View Full Version : Serious question re my meezer Coco Puff *Update 4/25; Pidge not doing well; post #140

03-30-2009, 05:48 PM
Ok, you're probably going to think I'm off my rocker but here goes: my Coco Puff's meow has changed. It's rather like a pre-teen boy who is going through puberty except that he's 4 years old so that isn't it. Coco's meow is now very loud and when I walk into a room, even though I'm in full view, it's as though he's startled and he meows very loudly. He's always been rather vocal but it's different now. He's been treated for sinusitis in the past couple of months and I'm wondering if maybe his hearing has been affected. I put in a call to Dr. Lee this evening thinking that I might catch him before he went home but I missed him, so I left a message for him to call me in the morning. Coco doesn't act sick; it's just my intuition telling me that something isn't right.

Has anyone experienced this or something similar to it w/your cat/s? And please, spare a prayer for my blue eyed boy. I love that little boy, my little booper. (I call him that because he used to go through the house making a sound like "Boop!") :(

03-30-2009, 06:13 PM
I dont think anythings wrong with Coco Puff at all!
All of My Siamese got LOUDER as years went by, except for Precious la Purrfecta and Almond Rocca Baton who barely made a noise when they meeewed.
But Bo Bo the Bodacious, BJ the Bold and Samuel AKA Shemp all LOUDER as the years rolled on, although none as early as 4.
Maybe Coco Puff thinks that you are not responding quickly enough Medusa, and he has decided on a little EXTRA VOLUME to get some ACTION.
Thats commomn with the Found Cats, Michael AKA Mr Purrr can also be Michael aka THE MEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOWER!!!

03-30-2009, 06:42 PM
Could it be from the sinus problem? You did the right thing contacting your vet about it. It's always better to have the vet tell you there's nothing wrong rather than not calling and finding out Coco Puff has a problem that could have been avoided if the vet knew right away.

Count on many prayers for sweet Coco Puff. Could I ask you to give him some gentle feel better lovies from me?

Please keep us updated?

Laura's Babies
03-30-2009, 08:37 PM
Gee.. Mine are meowing more than ever but none of the sound of their voices have changed.. I'd say it could be hearing related... Have you tried testing his hearing.. as in opening his bag of treats when he could hear it but not see it?

03-30-2009, 08:54 PM
Gee.. Mine are meowing more than ever but none of the sound of their voices have changed.. I'd say it could be hearing related... Have you tried testing his hearing.. as in opening his bag of treats when he could hear it but not see it?

Yes, I rattled the lid of the ceramic jar that I keep the treats in and he didn't budge. I also shook a bag w/treats in it and that didn't stir him either. I'm really nervous about this. I can easily handle having a deaf cat; I already have one, Creamsicle, but I just don't want Coco to lose his hearing. I don't want him to hurt either. Sigh. This came out of the blue.

ETA: His voice just sounds stranger and stranger. I always play w/him and say "Hi little boy, what's your name?" and he meows back "Raoul!", at least that's what it sounds like. LOL But now he isn't responding. He's just so loud! I can't get over how loud he is now. I know that Siamese are supposedly loud and he's always been vocal but never loud. It's as though he's shouting. I have a feeling I've got a sleepless night ahead of me.

03-30-2009, 09:23 PM
It does sound like Coco Puff has lost his hearing due to being sick. Hopefullly your vet will have some answers and maybe it is just temporary.
My Samantha was deaf for her last year of her life and she meowed very loudly to announce that it was time to feed her or that she had just used the litter box or that she wanted someone in the room with her. Her deafness was due to her old age, Coco Puff sounds awfully young to have that be the reason that he is losing his hearing. It seems like a cat that can't hear itself meow will meow louder and louder.

My Milly is a loudmouth Meezer especially when she wants something like dinner or treats or really, really wants to go outside badly.(she is only allowed out on her leash & harness now, she used to be outside all the time at her former home)
Milly & I hope your sweet Coco Puff feels better soon and hopefully it is something temporary from being sick recently.

03-30-2009, 09:37 PM
I just went downstairs to check on him and he was scared to death of me! When I reached out my hand to pet him, he jumped a foot in the air and ran to the corner of the room. I figured I'd leave him alone for a few minutes and I went upstairs and looked behind me and he was on the stairway as though he wanted to come back upstairs so I let him and he's walking around the house as though it's his first time here, sniffing everything and acting confused. This is scaring me to death. I'm about ready to bawl.

ETA: Now he's walking around as though he's looking for a fight. His tail is thick and flailing back and forth and he's doing that loud sniff that cats do when they're ready to strike. I'm wondering if I may have spooked him when I clapped my hands near his head to test his hearing.

And now Pidge just pooped in my dining room! She has NEVER EVER done anything like that. Her litter box habits are impeccable. What is going on this house all of a sudden?!

03-30-2009, 09:57 PM
Mary, I bet you are probably exactly right that something is going on with Coco Puff. You know him better than anybody. I had to bring Tiger in a few times before the vets would believe me that his purring was deeper and rumbly. We know when they aren't right.

I found a link that has info on people but I would guess that it would be similar with animals too. It talks about how sinusitis can lead to middle ear infections and/or temporary deafness. The site suggests that steaming and hot compressing on the face (above and beyond the meds) might relieve the pressure.
Prayers that this is a temporary condition and that your VERY handsome Coco Puff will be saying 'Raaaooouuuullll' to you soon!! :)

link (http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Sinusitis)

03-30-2009, 10:03 PM
Mary, I bet you are probably exactly right that something is going on with Coco Puff. You know him better than anybody. I had to bring Tiger in a few times before the vets would believe me that his purring was deeper and rumbly. We know when they aren't right.

I found a link that has info on people but I would guess that it would be similar with animals too. It talks about how sinusitis can lead to middle ear infections and/or temporary deafness. The site suggests that steaming and hot compressing on the face (above and beyond the meds) might relieve the pressure.
Prayers that this is a temporary condition and that your VERY handsome Coco Puff will be saying 'Raaaooouuuullll' to you soon!! :)

link (http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Sinusitis)

Thanx, Lara, for the link. I did look up sudden deafness in cats on the internet and loud meowing and confusion are a couple of the symptoms. I can't wait to talk to Dr. Lee. This boy is going in; that's all there is to it.

03-30-2009, 10:20 PM
I think we posted at the same time because I didn't see your newest post. Coco is sure acting strangely. He sounds scared. I wonder if he is just getting startled because of the possible loss of hearing and he feels on edge because of it? :confused: I hope Dr. Lee will get to the bottom of it soon. :love:

03-31-2009, 06:30 AM
I had Coco Puff sleep w/me last night because I was so worried about him. He finally calmed down and slept through the night but I didn't. I didn't fall asleep until around 5:00 AM. I just can't get over how scared Coco was. I still think I may have spooked him when I tested his hearing because we were in the basement when I did that and there's a metal pole there that vibrated when I clapped my hands and I know he felt it.

03-31-2009, 08:32 AM
Just got off the phone w/Dr. Lee and he feels that, indeed, Coco Puff's hearing has been affected. He said that it's common in cats w/sinusitis and Coco had a really bad bout of it. I'm to start him on Prednisolone again, only this time he wants me to give him a full caplet twice a day for 5 days, then to back him off to every other day. He also said that the confusion that Coco had was more than likely due to vestibular build up, i.e., what used to come out of his nose when he sneezed is now backed up in his ear canal. The Pred should bring down the inflammation, allowing the blockage to loosen. If I don't see a positive change in 3 days, Coco needs an x-ray of his skull to be sure there's no tumor there. Sigh. Please keep your prayers up for my little Raoul Boop.

03-31-2009, 09:37 AM
ALL of the Found Cats and My Siamese Angel Five Pack are praying that coco Puff gets his hearing back soon and is RAUUULLLING to his MEEOWMIE Once Again.:love::love::love:

Pinot's Mom
03-31-2009, 09:44 AM
:(I'm so sorry Coco Puff is going through this! It's easy to understand, though, if you even think about what happens when you get a sinus infection of some kind - your hearing is affected and build up can affect your balance. This would be very confusing for a kitty!

