View Full Version : cat-proof your house?

10-15-2002, 08:43 PM
I have to keep this house cat-safe, or cat -proof it everyday... no string left out overnite, no plastic wrappers, chicken bones thrown out right away, no razors left in the tub, etc.

do you have to do stuff like that alot? it's like having children around:)

10-16-2002, 12:22 AM
Our house is cat-proofed, and puppy-proofed. We have 5 cats, 4 dogs (2 are puppies).

We have to be careful on what we buy, and where it goes.

"what we buy" has several parts of
[list=1] how expensive
how attached we are to it
how hard to replace

and "where it goes" has parts of
[list=1] where will it be used most/least
can it cause damage to other things

As a result, there are few things in our house that would cause serious stress if lost.

Cat, dog, or child proofing a house takes a commitment.

10-16-2002, 12:41 AM
No poisonous plants, I pick up or vacuum anything a cat could eat (but shouldn't ), I am like a hawk watching the doors to make sure they are shut so the cats can't get out, make sure the screens are good and secure on the windows, make sure the cords for the blinds are up out of cat reach, the list goes on...

Miss Meow
10-16-2002, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by boscibo
No poisonous plants,

Good point. I was given some flowers yesterday with day lillies, but had to get rid of them as they are poisonous to cats.

We hide all string, rubber bands, knives, the phone cord for the internet (I don't know why that tastes better than other cables) etc.

And try to hide lizards. Mini just brought one up, but it's alive so I'll just go the pop him outside again ...

10-16-2002, 03:23 AM
and then there is making sure any food is covered that is left out on the counter during dinner, and any knives are not on the counter where they can knock them to the floor and get hurt.
the list DOES go on and on!

10-16-2002, 05:46 AM
Putting a pot with water on the stove as long as it is hot from cooking
No flowers (if they don't eat them, they'll kick them)
No strings (Tigris eats them)
Toilet always closed, toilet door always open (because the litterbox is in there do)
All doors always open
Checking the cupboards before closing
Door handles turned upward (Tigris can open them)
Open the outside door very careful -cat could escape (I do the same in my friend's apartment or in hotels as I am trained to that
Always put a towel round my shoulders as quick as possible when I come from the shower (Filou is already jumping....)
Never leave the apartment if you have not seen both cats within the last minute (they could be in a cupboard, behind a closed door etc.)
No earring in front of the mirror in bath (Tigris fires them in the sink)

The best thing: Most of the time I forget completely how much I am focussed on acting catproof

10-16-2002, 08:43 AM
I pretty much pay attention to keep my house cat-proof. Especially now with my new kitten Inka ! But I see strings are also supposed to be banned ... . Always ??? This is , besides mice , the favorite toy of little Inka ! She can play for hours with a stupid shoestring ! Should I forbit her ?

10-16-2002, 09:46 AM
I must be related to Barbara! I do almost every single thing she said! Especially the water on the stove while the burner is hot. I switched to gas about three weeks ago, and this is a real benefit.

What a great thread, as it gives us all ideas to focus on, and remind us how "bad" these guys can be....I might have missed them, but will add...

toilet lids down- too easy to drown, especially for kittens.
Blind cords, not only pulled out of the way- but remove the knot that is often there..that way, even if a cat gets to it, and can't strangle itself as easily. (sorry to be so graphic).
Dryer- checking it twice before closing the door.

I am so glad we all recognize the important of proofing our houses, no matter if it is children, pets, or occupants!

10-16-2002, 10:49 AM
Lut, I let my guys play with thick strings, just not the tiny or thin ones.

I too put the lid down on the toilet. I don't toss anything it the trash that I don't want to see again. Most times my guys are good with trash, but Gabe has a habit of turning the trash can over! He even does this with my laundry basket.

I don't leave silverware in the dish drain, facing up, since Graemer and Miley jump on and off the cabinets and sometimes land in the drying dishes.

I make sure all the caps are on tightly when I leave out pills, vitamins etc.

If I drop an aspirin etc. I immediately look for it since the cats will get it.

I don't leave any earrings around - not difficult to figure that out.

I also don't leave piles of clothes anywhere, for fear they will hide something in it and then it will get washed. I have washed lots of cat toys lately.

It is like having a house full of children!

