View Full Version : is it just me....[FB rant]

11-17-2011, 12:45 PM
or is everyone else annoyed by all of the "secret" Facebook campaigns where people claim to be raising awareness of something but don't post what it is? The latest is the "heart" thing for breast cancer awareness. Seriously? If you want to make someone aware of something, wouldn't you reach more people by just coming out and saying it, instead of making them wait for a private message? The latest message says not to let any men in on the secret meaning of the hearts you post, so half of the people who read your wall will never know why you're posting heart symbols unless they ask... and I dare say most folks won't ask.

An older one that went around awhile back was for people to post on their wall, where they kept their wallet/purse. So, all you saw on someone's wall was "I like it in the front seat" or "I like it on the toolbench"

annoying, pointless, and stupid!

and, oh yeah....:love:

11-17-2011, 01:33 PM
Yup - that's what I love about FB - and why I stay away. :p

11-17-2011, 02:18 PM
and, oh yeah....:love:

Ahahaha! Totally agree!


11-17-2011, 02:54 PM
I get those type of things from just one of my friends on FB. I usually just ignore them. They are silly nonsense.

I do like FB to keep up with family members, see pics of family that are out of town, etc.

I have two nieces that live out of my area. Both of them have small children and they post the cutest pics. And then of course there is our PT group there that I enjoy.

Also, there is a Tuxedo Cat fan group on FB that is clever.

It's not all bad. :D

smokey the elder
11-17-2011, 02:59 PM
I just blow those off, along with all the other "post this on your status" stuff. I have lots of cat-related threads going (shocking!:eek:) but tons of well-thought-out, polite political debates too, along with the usual grandniece, etc. piccies.

11-17-2011, 02:59 PM
Is that why I got a text from my mom yesterday asking how to make a heart on facebook? Oh my gosh, that's hysterical :D I was doin' a 1 mile sprint at the gym when I got that text and I was laughing like a fool to myself on the treadmill!

11-17-2011, 03:16 PM
Thankfully I have not gotten any of those. I'm not on FB other than to check in on people and things, and don't play any of the "games" so maybe folks just know better than to send me those?

11-17-2011, 03:53 PM
No games for me, or those silly 'secrets'. I delete all game requests and ignore all of those 'secrets'.;)
I'm there to keep in touch with people.:)

Pinot's Mom
11-17-2011, 04:33 PM
Is that why I got a text from my mom yesterday asking how to make a heart on facebook? Oh my gosh, that's hysterical :D I was doin' a 1 mile sprint at the gym when I got that text and I was laughing like a fool to myself on the treadmill!

Wait - not for the silly thing under discussion, but how DO you make a heart on FB? I never knew how!

Regardless, I like FB and I confess, I do play one game. I do ignore a lot of stuff that comes through, though. I find it really useful for invitations, too! No more mailing!

11-17-2011, 04:54 PM
Yeah, I've played along with a few of these. However, I've not received the heart one. NO, that's ok....I don't need it. :)
I hardly stay on FB long these days. I just go on check updates and then I'm off. I use to play some games and such, but I've become bored with them. One of these days I'll probably quit facebook just like I did myspace. But I really like being able to keep in touch with so many people all in one place. :)

Oh, and I don't know how to make a heart on there either. :o

11-17-2011, 05:42 PM
it just makes no sense to raise awareness of something by not talking about it. They rationalize it by saying "it's just a simple heart and takes only a second to show your support". I'm like everybody is posting their comments left and right, typing like over-caffeinated spider monkeys, and now that they've actually got something to say that might be important they're too lazy to type it all out? LOL

11-17-2011, 05:50 PM
I can't stand how FB keeps changing how their site functions.

11-17-2011, 06:09 PM
Here's how you make a heart on FB. <3

11-17-2011, 06:55 PM
I hate the random nonsense on Facebook, I mean seeing the cancer-awareness stuff and everything is good, but when it keeps popping up and clogging my newsfeed, it's kind of annoying.

And I don't know how people with a ton of friends (like 1000 who they don't know half of I'm sure) manage their newsfeed, especially with stupid stuff like games requests and all of that going on.

11-20-2011, 01:24 PM
I got one last week for cancer awareness.... thought I would try to see reactions. Asked to pick your birth month which suggested a place to travel to. The DOB suggested how many days you would be gone. Mine came out to "I'm going to Austria for 23 days (then add smiley face). One person said "have a great time"! The other asked when are you leaving...and promptly appeared with a response on chat. I told her what it was about & "she replied "oh.. now I feel like a nerd and I am deleting my post". I said "I'm deleting the entire thing!" :)

11-20-2011, 07:32 PM
there was one a couple months back where a friend posted "I'm at 13 weeks and craving Skittles" which prompted everyone to assume she was pregnant. We called her fiance (my neighbor) and he immediately hung up with us and called her to get to the bottom of it, LOL.

finn's mom
11-21-2011, 02:55 PM
I just hide the people who lean more towards those kinds of posts. Very little about facebook annoys me because I just either delete or hide. ;)

11-21-2011, 06:31 PM
When I first signed up for FB, I enjoyed reading all the status updates from friends from my past. Now I have 9/10th of them on hide. There were a few that posted every few minutes. Nonsense. I now only see relatives and end up hiding some of their posts too!

I do post to FB, but seldom. I often "like" a post or two, but I just don't have that exciting of a life. Not many people do.

I think FB will fade into the sunset eventually, or morf into something a bit more efficient.

Hide is good. I have yet to unfriend anyone. Well, maybe one or two. ;)

Pinot's Mom
11-22-2011, 12:01 PM
I have unfriended two people; one is my ex-boss, who is a sneaky, deviant little person and I just wanted her as far away as possible (even though her office is just down the hall), and one was a friend's son who had some drug and law issues I didn't want in my life.

Thanks for the <3 info!! :)

Laura's Babies
11-24-2011, 10:33 AM
♥ to make this kind of heart you press alt and the #3 key on the number pad at the same time..

Here you can enlarge it ♥, color it and make it "your own"...

(It has to be the number pad on the side of your keyboard, not the onces across the top of your keyboard...)