View Full Version : I trapped a Blind Cat (Pictures May Be Disturbing) Back from Vet Appt.

05-14-2010, 09:38 AM
Some of you know about my dear Sophia who has asthma. I'm not sure if I ever told you guys that she was caught on a farm and at the time she had 2 eyes but one was really infected so the one was removed and now she's our sweet 1 eye kitty.

Well Shirley called me (she's the lady who I volunteer with from time to time) and she told me that the lady who feeds the cats at the barn saw a cat with no eyes.

Shirley said she isn't sure where she saw it but she hasn't seen it for a few days and when I heard of this cat I've been worried for a couple days about it and with the wildlife around you never know how quickly one will get killed or something like that.

Anyway, I kept a hold of Shirley and checked in to see if this cat was seen at all and last night I went out to the farm to set up some traps to see if I'd get anything.

I looked around the one barn for the blind kitty and I couldn't see it. So I left and told the lady where the traps were and before 9 p.m. to close them. I got a call from Shirley last night wanting to know how it went and she got another call at the same time while we were on the phone and she didn't know if it was the lady from the barn or not but she better hang up.

Within a few minutes Shirley called me right back and said that we caught the blind cat!

I was super excited and Shirley said she didn't know when she was going to get a chance to get out there since she has to still feed her cats so I offered to drive out to the farm to pick her up.

Shirley accepted and I was on my way to get this cat at 9:15 p.m. last night. I arrived at the farm around 9:40 p.m. and met the lady and she showed me the kitties in trap. OMG I fell in love so quickly. She's so skinny and small, yet seems semi-adult like.

She has no eyes; she has the sockets and can blink but no eyes.

Shirley is going to get her into the vets today and if she can't I told her I would take her to mine. I don't know if she is going to require surgery for her eyes or not but we'll see. This sweet girl also has a bump on her back and we are not sure if it's an abscess or not.

If anyone would like to make donations for this sweet girl, it would be tax deductable since it's for a registered non-profit organization. Please contact me for details. I could give the vets number as well and a donation could be made directly for this girl kitty.

I will post pictures as soon as I can of her. She was very calm last night and mellow and when I talked with Shirley this morning she ate some food and she used the litter box. We may try to foster her if we can find a home for Ziggy.


05-14-2010, 09:45 AM
OMG...We are so lucky to have you here in PA Melissa. The work you do with kitties is great!!!!! I would be happy to make a donation for her care. Pmail me the details.

05-14-2010, 09:45 AM
Oh My God that poor Cat.
I had a Cat many years ago Felix :love:for a few months , who was rescued from a lab, where mean things were done to him and he was blinded.:mad:
Sdaly he was so scared tht he hid in some litter box tops in the bathtub and was afraid of everything and wouldnt come out until the door was shut.
He only liked his Animal Squad rescuer.:love:
He was only here a few months, and then he had to be PTS as the chemicals they used caught up with Felix and he couldnt breath.:(
This must have been 1994 just before Joseph and Bo Bo arrived.:love:
We are praying that you have some good fortune with that Little Blind Cat and I know that Felix is there all healed and sighted to lend a paw:love:
I wish I could have petted him or got a photo:(
Felix didnt deserve what happened to him:(:(

05-14-2010, 10:24 AM
You're a hero! I'm so glad you managed to trap that blind cat and will get her some vet attention. :) Hopefully she is not in a too bad state.

Please keep us updated.

Sending lots of positive thoughts.

05-14-2010, 10:37 AM
:love: Awee my Heart goes out to this baby for sure.. She/he sounds like my Bogart.. He has no eyeballs.. Oh please when you can post pics.. Gosh I wish I was so much closer & I would poof her/him up in a heart beat.. Keep us posted ok..

05-14-2010, 12:00 PM
Hi All-

I called Shirley to see if she got an appt. with the vets and she said she is going to wait till next week to take it in and let it rest for this weekend.

She said it is eating and drinking just fine. I'm semi-ticked off right now that she isn't taking it to the vets but I called my vets and they won't see her today unless I can pay for it today. (I owe my vet some money right now).

Anyway, I asked Shirley does she think that's safe with her lump on the back and Shirley said yes it should be fine.

The girl cat did blink her eye lid even though she has no eyes and Shirley doesn't think the vet will do much with them anyway. I just can't afford to take her to the vets unless I'd get enough donations back then I could but otherwise I guess I'll have to wait and let Shirley think she knows best in the case but I'm just not so sure at this one because of how skinny she looked. Plus I found a dead cat on the property that died from something. Well that's all for now.


05-14-2010, 12:13 PM
:) Melissa it will all work out.. Shirley sounds if she knows what to do.. Yes this being Friday is prob a good idea to let the kitty settle & rest before going to the Vets.. Alot of the times the weekends give you time to watch the actions & ect of the baby to do a evaluation to just see what the babies needs will be.. Many thanks for your such Hard Work you have done for all of the babies.. I know your so devoted to them & your kindness & work is so Greatly Appreciated Melissa..