Prayers that the sinusitis is cleared up quickly and the hearing is restored. :love: Poor Baby!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-31-2009, 09:56 AM
That's so scary!! get better soon, Coco Puff!!

03-31-2009, 10:06 AM
I really hope Coco Puff has some hearing back soon - poor baby is so confused!

Prayers that Raoul Boop is himself again very soon!:love:

03-31-2009, 10:31 AM
Oh poor Coco. :( Of course he can't understand why he suddenly can't hear anything, so that must be scary and confusing for him. I hope the medicine will clear up any infection he may have.

Sending lots of positive thoughts that he'll be back to normal soon. :)

03-31-2009, 11:41 AM
Please get better soon, Coco Puff! Your mommy is so worried about you! My thoughts and prayers are with this precious meezer:love:

03-31-2009, 01:47 PM
Please give Coco some luvin's from me and Tilly and Nutmeg!!

03-31-2009, 02:20 PM
Prayers that Coco Puff soon does better and hears as normal with the Pred. And more prayers for calming and healing of him (and all the rest of his family!).

Sounds like another candle is called for, too!

Pat and kitties

03-31-2009, 02:55 PM
Thanx, everyone. I've been burning candles here at home but haven't lit one on the website as of yet. I just feel so bad for my little love bug. He slept through the night but when I got up to go to the bathroom, he went looking for me, meowing loudly. I just now finished sweeping and cleaning my garage and I kept the door open to the house so that he could look through the glass storm door and see me and I could hear him meowing so loudly! He's just so confused and I think a little scared, too. I want the Pred to work so badly. :(

Laura's Babies
03-31-2009, 05:13 PM
Just think for a minute if you world suddenly went stone silent.. And you don't have a clue as to what happened or what is going on! Of coarse he is scared to death and terrified..

When I was flying back and forth to go see Eddie, my allergies went crazy while up there one time. Coming home on the plane one time, we started decending down to land, my ears plugged up and by the time I got off the plane, I was almost completely deaf. That was the most weired thing I ever experienced.. It threw my whole system out of wack and I UNDERSTOOD what happened and that it would pass.. I can only imagine what poor Coco Puff must be going through.. It just throws everything off.. He is scared and does not understand what happened.

03-31-2009, 05:50 PM
[QUOTE=Laura's Babies;2137100]Just think for a minute if you world suddenly went stone silent.. And you don't have a clue as to what happened or what is going on! Of coarse he is scared to death and terrified..[QUOTE]

Exactly. And, as you said, when it happened to you, you understood what was happening. Coco doesn't and he can't even verbalize how he feels so he just meows very loudly. I just don't want him to be afraid. It breaks my heart.

03-31-2009, 06:07 PM
I hope all turns out well for your Coco, he is a GORGEOUS boy!! He must be very frightened by all of this. Keep us updated on how he is doing. Going to go light a candle for him.

03-31-2009, 08:16 PM
Get well soon, Coco, booper guy!

03-31-2009, 09:18 PM
Oh poor Coco! I can only imagine how scared he must be not knowing what's going on and of course how anxious you must be wondering when the meds will work! I sure hope they kick in soon and everything is right as rain for Coco. Prayers for him and you on the way!

03-31-2009, 10:14 PM
Get well soon little Coco. Your meowmie will protect and take care of you. She would NEVER let anything bad happen to you so just trust her. She's aweful worried bout you:(
Not to make light of anything but perhaps you could use a giggle...I just had to LOL when you said he told you his name was Raoul. Now who would have guessed a South American Siamese? :D I suspect Argentinian since he's SO handsome and suave..not to mention a lover!

Thoughts and positive thoughts to all of you. Your other kitties sound stressed out by this too. :confused:

04-01-2009, 04:46 AM
Poor Coco, he must be so bewildered and confused; I can't imagine how I would react if that happened to me...or what I would do if it happened to one of my boys!?:confused::(

He's probably yowling louder, hoping to hear himself.

Lots of prayers going up for this sweetie...........and you!

04-01-2009, 07:38 AM
Coco slept downstairs w/the rest of the Fur Posse last night. I checked on him twice and he was curled up and sound asleep, so apparently he's calmed down. This morning when I opened the door to let everyone upstairs, he was there w/everybody else. The past two days he hadn't been and it didn't dawn on me until I heard his loud meow that he wasn't there because he didn't hear me and was sleeping soundly. So maybe he can hear a little bit this morning, I don't know, but his meow is still as loud. As I said, when he meows it sounds as though he's talking, saying things like "Raoul" and "boop". Now it sounds as though he's wailing "Hel-l-l-l-p!" Of course, this is all my imagination but it's just heartbreaking to hear him. One meow that he used to make that I haven't heard lately is "Oh well!" He'd walk all around the house saying "Oh well!" It was so funny to watch and hear. I'd give anything to hear that right now because he was always in such a good and playful mood when he did that. And he still isn't interacting w/any of the other cats. He was my RB Puddy's nemesis. He loved her and always wanted to play and she, of course, was too frail and sick and she detested his overtures. LOL Now he likes to play w/Creamsicle but he isn't bothering as of yet.

Thanx for your prayers and good thoughts, my PT friends. This is a better update than before but I hope to soon be able to report that "He can hear!". :love:

04-01-2009, 07:47 AM
Get well soon little Coco. Your meowmie will protect and take care of you. She would NEVER let anything bad happen to you so just trust her. She's aweful worried bout you:(
Not to make light of anything but perhaps you could use a giggle...I just had to LOL when you said he told you his name was Raoul. Now who would have guessed a South American Siamese? :D I suspect Argentinian since he's SO handsome and suave..not to mention a lover!

Thoughts and positive thoughts to all of you. Your other kitties sound stressed out by this too. :confused:

Yes, he's always been such a lover boy. I can see him being a sauve Argentinian. LOL

The other cats came running when they heard his loud meow for the first time. I think they may have thought that there was a new cat in the house. And when Pidge pooped in the dining room, well, I was shocked to say the least because she's such a stickler for making her way to the litter box, even though she's a 19 year old heart patient. I could certainly forgive her if she had an accident but when I thought about it, I seem to remember her doing this once when Puddy got so sick, too. It's as though it's her reaction to stress and she just can't hold it in. She's back to normal now, though, and she slept w/me most of the night as she has since discovering her cardiomyopathy.

04-01-2009, 09:12 AM
I sure hope Coco Puff (a.k.a. Raoul-it's like an undercover spy alias) is better soon. Bless his little meezer heart, of course he's scared. I'm saying a little prayer for him that this is just temporary and he'll be hearing and booping again really soon.

Hugs from Houston,
Dj, Brie and Scutter

04-01-2009, 09:21 AM
Prays are being sent for Coco Puff. I sure hope he feels better soon.


Prairie Purrs
04-01-2009, 10:06 AM
Good to hear that Coco Puff is calmer. I certainly hope that means that his hearing is beginning to come back. Many healing wishes for Coco Puff!

04-01-2009, 01:39 PM
I was just on the phone w/a client and Coco walked into the room and meowed and she said "Goodness, he wants out!" I said "Well, all my cats are indoor cats so he isn't going anywhere" and she said "He's so loud!" Oh shoot, if she says that and she's not even in the room, then I'm not imagining how loud he is. I've noticed that he doesn't like ear scritchies right now so that area must be sensitive.

04-01-2009, 03:51 PM
She also may not be accustomed to Meezer Talk! ;) Hugs and prayers to you and Raoul!:love:

04-01-2009, 05:07 PM
I am just now seeing this thread.... my prayers to you and Coco Puff. I hope he is better soon.

I have noticed in the past 6 months that Tabby's meow (she's 20 years old!) has gotten much louder also. She even sounds like she is crying out in pain, which is scary! And when I come into the house at night, even though she is sleeping on the bed just inside the front door, she doesn't hear me. I always have to go wake her up. So I know her hearing is goiing (maybe gone). She still plays, eats, pees and poops, so I am not overly concerned about it.

Just wanted to let you know that I understand what you are going through. Hang in there.

