View Full Version : *~* Please Meet Mr. Bogart *~*UPDATE PICS POST #25~*~

09-25-2009, 11:27 AM
:) I have been fostering Bogart for a while now.. He Was Born With No Eyes.. He has tear ducks but No Eye Balls.. He has come from the Dallas County Shelter.. He has been adopted before & keeps getting returned.. He was noted to be aggresive & not good with other cats.. Well I have had my eye & heart set on him for several months now.. Well I made a appointment to Meet Bogart & decide if I wanted to take him in about a month ago.. Yes I brought him home & he got his own room & we have been working one on one & doing great.. I found out he loves to play & be combed & his face washed.. Well now he is slowly introing with the other babies & doing great.. His girlfriend is Miss Tatiana.. So I am in the process of Adoption now & have been granted his Adoption.. Bogart is like night & day from when I brought him in.. Even the Ladies at the shelter was afraid of him due to his outburst of aggresivness.. Well I knew that if I could get some of my other babies that I have adopted to calm down in time then I could get him calmed & content too.. Gosh I think he looks just like Magoo.. I just cant remember which PTr had a baby just like him.. The baby's name was Magoo..

Ok this is Bogart's reaction after I told him that the Adoption was going thru.. He was like saying Yea & had his paw up for Approval


Yes I am a Bigg Boy


Hey just look at how Sweet I am


09-25-2009, 11:31 AM
BIG CONGRATS!!! THIS IS WONDERFUL!!! I'm so happy for you and Mr. Bogart!

Congrats again, he's a beauty!


09-25-2009, 11:32 AM
That is just wonderful! He looks like he has potential to be a real sweetheart. It is great that you took him in and can work with him. He most likely just needed some extra TLC and someone that understood him. He looks so soft and huggable. :) :love: :)

09-25-2009, 11:32 AM

What a sweetie! Mr. Bogart, you are HOME!

09-25-2009, 11:35 AM
:love: Yes for sure he needed his own space.. It was just to crowded over at the shelter for him to have space.. And your so right he needed someone to have time to work one on one with him with lots of patience & time.. Also the most part was to Understand him.. Well I call him my Love Muffin now..
That is just wonderful! He looks like he has potential to be a real sweetheart. It is great that you took him in and can work with him. He most likely just needed some extra TLC and someone that understood him. He looks so soft and huggable. :) :love: :)

09-25-2009, 11:37 AM
Oh what a DOLL!!!

It was Lisa, catcrazylady, that has Magoo (and now 37 other cats!!!)

Apparently he is doing well. Here is a link to the thread of someone who spoke with her recently:


09-25-2009, 11:48 AM
:love: Yes Yes Lisa is who it was.. Oh my bad due to I thought Magoo died.. Oh gosh dont tell Lisa..
Oh what a DOLL!!!

It was Lisa, catcrazylady, that has Magoo (and now 37 other cats!!!)

Apparently he is doing well. Here is a link to the thread of someone who spoke with her recently:


09-25-2009, 11:53 AM
OOPS...I PM'd her the link to this thread. No worries, Helene...until the recent update, I was wondering how Magoo was also.

If and when Lisa comes back here for a visit, she'll have to be posting pics of 38 kitties! That would stop me in my tracks too! ;):D

ETA: In that thread, Jenn posted a pic she had created of Mr Magoo long ago...and I think it is wonderful for Bogart also!


09-25-2009, 11:59 AM
To quote Catty1 - What a doll!! Where is the cuteness warning?

He is adorable - please give him gentle hugs and scritches from me.

Thanks so much for loving him, and sharing him with us :love:

09-25-2009, 12:00 PM
Big happy Dance in progress here!!! :love:

How wonderful for you both!!! Isn't it touching to watch them blossom like a flower with a little love and kindness? :love::love:

09-25-2009, 12:09 PM
:love: Oh Candace I just love that Potrait.. I will have to find a way to do one with Bogart in it to give to the ladies at the shelter he came from.. Thank You EveryOne for the Very Nice Supporting & Loving Comments..
OOPS...I PM'd her the link to this thread. No worries, Helene...until the recent update, I was wondering how Magoo was also.

If and when Lisa comes back here for a visit, she'll have to be posting pics of 38 kitties! That would stop me in my tracks too! ;):D

ETA: In that thread, Jenn posted a pic she had created of Mr Magoo long ago...and I think it is wonderful for Bogart also!


Laura's Babies
09-25-2009, 01:27 PM
CONGRATULATIONS to you and Bogart! Magoo scores another win for the blind kitties! (and he sure does look like Magoo!) A little love and security turned Magoo around and it has Bogart.. all it takes is the right hands and home.

