View Full Version : Question of the day November 27th! Black Friday

11-27-2009, 12:51 AM
Black Friday has been the traditional start of the Christmas season. Do you decorate for Christmas, if so when do you start your decorating and how much do you get into it?

My wife sort of morphs Halloween into fall decor into Thanksgiving. These are constantly changing since she has MANY closets full of decorations. TODAY the Christmas tree went up but she will wait until tomorrow to take down Thanksgiving. We will probably end up with 3 Christmas trees and decorations everywhere, Including the LED Bicycling Santa in the front yard. She has so many Christmas decorations it takes several years to rotate through all the stuff she has stashed in closets. When decoration go on sale after Christmas she will go buy more.

11-27-2009, 06:04 AM
I too am quilty of morphing from one season to the next.:o I started on Thanksgiving, my outside decorations, it's a tradition. I really go all out for Christmas but unlike your wife, am trying to quit buying!:D

11-27-2009, 06:18 AM
The tree doesn't go up until 2 weeks before Christmas, so I guess it will be the weekend of the 12th this year. However, I will start putting out other decorations thruout the house, a little at a time, probably next week.

I just can't go with putting the tree up in Nov - that's too early IMO, and if I did that - I'd probably be sick of it by the time Christmas got here. When I was growing up, my father would never put a tree up until a week before Christmas. But way back then, you never saw anything related to Christmas in the stores until after Thanksgiving either. :p

Queen of Poop
11-27-2009, 08:50 AM
If it were a normal year for me I'd be decorating for Christmas on December 1, leaving everything up until January 1.

11-27-2009, 08:54 AM
We don't have much room for a tree at the moment. We think that perhaps when we finally have the house set up the way we want by next christmas, we will get a small tree. No biggie for me, especially since we will have to find a place to put it where either (a) the flighted birds to not land in it and (b) the Sennies and Quakers do not have a heart attack when they see it [scardy birds, every one of them] which will mean the front room [currently not accessible :rolleyes:]

We put lights on the outside of the house and have one of those light up spiral trees but I will NOT decorate until about 2 weeks before Christmas. I like the anticipation. . . We use big colored bulbs around the eaves of the house and it makes it look like a little gingerbread house.

11-27-2009, 05:11 PM
I go from one season to the next; October pumpkins and leaves and gourds stick around to see the turkeys and deer decor for November and the deer stick around for December with some fake snow surrounding them instead of the leaves. I haven't gotten out the yule decor yet but I've put a few pretty round ball ornaments in champagne glasses on the breakfast bar. Its a work in progress starting the day after thanksgiving.

11-27-2009, 06:49 PM
I don't get a tree until much closer to Christmas, as I insist on a real live tree, and they do shed needles after a certain time.

Over the weeks between Sunday (Advent begins) and Christmas, decorations will be out, and flag Santa will be put on the porch, and the Let It Snowman hung on the door ... it happens bit by bit!

11-27-2009, 06:52 PM
The trees up with around 20 wrapped presents, I like to take advantage of the 4 day weekend to get it done and then relax and enjoy it.

11-27-2009, 07:19 PM
We actually set our tree up today after the game. It is 8 feet tall. It's an artificial one, but it is very big and pretty so it looks real. I like it-we had fun putting it up. We don't ever set anything like decorations/lights outside. I don't know why-we just never did and we still don't I really like riding around looking at Christmas lights tho...

11-27-2009, 07:38 PM
We set up the upstairs tree this evening. We haven't decorated it, though. We are seeing if it remains standing in the morning before we do any more. We still have one of the kittens we bottle-raised (now around 8 months old) and he is an absolute hellion!

Tomorrow we will put up the outside lights and I might put up the Trekkie Tree if I have time.

We always get everything set up right after Thanksgiving. I love the warm, fuzzy feeling that Christmas decorations give. :)

11-27-2009, 08:17 PM
Thanksgiving/fall decorations are still out today. Putting them away is on my list of things to do tomorrow.

It was a pretty, sunny day today, and a couple of my neighbors were putting up decorations on their balconies. Today was a good day to do that.

11-27-2009, 10:28 PM
This is the weekend I start, usually as of today, Friday. However, as it was pouring rain, and the first thing I do is the outdoor lights (while it is a bit warm) I got thrown off track, lol.

Typically, this weekend I write all my cards as well, mail them on Monday. however this year, the photo cards aren't even getting to me until the 5th, so I will be behind a week or so on those.

I usually do the tree last. I put up decorations which are both Christmas AND Winter. Then, after Epiphany (Jan 6th), all the Christmas things come down. But the winter items remain until March / April. Depends a bit on the weather, and when Easter falls.