View Full Version : intruder!

04-25-2009, 10:56 PM
Hi pt! shyanne here. Mama went to bed early last night an dI was just minding my own buisiness out in the yard when this huge wild beast sneeks by and tries to take my food! some nerve these days! :eek: Then after I kept barking at it mama came to see what was going on since I don't bark very often unless I'm hunting. When she saw the evil critter she lauphed it me and ran it off but it kept coming back. After a couple times she just got out here little flashy thing and this is what she got.... beware! it's scary!

I see it again mama! do something!

i told you it was scary!

mama said it was a purty big coon so i had every right to be upset

even jinx and jig got sniffed but they didn't care

04-25-2009, 11:00 PM
harley wanted to go outside and play REALLY bad but mama wouldn't let him

even with her standing outside it just walked around her and ignored her the whole time she took pictures!

after a while I'd had enouph, so I decided to be brave and chase the evil beast off!

but it came back and checked my bowl after I went to bed... long story short... mama thinks i should stick to rabbit hunting cause coons really arn't my thing :rolleyes:

04-25-2009, 11:56 PM
Be careful! Raccoons can be rabid. Bark it away!!!

04-26-2009, 08:44 AM
Oh boy, those pesky critters! He was very bold!
Looks like he didn't even leave when he got 'flashed' with the camera!

04-26-2009, 09:04 AM
Racoons are SO cute! :love:

04-26-2009, 10:16 AM
Raccoons are sweet looking but they can be dangerous to cats. We had one of our cats Katie (now at RBB) badly injured by a raccoon when she was small. They can be very daring and aggressive. We have had them come through out kittie door on to our sun porch. We've had opossums too.

04-26-2009, 12:08 PM
we have alot of visiters like this one around here. I was standing on the porch when I took the pictures and the little bugger just walked right by me within about 2 feet and didn't even flinch. They are usually at least a little skiddish but not this one. I usually run them off because I don't want them getting used to getting my animals food or nosing around the house and getting used to people. I knew shy and the cats would be fine, they are used to them, but Harley would have gotten hurt so I wouldn't let him out to investigate. He was pritty torn up about it, lol. it really suprised me that shyanne ran it off, but she would have peed all over herself if it would have turned around though.This was a really big coon!obviously eating well.

04-26-2009, 12:32 PM
If you keep your cat and dog food outside you can be sure that some of that size comes from pet food. The tell-tell sign that a coon has been around if if the pet water is full of dirt. They like to wash up before they eat.:D

04-27-2009, 07:42 PM
If you keep your cat and dog food outside you can be sure that some of that size comes from pet food. The tell-tell sign that a coon has been around if if the pet water is full of dirt. They like to wash up before they eat.:D

I keep the bags of food inside, usually the animals eat all their food when i feed them but it was hot and shy didn't eat all hers. when she doesn't eat it all she will just sit there and gaurd it from the cats and any other critter. She ended up eating it before the coon got the chance to check the bowl. ;) I think it probably came around because we had a cookout that evening and it could probably still smell the food that had been there.