View Full Version : Why?

07-29-2002, 03:46 AM
There are many of us who call Pet Talk our second home and with good reason, for in this small 'internet apartment' we have helped, healed, argued, loved, lost, grieved, grinned, joked. We've congratulated those who have married, graduated, adopted, rescued, purchased houses, and of course, those who have (finally) reached 200 posts ;). We've hugged, prayed, consoled, and on 9/11 we waited, watched, wept.

It seems the last few months have been unusually cruel to Pet Talk. We've lost board members, family members, and hard drives ;) ; we've had accidents, sickness, and broken bones. Please, don't let this harden your heart. Always, always remember to cushion the daily traumas with a tenderness found only in everyday miracles. Inhale that puppy breath or those big ol' frito feet. Indulge in that acrobatic embodiment of air known as the kitten. Let yourself be engulfed in bunny kisses.

Friends, I invite you to read the page that lifted my spirits, a page the equivalent to warm orange-spice tea and fresh-from-the-oven oatmeal raisin cookies on a rainy day.

And perhaps it is rightly so, the "welcome mat" to the Pet Talk home:

WHY? (http://petoftheday.com/why/)

07-29-2002, 04:24 AM
   Thank you for your excellent post!

   (I have about 50 more great posts to add to the why page.)


07-29-2002, 05:41 AM
I agree with Paul, Tonya. Your words express my sentiments exactly and it could not have been said more beautifully or with more sincerity. Thank you!!

07-29-2002, 06:37 AM
Thank you Tonya for your post. Pet Talk has had some rough days lately, but I hope that Pet Talkers always remember what this place is all about.

07-29-2002, 06:57 AM
Tonya, what a wonderful sentiment, you brought tears to my eyes. We are all so lucky to have Pet Talk & shouldn't take it for granted.

07-29-2002, 07:04 AM
Thank you for the special reminder. I hope it will swing this wonderful Pet loving community back the way it needs to head. :)

07-29-2002, 08:00 AM
Thank you for the lovely post Tonya.

I blame it all on the weather. I for one am going crazy in this humidity. :D :p ;)

Dixieland Dancer
07-29-2002, 08:20 AM
Mz Zippy, Thanks for the reminder of why we love Pet Talk so much. It is a wonderful place to be with friends in a way that touches the fundamentals of all our hearts, which is our pets of course!!! :D :D :D

I have to tell you that your posts have lifted my spirits on more than one occassion. I still think of Amuck fondly, love to hear your stories of "The princess of parsley" (I love that signature) and your courage on how you got back on the horse and the humor you had dealing with such an ordeal. Thanks for being such a wonderful part of Pet Talk!! :D :D

07-29-2002, 08:28 AM
I haven't been posting much for a while because of a couple of people on here. I would love it if it could get back to normal. I see this post is all the regulars (old timers!). Some of the new people I'm not so sure about :)

07-29-2002, 09:08 AM
Zippy/Cat I'm so glad that you posted this message, how true, there is so much stress in everyday life that we don't need it in PetTalk. This is a haven to be cherished, enjoyed and to share the love of our pets with everyone. There are a lot of people who don't understand people like us who love animals so much that we would do anything for them, but we can come in here and we talk to people who do understand and cherish their animals just as we do.
You are a treasure and thank you so much for posting what we all feel.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-29-2002, 09:59 AM

Thanks for posting the why? of Pet Talk. This is a great
reminder of what we're all about. I cannot begin to say
how much I love this forum of people who love & cherish
their animals and love to share stories about them.It is
without a doubt the very best animal site on the web.
Thank you Everybody for making this a homey place to visit.
Liz & Buddy.:D

07-29-2002, 10:09 AM
http://www.villa-kunterbunt2000.de/clipart/Hasen/HASE21.GIF Tonya,thank you for sharing those beautiful thoughts with us. You are so right and, as always, you bring humor and compassion to this board. It's also good to know you have recovered enough from your accident to be able to write so well.

Edwina's Secretary
07-29-2002, 11:07 AM
Tonya -

How beautifully you have expressed what Pettalk is and should be -- comfort. I like "talking", being silly, and getting advice from people here. It is my escape and my warm blanket.

There are times when I vehemently disagree with an opinion expressed but to what point? As my mother taught me..."if you can't say anything nice...don't say anything at all." Or from a program I teach...the basic principle...Focus on the issue not, NEVER the person.

Diversity is what makes any community interesting and tolerance is what makes it function.

Thanks for reminding us....


07-29-2002, 12:08 PM
I feel like I've been on another planet even though I'm on Pet Talk everyday. I don't know what's going on and don't want to know. But I think maybe I should let you all know a little of what you've done for me. I have disabling arthritis. Before finding Pet Talk, I spent most of the day in bed because of the pain. Since finding Pet Talk and all of you, it helps me forget the pain as I read about your adventures.
Sandra (tatsxx11) has become a dear friend and I thank her again for posting the pictures of my 'boys' to share with you. You have become the family I don't have. I love all your animals and I love you. Twice a day, I thank God for all of you and ask that you be blessed.