Magoo has been the mentor for many blind kitties and showed us that being blind is not a problem for them.. Only hoomans see it as a handicap or disability. They make the needed adjustments and life is normal to them.

It was me that made the pic above of Magoo, in Paint Shop Pro 8, I forget where I got that hand plug in that I used.. When I saw that picture of him looking up into the sun, I knew what I wanted to do.. First thing you have to do it get the right picture with all the right angles. Keep that in mind and it might take 100 trys or you could get it on the first try.

I am so thrilled that you have adopted him. May he live long and happy with you and teach us as many lessons as Magoo has. CONGRATULATIONS!

09-25-2009, 01:28 PM
Your two hearts connected and that is what Bogart needed. God Bless You for taking this wonderful baby into your home.:love: You watch, he will be the best cat ever!!!:)

09-25-2009, 02:22 PM
:love: Many Thanks All for the Very Nice Loving Support & Compliments.. Yes this Bigg Boy & I have already connected & he is for sure in my Heart Furrever.. Oh did I tell you that Harley the CH baby got a face bath by Bogart the other day.. It was so Sweet.. When I told the ladies at the Shelter they just could not beleive it..
Your two hearts connected and that is what Bogart needed. God Bless You for taking this wonderful baby into your home.:love: You watch, he will be the best cat ever!!!:)

09-25-2009, 02:44 PM
What a sweetie Bogart is. He just needed the right purrson to love him, and a bit of patience. :) I'm so happy for the both of you.

Give him some kisses from me, please! :love:

Queen of Poop
09-25-2009, 03:22 PM
Congratulations to you both. Please give his little furry face a big kiss.

09-25-2009, 05:25 PM
This just brought tears to my eyes. What a lucky boy Bogart is. Welcome home, buddy. :love:

09-25-2009, 05:50 PM
And could there be a better home for Mr Bogart than yours Helenr with all your loving Cat companions to make Mr Bogart feel welcome!
And I ahve the feeling that My Found Cats are all searching for an envelope to send Mr Bogart something from the Found Cat Hotel!!!
Thats wonderful that Mr Bogart now has a home where he will be loved, and we are betting taht Mr Bogart fits into Your Cat Piles with the greatest of ease!!
And that the spirit of Humphrey Bogart loves his namesake and is glad that hes in a Great FurrEver Home!!!

09-26-2009, 08:53 PM
Oh my goodness, I think Mr. Bogart is a mini-Magoo! What a purr-ecious fellow! Welcome, sweet boy!

09-26-2009, 10:16 PM
What a gorgeous fluffy gentleman Mr. Bogart is! I just want to scoop him up and give him a big hug. :love:

Love, Columbine

09-27-2009, 10:19 AM
We are all working on a Welcome Home package for Mr. Bogart!

09-27-2009, 12:24 PM
Bless you for adopting this gorgeous furry guy!:love::love: With the right person, some time and a lot of love, anything can be accomplished. Sounds like you have done it!

You are both very lucky to have each other...........

Give this sweet boy some gentle pats from the boys and me............:love::love:

09-27-2009, 12:30 PM
What a handsome fellow. Thank you so much for taking Bogart in and giving him the chance he deserved. I'm so excited for the both of you. I'm sure ya'll have many years of wonderful companionship ahead. :love:

Amy, Bailey, Cricket, Owen, and Willow

09-27-2009, 06:05 PM
Congrats Helene!!!:) He sure looks like a sweetheart and I'm glad to hear that he's doing so well in your care.:)

09-28-2009, 11:01 AM
:love: Yes completed his Adoption Papers over the weekend.. They are being process now.. This weekend I got him used to a Kitty Harness & put a drop leash on it.. I with supervision let him out into the whole house with his harness on & he was non stop all over the house from 7:30 AM until 7:30 PM last night.. When I put him back in his room he was like asleep within 30 min.. He & the others did real well.. I still want to make sure to supervise for a while.. Here is a couple of pics of him in the living room next to a cat toy of course.. Now I did not tell him he had on a pink harness & leash.. SSSSSSShhhhh dont tell..


09-28-2009, 12:10 PM
He looks just so happy!! :)

I'm so glad for you two :)


09-28-2009, 12:31 PM
Oh, he is just so adorable!

09-28-2009, 12:40 PM
What a cutie boy! I hope you both enjoy many years together! You are the perfect meowmie for him, and that is why the other placements didn't work out.

09-28-2009, 03:02 PM
What a sweet face he has!!! I'm so glad he's with you!

Welcome home, Bogart!! You're going to be one very happy and loved boy!

09-28-2009, 03:15 PM

What a wonderful happy ending!!! Great job!!

