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View Full Version : What's the most embarassing thing that ever happened to you?

08-02-2002, 08:54 AM
A good laugh is never a bad thing, so I thought I'd start this thread! And above all, don't be shy ;)

I've had alot of embarassing moments in my life, but the most recent would be when I was in a mall with my parents and boyfriend. I was going into a store and I didn't realize there was a glass door in the way. I walked right into the door and my poor glasses got even more messed up than they already were and I had a headache for the rest of the evening. And of course, it didn't make it any better that everyone was staring and chuckling!

Oki doki, that's my story! Anyone else?

Edwina's Secretary
08-02-2002, 01:23 PM
How about just a recent embarrassment (have had so many at my age!!)

Last weekend I was at my husband's family picnic. The was a salad I have had before and enjoyed so I took some. I was sitting with my husband and his sister. I was asked (I don't remember by whom) "how's the salad?" "A little dry," I said, "it's like there isn't any dressing!"

My sister-in-law replied..."I made it. Maybe I should have mixed it better."

When she went to attend to it my husband asked how my foot tasted.

Needless to say....I ate ALOT more of that salad RAVING about the dressing!

:o :o :o

08-02-2002, 01:53 PM
Oh dear, where to begin?! lol

(I think I was in the 5-6th grade when this one happened) My family and I were visiting my Dad's Sister. My uncle was showing dad a newspaper clipping re: contestants for the Miss West Virginia pagent. I entered the room, snuck a peek over dad's shoulder, pointed to one contestant and said, "Well, we don't have to worry about her winning." My uncle replied, "That's my sister." :o :o :o

08-02-2002, 03:29 PM
Years ago in my drinking days, my friend and I went to a bar after work for happy hour. We had just gotten our drinks from the bar and we were walking into the lounge to grab a table. My friend was walking ahead of me talking to me. Keep in mind the bar was dimly lit and the carpeting was all the same. We hadn't even starting drinking yet when *BOOM*! I didn't see the 3 steps coming up and landed on all fours (picture it, a woman in a business suit on all fours). Pam was babbling away to me when she turned around and I wasn't there. I was on the floor!!:p :eek: Talking about embarassing! I'm sure the patrons all thought I was a nutcase. I never went back there again.

PJ's Mom
08-02-2002, 04:27 PM
Oh my...

About 6 months ago, I took all four of my kids (teenagers) to the store with me to do our weekly grocery shopping. Since they love to take control of the cart, I usually walk ahead of them, pulling the cart from the front to hurry them along as they beg for things they want. ;)

I was talking on the phone to my husband, while browsing the cereal aisle. What I didn't know is that I had grabbed the wrong cart...one that was attached to a very nice lady and her baby, and had dragged them for an aisle and a half without anyone saying a word to me. My cart (still with my kids, of course) had fallen behind, and the kids were laughing hysterically at me while I apologized a lot to the poor lady I pulled around the store, and my face turned bright red.

I still don't know why someone didn't say something! :o :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-02-2002, 05:25 PM
Mine would be ....
At my church before sercive their is a girl who blows a shofar horn.. (it is a long horn made from a rams horn)... here is a picture.

(that is NOT the girl)

anyway the girl that usually does it asked me if I wanted to start blowing it for her because she will be busy doing something else with some new system we are using to put up the praise and worship songs.. I am pretty good at it so I said I would. That Sunday morning I was sooo nervous so she said she would blow it with me and I did o.k. but I just blamed it on the noise and my nerves.. that Sunday night I did it alone and I WAS TERRIBLE... If anyone has ever tried to blow any kind of horn or trumpet you know you have to put your lips together and kind of spit and if you do it right it will sound like a horn blow... well as soon as it was time to do it my mouth dried up like a bone and all I did was make this TERRIBLE loud spitting noise.. I felt soooooooo stupid.. I wanted to throw it down and hide in a deeeeep hole!!:eek: but I couldn't so I kept on trying and all I would do was make this loud spitting noise in front of all those people .. I WAS MORTIFIED!!

08-02-2002, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
Oh my...

About 6 months ago, I took all four of my kids (teenagers) to the store with me to do our weekly grocery shopping. Since they love to take control of the cart, I usually walk ahead of them, pulling the cart from the front to hurry them along as they beg for things they want. ;)

I was talking on the phone to my husband, while browsing the cereal aisle. What I didn't know is that I had grabbed the wrong cart...one that was attached to a very nice lady and her baby, and had dragged them for an aisle and a half without anyone saying a word to me. My cart (still with my kids, of course) had fallen behind, and the kids were laughing hysterically at me while I apologized a lot to the poor lady I pulled around the store, and my face turned bright red.

