View Full Version : Bands you'd spend big bucks to see

10-04-2007, 10:20 AM
An interesting question on the morning radio show I listen to ... what bands or singers, living or dead, would you consider paying "big bucks" to see? Genesis has been in Chicago this week, third of 3 shows tonight and the top ticket price was $227.

Right away I thought of the Beatles. I was in the 9th grade when John Lennon was murdered in 1980. I wonder, if he hadn't been killed, what would have happened with the Beatles. If they would have got back together, made more albums, gone on tour. Guess I will always wonder. If they were all still alive and making a concert appearance in Chicago, I think I'd cough up big bucks for a decent seat. I also wonder if Elvis Presley hadn't died from an overdose, what the rest of his career might have been.

10-04-2007, 10:23 AM
Definitely Garth Brooks.

10-04-2007, 10:27 AM
I'm not sure. I'm getting so disgusted with people buying up a bunch of tickets and then scalping them. A perfect example is the recent sales of the Hannah Montana tour. There are tickets out there selling for over $225,000.00 because she is in such demand. It's sad to see because that means some of these kids who save up there money for tickets don't get them because of ppl like this. Last concert I went to was an Alabama concert unless you count the Chipndales that my hubby sent me too with his mom.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-04-2007, 10:28 AM
Please someone say the Spice Girls! Due to a genuine mix up with ordering I have two that I don't need....

10-04-2007, 11:59 AM
$225,000 for Hannah Montana? Are you sure? :confused:

I know that my husband would say "Elvis" or "Cher", his two favorites. Maybe even Robert Earl Keen, another of his favorites.

I'm at the point that I'll go buy the cd, some wonderful food and a good bottle of wine, sit in candlelight and listen at home. I don't think that makes me boring, just practical.


10-04-2007, 12:16 PM
I would prolly pay good money for Johnny Cash if he was still around... Or maybe some one like neil young or led zeppelin.

10-04-2007, 12:51 PM
I have been to see my three favorite performers (Brooks & Dunn, Alan Jackson and Brad Paisley) and would probably go again in the future. My hubby would say Pink Floyd as would my son. :) Actually our whole family went to see Pink Floyd many years ago in Philly.

10-04-2007, 01:02 PM
Well, I've been wracking my feeble brain and I can't think of a single band that I would spend that kind of money to see. I'd rather sit home and watch on TV -- no crowds, no traffic, etc.

10-04-2007, 01:21 PM
Well, I've been wracking my feeble brain and I can't think of a single band that I would spend that kind of money to see. I'd rather sit home and watch on TV -- no crowds, no traffic, etc.
I agree! I was thinking the same thing.

Laura's Babies
10-04-2007, 01:28 PM
I don't like the crowds and traffic either. Much more prefer a quiet night with my kitties listening to Josh groban on the stero.

10-04-2007, 01:52 PM
Band or Singers

I like to hear Enico Caruso live.

And I wish I 'd heard Della Reese when she was young and earned the nickname "Silver Pipes."

I'd love to hear Louie Armstrong live.

As I love Big Bands and Swing, the bands I'd like to hear live are from that era: Tommy Dorsey, Glen Miller, and a few others.

smokey the elder
10-04-2007, 03:13 PM
The two bands I'd pay big coin to see again are The Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd.

10-04-2007, 03:29 PM
I've seen Steve Earle seven times and I would pay to see him again without hesitation. The next time he comes to Vancouver, I'm flying down!

10-04-2007, 05:17 PM
I have never paid big bucks to see any concert, i saw Eagles and Ricky martin courtesy of the radio comp i won on both accounts,however i am paying to see America in Dec, we paid 180 for two tickets, i know that is pretty cheap, but to me it is big bucks, i would have loved to see Steely Dan, they were more expensive, and yes scalping goes on here too, i am in two minds about them, it is unfair when they buy up the tickets and other people cannot get tickets and they sell them on for big bucks, but i guess it is a business venture like anything else and they take the risks, so why not, however on trademe here,like your ebay, they have just stopped people doing that, they can only sell them for the original price they paid, which makes it very fair for everyone.

10-04-2007, 05:53 PM
I've seen BB King live and I'd pay out the you-know-what to see him again. :)

10-04-2007, 05:58 PM
I have a hard time justifying paying "big bucks" for a concert. I have seen John Mellencamp (uh, something like 7 times! :eek: :rolleyes: ) and I have never paid more than $50.00 per ticket. He is now on tour again, but I think I am going to pass this time since I saw him on his last tour.

I was sooooo fortunate to be able to see BareNaked Ladies in concert a few years ago in Indy. We bought our tickets the day of the concert and only paid $25.00 each. And we had pretty good seats! But the best was when I paid $80.00 for a total of 4 tickets for BNL! :eek: :eek: The concert was in Tampa (I was in FL visiting my then-sweetie). Of course, they were in the nosebleed section, but we didn't care! But when we got to the arena, we discovered that the concert was actually going to be "in the round" and that our seats were to the side of the stage.... about 4 rows from the front!!!!!!!!!!!! We were in heaven! It was New Year's Eve, and what a way to ring in the new year!

10-04-2007, 06:40 PM
Definitely Garth Brooks.

Kansas City, November 14. Tickets go on sale Saturay at 10am!

10-04-2007, 06:47 PM
Cheap Trick! CCR! Hellogoodbye! Boys Like Girls! That's it.

10-04-2007, 06:51 PM
Please someone say the Spice Girls! Due to a genuine mix up with ordering I have two that I don't need....