09-28-2009, 03:18 PM
Having four blinds cats I can tell you that he will get into just as much mischief as a fully sighted cat :D:D

Congratulations on the newest addition!

09-28-2009, 03:31 PM
:love: Well you know I watched him yesterday & he did not run or bump into anything.. Now he would go a little ways & stop to listen & think some & then he would move on & around.. Then he of course would listen for my talking & walking.. He wanted to be in every room I was in.. He is for sure my Bigg Boy & just a Love Muffin.. Yes he is very easy to cuddle.. Many Thanks for the Warm Welcomes & Compliments..
Having four blinds cats I can tell you that he will get into just as much mischief as a fully sighted cat :D:D

Congratulations on the newest addition!

09-29-2009, 06:46 PM
Bogart you love muffin you!!! Please give that sweetie a head kiss or two or a hundred from me, ok? :D :love:

09-29-2009, 08:07 PM
Hello from down here! I'm on the floor again because I was preparing in advance for maximum KITTY PRECIOUSNESS! Mr. Bogart, you make my heart skip a beat, you're so handsome. I'm glad you got to explore your new home and I really like your BLUE harness and leash! (Meowmom, why does Mr. Bogart need a harness? Can you please "splain" it to me?)

09-30-2009, 09:25 AM
:love: Yes Elyse he only needs a harness with drop leash just until he gets used to whole house & other babies.. This is for if he gets lost or into a dispute with one of the others then I can find him by the real long drop leash & also have better control if he needs to be got to quickly like.. This is only a saftey precaution measure.. Its a drop leash meaning he can go where ever he wants.. Now after he is very used to the others & v/s & he knows all the surroundings then he wont need it anylonger.. I have used this method on all of the other new intros & it has worked very well..
Hello from down here! I'm on the floor again because I was preparing in advance for maximum KITTY PRECIOUSNESS! Mr. Bogart, you make my heart skip a beat, you're so handsome. I'm glad you got to explore your new home and I really like your BLUE harness and leash! (Meowmom, why does Mr. Bogart need a harness? Can you please "splain" it to me?)

09-30-2009, 01:52 PM
Bogart is so adorable! I can see how you fell in love with him. I have a soft spot in my heart for blind babies. Someday I will have another blind kitty.

09-30-2009, 02:05 PM
Bogart is adorable! He doesn't need his eyes to capture hearts, which he has in spades. Give that fluffball a kiss from me!:love:

10-03-2009, 05:28 PM
:love: Yes Elyse he only needs a harness with drop leash just until he gets used to whole house & other babies.. This is for if he gets lost or into a dispute with one of the others then I can find him by the real long drop leash & also have better control if he needs to be got to quickly like.. This is only a saftey precaution measure.. Its a drop leash meaning he can go where ever he wants.. Now after he is very used to the others & v/s & he knows all the surroundings then he wont need it anylonger.. I have used this method on all of the other new intros & it has worked very well..

Thank you for explaining this to me! I hope Bogart learns his way around quickly, and I hope all the FurrPurr Clan will just love him! Please give him a hug and kiss from me! (And Zolene, and Tatiana, and Skid, Bump and ButterScotchie, Taccoa, Calitt and everybody! Mmwah!)

10-04-2009, 02:17 PM
Well hello there, Mr. Bogart, and welcome to the PT family! You couldn't have picked a better Meowmie, you'll be loved, cared for, and have everything a sweetie like you could possibly want. PT kitties get only the very best of everything! What a handsome and squishable kitty guy you are. Please ask Meowmie to give you lots of welcome scritchies and lovies from me? :love:

Hi Bogart, I'm pleased to welcome you to Pet Talk and tell you how happy I am to meet you. From time to time we kitties go on neat trips in the eco friendly hybrid Catmobile from the local Jaguar dealer. There's always lots of fun and plenty of food like fried chicken, crab legs, and some surprise snacks. I would like to invite you to join us on our trip to the World Series. All transportation is provided and we will pick you up at your door. I hope you can join us!

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
10-05-2009, 08:54 AM
I just got back from vacation and caught up on this thread! Mr. Bogart, you sure do have a wonderful home! It's the same one my Pinot's sweetheart lives in!! :love:

Helene, that's wonderful you're able to give Mr. Bogart a loving environment he can thrive in - thanks for your big heart! Give Mr. Bogart lovies from me and Pinot, and don't forget her sweetheart Roco at the same time! :) She'll see them both on the next Catmobile run!! ;)

10-05-2009, 09:36 AM
We are asking Our Awesome Angels to spped up our gift to Mr Bogart, and his Friends at the Found Cat Hotel hopes that Mr Bogart LOVES them.:love:

10-05-2009, 11:26 AM
:love: Yes Uncle Gary & Found Cats == Bogart got his lovley package of pillows in the mail this weekend.. Bogart just loved them & so did everyone else.. Many Thanks for the very nice gift.. Also Many Thanks to all the PTrs for the Very Nice Warm Welcomes..
We are asking Our Awesome Angels to spped up our gift to Mr Bogart, and his Friends at the Found Cat Hotel hopes that Mr Bogart LOVES them.:love:

Laura's Babies
10-05-2009, 02:45 PM
I think he is now and "official Pet Talk Kitty" with a fan club in the making. He is stealing heart without trying and gathering his fans to admire him (as he should be admired). I can't wait to see how he blossoms in your care, feeling safe, loved and appreciated.

