View Full Version : Growing out short hair

11-08-2002, 09:09 AM
just thought I'd share that :):mad:

11-08-2002, 10:32 AM
especially bangs.

11-08-2002, 10:34 AM
I second that one! I have been trying to grow back my hair for about 2 years, but ya know that length were ya just can't deel w/ it? Well I have made it that far many times & I'm back at that stage. I am trying my best not to cut it back off.

Lesson learned: never cut off your hair! lol

11-08-2002, 11:41 AM
Oh boy, do I ever agree. I get this bug about cutting my hair short every three years, it seems, and I regret it every time. I just don't look good with short hair! Hang on to the bad hair days...they will pass...

Aspen and Misty
11-08-2002, 11:41 AM
That is why I never cut my hair. It is down almost to my butt :D . Just a quick trim now and then and we are good. The only thing I rembered that I hated is when I had to grow out my bangs. LOL. I hated that.

Former User
11-08-2002, 12:13 PM
I can so relate. I cut my hair in March this year, there went about 20cm's. At first I was happy but for the past few months, I have been so unhappy with short hair, it's just not me, and I do not know what made me to have my hair cut. When I finally get my long hair back, I ain't cutting it anymore!

All Creatures Great And Small
11-08-2002, 12:43 PM
Back in the 80's I had the "big hair" perm and color thing going on, and was that ever a pain to grow that out - I had straight light brown hair coming out for the first 6 inches and then this blonde frizzed MASS dangling below it:mad: . I tried to use some "defrizzing" stuff but that didn't work either, especially when the weather (or I) got humid. I had a co-worker that told me "I can always tell when you're getting overworked, because your hair starts to puff out!":p Now I just have medium-length, straight, very low-maintenance hair. It seems like nowadays they have so many cute hair accessories to keep the bangs out of your eyes and cover up the fact that you're growing your hair out, like the headbands made out of fake hair and stuff.

11-08-2002, 02:32 PM
Been there done that, time & time again (and I'm doing it again right now:rolleyes:). Will we ever learn to just leave it alone? I doubt it!
I don't look good with short hair either, but with my job I always have to put it up, and I just get tired of having it like that every day. But I'm really trying this time to leave it alone. Good luck to all of you trying to do the same thing!

11-08-2002, 03:14 PM
I got at least half of my hair cut off last year because I wanted it to be short (not boy short, but short like a little bit away from the shoulders). Now that it has grown it is the perfect length. Now my problem is my bangs. I am trying to grow them out because I found out I was the only person in the school with bangs:rolleyes:. But they are sort of long so it probably will not be much longer. I'm boring you aren't I? :p

11-08-2002, 03:52 PM
yeah it really does bite!!

11-08-2002, 04:21 PM
I am so glad everyone had this discussion because I have been thinking of cutting my hair again. I grow it out long and then I just have to cut it. Then I regret it, and grow it back and then cut it again, lol.

I wish I could have my hair long but my hair is so thin and I barely have any of it, it always just flys away and gets in my face. I always make sure that if I cut it it is long enough for me to pull it back.

11-08-2002, 09:40 PM
yeah definitely make sure it is long enough to pull back
I hate my hair...it's sooooooo wild it's annoying
here is a study of my hair styles over the past few years
exhibit A -- a few years back


when steve and i first started dating

last January

this past summer


11-08-2002, 09:51 PM
I will be so glad when I can retire and let it grow out back down around my butt!!! And I won't care how much gray it has, either!! I'm starting to let it grow now, but then I have to pull it up and I look like a school marm - no offense to teachers but I'm over 50 so you guys know what I mean! It's in kind of layers, about to my mid shoulders now - and it's awfully thick and frizzes instead of curling and I know I should cut it - but!!! And I hate having the front cut short - I feel like a poodle. Sigh, what to do?

Let it grow, of course!!!

Thanks, all! I feel much better now!!!!!!:D

11-08-2002, 10:42 PM
here is a pic from tonight...my hair sucks!! hehe

11-08-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
here is a pic from tonight...my hair sucks!! hehe
Actually, Lalania, your hair looks really good! The curl around your face is very flattering!! That's why I keep cutting mine - it looks soooooooo much better than pulled back. I really like it on you. If you want it longer, just have it layered, and let it grow in the back and sides. That's what I've been doing. (But long-ish, not like a poodle!!;) ) I like the way it looks, you have a pretty color, too.

11-08-2002, 11:38 PM
well thanks :) all that 'curl' is totally natural
argh! :D

11-08-2002, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
well thanks :) all that 'curl' is totally natural
argh! :D

Yeah, I thought so - you ever notice how it gets straighter as it gets longer? That's why layers are so cool - they let you have longer hair and still have the curl. As someone once told me when I first got mine layered and was complaining about the curl: "You know what people have to PAY to have hair like that?!"

I was one of those people who tried to iron her hair to no avail when I was younger and had hair down my back!!

11-08-2002, 11:51 PM
I'm at the point now, where I can't "do" anything with my hair. It's been12 weeks since I got it cut, and I can't get it cut until next Saturday. It is so true that those who have curls want it straight, and those who have straight want it curls. But with mine, it's just kind of in the middle. If I curl it, it goes DOINK into springy bobbers, and if I straighten it, it frizzes around the edges. And if I leave it, it's kind of half curly and looks dumb. So there's no way to win, other than get it cut every 2-3 months.

11-08-2002, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I'm at the point now, where I can't "do" anything with my hair. It's been12 weeks since I got it cut, and I can't get it cut until next Saturday. It is so true that those who have curls want it straight, and those who have straight want it curls. But with mine, it's just kind of in the middle. If I curl it, it goes DOINK into springy bobbers, and if I straighten it, it frizzes around the edges. And if I leave it, it's kind of half curly and looks dumb. So there's no way to win, other than get it cut every 2-3 months.