I still don't know why someone didn't say something! :o :D

Yep We didn`t say a word!:D

08-02-2002, 06:04 PM
I have a funny story and it's even pet-related. One day my son's friend came over. He grew up in a house without pets (imagine that?) and was never particularly enthused about my pets. As luck would have it, Ashley, my miniature poodle (now at RB) decided to throw up right at his feet. I mean she missed his shoe by about an inch! My son's friend was afraid to even look down at his feet! I did the fastest clean up I have ever done, apologizing profusely as I cleaned! LOL!

PJ's Mom
08-02-2002, 06:08 PM
Yep. Rottieluver is my youngest. :)

08-02-2002, 06:29 PM
Here ya go again, Ann...posting up really creative and addictive threads! LOL LOL :D :D

Laughter IS the best medicine, and this is the perfect thread for some laughs! I've been chuckling over all of these here at my desk! I better keep it down though, lest I get caught on PT again and get in trouble...AGAIN!! :rolleyes:

Anyway, where to begin! I have so many, but this one is a classic...ok

I was in the mall and I bumped into a high school aquaintence. Anyway, he had his younger sibling with him and as we chatted, I looked down and asked "Oh! Is this your brother??"...You know what he said?

He said..."No, this is my SISTER!!"


Seriously, you can't tell these days! :eek: LOL LOL Next time I'm unsure, I'll be sure to ask "and, who's this?"...that way I'm covered...:D

Aspen and Misty
08-02-2002, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by wolflady

Seriously, you can't tell these days! :eek: LOL LOL

Hey now my brother has cute curly hair and he gets called a girl all the time even by polie officers! LOL. Porr lil guy.

Well my embarresing moment was we went over to my brotehr's friends (Micah) house and Chewy was with us. Micah's mom was like O look at the puppy and asked to hold him well Cheyw got so exited he peed all over her new white shirt. My was that embarrising.

08-03-2002, 05:14 AM
LOL, great stories everyone!! I laughed so hard my eyes were all teary :D

And thanks wolflady :)

08-04-2002, 03:19 AM
These are too funny.http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/lol4.gif Thanks for starting the thread Ann. I'll have to think about this one for a while and get back to you.

08-04-2002, 08:25 AM
This happened quite recently....
I was out dancing at my favourite venue in Amsterdam and had just visited the ladies room.. my boyfriend had waited for me and as we were walking back upstairs I was talking excitedly about the music and people etc. and put my arm around his waist in a real cosy way (like you would only do with your boyfriend :) )
...a few seconds later someone tapped my shoulder and I looked around to see who was trying to get my attention.. I felt very confused when I saw my boyfriend behind me laughing really laud and looked next to me into the even more confused face of a guy I had never seen before!!! :confused:
I was so shocked I couldn't say anything, but the guy didn't mind and we all had a laugh.
The moral of this story is... always check if you have the right person before showing affection in public places... :D

08-04-2002, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Piglet
This happened quite recently....
I was out dancing at my favourite venue in Amsterdam and had just visited the ladies room.. my boyfriend had waited for me and as we were walking back upstairs I was talking excitedly about the music and people etc. and put my arm around his waist in a real cosy way (like you would only do with your boyfriend :) )
...a few seconds later someone tapped my shoulder and I looked around to see who was trying to get my attention.. I felt very confused when I saw my boyfriend behind me laughing really laud and looked next to me into the even more confused face of a guy I had never seen before!!! :confused:
I was so shocked I couldn't say anything, but the guy didn't mind and we all had a laugh.
The moral of this story is... always check if you have the right person before showing affection in public places... :D


08-04-2002, 04:57 PM
Mine is along the same lines as Piglet except it happened back when I was in high school ( I say that like it was long ago lol)

Me and my boyfriend had been together for about 2 months and he always walked with me between these two classes (I cant remember which ones). One day I was in my own lil world as I walked and reading something in my notebook when an arm wrapped around my shoulders and someone whispered, “Hey Gorgeous.” “Hey Babe,” was all I said before I stopped to write something in my notebook. By now this person was behind me hugging me with their head on my shoulder reading what I was writing. All of a sudden I hear my boyfriend beside me saying, “Justin, what on earth do you think you are doing?” I turn around to see my best guy friend (the 1 I do all my friendly flirting with) was the person who had been reading over my shoulder. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t talk to either one of them for the rest of the day. :o We still joke around about Justin being my "other man". LOL!