02-25-2010, 09:16 PM

Dear handsome Bogart! I, your admiring fan, would like to know if you, your buddy Tatiana, your meowmom and your kitty-siblings are planning to watch the Academy Awards next Sunday night. I wonder if they will show any pictures of your namesake actor Humphrey Bogart. There will be a lot of buzz over the gowns, but you are already dressed perfectly in your lovely fluffy coat! Please have meowmom give you and everybody some hugs and snuggles from me!

:love: ---

02-25-2010, 10:11 PM
Oh my goodness! Mr. Bogart you are such a cutie! I wish I saw this post earlier. Lvpets2002, you must be so happy :) And I bet the shelter must be so pleased that they found such a good owner for Mr. Bogart. I've never seen a blind kitty before, and he is just adorable :) He just needed a bit of love:love:

02-26-2010, 08:45 AM
Bogart is beautiful and so is his meowmie! Love seeing his pics.MISS Magoo lots :(

02-26-2010, 09:51 AM
I hear that Moose the MagnfiCat Angel has made Mr Bogart his Special Cat to look over and brings him treats and take out from Poco Loco like Tacos and Salsa Chips.
If you hear Stereo Thunder Purrrrs! thats why!!

02-26-2010, 11:47 AM
:love: Bogart says Many Thanks You All for the very nice compliments.. So very true Uncle Gary.. Listen to the Thunder Purrrss ..
I hear that Moose the MagnfiCat Angel has made Mr Bogart his Special Cat to look over and brings him treats and take out from Poco Loco like Tacos and Salsa Chips.
If you hear Stereo Thunder Purrrrs! thats why!!

**** I am working hard here in my dreams *****


02-26-2010, 12:13 PM
Awwww! What a happy, contented kitty he is in his furrever home!:love:

02-26-2010, 12:38 PM
That's wonderful news!!! I'm happy that sweet little Bogart found a furrever home! Best wishes to him for a happy future and a long and healthy life! :love:

And I'm glad to read about Lisa and Magoo also! :)


02-26-2010, 12:46 PM
:love: Yes was glad to hear from her as well.. I was so sorry for the loss of Magoo.. Bogart is the love of my life.. He loves to play hide & seek with me.. I know he dont have eyes to see = But he does not know this & I am not telling him.. He goes by my voice & smell.. He loves for me to goo goo talk to him while we are playing..

02-26-2010, 12:51 PM

**** I am working hard here in my dreams *****


Aw!!! Just what I needed!!! A pic of sweet Bogart enjoying himself snoozing!!! :love::love::love:

02-27-2010, 04:26 PM
:love: Bogart says Many Thanks You All for the very nice compliments.. So very true Uncle Gary.. Listen to the Thunder Purrrs ..

**** I am working hard here in my dreams *****

Aww, Bogie! Maybe you are dreaming of all the Oscar winners! MMMMWAH!

02-27-2010, 07:14 PM
Isn't he just the sweetest little guy ever?!!!!! Bogart. you are just adorable, snoozing away there and having busy dreams..

Many many lovies and kissies and petties and headbumpies and chinskritchies and googootalkies and purrries from all of us,
Pat and Sydney and Poppy and Elmer and Bob and Sparkler

10-01-2010, 06:03 PM
According to his introduction thread, Mr. Bogart's Gotcha Day was Sept 25 ... Happy Gotcha Day, sweet fluffy kitty guy! Please have your meowmom give you a kiss (or 50) from me!

Your admiring fan,


10-01-2010, 06:17 PM
I just caught up with this again - Happy Gotcha Day, Bogart!:love::love::love:

I didn't know that dear Magoo had gone to the Bridge. :( {{{hugs}}} to his meowmie.

10-01-2010, 06:44 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, MR. BOGART!!!!!!

10-04-2010, 12:27 PM
:love: Thank you all for remembering.. Yes meowmom gave him special huggss & treats on Gotcha Day.. He is still doing well.. Goes & gets into everything.. Wittle Lovable Stinker..