Too long to explain. We also had a scary experience with some wet food, so, although it's more trouble, I give her daily a boiled chicken carcase (small, with only the neck and the back) - purchased from the best supermarket in Moldova. From time to time she gets some fish and some boiled vegetables - she likes carrot. She also loves eggs - but she gets them only once in a while and very well boiled. She's very happy and she gained some weight. Who knows Juni, knows that she needed a little more weight. And she doesn't beg as before (only rarely). I stopped eating products containing preservatives and E series additives, and I thought, it might be good for her to get natural food also. You may not agree with me, but it's my choice and she really looks to me healthier. Also, she's not been in heat from the moment I give her natural food (I tend to think, the dry food and the preservatives in the wet food increase hormone level). My vet agrees with my choice.
My laundry - what's laundry? I have someone to take care of the housework. I really have no time to do it myself.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-04-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
My laundry - what's laundry? I have someone to take care of the housework. I really have no time to do it myself.

Ah yes...someday...someday....in my dream world I think. ;) :) I think I'm lucky I have a lady to clean the house, but one to do my laundry too, now that would be heaven. :)

Sara, I hope your finger doesn't get infected or anything. Even little paper cuts are no fun but big nasty cuts are really nothing to mess with, especially when they're on your main typing hand. :( Sounds like you best leave the cooking to Don from now on too. ;) :D Now that would be pure heaven - no cleaning, no laundry and no cooking. :) :D