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Piglet
This happened quite recently....
I was out dancing at my favourite venue in Amsterdam and had just visited the ladies room.. my boyfriend had waited for me and as we were walking back upstairs I was talking excitedly about the music and people etc. and put my arm around his waist in a real cosy way (like you would only do with your boyfriend :) )
...a few seconds later someone tapped my shoulder and I looked around to see who was trying to get my attention.. I felt very confused when I saw my boyfriend behind me laughing really laud and looked next to me into the even more confused face of a guy I had never seen before!!! :confused:
I was so shocked I couldn't say anything, but the guy didn't mind and we all had a laugh.
The moral of this story is... always check if you have the right person before showing affection in public places... :D

OMG. That was so funny! I feel so bad for you. LOL.

08-05-2002, 01:17 AM
While Dadcat was up in Idaho last summer, I went out to brunch with his aunt & uncle, and his gorgeous cousin and her daughter came, too. It was really good to see everybody, and I was thanking myself for picking out a pair of fairly tight black pants that make me look slimmer (sigh) and a good looking tunic top. It was a Chinese buffet, so we were all up and down several times.
As we were leaving, Aunt Ronnie said, "What's that, hon?" I looked at the back of my thigh, and there for all the world to see was the size strip they stick on new pants, advertizing my not so slim pants size to the world. :o :o :o

08-05-2002, 01:19 AM
Hmmm...what DON'T I do that's embarassing? lol. Man I should have hundreds of stories but I can't think of anything. My sleeping habits (talking/walking/psychotic dreams) are very embarassing. This one has to be the worst.

A few months ago, I decided to get ready for school. I was in the bathroom, had my makeup on, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and somehow (it was NOT easy) I had even put my contacts in. While I was putting my contacts in I WOKE UP. It was 3:30 a.m. on a saturday morning. LOL.

That one scared me, lol.....I'm hoping next time I sleep walk I won't take a drive or something....I had the lights on and everything, I was trying pathetically to open my eyes to put the contacts in when I was asleep.

Oh here's something funny.....my friends mom once went to order some tator tots at a restaurant--came out as Tator Tits! :eek:

08-05-2002, 04:47 AM
Originally posted by kohala
... advertizing my not so slim pants size to the world.

Oh, cringe!! {{{Kohala}}}

It vaguely seems like I did a very similar thing not so long ago, but I don't remember and don't want to either.

My most embarrassing moment (among many) was getting stuck in a postage slot in a Washington D.C. hotel. Sometime when I'm more awake I'll need to confess up about it... :rolleyes: :o :(

08-05-2002, 07:37 AM
LOL, I've had those moments too when I walk up to the wrong person! So embarassing!

AmberLee, a postage slot like the things you stick letters to be sent in??

08-05-2002, 11:06 AM
Oh Ann, I can relate to the one about the glassdoor, I did the same, when visiting friends in Spain (for the first time) I headed right for the balcony and walked into a huge glassdoor. :o

Some years back we had a few funny incidents in 2 hotels. John and I went on one of these cheap package tours to Ibiza. We were usually lucky to get a nice hotel, but this time, we got one of these "OH NO!" hotels. We just had to move to another! Even though we managed to get a room on the top floor, it was noisy like he..!! There was a disco at the bottom. Just before we moved, I tried to get the hairdryer plug out of the wall socket, but the whole lot came out! The hotel and the whole street went completely dark - but at least the music stopped!

Soon after, we moved on to the next hotel and it was lovely! :) Just one little thing - the toilet was running! I was out there and figured, if I turn this little screw, it will stop. And right I was - partly, the more I turned it, the less water was running, when suddenly it came off and water started pouring out! I screamed for John to come and do something while trying to hold my finger on it, but I had locked the door. :rolleyes: Eventually, I had to let go and open the door, and we had to call the reception. An elderly Spanish lady came up with a pair of pliers and eventually stopped the flow. The whole bathroom floor was under water, so we had to change rooms once again! This was pretty embarressing! :o

Edwina's Secretary
08-05-2002, 11:30 AM
That makes me think of a time I was staying in a hotel in Minneapolis. I often, upon arrival, turn the shower on as hot as possible to steam the wrinkles out of my clothes. I did so and looked at the slacks I was wearing (which I would wear again on the trip) -- wrinkly. So I took them off, hung by the shower with the other clothes, exited the bathroom and pulled the door shut. As it was shutting I felt the locked handle -- too late.