05-14-2010, 12:34 PM
:) Melissa it will all work out.. Shirley sounds if she knows what to do.. Yes this being Friday is prob a good idea to let the kitty settle & rest before going to the Vets.. Alot of the times the weekends give you time to watch the actions & ect of the baby to do a evaluation to just see what the babies needs will be.. Many thanks for your such Hard Work you have done for all of the babies.. I know your so devoted to them & your kindness & work is so Greatly Appreciated Melissa..

Thank you, I hope it will. Shirley has done rescuing a lot longer than me and I guess I just panic a bit sometimes.

Thank you,

05-14-2010, 02:32 PM
Oh that poor baby! Why would someone have that surgery done on a cat and then let it outdoors? Am I missing something here? Thank God you were there, Melissa. My heart breaks for that little one. I'm so grateful to you for taking good care of her. :love:

05-14-2010, 02:45 PM
Oh that poor baby! Why would someone have that surgery done on a cat and then let it outdoors? Am I missing something here? Thank God you were there, Melissa. My heart breaks for that little one. I'm so grateful to you for taking good care of her. :love:

I get the feeling that maybe she was born feral and without eyes...?

05-14-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh that poor baby! Why would someone have that surgery done on a cat and then let it outdoors? Am I missing something here? Thank God you were there, Melissa. My heart breaks for that little one. I'm so grateful to you for taking good care of her. :love:

Maybe I wasn't clear, she didn't have surgery. She just has no eyes. We don't know what happened but as Moon&Bean said she was probably born without eyes.

My Sophia had surgery on her one eye and now she lives with us. She is from this farm as well. This little girl will be taken to the vets next week. I will find out the date that Shirley has the appt. I'm sure it will be Monday hopefully.


05-14-2010, 03:48 PM
Thank you Melissa for all your hard work. As you know I have a blind baby, well all most blind. One eye is completly clouded over and the left is semi clouded. Dobe is the sweetest thing in the house. So I will do what I can to help.

05-14-2010, 04:53 PM
Oh my what a story!

I doubt that kitty was born wild. For one thing, she is content with humans, and using a litter box, eating and so forth. And you say she seems semi-adult, but hard to tell as she is so thin. Sounds more like someone dumped her off at the farm. Lucky her to get caught in your trap before something caught her!

Laura's Babies
05-14-2010, 06:58 PM
What a heart wrenching story. Thank God you and your friend are there to help this poor baby. She definantely needs to be inside where she will be safe!

05-14-2010, 07:55 PM
All I can say is bless you Melissa for all you do and bless this precious kitty.:love:

05-14-2010, 10:49 PM
All I can say is bless you Melissa for all you do and bless this precious kitty.:love:

Agree, agree, agree!

05-14-2010, 11:36 PM
There are angels that walk among us, aren't there?

05-15-2010, 05:58 AM
Katladyd you said it oh so well, sweet Melissa with all that has been going on in your life, you still have the time to spare to help these precious furbabies, poor little girl, she has survived so far, and now hopefully her life will no longer be so scarey and she will be loved and cherished in a new home, thanks to you, i can only repeat what others have said and bless you a thousand times. Take care honey and fingers and all paws crossed this little girl will be ok, and adopted soon.:love::love:

05-15-2010, 06:55 AM
Maybe I wasn't clear, she didn't have surgery. She just has no eyes. We don't know what happened but as Moon&Bean said she was probably born without eyes.

My Sophia had surgery on her one eye and now she lives with us. She is from this farm as well. This little girl will be taken to the vets next week. I will find out the date that Shirley has the appt. I'm sure it will be Monday hopefully.


Thanx for clearing that up, Melissa, the poor, sweet girl. :(

05-15-2010, 07:37 AM
Katladyd you said it oh so well, sweet Melissa with all that has been going on in your life, you still have the time to spare to help these precious furbabies, poor little girl, she has survived so far, and now hopefully her life will no longer be so scarey and she will be loved and cherished in a new home, thanks to you, i can only repeat what others have said and bless you a thousand times. Take care honey and fingers and all paws crossed this little girl will be ok, and adopted soon.:love::love:

You really are a special person!!

05-15-2010, 06:03 PM
Hi Melissa, I have been looking for a kitty who was blind for some time now. Are you keeping her? I would love to see pics. Maybe I could adopt her

Some of you know about my dear Sophia who has asthma. I'm not sure if I ever told you guys that she was caught on a farm and at the time she had 2 eyes but one was really infected so the one was removed and now she's our sweet 1 eye kitty.

Well Shirley called me (she's the lady who I volunteer with from time to time) and she told me that the lady who feeds the cats at the barn saw a cat with no eyes.

Shirley said she isn't sure where she saw it but she hasn't seen it for a few days and when I heard of this cat I've been worried for a couple days about it and with the wildlife around you never know how quickly one will get killed or something like that.

Anyway, I kept a hold of Shirley and checked in to see if this cat was seen at all and last night I went out to the farm to set up some traps to see if I'd get anything.

I looked around the one barn for the blind kitty and I couldn't see it. So I left and told the lady where the traps were and before 9 p.m. to close them. I got a call from Shirley last night wanting to know how it went and she got another call at the same time while we were on the phone and she didn't know if it was the lady from the barn or not but she better hang up.

Within a few minutes Shirley called me right back and said that we caught the blind cat!

I was super excited and Shirley said she didn't know when she was going to get a chance to get out there since she has to still feed her cats so I offered to drive out to the farm to pick her up.

Shirley accepted and I was on my way to get this cat at 9:15 p.m. last night. I arrived at the farm around 9:40 p.m. and met the lady and she showed me the kitties in trap. OMG I fell in love so quickly. She's so skinny and small, yet seems semi-adult like.

She has no eyes; she has the sockets and can blink but no eyes.

Shirley is going to get her into the vets today and if she can't I told her I would take her to mine. I don't know if she is going to require surgery for her eyes or not but we'll see. This sweet girl also has a bump on her back and we are not sure if it's an abscess or not.

If anyone would like to make donations for this sweet girl, it would be tax deductable since it's for a registered non-profit organization. Please contact me for details. I could give the vets number as well and a donation could be made directly for this girl kitty.

I will post pictures as soon as I can of her. She was very calm last night and mellow and when I talked with Shirley this morning she ate some food and she used the litter box. We may try to foster her if we can find a home for Ziggy.


05-15-2010, 06:50 PM
I just got these photos tonight. I kinda wish I would have taken the pictures of Friday night when I got her because she had them open then but now they are semi-crusted over so I'm not sure what's going on there. Shirley wasn't home for me to ask her since she's at petco trying to adopt out some kitties.

Thank you,

Laura's Babies
05-16-2010, 07:33 AM
She is so lovely and looks so alert! If only they could tell us their story...

05-16-2010, 07:43 AM
Oh the sweet girl! I could just hug her! :love:

05-16-2010, 07:56 AM
What a Dear Little Cat!!
We are praying that she will find her Furrever Home and Her Place in the Sun.:love::love::love:
Our Awesome Angels are with hher , letting Her know the worst s over and that She will be all right now.:love::love::love:

05-16-2010, 09:44 AM
Hey she looks a LOT like my Sparkle!

I think the vet will sew the sockets closed to prevent infection, but what do I know?

At least now she is safe and has a good chance at a nice life.

05-16-2010, 09:50 AM
OMG... what a little sweetheart! Prayers are being prayed for this kitty to recover and find her purrfect furever home where she'll be loved and cared for.

You have done so much to help so many kitties in need! There's no question that each one holds you in a very special place in their hearts. Your dedication is an inspiration to all of us.

Could I ask you to give this sweetie lots of lovies from me?

05-16-2010, 07:59 PM
Thank you all for your kind words.

I'm waiting to hear back from Shirley as too when we should make the vet appt. If she doesn't plan on taking the cat in on Monday I will take her in to a vets where I can make payments hopefully because my vet won't let me be seen without paying up front for the services.

I did get a nice donation so thank you and I won't say who or how much because I don't think that person would want me to but a HUGE THANK YOU to them and you know who you are.

Thank you all for your prays.

05-17-2010, 07:24 AM
Hi All-

I made a vet appt. for today at 12 noon. I talked with Shirley last night and I told her about seeing her eyes having some black stuff across her eyes and her eyes being shut and Shirley's response is "oh really" and I'm just like are you kidding me that you haven't really looked at her. I was semi-ticked and I also realize that she is super busy and just doesn't have the time but really you can't see that.

Anyway, so I asked her if she wanted me to make a vet appt. or not and she said that was fine so I did. I'm hoping to take her to the vet appt. and then take her home with me and not back to Shirleys.

I hope you all don't think that's mean but this girl requires care and I just don't feel she's getting it.



05-17-2010, 08:58 AM
:love: Awee she is Adorable.. Yes she has tear ducks.. My Bogart has tear ducks even thou he has no eyeballs.. All you have to do is get a wash cloth with some warm water & gently wash around her eye area.. It will wash off.. My Bogart when he is stressed his tear ducks will wet quite abit.. Hope all comes out ok at the Vets.. Good Luck & thank you for such hard work that you have done..
I just got these photos tonight. I kinda wish I would have taken the pictures of Friday night when I got her because she had them open then but now they are semi-crusted over so I'm not sure what's going on there. Shirley wasn't home for me to ask her since she's at petco trying to adopt out some kitties.

If anyone would like to donate to help out with her vet bill it would be appreciated.

My paypal account is [email protected]

Thank you,

05-17-2010, 10:15 AM
I love her color, she seems to be almost the same as Precious. I call it golden. If she needs a home you know my number.

05-17-2010, 10:23 AM
:love: Oh John that would be so Great if you could take her into your Loving Home.. I just know she will settle & be Loved so much.. Let us know when your to go get her.. :D
I love her color, she seems to be almost the same as Precious. I call it golden. If she needs a home you know my number.

05-17-2010, 12:46 PM
Hi All-

Well she is at our place right now. Shirley is taking care of the vet bill for now so that's good. The vet believes her eyes rupertured. They are inflammed right now but otherwise the vet thinks they will go down. They did give her a 10 day antibotic shot to help with her eyes and the abcess that bursted as well. Poor thing. Don't worry I will be giving her lots of loving and hopefully she will turn around in no time :) Also, she tested negative for FIV/FELV :)!!!


05-17-2010, 12:50 PM
:love: Woo Hoo that is all great news.. John said posted to call him & of the thinking he would be willing to take her.. Poor baby sure hope she gets better real soon.. Bigg Whisker Kissess & Huggss.. Thank you Melissa for helping this baby..
Hi All-

Well she is at our place right now. Shirley is taking care of the vet bill for now so that's good. The vet believes her eyes rupertured. They are inflammed right now but otherwise the vet thinks they will go down. They did give her a 10 day antibotic shot to help with her eyes and the abcess that bursted as well. Poor thing. Don't worry I will be giving her lots of loving and hopefully she will turn around in no time :) Also, she tested negative for FIV/FELV :)!!!


05-17-2010, 01:55 PM
:love: Woo Hoo that is all great news.. John said posted to call him & of the thinking he would be willing to take her.. Poor baby sure hope she gets better real soon.. Bigg Whisker Kissess & Huggss.. Thank you Melissa for helping this baby..

I did see that right now she is very scared and since she has her open wound on her side I think it's best to let that heal, plus since Shirley paid it's her cat not mine to say who it goes to.

I know John would give her a loving home. Right now I think till we know if she may end up having eye surgery or something it might best just to let her warm up a little bit.



05-17-2010, 03:43 PM
oh poor wee girl, thank goodness you got her in time,life must have been so rough for her, maybe she would be best as an only cat considering her problems, but i sure hope she heals well soon, and goes to a wonderful home,again bless you Melissa for all you do,and take care.

05-18-2010, 12:31 PM

Thank you SO MUCH for helping this kitty. I know she's been through a lot but HOW LUCKY she got to have been found and rescued by you. :love:

05-19-2010, 07:47 AM
I know I still owe pictures of her at my place. She is doing very well so far. Her abscess if healing up just fine and last night I took her temperature, (her temp at the vet was 103.4) and it was 101.4 :)

I was so happy that the antibiotic is working. I cleaned out her ears last night and I cleaned her abscess and her eyes yesterday afternoon and this morning they are looking good.

She has found her way to the litter box and is using it faithfully and she knows where her food is and she loves can food. Last night I spoiled her a bit by giving her a spoon with can food on it so she could lick it off :)

When I'm holding her she just rubs her face against my chin and it's so precious.

She has not wanted to come out of her cat carrier much but I guess that's her security net right now.

I will take some pictures of her soon.


05-19-2010, 10:27 AM
What I have found is that these babies are not handicaped, they are just more loving.
1. Precious (deaf) has to sit on my chest every night, 1 hour min. and I will get growled at if I move her.
2. Demetri (3 legs)the same thing,but he will stay for an hour then be off only to come back. Night before last he must have been sleeping and missed my TV time. Next thing I know there's a scratching on my side of the bed. He had to come and say good night. I picked him up put him on my chest, a few pets and a long good night, he was happy and left to go to sleep.
3. Dobe (blind) has got to snuggle every chance she gets. She likes to curl up in my arm pit in bed, much to Mits disapointment (his spot). She will head bump and purr you to death. If I'm not in bed she will go to my wife, just has to snuggle.

05-19-2010, 04:02 PM
I did see that right now she is very scared and since she has her open wound on her side I think it's best to let that heal, plus since Shirley paid it's her cat not mine to say who it goes to.

I know John would give her a loving home. Right now I think till we know if she may end up having eye surgery or something it might best just to let her warm up a little bit.



This makes perfect sense. But can't you just let Shirley know you have a possible home for her? Someone who has experience with blind kitties?? I'm sure Shirley would trust your judgement. And I agree to let her get all her medical work done first, of course.
Melissa, thank you for helping this adorable little girl. :D