04-01-2009, 05:12 PM
I am just now seeing this thread.... my prayers to you and Coco Puff. I hope he is better soon.

I have noticed in the past 6 months that Tabby's meow (she's 20 years old!) has gotten much louder also. She even sounds like she is crying out in pain, which is scary! And when I come into the house at night, even though she is sleeping on the bed just inside the front door, she doesn't hear me. I always have to go wake her up. So I know her hearing is goiing (maybe gone). She still plays, eats, pees and poops, so I am not overly concerned about it.

Just wanted to let you know that I understand what you are going through. Hang in there.

Thank you for that. :) It's never easy no matter their age but if it happens when they're older, it's easier to cope with. My Boo is pushing 19 and he's lost a little of his hearing but I don't feel as bad as seeing my 4 year old Coco go totally deaf. I do hope the Pred works so that he can hear again.

04-01-2009, 05:44 PM
I hope the medicine works and makes Coco Puff feel better soon and get back to his normal "not quite so loud" naughty self.;)
Milly is such a loudmouth Meezer, you can hear her all over the house when she wants her food or to go out.
She also has a habit of wanting to announce herself to whoever is on the phone with me.:rolleyes:
Give Coco Puff a big hug and kiss from me and Milly.:love:

04-01-2009, 07:00 PM
So many candles have been lit for my booper boy Coco Puff. Thank you all so much, my precious PT friends. You all mean the world to me. :love:

04-02-2009, 04:01 AM
Poor Coco Puff. :( Prayers and good thoughts on the way.

04-02-2009, 06:13 AM
Coco decided that he wanted to sleep w/me last night so, of course, I let him. I thought he'd want to be w/the rest of the Fur Posse as the night before but he kept coming up to the top of the stairs behind me, so I figured it was going to be a crowded bed again. I wish I could report that there's been a big change but, unfortunately, there hasn't. He has one more day to show signs of improvement and then I call Dr. Lee to schedule a skull x-ray.

04-02-2009, 08:51 AM
So sorry to be reading this Mary. I have a lot ot catch up on. I hope that everything will be fine and that there will be nothing alarming found in the xray. Maybe it's just age related?? My foster Alex was really loud and he was deaf as well.

04-02-2009, 09:25 AM
So sorry to be reading this Mary. I have a lot ot catch up on. I hope that everything will be fine and that there will be nothing alarming found in the xray. Maybe it's just age related?? My foster Alex was really loud and he was deaf as well.

Well, he's only 4 years old so I doubt that's it. At least he's calmed down and isn't panicky any more, so I don't know if that means he's accepting it or if he's hearing a little. It doesn't seem as though he can hear anything and he's still startled when I enter a room. Plus Creamsicle is deaf, so I know the signs. His balance is off a little. He tried to jump up on the countertop (bad boy) and he missed. He's never done that before.

04-02-2009, 02:26 PM
Now I don't know what to think. I just came home from grocery shopping and usually Coco Puff is "boop boop" ing all over the place, hopping up on the countertop to inspect packages, etc. This time he was sitting in the middle of the hallway and wouldn't move. I had to walk around him. I petted him and talked to him and he seemed totally disinterested. I think this is depressing him, poor boy.

04-02-2009, 02:57 PM
Mary, I am so sorry things haven't improved for Mr Coco Puff. I hope the vet can find and fix the problem so you can have your Raoul Boop back to normal.

04-02-2009, 03:12 PM
poor Coco :( Give him a hug and say rather loudly in his ear that his waaaay distant cousin, Toby says "get better soon!":love:.

04-02-2009, 03:26 PM
Awww....yeah he has me puzzeled as well..

I hope everything works out soon.

Give him a hug for me too.

Poor guy.


04-02-2009, 04:06 PM
Gosh, this is such a puzzling case! I was so hoping to see Coco improving. I'm with you...one more day and then see if the vet can come up with any other reason for this hearing loss. More prayers on the way for him and you!

04-02-2009, 06:48 PM
Prayers and good wishes and healing energy for Coco Puff.. :love::love::love:

04-03-2009, 08:37 AM
It looks like he'll be getting an x-ray of his skull. There doesn't appear to be any improvement in Coco Puff, so he's scheduled for the x-ray on Monday morning. Honestly, I had decided to get the x-ray anyhow, just for my own peace of mind. His deafness may be temporary and his hearing may return when the inflammation subsides but then again, when Dr. Lee said that he wants to be sure that there is no tumor, well, I'm not taking any chances. My Yodie had an ear polyp removed 4 years ago and it's never grown back. Dr. Lee said he's still amazed at that. I quit worrying about it because it was stressing me to think that she could lose her hearing. So now here's Coco Puff and out of the blue, he can't hear. Life is always throwing us curve balls, isn't it?

04-03-2009, 09:56 AM
Mary!! I am a johnny come lately to your thread!! I am so sorry to read about Coco!!! We just went thru an episode with our oldest Norton. He was sneezing blood. He had several bad teeth and not a tumor!!! I will light a candle for Coco and you, too!!! Sandra

04-03-2009, 10:14 AM
I hope the x-ray shows SOMETHING so the mystery can be solved!

The way Coco Puff got his name still makes me smile a bit, however. ;)

Come on back, Raoul Boop!

Mary - going back to a way earlier post, is there any way to check and see if Coco's favourite spots might have mold spores floating around them?

HUGS and healing is coming to Coco Puff!:D

04-03-2009, 10:50 AM
I hope the x-ray shows SOMETHING so the mystery can be solved!

The way Coco Puff got his name still makes me smile a bit, however. ;)

Come on back, Raoul Boop!

Mary - going back to a way earlier post, is there any way to check and see if Coco's favourite spots might have mold spores floating around them?

HUGS and healing is coming to Coco Puff!:D

I wonder if Coco Puff would see the humor in his name. LOL

Interesting that you mentioned his old spots. I thought about that and wondered if possibly he could have picked up the ear infection that Yodie had recently because it's so contagious, although they're not what you'd call good buddies, they don't sleep together or groom each other but anything is possible. I'm going to ask Dr. Lee to be sure to do a culture. As of right now, Coco isn't frequenting his usual spots. He LOVES sleeping inside one of the carriers. That's his bed and he hasn't gone in there since this all began. He hasn't returned to any of his spots; he lies in the middle of the hardwood floor in the hallway and when I walk up to him, he meows loudly. Maybe he's confused and that's why he sits there or maybe he feels safe there, I don't know. I just can't stand it when they abandon their normal routines and I don't have a clue why. :confused:

04-03-2009, 11:18 AM
Mary - every time I went to post here, something came up to distract me.

I sure hope that my fur-nephew gets back to normal soon. It's so puzzling both for you and him. I've never had to deal with a deaf pet, just my blind Lhasa years ago, and I really think that was fairly easy to handle once she got used to it.

Hope Dr Lee finds nothing seriously wrong, and that this is just temporary from the sinus problem. If his balance is impaired, it does sound like an ear infection of some sort.

OK - off to take lumpy Sparky back to the vet, and see what's going to be his course of treatment. Hoping surgery can be avoided - it will not make him a happy camper. I worry more about fur kids than I do myself! :p

04-03-2009, 11:24 AM
Mary - every time I went to post here, something came up to distract me.

I sure hope that my fur-nephew gets back to normal soon. It's so puzzling both for you and him. I've never had to deal with a deaf pet, just my blind Lhasa years ago, and I really think that was fairly easy to handle once she got used to it.

Hope Dr Lee finds nothing seriously wrong, and that this is just temporary from the sinus problem. If his balance is impaired, it does sound like an ear infection of some sort.

OK - off to take lumpy Sparky back to the vet, and see what's going to be his course of treatment. Hoping surgery can be avoided - it will not make him a happy camper. I worry more about fur kids than I do myself! :p

Gosh Ellie, I don't visit the Dog side often. Email me and let me know what's going on w/our Sparky, doggone it anyhow. (Sorry. LOL)

04-03-2009, 01:03 PM
Gosh Ellie, I don't visit the Dog side often. Email me and let me know what's going on w/our Sparky, doggone it anyhow. (Sorry. LOL)

Good news in Sparky's update! Now I'll be waiting for good news about Coco! :D

04-03-2009, 01:51 PM
Mary, I haven't come over here to the Cat side in a long time and had not seen these posts until today. I do hope that whatever your vet finds, it will be something conclusive and treatable. Poor Coco. I'm so sorry that hs is having such a rough time, therefore you are too. I know with you working from home, you have to be watching his every move and sometimes that is just enough to make us completely crazy with worry. My office used to be in my home and just like you, I watched and worried.
Will try to check in on Monday to see what you learn. My prayers are with you.

04-03-2009, 03:27 PM
The Animal Angels will visit Coco Puff tonight and stay with thier Friend as he goes in for his X Rays.:):cool::D:D:)
It will be Ebony Beau Tubsters first time, so he will bring plenty of treats!!!
We are PRAYINg for your Dear One.

04-03-2009, 04:14 PM
I have to say this about my Boo Bear: he always seems to know when one of the Fur Posse needs attention. When his sis Peeka was sick, he stayed by her side right until the end. When his girlfriend Pidgelet developed her scary cardiomyopathy, he never left her side either until she leveled out and is doing ok now. Now it's Coco's turn. Boo has been grooming him and sitting near him quite a bit. It's so heartwarming to see. Boo is my comfort kitty. He comforts everyone who needs it, including me. He hops up on my lap when I'm at the computer and not because he always needs attention. I can tell that he knows I'm stressed and he has a purr like a lawn mower and it calms me down. He's the best. :love:

04-03-2009, 04:32 PM
Mary, I haven't come over here to the Cat side in a long time and had not seen these posts until today. I do hope that whatever your vet finds, it will be something conclusive and treatable. Poor Coco. I'm so sorry that hs is having such a rough time, therefore you are too. I know with you working from home, you have to be watching his every move and sometimes that is just enough to make us completely crazy with worry. My office used to be in my home and just like you, I watched and worried.
Will try to check in on Monday to see what you learn. My prayers are with you.

Thank you, Logan. So nice to hear from you. Thank you for the heartfelt message and prayers. :)

04-03-2009, 07:52 PM
Mary, I hope the x-ray will provide some answers for you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

What a good boy Boo Bear is to be looking after the members of his family who need his calming energies and purrs!

Love, {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}, ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~,
Pat and kitties

04-03-2009, 10:10 PM
Mary, I'm just now trying to catch up on this thread.:o I'm sorry that he's not showing any improvement.:( Hopefully the x-ray will show you something and that it'll be easily treatable. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

04-03-2009, 11:11 PM
I'm glad that Coco Puff is going in for the xray, better to be sure. If nothing shows up on the xray and Dr. Lee still feels it's congestion and build up, do you think steaming would help? I know the congestion is in his ears but it might help loosen stuff up and get things moving. Maybe you could stay with him in the bathroom and pet him so he doesn't get scared and then run your shower super hot to steam up the bathroom. Might not help but it might make him comfortable a bit.

I missed the thread on Yodie's ear infection, what happened with that? I think I read a few posts ago that you said it was contagious? It does make sense that maybe this is the same thing. Did Coco get the same meds as Yodie?

I hope that he will begin to get better very soon. I can only imagine how stressful this is for the whole household.

He hasn't returned to any of his spots; he lies in the middle of the hardwood floor in the hallway and when I walk up to him, he meows loudly. Maybe he's confused and that's why he sits there or maybe he feels safe there, I don't know.

Maybe he is thinking that if he puts himself out there in a weird spot like that, out of the normal, he'll be sure to let you know that things aren't normal for him. Maybe it's his way of asking for help. They are such smarties. Little does he know, you're all over it and he's going in for more tests. :)

04-04-2009, 07:23 AM
I'm glad that Coco Puff is going in for the xray, better to be sure. If nothing shows up on the xray and Dr. Lee still feels it's congestion and build up, do you think steaming would help? I know the congestion is in his ears but it might help loosen stuff up and get things moving. Maybe you could stay with him in the bathroom and pet him so he doesn't get scared and then run your shower super hot to steam up the bathroom. Might not help but it might make him comfortable a bit.

I missed the thread on Yodie's ear infection, what happened with that? I think I read a few posts ago that you said it was contagious? It does make sense that maybe this is the same thing. Did Coco get the same meds as Yodie?

I hope that he will begin to get better very soon. I can only imagine how stressful this is for the whole household.

No, they weren't on the same meds. Yodie was on a really potent antibiotic; I can't recall the name at the moment. However, there was no mistaking that Yodie had an infection because it smelled awful, to the point of making me gag even. And when she shook her head, stuff flew out of it. Coco's ears are 100% clear and there's no smell. I laundered absolutely everything that I could and what I couldn't launder I had dry cleaned so that none of the Fur Posse could get the infection.

I, too, thought about steaming him, Lara and I think I'm going to try that today. :)

Maybe he is thinking that if he puts himself out there in a weird spot like that, out of the normal, he'll be sure to let you know that things aren't normal for him. Maybe it's his way of asking for help. They are such smarties. Little does he know, you're all over it and he's going in for more tests. :)

No, they weren't on the same meds. Yodie was on a really potent antibiotic; I can't recall the name at the moment. However, there was no mistaking that Yodie had an infection because it smelled awful, to the point of making me gag even. And when she shook her head, stuff flew out of it. Coco's ears are 100% clear and there's no smell. I laundered absolutely everything that I could and what I couldn't launder I had dry cleaned so that none of the Fur Posse could get the infection.

I, too, thought about steaming him, Lara and I think I'm going to try that today. :)

04-05-2009, 12:11 AM
I am praying for a full recovery for your dear boy! What a precious meezer he is!

04-05-2009, 04:34 PM
Well, tomorrow is the big day for Booper Boy. He'll get his skull x-rayed in the morning. I broiled a steak for dinner and wondered why he wasn't underfoot hoping to get a bite or two or, better yet, sneak a bite or two. Then it dawned on me that if he can't hear, he probably can't smell anything either. :( That may affect his appetite because if you can't smell anything, your sense of taste is diminished. I just feel so bad about this. I sure do hope his hearing comes back. He seems to have lost his energy. I think he's really depressed. He doesn't interact at all w/the rest of the Fur Posse.

04-05-2009, 05:40 PM
Poor sweet Puffman. Get better sweetheart. We love you!!:love:

04-05-2009, 05:45 PM
Prayers on the way for a certain diagnosis and solution to be found tomorrow.

04-06-2009, 12:27 PM
Dr. Lee did the skull x-ray and a chest x-ray, too, because when Coco had the sinusitis, he was really congested and he wanted to make sure that he didn't have anything going on in his chest. All that he could see is some "fuzziness" in Coco's ear canal still. He tested his hearing as best he could by clapping his hands behind Coco and using a tuning fork near his ears. He believes that Coco can hear but that's he's indifferent to the noise. I told him that he was never easily spooked until last week and I posted about it here on PT. He said "Mary, I don't think he has a tumor on the brain and yet everything that you tell me that he is and isn't doing is all brain related. I'm hoping that this is just a nasty infection that hasn't cleared up so I'm going to start him on Zeniquin and I want you to either call me or bring him back for a followup in 14 days."

He asked if I ever see rapid eye movement back and forth in Coco's eyes and I told him that when I first rescued him that he'd had what my other vet called a seizure and his eyes moved back and forth like that for about 4 hours but he's never had an episode since. He said that Coco's eyes were dilated and his blood pressure was slightly elevated but he thinks it's because he was scared. He said to keep him on the Prednisolone and the Zeniquin and if there isn't any improvement in two weeks, my only alternative to see what's going on in his brain is an MRI. He told me that it's at least $1300 and most people don't take that option. I'm trying to stay optimistic and follow my own advice to "keep the faythe" but this is scary.

The poor boy vomited in his carrier on the way home, a first for him, but, thankfully, we were only about 2 minutes away from home. Wow, it smelled awful! It's funny, though, on the way to Dr. Lee's he protested and I heard "Raoul! Raoul!", as if to say "There, ya happy? I'm saying my name. Now get me outa here!" When that didn't work, it sounded as though he was saying "No! Run, run, run!" He was making me laugh on the way there; he sounded so funny. Please keep up the prayers for my little Raoul Boop. He's so precious to me.

Prairie Purrs
04-06-2009, 12:33 PM
Sending more healing wishes for sweet Coco Puff! Here's hoping that this is just the lingering effects of an ear infection and that the medications will finally clear it up.

04-06-2009, 12:40 PM
I hope he feels better soon and that this new meds will help him..


Laura's Babies
04-06-2009, 01:58 PM
Awww! I hope the vet is right that it is just an infection. Poor Baby! He just knows he isn't right and probably scared to death. Of coarse you got prayers for that sweet baby and healing vibes coming that way. ((((HUGS)))) for you!

04-06-2009, 02:39 PM
I'm on my way back in to Dr. Lee's. I had to run out to the bank and when I got home, I found several piles of vomit. I thought it might have been Coco but it's Pidge. She's vomiting up yellow mucous and she's blocked and straining to poop. It's dripping out of her but I can see where she's blocked and when I touch her back there to wipe, she cries, so Dr. Lee told me to bring her in. When it rains, it pours. Prayers for my Pidge, please. She's nearing 20 years old now.

04-06-2009, 02:43 PM
Oh my God, Mary. One thing after another.

Prayers of course for Pidgelet and Coco Puff.

Prairie Purrs
04-06-2009, 02:47 PM
What a stressful day! I hope Dr. Lee can easily take care of Pidgie Pie's problem and that she's home and happy right away.

04-06-2009, 02:52 PM
Try to stay calm, Mary...I know you are stressed beyond belief with 2 sick cats, but try to take it easy.

Poor Pidgie! Poor Coco Puff! (((((Poor Mary!)))))

Keep us posted..........if you have time!:love::love:

04-06-2009, 03:02 PM
Oh no! Why is it they always get sick at the same time? Even if it's not the same illness.

I will be hoping that Coco Puff and Pidge get better REAL soon!

Hugs to you Mary!!

04-06-2009, 04:26 PM
Prayers for Pidgie and Coco and YOU!:love::love::love:

04-06-2009, 04:32 PM
Prayers for Coco and Pidgie-pie! :love:

04-06-2009, 05:13 PM
Oh no! Why does this stuff always happen at the same time! I certainly hope Pidge is ok, and continuing prayers for Coco Puff as well. I had been so hoping the doctor would be able to figure out what was going on with Coco. I certainly hope you see some improvement within 14 days...maybe the Zeniquin will help. I hope so!
**hugs** to you and your precious fur babies!:love:

04-06-2009, 06:07 PM
I had to leave Pidge there. :( Dr. Lee took an x-ray and she had blockage near her rectum and also another huge mass further up but he feels that the huge mass is a hairball. He tried his best to remove the blockage near her rectum but she really carried on so he gave her half an enema and he said that she strained some and managed to get some of it out. He's going to give her another half enema to try to get the rest. If it doesn't work, he'll have to put a tube up there and flush her out and he doesn't want to do that due to her age and her cardiomyopathy.

I miscalculated her age; my little green-eyed lady is 20 1/2. I was behind a year. I was just about to ask Dr. Lee if he thought it was megacolon and he must have read my thoughts because he said "I don't think it's megacolon. It's just very typical of older cats to become constipated and if they can't go, then it upsets their stomach and they vomit". If that's all it is, then I can give her Metamucil or whatever he recommends. I wanted to see her before I left because, at her age, well, we just never know. She let me give her some chin scritchies and then she turned around completely and turned her back to me. She clearly was miserable and she wanted to do her thing, poor girl. He told me that he felt it was ok to take her home but he said "Do you want to take her after giving her an enema?" and I said "Um, that's a no-brainer, Dr. Lee" and he let out a real belly laugh. So. He didn't seem too concerned so I'm going to just leave it in God's and Dr. Lee's hands. He said "She'll probably need a bath when she goes home". No. Really? LOL I took 3 towels w/me and a deodorized trash bag and she messed on all 3 towels on the way there. My car smells delightful after Coco vomiting on the way home and Pidge w/her diarrhea. I guess all I can do is sell my car now. ;)

So, that's it. He told me to call between 8:30 and 9:00 AM tomorrow and he'll let me know when she can go home. Coco Puff is still sitting in the middle of the hallway. Sigh. This has been a brutal day. I drove there on fumes, praying the whole way that I wouldn't run out of gas. I just didn't want to stress Pidge out any longer than necessary by stopping to gas up. A semi to my left decided to cut across two lanes of traffic right in front of me, no signal, no warning. Thank goodness I have good brakes. Plus it was sleeting and the temp dropped to 36. I was dressed only in a velour jogging suit and a light jacket and I had to get gas on the way home. I have heated car seats, though, so I was ok. I'm going to get in the Jacuzzi and soak and be prepared for whatever tomorrow brings.

Thanx for your good wishes and prayers, friends. Pidge and Raoul Boop and I all appreciate it a lot. :love: At least all this didn't happen on a weekend as it usually does. :p

04-06-2009, 06:52 PM
{{{{{{{hugs}}}}} When it rains it pours... Prayers for you ALL.

04-06-2009, 07:05 PM
I just realized that I was so stressed that I forgot to remind Dr. Lee that Pidge needs her heart meds. She got her dose this morning but she gets them again before bed. The office is closed now so I left an urgent voice mail to give her the meds in the morning. Do you think they might check her chart anyhow w/out my saying anything? I thought I was going to relax tonight but now I'm worried. Maybe she wouldn't be able to keep them down anyhow, although Dr. Lee did give her an injection to stop the vomiting.

Edwina's Secretary
04-06-2009, 09:42 PM
Ohhhh, I am so sorry for your all your troubles and your sick kitties.

Best thoughts for a better tomorrow!

Laura's Babies
04-06-2009, 10:17 PM
Jen took the words right out of my mouth! You are catching it right now aren't you? gee whiz, maybe things will let up soon for you. Poor Pidge! She has to be miserable..

04-07-2009, 12:44 AM
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible day.:( I hope that both Pidge and Coco Puff will both improve soon and that your life can get back to normal again. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

smokey the elder
04-07-2009, 07:43 AM
I hope your kitties feel better! You've had a rough few days.

I don't want to alarm you unduly about Coco's ear problem, but Pink Nose had something similar, and it turned out to be a tumor in the ear canal. It was a slow-growing one, so was removed without incident over 4 years ago. Good luck with your babies.

04-07-2009, 08:10 AM
I hope your kitties feel better! You've had a rough few days.

I don't want to alarm you unduly about Coco's ear problem, but Pink Nose had something similar, and it turned out to be a tumor in the ear canal. It was a slow-growing one, so was removed without incident over 4 years ago. Good luck with your babies.

You didn't alarm me, no worries. Believe me, we're keeping an eye on that just in case but I just spoke w/Dr. Lee and he thinks that it's probably a nasty infection that just doesn't want to let go.

04-07-2009, 08:40 AM
Prayers on the way for Pidge, continuing prayers for Coco Puff and an extra one for you too. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/Hugs2.gif

04-07-2009, 09:08 AM
The poor babies and you. Our prayers are with youand the kids.

Pinot's Mom
04-07-2009, 09:11 AM
Continuing prayers, keep the faythe! ...and keep us updated...:love:

04-07-2009, 10:01 AM
Prayers for Pidgie and Coco. I hope she comes home today and the meds start kicking that Coco's nasty infection in the butt! :love::love::love:

04-07-2009, 11:47 AM
Keeping Pidge and Coco Puff in my thoughts. Poor kitties... hope they will feel better.

04-07-2009, 02:16 PM
I spoke to Dr. Lee and he said "Pidge said she's ready to come home" so I just now got home. She had an accident in the carrier on the way home and oh boy! Well, it's good for my diet because I won't be eating any Easter candy, I can tell ya. :rolleyes: I gave her hindquarters a quick sudsing and she wasn't happy about that but she still had yesterday's news back there plus what she had from her accident on the way home. They had hosed her off but she was still messy.