10-16-2002, 10:50 AM
Yes of course!
And the washing machine and the dishwasher (although I think Tigris wanted just to check it out when it was new)

10-16-2002, 11:47 AM
also all good ideas, I do most of them too, will have to do the others now. I am always making sure there are no pills dropped, thats they can't get to the waste disposer in the sink, even with it off, I still don't want it uncovered.and I always keep the toilet lid down, blind cords up. no sewing needles or pins.

Lut, nothing wrong with letting kitty play with string, my cats love it too, I just put them up when I go out, or to to sleep at night.

10-16-2002, 11:50 AM
And I thought the ferrets were bad....
What have I learned living with the kitties...
--always put the toliet seat down,not only could they possibly injure themself, but because they like to drink out of the toliet. Not only could that be potentially bad if I ever use any cleaners, but it only takes one time of sitting on a wet toliet seat from the kitties playing in the toliet water to be completely grossed out that you always remember to put it down now.
--not only keep the razors out of the tub, but off the bathrom counter too.
--tampons(sorry if that grosses anyone out) now belong in the cabinet because it's so much fun for the kitties to fish them out of the box and use them as toys.
That's just the bathroom. Moving on....
--Bedroom door now stays shut when I leave because Scout has figured out how to close the door and will lock himself and the other kitties in my bedroom.
--Anything silk remains closed in the closet unless I want it shredded. I have no idea what attracts them to my silk skirts and dresses
--No more plants. I could only keep them on the kitchen counter but they wouldn't get any light. If I had it on the table, I'd come home to a munched plant with dirt all over the place.
--On that same note, no vases with flowers. They almost broke one vase I had by knocking it over. So all my vases are now unused in cabinets.

I could keep going, but I think you get the idea! They sure do keep you on your toes. Little brats!!

10-16-2002, 12:37 PM
China doll...very funny with the wet toilet seat...

As to the trash can, I am stumped. I have two that insist on knocking it over, but don't do anything once it is on the floor. I do remember one more thing with trash cans. Whenever I change the bag, I always throw something away in it..otherwise the bag gets very staticky, and the cats (really just one cat) jumps in it, and I am afraid it will get sealed somehow..I don't even know if it is possible, but it scares me.

No leaving up ironing boards with or without irons on them. Obviously the iron on it is worse, but those boards are so flimsy..someone could fall off and get hurt.

Hmm...maybe I should just pad my entire house?

10-16-2002, 02:31 PM
Good idea, Cataholic. There is this story where Tigris jumped from the window sill in the bathroom and managed to break a bottle of nail enamel dissolver which he spilled over his back (no idea how he did it). He had to take a bath :mad: and this is how I learned that he can howl like a coyote:D

10-16-2002, 02:50 PM
Tigris- roar like a lion, howl like a coyote? He he he..:D

10-16-2002, 03:01 PM
Everything that ever comes into the house has first benn asked, is it cat safe.
My cats are not restricted from any parts of the house except for the basement (and out doors). So if it going to be out, it must be safe. Or not too valuable as to woory about damage.
The garbage is behing closed doors.
Any thing they could push off of a table to the floor and break is stuck down with a bit of Putty called Quik-Tak.
no plants
nothing hanging over the edge of a table, dresser etc- too tempting
plus most everything Iv'e read here.

Felicia's Mom
10-16-2002, 09:32 PM
I don't have knick-knack setting around. When I leave I make sure I see them, and when I come home I make sure they are o.k.

10-16-2002, 11:10 PM
I do most of the things listed above too.
I always keep the toilet seat down
I keep all rubberbands, twist ties, plastic bags hidden away
I use a trash can with a lid on it out in the kitchen so they can't get into it
I don't have any plants because Storm loves to eat them
I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them right now.

10-16-2002, 11:20 PM
Your lists have given me food for thought. Thanks all.

10-17-2002, 04:25 AM
I have never had a cat that bothered plants. Isn't that odd? I have plants all over my house. I have had most of my cats since they were little. I wonder why some cats show such interest?