LOL If it was in Vancouver, I would snatch them up quick! I can't find any decent seats under $300! Have you tried Craigslist? People are making huge profits selling Spice Girl tickets on there!

10-04-2007, 06:57 PM
I don't think any of the bands I've ever wanted to see live were over $20, $25 at the most.

THE BEST show I've ever been to was The Buzzcocks and it was absolutely free. :D

10-04-2007, 07:01 PM
Trace Adkins
Dierks Bently
Brad Paisley
Brooks & Dunn
Kenny Chesney
Taylor Swift

10-04-2007, 07:27 PM
Yellowcard and Simple plan! But, I am waiting for them to come to six flags first. They are all free concerts there, I'll have to wait to see if they will be coming. Bands like Lone Star, the Jonas Brothers, Sugarcult, etc. played there.

10-04-2007, 07:48 PM
I would love to see Hannha Montana! LOL, I know, I'm probably a little too old to be watching Disney Channel, but I just can't stop! :p :o

10-04-2007, 08:46 PM
$225,000 for Hannah Montana? Are you sure? :confused:

I know that my husband would say "Elvis" or "Cher", his two favorites. Maybe even Robert Earl Keen, another of his favorites.

I'm at the point that I'll go buy the cd, some wonderful food and a good bottle of wine, sit in candlelight and listen at home. I don't think that makes me boring, just practical.


Yep they had a big article on it on yahoo.com the other day

10-04-2007, 08:52 PM
Can't remember the last concert I had to pay for. I just don't find it worth it to me when I can spend my money on something else I'd rather have... shoes, handbags, boots, lol.

I lived in Bethlehem, where we have Musikfest every year, and Celtic Fest, and most of the bands you listen to there are free. The big name bands HAD BEEN free, but then the corporate world got involved, and marketing and merchandising, and they decided to put all the big name bands on this "island" of sorts and charge for tickets. It started off as a community music festival, and now it's just commercialized and decadence. I haven't gone much at all the past few years... usually just went to listen to the small time bands and to get funnel cake and waffles w/ ice cream, lol.

This is what Musikfest has become...

10-04-2007, 09:10 PM
Here's a little primer on how and why tix get to be so expensive.

Scalpers and demand.

If you go to a ticket broker (scalper) you will pay a bundle.

There are a bunch of ways to get tix.

In the good old days you went to the location tix office, stood in line and got a bracelet with a number on it. You came back later in the day and when they called you # you got back into line and bought your four tix...Four was the limit.

Or you went to a Ticketmaster stall that was set up in a store like Montgomery Wards. You waited until they opened the doors and ran like the wind to get into line. That was a trip but sometimes dangerous. You always got some smart arse that pushed people into displays or racks of clothes.

Brokers would pay kids to stand in line, get the tix, pay the kids an inflate the price.

Now with internet and mobile phones arenas sell out in minutes. No fair to the 'poor' fans.

Way back when, the Forum in Inglewood sold a "Senate Seat" for a few thousand dollars. When you bought that seat you were guaranteed that seat for every event that year. Some people made extra money selling the tix for events that they didn't want.

Needless to say that the outrageous prices some people pay are 'broker fees' and it depends on how close you want to sit.

I saw the Kinks for 7.50 at Cal State Northridge I sat on a stinky canvas cover for the basketball court. I saw Bowie for 175.00. That night I was so close to the stage that I could not see the band. :eek:


Three concerts that I would pay big bucks to see again are

Pink FLoyd.
Roger Waters and

Floyd fans.....
I got to go see The Wall at the L.A. sports arena in 80. IT's too bad that there are no films or tapes of that show.

Check out the Roger Waters DVD-In the Flesh Live. That was one of my top five concerts.

The Cat Factory
10-04-2007, 09:19 PM
Pink Floyd, Rogers Waters, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Radiohead...

10-04-2007, 10:06 PM
I've seen BB King live and I'd pay out the you-know-what to see him again. :)

I have too, and boy was it a privilage to see! The man is amazing in concert. My parents are die hard music lovers and I've been a lucky tag along to a lot of really good concerts. Seeing a band live is special I think (unless they just absolutly STINK live or are having an off night). Some people I would have loved to see if their lives weren't cut tragically short is Jimmi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Doors with Jim Morrison and Stevie Ray Vaugn...all of which my parents have seen.

Conversely, a lot of really good producers in the Electronic music community DJ badly and paying big bucks to see for example a Paul Van Dyk or a Paul Okenfold show just is NOT worth it. They are talented producers, and I think they should just stick with what they are good at lol. There are local DJs that I can pay 5 bucks to see that blow some of those big names out of the water.

10-04-2007, 10:13 PM
I hate being in crowds of people so naturally I don't really like concerts.

Eric dragged me to the Decembrists and the Shins in the last year (both bands I like) but I didn't enjoy the concerts. For one thing, I am not very tall, only about 5'4" and at both concerts some really tall person stood RIGHT in front of me.

I also just feel uncomfortable in the proximity of so many people usually drinking (though thankfully not smoking in CO!) and being weird. I'm so glad my brother lives here now and he'll go to the concerts with Eric. Just recently they went to an all-day music fest and I was so relieved I got to stay home.

Suki Wingy
10-04-2007, 11:08 PM
Garth Brooks, Celtic Women, and The Remus Lupins aka Alex Carpenter. :) It's Wrock so not expensive but I am paying $200 to go to Terminus (http://www.terminus2008.org) which will include LOTS of wizard rock bands.

10-05-2007, 08:42 AM
Nirvana & Aleka's Attic... not going to happen sadly (Kurt Cobain & River Phoenix no longer with us).