Dr. Lee feels that a daily dose of Cat Lax should do the trick for her and they already gave her some this morning. (no kiddin') I don't know if I want to give it to her every day, though, if it's going to make her bowels so loose. I don't want her to be constipated but I don't want her to always be frantic to use the litter box either. I'll have to see how she does and judge from there. He said that the enema got everything; that large mass came out so I'm glad about that. Right now she's lying in front of the space heater. I towel dried her after her bath but I didn't want to stress her any more by using the blow drier.

Coco Puff's meow isn't as loud today so I'm hoping that means he's getting some hearing back. Keep your fingers crossed. Thanx for all the prayers for my green-eyed lady and my blue-eyed boy. They worked again! :)

04-07-2009, 02:25 PM
Gosh...were your green-eyed lady's eyes BROWN for a while? (okay, slap me, I'm bad! lol :p)

Wonderful news that Coco is a bit quieter and Pidge is drying off in front of a space heater.

Are you going to have to give her some of that malt hairball stuff on her paws every so often?

HUGS and I hope YOU get some rest now. :)

04-07-2009, 02:30 PM
[QUOTE=Catty1;2139488] Are you going to have to give her some of that malt hairball stuff on her paws every so often?[QUOTE]

I don't think so; just the Cat Lax. She's never really had a problem w/hairballs. This was unusual for her. When the weather warms up to stay, I think I might shave her down again so as to cut down on the hairballs anyhow. Right now, though, it's only 36, up from 26 and we have a snow advisory until 8:00 PM. Grrrrrrr.....

04-07-2009, 02:46 PM
Pidgie is all curled up w/her man Boo. She was looking for a place to go and I knew that meant she couldn't make it to the litter box so I carried her downstairs and she went. I waited for her to come back up but she didn't so I went looking for her and found her all curled up w/Boo and Specs. Dr. Lee told me that she's beginning to become frail now but she had to jump up at least 4 feet to where Boo was sleeping, so she isn't that frail! :love: I think i'm going to let them sleep together downstairs tonight. I don't want Miss Drippy Butt hopping into bed w/me. LOL

04-07-2009, 03:16 PM
So happy to read the good news about Pidgie-pie and Coco! :D Get some rest tonight now that you don't have to worry so much about those kids!! :p

04-07-2009, 03:29 PM
I'm glad both of your babies seem to be doing better. I will keep them both in my thoughts and prayers. Get Well Guys!

04-07-2009, 03:42 PM
Good news on both your beloved kids there!

04-07-2009, 04:01 PM
Mary, I'm glad to hear that Pidgie is home and resting. Poor thing, what an awful experience for her (and you). If you'll pardon the pun, I guess she's all pooped out (you can reprimand catty1 and me!):rolleyes:;).

Hopefully you all will have a quiet evening and a good night............

04-07-2009, 07:32 PM
Prayers and get-well wishes for Coco, Pidgie and Medusa (((HUGS))))

04-07-2009, 08:26 PM
My little girl Pidgelet isn't feeling well. At her age, she sleeps a lot but she likes to stay upstairs where the action is. Her spot is on the back of the sofa or in front of the space heater. After she warmed up from her bath, she went downstairs and she's been there ever since. I've checked on her twice and she just is curled up. It's going to be a sleepless night for me, I'm afraid, because I don't like it when cats go off by themselves. She may be old but she's still a sociable cat and I'm hoping that she's just worn out from all the strain of trying to go and then going so much after the enemas. I wish they hadn't given her Cat Lax after the enema. I think that was too much. I'm not going to give her any tomorrow even though Dr. Lee said to squeeze out an inch a day from the tube for her. I don't want her to get backed up again but I sure don't want her to become weak from going too much. What a delicate situation.

Coco seems perkier. I tucked everyone in and he zoomed up the stairs behind me. He's gotten used to sleeping w/me now, the little brat, and he wants to continue the practice. I'll let him tonight because Pidge isn't sleeping w/me but I prefer that Coco go back to his old routine. I think it's better for him and definitely for me. I don't get much sleep w/so many cats in my bed. I don't know how so many of you do it. :)

04-07-2009, 08:27 PM
Just give Pidgie the night, Mary - she must be really exhausted and drained, and no, that is not a pun. :love: Her little system needs to recoup. I am sure she will be back to her sociable self by morning. Heck, she knew to go to Boo. :)

04-07-2009, 09:13 PM
What a couple of days you've had! I hope that Coco's quieter meow means the meds are doing their thing. And poor Pidgie Pie, she sounds warn out by all that she has gone through. This is kind of an icky thought but when we (us humans) have the flu and have diarrhea, all you want to do is lie down and curl up. Her bum must be tired and maybe cramping a bit too after the enemas and the cat lax. I hope her back end is feeling more like it usually does in a day or two. Please hug all the fur crew for me and give Pidgelet and CocoPuff extra ones for me if you don't mind. ;)

04-08-2009, 01:04 AM
You have all been in my thoughts even though I haven't been able to reply.. *hugs* to you all!


04-08-2009, 06:26 AM
I waited for her to come upstairs w/the rest of the Fur Posse this morning and there was no Pidge so I figured that I'd give her a little time and fill the fountains, etc., then go downstairs and check on her. During that time she came upstairs but I didn't see her so when I went downstairs and couldn't find her, I got worried. I thought she was hiding, the little sneak. :D I came back upstairs and she was sitting in front of the space heater as if to say "Is there a problem?" I found evidence of runny stool in front of the litter boxes so I won't be giving her any Cat Lax for sure. I have a full day today so I hope I can leave her and not worry. Hopefully she'll eat her breakfast in a few minutes.

Coco Puff slept w/me all night. He and Boo took shifts sleeping on my legs and I had to keep pushing them off because my legs kept falling asleep. Coco isn't as loud as he's been and he's frequenting his favorite spots again, one of them is in the enclosed patio room, so I'm taking that as a good sign. :D

04-08-2009, 07:54 AM
Glad to hear things are going well with everyone. Things are also calming down here. Buddy is a hoot and a half. He FLIES through the air (at least 8 feet) from the cat pole to the top of the fridge, then up on top of my kitchen cabinets. MooShoo still has a bit of a hair across his butt with Buddy but it's nothing a little water won't solve.

Sounds like you need a bigger bed.

04-08-2009, 12:11 PM
Oh Mary-

Man does it sound like you've had so much going on. My goodness. I'm so glad though that Pidge is doing ok now. Wow 20 1/2 years old...that's really great.

My one great uncle had 2 cats that lived till 24 and 22 years. I couldn't believe it...I hope all mine last for a long long time. Anyway, I'm just really glad to hear that Pidge is going to be ok and that Coco Puff is doing better.

Take care,

04-08-2009, 04:27 PM
I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it. She went through a lot in the last couple of days but she didn't come when called for breakfast. I even took the food to her and she turned her back on it. I'll give it until tomorrow and if she hasn't eaten, I'm calling Dr. Lee. She did come upstairs for a while and sat in the front of the space heater but she clearly does not feel well. It would be a wonderful birthday present for me if she would eat, if only a little. Please keep up the prayers for my sweet girl. :(

04-08-2009, 06:02 PM
I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to post in this thread for a few days.
You sure have been busy with not one but now two sick furkids.
I'm happy to hear that sweet Coco Puff is feeling better and acting more like his normal quieter self.:)
I'm sorry to hear that your Pidge hasn't been feeling well and won't eat now.
I know what it's like to worry about every little thing with a senior kitty.
Sending hugs your way.:love:

04-09-2009, 06:30 AM
Poor little girl. :(

Prayers continuing for you all plus an extra one for Pidge.

04-09-2009, 06:48 AM
Poor Pidge. I don't think I'd want to eat anything right away after what Dr Lee did to her tho! Kind of like a colonoscopy prep!! :eek: Not fun!!! :(

Seriously tho - hope she's feeling better today and maybe getting hungry by now. Come on Pidgie - you need to eat something...........

04-09-2009, 10:56 AM
She still hasn't eaten anything so I spoke w/Dr. Lee and he said to start giving her subQ treatments every day. He's concerned that her kidneys are starting to give her problems now. He said that he was kicking himself for not doing a BUN and creatinine levels on her but he felt that, given her age, she was going to have constipation problems from now on and that all she needed was an enema to clean her out. He told me that if the subQ doesn't perk her up to give her some Val Syrax syrup and if that doesn't stimulate her appetite, then he's worried.

I'm too sick myself to take her back in. Apparently, I caught a bug of some type and I spent most of the night in the bathroom. I think that the worst of it is probably over but I'm barely able to stand due to dizziness so there's no way I can drive. I sure hope my little girl shows signs of improvement soon. Please keep up the prayers for her.

On the bright side, Coco Puff seems to be improving even more. He's gone back to his old hangouts in the house and he doesn't seem confused any more, thank goodness. I'm still not sure if he can hear but I think it's a good possibility.

04-09-2009, 11:05 AM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear that Pidge isn't eating and that you're also sick.:( I hope that you'll both start doing and feeling better soon. I'm so glad to hear that Coco Puff is doing much better.:) Please take care.(((HUGS)))

Prairie Purrs
04-09-2009, 11:51 AM
Lots of healing energy sent to Pidge and to you! May both of you feel better right away.

Laura's Babies
04-09-2009, 12:18 PM
Gee girl! You are catching it right and left aren't you! These fur kids mean a lot to us and it is so darned upsetting when they are sick or just not themselves. You think maybe your illness has been brought on by stress? (That's just a thought I had) Anyway, take care of yourself so you can feel better and take care of the fur kids.

04-09-2009, 06:36 PM
maybe your illness has been brought on by stress?

That thought did enter my mind but I really do think that I caught a 24 hr. bug of some kind. The stomach cramps and all that goes w/it have stopped and I'm not as dizzy as I was so things are looking up.

Speaking of looking up, Pidge came upstairs and sat in the hallway for a good while. When I noticed she was gone, I went downstair to look for her but she wasn't there. She was sitting in the dining room window watching the birds and the cars go by. So the subQ treatment must have perked her up. She hasn't eaten yet but maybe tomorrow. Here's hoping....

Coco Puff is getting better and better. I saw him playing w/one of Gary's catnip mice. Quite a change from parking his behind in the hallway and not budging.

So, all in all, there is definite improvement w/Mary and the Fur Posse. :)

04-09-2009, 10:04 PM
I am glad to hear the three of you seem to be improving. Keep heading in the right direction!! :D

04-10-2009, 08:24 AM
Pidge came upstairs on her own early this morning and joined the rest of the Fur Posse for breakfast. She didn't eat much but apparently it was enough. I just now gave her the subQ and she vomited during it, so I guess the food was too much for her, poor girl. And she's sneezing again which means I'll probably have to start her on Clindamycin which will also upset her tummy. Sigh.

04-10-2009, 11:10 AM
I hope that Pidge will start improving and feeling better. I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

04-10-2009, 11:50 AM
I'm relieved that Coco Puff is acting more like his old self and even playing with toys, that is soooooooooo great! And I'm glad you are on the mend too. And it does sound like Pidge is turning a corner too and I hope she is able to hold down her next meal. Prayers and thoughts going out for you and your whole crew. :)

04-11-2009, 07:56 PM
So sorry that you and your babies are going through all this. Hoping and praying that things will start turning around and everyone will begin to feel better. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

04-11-2009, 08:46 PM
She came upstairs first thing this morning and, although she didn't come when called for breakfast, when I placed the food in front of her, she did eat a bit. No vomiting today either. She sat in the dining room window for quite some time and laid in her spot on the back of the sofa for about a half hour this evening. She's still sneezing so I had to start her on Clindamycin and boy, does she hate that! I don't want to give her an antihistamine because it makes her so nervous that she cries out. She's stressed enough w/out adding to it.

Coco Puff is almost back to his old bad boy Raoul Boop self. His meow isn't as loud as it's been but it's still louder than usual so I'm thinking that his hearing is impaired but that he's not totally deaf as I feared. He's frequenting his favorite sleeping spots again and he's playful; such a totally different picture from a week ago.

Things are looking up and life is good again. Thanx for all your prayers and good wishes, friends. Pidge and Coco and all the rest of the Fur Posse and I appreciate it a lot. :love:

04-14-2009, 09:04 PM
Medusa, how are Pidgie and Coco Puff doing?

04-15-2009, 06:44 AM
Coco Puff is returning to his bad boy ways. I brought home some fried rice for dinner yesterday and while I was on the phone w/someone, I heard "Thud!". He had chewed through the side of the container and knocked it onto the floor. So I'm taking that as a sign that he's feeling better. I still can't judge whether or not his hearing has been totally restored because his meow is still louder than it used to be but at least he isn't afraid and insecure any more.

Pidge is doing better, too. The subQ treatments really perk her up and she doesn't even make a sound the entire time during the treatment. She's eating, although not that much, but at least she isn't turning up her nose or completely turning her back on food as she was doing. She's been sleeping w/the rest of the Fur Posse instead of w/me as she has been but that's ok, too. She comes upstairs in the morning and is alert and was snuggled in w/her man Boo on the back of the sofa yesterday.

Thank you so much for asking. :)

04-17-2009, 05:55 AM
What to do about Pidgelet? Same problem as before; she won't let me groom her. It's ok until I get close to the hindquarters; then she bats the brush out of my hand. She's becoming so matted again back there. I shaved her in a few spots a couple of weeks ago but she's matting near her tail now. Last night I tried to brush her for a few minutes and the poor girl became so stressed that she vomited. I can't do that to her. So I guess I'm going to have to totally shave her hindquarters. Boy, I sure hate to do that but I don't want those mats to become tight and painful again. There's no way I'm having her sedated for a lion cut again, not when she's been so sick and has cardiomyopathy. Jen, help!

04-18-2009, 08:06 PM
prayers that Pidgie will allow herself to be groomed back there

04-18-2009, 10:10 PM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear about Pidge's matting problem again.:( My Ziggy will get like this from time to time and she's also very hard to groom. I hope that she'll let you shave her and won't get too stressed out from it. Good luck.:)

Have you ever heard of using cornstarch to help remove mats? I've been watching the show "Groomer Has It" on Animal Planet and one of the groomers used this to help get mats out of a dog because they weren't allowed to bathe the dog. I think that another groomer used baby powder to do the same thing. Maybe this would also help Pidge.

Laura's Babies
04-18-2009, 10:28 PM
Hummmm... cornstarch? I may try that on Boo... I can brush and brush her and she still mats...

Poor Pidgelet.. You're right, you can't keep stressing her like that. Gee, I hope the cornstarch idea works.. You have to do something but finding what works.. :rolleyes:

04-19-2009, 10:48 AM
It seems as though everything stresses my little girl lately. She vomits her meds almost immediately and the pills are so teeny tiny. Maybe they're bitter, I don't know but it's got me concerned. Her appetite is waning; she barely eats enough to keep her alive. She's using the litter box fine and she's drinking water, so I guess I"ll count the blessings. I'm not sure about shaving her hindquarters today. I thought about the baby powder to get mats out but she's already got such bad dandruff; I don't want to add to the problem. I feel so bad about this.

04-19-2009, 11:05 AM
Have you tried a spray on detangler? I used to use that on my Lhasas when I kept their hair long.

04-19-2009, 12:01 PM
Have you tried a spray on detangler? I used to use that on my Lhasas when I kept their hair long.

No, I haven't. I looked for one at the pet supply stores but wasn't able to find any, just detangler shampoo and I don't want to bathe her. She's had enough stress, poor girl. She cringes when she sees me coming towards her. Not exactly the reaction I want. :(

04-19-2009, 02:00 PM
ROLLER COMB - mom and I went to a local cat show yesterday. Of course, the Persians looked like they had fur made out of angel hair! :)

One lady was putting her lovely brown persian baby back in her carrier, and I asked her what she used to groom her.

She held up a comb. It looks like a wide tooth slicker comb, with a two rows of steel teeth, one half the length of the other.

Each tine ROLLS. She said she has used the roller comb for 30 years. I tried to find one locally and online. I can't recall the make - started with an "E". Excaliber? Entourage? Expedition?

Mary, I think this would really help you groom Pidge...when I find one for Cole, I'll give you a report.

The breeder said all better pet stores have one.

ETA: Found a pic! http://www.petnutritionproducts.com/productimages/images/ergo_shed.jpg

The NAME I was trying to think of is "Evolution". Bamboo makes a comb like this, as does Master Grooming.

04-19-2009, 03:13 PM
No, I haven't. I looked for one at the pet supply stores but wasn't able to find any, just detangler shampoo and I don't want to bathe her. She's had enough stress, poor girl. She cringes when she sees me coming towards her. Not exactly the reaction I want. :(

What I used wasn't a shampoo - just a spray on detangler - can't remember the name. If you Google "detangler for dogs" - it brings up a bunch of different ones - I didn't check every one out since there's quite a few.

04-19-2009, 03:30 PM
So sorry about the matting problem. :( Basically it happens because she probably doesn't groom herself as thoroughly as she used to. the cat's tongue actually combes the hair.

anyway, let me comment on some of the suggestions.

cornstarch will probably not help wth mats. I am sure it was used to help absorb some of the dirt and grease in the coat. But, it can't hurt to try.

Spray on detanglers might not be safe for cats. READ labels!! And you do still have to COMB the hair, so she still might resist.

The comb pictured above is a fantastic comb, I could not live without it, but it WILL still pull at the fur.

Shaving is the quickest way to get the offensive hair away, and the results last longer than just combing. But I understand not wanting sedation.

Call any and all groomers in your area and ask if they do cats. Your vet is not always the best option. We (at our shop) would be able to do what is needed without sedation. All you need is a shop with experience, a few exta hands, and the willingness to work within the customer's request.

Ask them to just shave the hindquarters. Explain that she is old and doesn't tolerate a lot of grooming, but needs this done for sanitary reasons. She should be in and out quickly before she gets agitated.

Good luck!

04-19-2009, 05:43 PM
ROLLER COMB - mom and I went to a local cat show yesterday. Of course, the Persians looked like they had fur made out of angel hair! :)

One lady was putting her lovely brown persian baby back in her carrier, and I asked her what she used to groom her.

She held up a comb. It looks like a wide tooth slicker comb, with a two rows of steel teeth, one half the length of the other.

Each tine ROLLS. She said she has used the roller comb for 30 years. I tried to find one locally and online. I can't recall the make - started with an "E". Excaliber? Entourage? Expedition?

Mary, I think this would really help you groom Pidge...when I find one for Cole, I'll give you a report.

The breeder said all better pet stores have one.

ETA: Found a pic! http://www.petnutritionproducts.com/productimages/images/ergo_shed.jpg

The NAME I was trying to think of is "Evolution". Bamboo makes a comb like this, as does Master Grooming.

I have one. She hates it. :confused:

04-19-2009, 06:08 PM
I would ask you to ship it to me, but the shipping would cost more than what I would pay for it, likely! ;)

With the detangler spray I have, I spray it into my hands and rub my hands a bit, then apply it that way to Cole. Maybe try that for a couple of days, and see if the combing goes better.

I guess Dr Lee would still put a no-no on painkillers? Seems to me that some pain she might have is causing the combing difficulty?

Maybe only for use on grooming days???

04-19-2009, 06:26 PM
I would ask you to ship it to me, but the shipping would cost more than what I would pay for it, likely! ;)

With the detangler spray I have, I spray it into my hands and rub my hands a bit, then apply it that way to Cole. Maybe try that for a couple of days, and see if the combing goes better.

I guess Dr Lee would still put a no-no on painkillers? Seems to me that some pain she might have is causing the combing difficulty?

Maybe only for use on grooming days???

I use it on the rest of the Fur Posse and, actually, Pidge lets me groom her everywhere except her hindquarters and, of course, that's where she mats because that area is neglected. None of the other cats mind it at all. I believe I may have an extra one, Candace, and if I can find it, I'll send it to you. No worries about the postage.

Good idea about pain killers or maybe just a chill pill for her. I'll ask Dr. Lee about it and see what he says. I can't dig in there and really give her a good brushing because it truly appears to hurt her but I sure would like to. W/the rest of my cats, I can turn them upside down and they don't mind. LOL

04-25-2009, 09:00 AM
She barely eats at all, turns her nose up at most treats and more often than not, vomits her meds. I didn't get one single med into her this morning, so I have to wait before I try again because she vomited instantly. She doesn't like pill pockets so that won't work either. I was supposed to take a first aid/CPR course for pets this morning but I cancelled because I'm afraid to leave her. To make matters worse, she got underfoot and I accidentally stepped on her tail. She took off running and I just feel awful. And scared. I was going to shave her a little bit more today but not after all that. :(

04-25-2009, 10:12 AM
I hope this is just an "off" day for poor Pidge. Sending prayers and gentle cuddles her way and healing is all hers.:love:

04-25-2009, 10:20 AM
I hope this is just an "off" day for poor Pidge. Sending prayers and gentle cuddles her way and healing is all hers.:love:

I hope so, too, Candace. She's treating me as though I have the plague. "Tell it to the paw!" She has the same body language as Puddy did when she saw me coming towards her: she stiffens because she knows it's going to be meds or subQ's or a shot. If I try to show her affection at any other time, she pulls away. It's so sad to watch them grow old.

04-25-2009, 11:40 AM
This just isn't Pidge's day. I waited to give her the subQ treatment because of all that transpired this morning and I didn't want to stress her out. I've done hundreds of subQ's but you'd think that this was my first one. That needle just would not go in right and I made her bleed, not a lot, but it just added to her stress and my feeling awful. She's really avoiding me now. :(

04-25-2009, 11:46 AM
Oh Mary, I am so sorry Pidge is not having a good day today. :( I know how stressed you must be to see her so stressed. That's probably why the subQ's didn't go so well today. I would tell you to try and relax, but that's much easier said than done, I know.
I will just keep hoping that Ms Pidge gets over this little hump today and starts to improve again.

HUGS to you and Pidgelet!!

Laura's Babies
04-25-2009, 12:47 PM
Aww Geez, my heart is so heavy reading this..

04-25-2009, 07:26 PM
Oh, Pidgie, your Meowmie loves you SOOOO much, and she isn't being mean to you sticking you with the needle, she is giving you fluid to make you feel much better!

Sending Pidgelet and Mary prayers and good wishes and calming energies..

04-25-2009, 09:15 PM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear that Pidge isn't doing well today.:( I hope that tomorrow will be a much better day. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care and try not to stress out too much. (((HUGS)))

Pinot's Mom
04-25-2009, 10:34 PM
Mary, I'm so sorry you're going through this with Pidge - I wish there was something I could do. Keep up hope, and faith, and you'll pull through this.

04-25-2009, 10:40 PM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear that Pidge isn't doing well today.:( I hope that tomorrow will be a much better day. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care and try not to stress out too much. (((HUGS)))

My thoughts exactly.

04-26-2009, 01:00 AM
Prayers for you and Pidge from me.

04-26-2009, 05:35 AM
She's doing a little better now. I tried pill pockets last night w/her meds and she actually ate it, so the meds got into her at least. She probably figured that anything is better than gagging up the meds and me trying again and again to get them down her throat. She tried to scoot downstairs w/the rest of the Fur Posse to sleep last night but I wouldn't let her. I wanted to hear her so I had her sleep w/me and she was NOT happy about it. Every time I reached towards her to pet her, she cringed. Boy, does she ever hold a grudge! I'm taking it all as a good sign, though. If she was totally acquiescent, it would mean that she's too weak to put up much of a fight.

04-26-2009, 08:53 AM
I hope Pidge starts to feel better. I'm glad she ate the pill pocket.

Poor girl. I know what you mean about them holding a grudge. Hermes wouldn't let me near him after I put the cone on his head. He's doing better now but they don't forget easily.

Prays coming for Pidge.