I also do the layered thing I mentioned because I can put it up in a "ponytail" and the curls kind of cascade. I am at that "hot flash" point in my life where I can't stand hair on my neck - sigh.

11-08-2002, 11:54 PM
yup you are cursed with wavy hair!!! just like me
don't it suck? :)

11-08-2002, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
yup you are cursed with wavy hair!!! just like me
don't it suck? :)

Not as much as the Hot Flashes!! LOL!!!!!!!

11-09-2002, 12:00 AM
LoL my mom was going thru that

11-09-2002, 12:35 AM
The last time I had bangs was probably 5th grade. I'm not a "hair person." I hate doing my hair. My hair is washed, brushed, and parted in the middle...its long. Hippie hair I suppose. My mom hates it, lol..

11-09-2002, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird

I got my hair cut in layers last year and I have never regrettes a haircut as I did that one. The reason..............well it WAS still long, but It looked thick from the top and soooooooo thin from the bottom. I hated that. I want my hair to be thick top to bottom. My mom had to cut 8 inches when she cut my hair two days ago because I wanted it straight from the bottom, and she had to cut that much to get rid of the layers and make it straight. Its so much better without the layers. I think layered hair looks better on people with wavy hair. Mine is straight so mine is better cut straight from the bottom.

Yeah, I know what you mean!! My hair is curly, and goes to wavy when it gets long, which is why layers work for me now. That and it looks good up (hot flashes, remember er:D ) I would love to have long, straight hair!! Both my stepdaughters have hair down past their waist, really thick hair, too!

11-09-2002, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
The last time I had bangs was probably 5th grade. I'm not a "hair person." I hate doing my hair. My hair is washed, brushed, and parted in the middle...its long. Hippie hair I suppose. My mom hates it, lol..

Hey, what's wrong with that?!?! LOL!!!! I kept mine long, and I still don't have time for "doing" my hair - Just an old hippie, I guess. But, hey, a hippie with a career, so therefore the layers - HA!! LOL

11-09-2002, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by kohala

Hey, what's wrong with that?!?! LOL!!!! I kept mine long, and I still don't have time for "doing" my hair - Just an old hippie, I guess. But, hey, a hippie with a career, so therefore the layers - HA!! LOL

LOL, hey *I* never said there was anything wrong with it...I like my hair the way it is....it's everyone else that has a problem with my hair, not me lol.

11-09-2002, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird

Not a "hair person?" I thought all girls are! LOL! If I kept my hair open like that, just brushed, I would go crazy! It would keep coming in my face and in the water when I'm using the sink and everywhere in FRONT of me! LOL! I need to keep my hair in a pony, or braid, or at least wear a headband to keep my hair from coming in my face!

Errr...well....not a "girlie" person either...when I was a kid my mom said I'd rip bows out of my hair before she could get them in, lol. I don't think you would *ever* see me wearing pink in any form.

Well, my hair is long and yet somehow I manage to bath dogs every day, heh. You get used to it. It's very annoying when the wind is blowing though.

11-09-2002, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird

Well, I don't wear pink either

I didn't use to mind wearing pink...but then I married a "redhead." So I officially gave up that color because I didn't want to clash. :o :rolleyes:

11-09-2002, 07:22 AM
I cannot stand having my hair in my face ; makes me so nervous . I want my hair long enough , so I can put it in a "tail" ...!
Everybody who has ever seen me with shorter hair , says that shorter hair suits me much better , but as I said , I hate the feeling ...

ps. maybe this is my mom's fault that I want long hair now ... . As a child , she ALWAYS had my hair cut like a boy ... . So the first thing I did as soon as I got maried , is letting my hair grow :rolleyes: ;)

11-09-2002, 11:25 AM
About three years ago I realized I was tired of trying to deal with my hair, so I just shaved it all off. I haven't regreted it since. However my friends are trying to convince me to grow out my hair, it's about 2 1/2 inches now and it's way too long for me. So I don't think I'll be growing my hair anytime soon. I like it short.

11-09-2002, 01:14 PM
i had really wild hair as a kid, and it was always a battle for my mom to brush it. She decided to get my hair cut off!!! I had really long light blonde curly hair! I did not want it cut off but of course, I had no say in the matter :(. for years after that I wouldn't let anyone near my hair with a pair of scissors!!

11-09-2002, 01:16 PM
I like hot pink :D i have hot pink nailpolish wooo hooo
I despised dresses and things like that when I was a kid, but not anymore!! I love girlie stuff!! like this

11-09-2002, 02:25 PM
I like that dress! Good pic!

Miss Meow
11-09-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by kohala

... As someone once told me when I first got mine layered and was complaining about the curl: "You know what people have to PAY to have hair like that?!"

I know how that feels! I've got fine, short, blonde curly hair, and my hairdresser has long, thick, black hair that's just beautiful. She raves that she'd love curly hair, and I rave that I'd love her hair. We're never happy with what we have!

11-09-2002, 08:59 PM
hehe thanks! I'm in a medieval society and that dress cost me a fortune!

11-10-2002, 12:13 AM
I have short hair. I have had both and when I went short this last time, I don't think I will ever go back to long hair.
It takes me so much less time to do it when its short.

11-10-2002, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I have short hair. I have had both and when I went short this last time, I don't think I will ever go back to long hair.
It takes me so much less time to do it when its short.

I know what you mean!! As I work in a somewhat professional environment, I really should cut mine, 'cause it actually looks better! But, oh those '60s - can't get past missing my butt length tresses!! Like I said, when I retire, I'll be in braids down to my butt - a real eccentric old lady!! YAY!!!!!!!