I learned a couple of new ideas and thank everyone for their "confirmation" that I am not nuts when it comes to protecting my pets from harm. We all do it! ;) Our babies........:D

10-17-2002, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I have washed lots of cat toys lately.:rolleyes:

Sallyanne I bet you also have the cleanest bottle caps in all of Vermont! :D :D :D

These tips are all great and I too practice cat safety here. I think the one thing I miss most from my "pre-cat" days is burning candles. I never have a candle lit unless I am in that room. The thought of one of my boys catching themselves on fire scares me to death!

10-17-2002, 06:36 AM
Yes, we too are "cat conscious" of everything we have around - Ritz loves to chase flies and other flying bugs, once in a great while a wasp will make its way inside - we have to corral Ritz in another room while we catch it and either release or destroy - don't want her to get stung on the tongue!

Don't buy any floor or rug cleaner than isn't "kitty safe"...use a steam cleaner for the linoleum that basically uses hot water to clean without chemicals.

I close the bedroom door when we are both away from home...Ritz also has free reign of the house when we are there..just when I think I have all of those little plastic clothing tag threads (holds the price tag on new clothes and other items) located and destroyed, Ritz comes prancing in with one in her mouth...

A mommy or daddycat's work is never done! How do these kids ever survive without our intervention ;)

10-17-2002, 09:01 AM
About the candles, I still burn them..obviously with caution, as they are dangerous either with or without pets in the home...but Yankee Candle sells these covers for their candles. The purpose of it is to make the candle burn straighter, longer, etc. But, I find that is actually covers the flame, and a cat head or tail can't come into contact with it...I know they cover the Yankee Candles, but would probably cover any round jar candle, too.

Just a suggestion...:confused: :confused:

10-17-2002, 09:53 AM
I was once attending a celebration at a neighbor's and her cat walked next to a lit candle. Someone yelled something about the cat being on fire....poor guy didn't know it had even happened. It smelled awful, and the cat was frightened by the screaming. He had long hair and it just burned the ends. It was scarey, for sure.

Candles and some cats do not mix.

Edwina's Secretary
10-17-2002, 10:23 AM
Either I have the best behaved cat in the world (:rolleyes: ) or I am extremely lucky! Edwina has NO interest in house plants -- except her cat grass and that only sometimes. She hates the kitchen counters and so rarely gets onto dressers, desks, bathroom counters as to being an "event" when she does. The dryer is in the basement where the evil dehumidifer lives so she doesn't go down there unless I am along for protection. The toilet has water in it (:eek: :eek: ) so she doesn't go near those and the trash cans have never been of interest to her. One of her favorite toys is grograin ribbon but she never chews on it.

So...I am not a good mama (and it was best I didn't have children!) and I have a very boring cat! :D ;) :D

(We are careful with chemicals and always check that she is safely in the house!)

10-17-2002, 10:37 AM
ES- you probably have both, the best cat, and lots of luck. I will give you a brief glimpse into the herd's activities, and this is within the last 15 hours ONLY.

I thought it would be very fall like to make a bowl of acorns, with a lovely green candle coming up from them. This bowl is glass, obviously, and shaped like a fishbowl you used to get at the fair. It is sitting on my mantle. When I came home from work yesterday, the fishbowl is about two feet over on the mantle, the candle is at a very strange tilt, and there are acorns on the floor in the dining room. (My mantle is in the living room).

Second example- this am in the shower, I hear a really loud noise. I come out to find a picture that was in my bedroom, propped up on the bureau, is now on the floor. My jewelry box is on the floor, the perfumes are on the floor, etc.

ES- I kid you not...you have a very special cat..and I haven't even told you the plant stories. Suffice it to say it involved a hibiscus that got de-limbed by two youngins'.

I think E deserves a special treat for her very good behaviour. :D

10-17-2002, 01:36 PM
and a couple other things:
1. toothbrushes, I never leave mine out!
2. for cats that are allowed outside, the big danger, anitfreeze!
I learned from this site that there is a cat-safe kind, so just a
reminder of that.:)

10-17-2002, 01:51 PM
the reason I think candles and cats are not safe together isn't even getting their tails set on fire, it is that they could suddenly knock one over and set everything else on fire. Cats are fast and if something wills them to jump up at just the place a candle is buring, well it could happen in a flash.
I once had one floor plant. It was a rather large prickly cactus. You'd think they'd leave it alone with those spines. HAH!