So there I was --- in my underwear with the shower running in the locked bathroom....

Fortunately it is usually cold in Minneapolis (in fact I believe it was winter) so I had a coat to put on when the maintenance man came to unlock the bathroom door....

(Randi -- are you a "marked woman" with the utiliites companies in Ibiza???)

08-05-2002, 12:15 PM
In high school about 20 of us decided to "skip" school and go to a concert (well, technically it wasn't "skipping" --we had our parents' approval). Anywho, after the concert we went to a late-night pizza joint and ate. The van I was riding in had all of its passengers; we were waiting on the other ppl from our group to return to their vehicles. As we waited, some guy came RUNNING out of the pizza joint, he ran up to the van, opens the front passenger door, looks at the girl sitting there, and says, "You're not my wife!" shakes his head, closes the door, and walks to the van NEXT to us. Both vans were cracking up at him.

We finally got back to the hotel and many wanted to go swimming. I had a two piece at the time and the top had a zipper in front. I noticed the zipper hadn't zipped 'normally'-- but, with a lot of fussing, I did get it fixed and we were off to the pool. I think I should pause to say that none of the other girls wanted to go swimming--so I was the only girl with a buncha (nice) guys. We get into the pool (which had underwater lights). I started to swim and with the first stroke, the zipper breaks and there I was... bearing all! :o :o

I quickly excused myself and ran back to the room!

08-05-2002, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
So there I was --- in my underwear with the shower running in the locked bathroom....
LOL! :D I can picture you running around in panic, until you discovered your coat!! :D D:

Another embarresing situation was when we landed in Malaga airport and had a car ready (a Peugeut 306, I think). We drove south and got on a toll road (a highway where you pay to drive) Half an hour later we wanted to pay and exit, but there was no way we could figure out how to open the windows, so John had to open the door to pay the man. :o Eventually we found the right button, it was in the middle section!

And now, while we're at it - Ibiza again. This time we had to drive to the airport, (a 15 min. drive if you know your way around. One of our friends was catching the same flight as we were and his resident friend was driving him to the airport. We were all a bit late and it was pitch black, so we arranged to follow them. Only thing was, we had driven in bright daylight for the whole week and John could't find the headlamp on the car, only the parking light, so we had fallen a bit behind driving too slow. Luckily, they noticed and waited until we got the right light on!

Btw, John is an excellent driver!! ;)

08-05-2002, 12:26 PM
I'm loving all of these!!! :D OK, here's my most recent one (of many, I assure you).

As most of you know, I'm a single, 30 something, divorced mom, who doesn't date very often. A couple of months ago, I had a first date, then a second one, etc etc. But that very first week, we were sitting on the couch, watching tv, and we had taken our shoes off. Butter decided that it was an excellent to play attack the couch.......and my date's big toe!!! :o :o :o He bit the heck out of it!!! :eek:

The good news is that the man is still around, but very leary of the Butter Man. :)

08-05-2002, 02:39 PM
LOL! :D Good luck with him, Logan! He'll have to get used to it! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
08-05-2002, 03:27 PM
Butter was just making sure he is a REAL animal-lover! (That big ole dog nonewithstanding????)

08-05-2002, 03:37 PM
Well, I think Butter proved it, girls! Because a lot of cat hating men would have turned tail and run.....all the other animals have given their approval, especially Honey (who is very finicky) and Roger Cockatiel. Maybe it was a "man" thing with Butter. I would never leave it to Butter to choose me a boyfriend. Heck he bites me too!! :o

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-05-2002, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Logan
The good news is that the man is still around, but very leary of the Butter Man. :)

:D :D

But you're still leary of him too, right Logan? So the good news is Butter didn't completely scare the poor guy off. I can imagine him going to work the next day with a big bandage on his toe and trying to explain something about a date and a mad cat attacking him and oh yes by the way I am going to see her again. ;) :)

And I've been trying to think of something funny to post here, but I just can't come up with anything. I don't know, maybe I don't embarrass easily or something. :confused: