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View Full Version : How Often Do You Poop-Scoop Your Yard

03-04-2008, 06:13 PM
I scoop every day except for extremely bad days weather wise. I like
to be able to walk anywhere in the yard with a problem. takes just a few
minutes everyday but I like the results. How often do you take care of this
needed chore?

03-04-2008, 06:17 PM
With three dogs, usually right after they go. If the weather's really bad or it's dark, I try to remember exactly where the poop is so I can clean it when possible. ;)

03-04-2008, 06:18 PM
I scoop every day except for extremely bad days weather wise. I like
to be able to walk anywhere in the yard with a problem. takes just a few
minutes everyday but I like the results. How often do you take care of this
needed chore?

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I need to follow your rule! I am so bad about it and can't be like that anymore. I barely did any scooping all winter and now i'm paying for it. yesterday was so nice so I went out to scoop and of course it was disgusting. I want to be like you Liz! I want to be able to walk out in my yard and play with the dogs without having to worry to much about stepping in poop.

I will be better at this!!!!

03-04-2008, 06:37 PM
Gosh, I too wish our dogs' poop got scooped more often. :o

Its actually my sister's job, so it gets done once a week if we are lucky. Though our dogs are courteous enough to poop only in the lower end of the yard, so we know where to avoid walking. ;]

03-04-2008, 06:44 PM
ok... Iīm a lil behind here too.... I try to do often but sometime itīs just not in me :o

although it doesnīt bothers me to scoop a lot one time, glad it doesnīt smells.... another thing that puts me off for days itīs trash collectors they come up only mon-wed-fri so if I skip a day Iīll have to wait till the other :o

btw... I could use some scooping now that you reminded me of it

03-04-2008, 06:49 PM
Gosh. I guess I better go out in scoop. I havn't really done it since January. :o

03-04-2008, 07:08 PM
I do the main part of the yard pretty much daily. Anywhere a visitor is likely to see is done daily(no one is calling AC to say my dog yard isn't clean!) as is Sundin's pen(cuz he likes to eat poopsicles if he has the chance). The other pens, that have far fewer dogs in them than the main yard, are done twice a week. On the weekends or days when I have more time, I do the far reaches of the yard.

Stored in tightly sealed metal cans until we make a dump run(no garbage pick up where I live).

03-04-2008, 07:09 PM
Rocky is easy because he will only poop in the dog run or the perimeter of
the yard which is dirt. (he will not poop on the lawn)
Lately I have only been scooping 2 times a week. :cool:

Lori Jordan
03-04-2008, 07:17 PM
In the summer i do it daily,3 4 times a day.

But come winter...My son has moved out on his own and he actually always did it for me..I never had to worry about the yard.

Now Rebecca was put on the job too do it.I think she has done it once in 3 months....I went out the other day and got alot of it done.But it is really hard to do when it is frozen lol.

As soon as the snow goes it will be all done,If not what a mess ill have when everything melts.

03-04-2008, 08:45 PM
I like to scoop every day, but if the weather's bad, it may be in 2 or 3 days.

You want a winter poop-scooping tip? If everything is frozen solid & stuck to the ground, take a pitcher of warm water with you & pour it on the little piles & dark spots where it's under the snow... In just a minute they are "scoopable". HaHaHa, I wonder if I should send this tip into Helouise?

critter crazy
03-04-2008, 08:50 PM
I dont!!:D First off, I have great dogs who go potty on the optside edges of the property, and secondly I have 24 free range chickens that Love fresh Poop!!:D

03-04-2008, 08:57 PM
Never! :p That's Bruce's job. :) I will do it if I want to play with her, but lately I've just been taking her to the dog park everyday that I possibly can. I know he does it at least before he mows the lawn, but he may do it more often....I don't know.

03-04-2008, 09:24 PM
I scoop every day except for extremely bad days weather wise.

Yup. Not in rain, snow, cold weather. Then I just wait until it clears up out. Might be a day or 3.

If everything is frozen solid & stuck to the ground, take a pitcher of warm water with you & pour it on the little piles & dark spots where it's under the snow... In just a minute they are "scoopable". HaHaHa, I wonder if I should send this tip into Helouise?

Similarly, if you want a GREEN lawn all Spring, Summer, Fall, take around a pitcher of cold water. Follow behind the dogs and put about a pint of water each place they pee. This waters it down enough that the grass will continue to grow, and no yellow / dead spots!

03-04-2008, 09:31 PM
Everyday in the summer. Once or twice all winter. We have 5 feet of snow in the backyard and the poop just keep getting covered. If we tried picking it up we'd have more snow than poop. Once it melts it takes a few hours to rake up the backyard from months of poop. We never have yellow spots in the yard.

03-04-2008, 09:43 PM
In the actual dog pens I have I scoop atleast 2x a day, actually pretty much anytime I am outside in the pens if they need scooped I do it because I HATE having poop filled pens, I can't stand it, especially since a lot of the fenced area I have is concret pavers, which get hosed, scrubbed down and bleached atleast once a week.... but even the gravel pens I HAVE to keep them clean!....whether we have rain, snow, to cold, to hot etc.. whatever...

Now In my actual yard where my dogs run loose and are out of the pens, VERY rarely do I scoop it because the dogs usually go to the edge of the yard or even in the woods to use the bathroom, rather than just going in the middle of my yard.... which is actually pretty small because most of my property is all woods and rocky hillside (about 17 acres)... if they do happen to go closer to the house or my steps I will scoop it then.


03-04-2008, 09:53 PM
Every time he goes....no choice 'cos I'm in a condo. :)

03-04-2008, 10:15 PM
Every other day in the winter, 'cause frozen poopsicles are easier to snatch up. Come to think of it, every other day in summer too 'cause if it's hot..does the word "baked" sound too yukky..is easier too. If it's going to rain or snow, immediately if I catch it in time. Logan usually does her #2 at night. I guess there is something about having 1 pup. :p

03-04-2008, 11:04 PM
I have to admit that I'm behind schedule on the poop scoop'n :o . I try to get to it at least once a week, but every now and then that slips to once every other week. I can't complain about winter weather here, but at least there's a big yard and side yard so it doesn't ever become too big of an issue,but it needs to be done more often.

03-05-2008, 07:23 AM
I'm bad at picking up poop. :o

In the summer I do it once a week (before I cut the grass) but once the grass doesn't get cut anymore... I'm lucky to get out there once a month! :eek:
Comes Spring time, I'm out there for 2 or 3 days picking up poop! :eek:

03-05-2008, 07:34 AM
take a pitcher of warm water with you & pour it on the little piles & dark spots where it's under the snow... In just a minute they are "scoopable". HaHaHa, I wonder if I should send this tip into Helouise?

LOL! LOL! I don't think I have ever read any tip that even remotely comes close to that in Helouise! :D

During the summer months I usually do it every other day. I make sure I do it right before hubby mows. :) In the winter no one walks in the yard other than the dogs so I slack off A LOT! Bella usually goes along the back part of the yard so there aren't so many *mines* of hers to accidentally walk through. Ripley goes everywhere but his poopies are pretty tiny. :p I did a long overdue pooper scoop last week and let's just say it was probably comparable to cleaning up after a couple of elephants. :p :o

03-05-2008, 08:50 AM
I'm really bad about this!

I scoop rarely, mostly when I need to mow. Once or twice between November and March.
My yard is divided into a dog area and 'my' area, so I don't have to avoid the mess. The dogs have decided to use the back part of 'their' yard so it makes it easier to clean. Nice of them. :D

Two weeks worth of dog scooping is equal to on day's worth of cat scooping. :confused:

Ramble On Rose
03-05-2008, 09:09 AM
Depends on the weather:

In semi coldish weather when we arn't hanging out out side much, once a week, the day before garbage pick-up. In winter, maybe once a month if we get a nice day and there's not a lot in snow. In the nicest months, twice a week.

03-05-2008, 09:27 AM
We're like Angie, we mow the lawn once a week and it's done before that. Or on the rare occasion that we're having company, I'm bored or if we want to play hide-and-seek I'll scoop it. Once we stop mowing the lawn...I wouldn't walk in the yard. :P

03-05-2008, 09:32 AM
Everyday, summer or winter. I hate to see my dogs digging in the snow for poopsicles so it gets picked up even during a snowstorm...I need the fresh air anyway...hubby and I actually share the chore...whoever happens to be outside when they go or if we see some. You get used to freezing cold and snow and don't get bothered by it.

03-05-2008, 04:58 PM
I usually like to play fetch with the pups on any good day, so it helps
a lot not to have to watch where I step. :) They both go on the same
side of the yard, & it only takes a few minutes. I would think it was healthy
for the dogs too. :)

03-05-2008, 05:32 PM
Is my dog the only one who poops inside on a wee-wee pad? We have a wee-wee pad set up in the laundry room and when she wants to go she waits by the door. I clean it up right after she goes, because if I leave it there I get yelled at so I just flush it. :p

03-05-2008, 06:45 PM
Depends on the weather.. In these colder months.. usually once a week, except I try to get it all before it snows... So they dont step in it because its covered by inches of white and then bring it inside.. Eli is one clumsy dog.. :rolleyes: In the summer, definitely every other day or so. It starts to stink............. "baked" sounds about right!!

We live in a townhouse/patio home/condo( :rolleyes: )/villa/whatever so the backyard is a concrete slab and river rocks.. so it has no where to go.. So we must scoop.. and for our neighbors' sake. And in the summer we have to clean the concrete with a big broom and SimpleGreen because MissPriss refuses to do her business on the rocks.. So 'PeeStainedConcrete' gets smelly in 90F+ with 100% humidity.. Shoot. :eek:

I'd love a grass backyard.. At my mom's house, we never scooped. Half an acre of grass and 4.5 acres of woods, so RB Pepper could poop wherever she pleased. It was NICE!

03-05-2008, 10:19 PM
Not often enough. :o :o

During the summer I did pretty good, at least once a week, whenever I had to mow the lawn. During the winter however...:o Lets just say the snow is mostly melted now and our yard isn't pretty. :o They tend to poop in just certain ares so I generally can walk around the yard in the poop-free zones. It will be nice when the cold weather stops so I can get back into a regular poop-scooping schedule. ;)

03-05-2008, 11:13 PM
:D :D :D we will have to pay a person to come clean up our pups poops :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ... he gives us a 2 dog discount :rolleyes: .. what with us in school for the next 10 months and working part time, the guy comes 1 time a week and cleans it all up..

HOWEVER, before that we were doing it 2 to 3 times per day... now that we have our hands full it is really nice to have to just pay someone to do it. then, once we graduate from college and the twins have settled in, we will go back to doing it our selves... is that BAD??? :confused: ...

03-05-2008, 11:47 PM
I dont. My puppy uses a puppy pad. I keep 3-4 out always, and I change them 1-2 times daily, when they need to be changed!

03-05-2008, 11:55 PM
Hubby Scoops EVERY morning.. and I do In early Evening Before it gets dark. So, 2x a day. :-) I dun Like stepping in it! :-) and the way the dogs play.. if I don't they Roll around in while playing.. Ewwww!

03-12-2008, 02:12 PM
Ugh. I've been very lazy this winter and didn't pick up Fenways poop all of the time. So now it is buried in about 10 feet of snow. Once it melts I'll be able to pick it up. Boy I can't wait! :D

03-12-2008, 02:46 PM
every day or 2 in the summer. whever possable in the winter. I womnt go outside when its 40 below to poop scoop lol, but we get random warm days throughout the winter where things will start to melt for a day..those day I will go out and pick up what I can..the next day its usually 40 below and snowing again lol. its finally springtime and the snow is melting so we have been out every other day or so picking up what we can get at. there IS a $500 fine for not cleaning your yard here, so we try to clean up whatever is visable.

03-12-2008, 03:15 PM
When I lived in a house with a garden once a day. Now I'm living in the end bungalow of four and without fences between us in the long back yard/garden I have to take Bob out on the lead to do his business, and make sure he does so on our 'patch'. As I'm out there anyway I clean it up right away.