10-17-2002, 03:23 PM
everybody knew Edwina is the purrrfect lady. But for all of us (Tigris, the semi Siberian must have been part of the Mongol hordes in one of his former lifes) there comes the hard time: Christmas without candles :(

10-17-2002, 03:46 PM
My cats don't get up on the kitchen counters - my kitchen is tiny, and there is barely any counter space. There's simply no room for them to jump up.

I had a scare last night. I read before I go to sleep, and I left the bedroom and when I came back in, my reading lamp was on the floor! I was afraid the bulb broke, but it was intact (although the fall made the bulb not work anymore). I was expecting the worst - glass and broken lamp parts all over. So now - no more reading lamp, until the kitten is older. Older cats leave stuff alone more than kittens - maybe that's why I've been so lucky.

As far as plants go, I only let non-poisonous in the house, and have the best luck with plants that have thick, tough leaves. THe cats don't like to chew on those as much.

I have a large collection of model horses. I keep all my expensive ones behind glass in cabinets. The ones that are replaceable I keep out. I know I'm tempting fate by leaving them out, but I have a lot of them, and not enough room for all of them to be behind glass. I'm crossing my fingers. :)

10-29-2002, 02:16 AM
another thing I thought of tonight. cats like to sleep next to the chair that you are sitting in, so if it is one with wheels...WATCH OUT! twice I have just barely missed rolling over Patches' tail or one of his feet!:eek: :eek:

10-29-2002, 01:23 PM
I love this site because it does make me feel normal...I am not the only one out there kitty and puppy proofing my house or pet patrol before I leave.

Dawn loves the plants I had to put the pepper in them for her to finally stay away from them...spray bottle didn't even phase her...gave me the tortitude look and waited for more.

Slushy loves to play with pens. We can't leave them just sitting on the desk (she now does desk patrol looking for them), she will work at opening the desk drawer by hanging over the edge trying to work on the handle.
My husband gave her a pen cap when she was a kitten and got her hooked. Now most of the pens in this house have the little ink thing taken out and are a "pen skelton" for Slushy.

10-29-2002, 01:37 PM
hee hee...this thread is too great! So useful too!

We do most of the stuff above...

*Noel & Basil have gotten stuck in the closet a few too many times....now I learn to check EVERYWHERE for all three kitties before I leave the house...now...to train hubby to do the same thing... :)

*The chair thing....Noah and Basil love to hang out behind our desk chair while we are on the computer. We HAVE to look down and remove them or they loose a lot of fur. (Poor Noah :( )

*Ours think plants are there strictly for them to eat and knock over. When my hubby or friends send me flowers, I can only have one vase at a time because I only have one high-up place I can put them. ;)

*Covering food and especially knives and sharp objects in the kitchen, just in case.

You know, I've never noticed that we do all the stuff we've all mentioned....it just is part of living with our precious cats and dogs. :D I'm SO glad there are other "crazy cat moms" like me!! :D

10-29-2002, 02:04 PM
These are all great suggestions! :D But I'm with Sara.. I must have pretty well behaved cats. I have two plants in the house. I used to have more but I killed them because I forget to water them all the time. Once I caught Nutmeg chewing on it, and I squirted her with the water bottle. She didn't know it was me (her back was to me) and she thought the PLANT squirted her! :D :eek: So she started doing the godzilla (the stance where they sit back on their honches and swing with their two front legs at something) on the plant, and I started laughing. She started to go to chew again so I squirted again, and since she has pretty much left it alone. They all try to test me from time to time, but I am pretty consitent. Then again, I have NO clue what they do when I leave them alone on weekends!!!

Bassett eats rubber bands so I have to keep those hidden away, but I can leave stuff on the kitchen counter without worrying because they know they aren't allowed up there.

I've been able to light candles, but I just watch them the same way I would if I didn't have cats :D

The only thing that I can really think of is when my boyfriend comes to visit, and I'm paying attention to him and not Bassett, we have to make sure his suitcase is zipped up and off the floor, because Bassett pees in it :o It's her way of saying, "Mom.. look at me I'm over here! Pay attention to me!!" I also have to keep my laundry in a closet or in a hanging bag so she can't pee in that. She also will pee in boxes so I get rid of those as soon as I don't need them.

:D :D