Now, I do have one burning question:
Tonya, how did you get the Princess of Parsley to keep her tiara on long enough for a picture?:D

07-29-2002, 12:12 PM

Thank you for bringing everyone back to WHY we come here. I was just telling my hubby about the "drama" here and his first response was "on a cat/dog/pet site?!?!" You've given us a renewed sence of what this site is for...chatting with fellow pet lovers and the friendship that goes with that. There are many, many people on here that I would LOVE to meet and know I would be great friends with if we lived close.

I love, love, love this site...my hubby (and everyone else that knows that I come here so often) rolls his eyes when he see's me on here...but to me, this site is a place I can talk about two of the most important parts of my life...Noah & Noel...I can freely express the love, fear and confusion here without seeming crazy. I love that I can learn so much from everyone here...on just about everything!!

So Tonya, thank you! You are a very sweet person....you've shown us all this in many, many ways...we are all blessed to know you. Thank you.

07-29-2002, 12:37 PM
What more can I add to what you all have said? Nothing, you've said it all. Thank you all for being a part of PetTalk and a part of my life. I hope we all can work things out and continue to be the best site on the 'net.

Former User
07-29-2002, 12:43 PM
Very well said Tonya, you sure are good with words! I'm glad I Have this place to come to, where I can ask sometimes stupid questions about cats, or anything else, and there's always someone who replies. I love all the furkids here, and am glad to know this great bunch of animal loving people, who won't think I'm crazy because I talk so much about my cats. I've also made friends, few very close ones (they know who they are :) ) and I'm grateful for that. This site is a nice get-a-way- for me when things get rough (when I feel homesick etc.). Thank You great people of Pet Talk, you are the best! And Thank You Karen and Paul.

Cinder & Smoke
07-29-2002, 12:50 PM
Dad sez...

Thanks, Miz Zippy ;), for reminding us all jest WHY!
we luv visiting with our Friends here on Pet Talk! :D

Second Home?

Naw, this is our FURST & Favorite Home :);
cept we kant figger out how ta put a big enuff pillow
onna pawboard fur ebberbuddie to sleep on tagether :rolleyes:.

07-29-2002, 12:53 PM
I loved the WHY link, and of course sent my reason!! My question is: I see many of you pillars with several thousand post, yet join dates in 2000. I have been viewing PetTalk for years before I got a computer and joined in the conversations. It occurs to me that maybe there was a Y2K update - but haven't some of you been on here much longer??
Zipp-Kat was the first to PM me, and I treasure that connection. I have been priviledged to share in your joys, your trials, your lives!!
The issue in question was the presence of a misguided but interesting young poster who has since been banned. In the spirit of teaching and encouraging, some of us communicated with this person, a new cat owner, thinking we could get him on track. A well intentioned but misguided attempt. I suggested he start a thread for off-pet topics, which he did, unfortunately in a very discourtoeus manner. The volume of posts (mostly late night ramblings, regardless of subject matter - some very disgusting and deleted by our overworked Mayor :)) probably flooded many people's inboxes with "A reply to a thread ....." emails.
I apologize for my ignorance, and for the unfortunate disagreements this caused, especially to Wonderful Molly (Mugsy), a woman who works with pre-teen kids as a teacher and has a great deal of insight into their minds. The thread itself would have been very interesting for pet lovers sharing thoughts about our other "eclectic" interests. Unfortunately, this young person used it too much as his personal Forum. This generated a great deal of irritation among most of us PetTalkers, and caused one truly wonderful Pillar to get some unpleasant PM's.
And so, here we are. In all our human frailty. And with our beloved critters!!! Let's learn from them - tolerance.
"I love you guys!"
Grasshopper is dictating, I'm just her scribe ;)

07-29-2002, 03:15 PM
   We started Pet of the Day.com in 1997 but we did not start Pet Talk until June, 25, 2000.


07-29-2002, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Dad sez...

Thanks, Miz Zippy ;), for reminding us all jest WHY!
we luv visiting with our Friends here on Pet Talk! :D

Second Home?

Naw, this is our FURST & Favorite Home :);
cept we kant figger out how ta put a big enuff pillow
onna pawboard fur ebberbuddie to sleep on tagether :rolleyes:.

That's too cute!! :) Noah tends to use ME for a pillow on the computer though.... :rolleyes:

07-29-2002, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Dad sez...

Thanks, Miz Zippy ;), for reminding us all jest WHY!
we luv visiting with our Friends here on Pet Talk! :D

Second Home?

Naw, this is our FURST & Favorite Home :);
cept we kant figger out how ta put a big enuff pillow
onna pawboard fur ebberbuddie to sleep on tagether :rolleyes:.

That's too cute!! :) Noah tends to use ME for a pillow on the computer though.... :rolleyes:

Hey, why dont you just move that thing over... :D

07-29-2002, 08:20 PM
Each morning as I enter this site and check out the cat, dog and pet of the day and then wander over to Pet Talk, I am amazed the varied emotions this forum can bring about in me.

I was shocked and hurt over Jackie and Don's horrible ordeal. I had tears running down my cheeks for Lut and her loss of Sydney.

But then, reading about Maya and her incredible fortune on having Lut bring her to her forever home, brings a big smile to my face.

I think all of us really go out of our way to welcome any new members. It is yet another opportunity to learn, laugh and cry with a new person and their pet (s).

Every once in a while we seem to attract some people who "just don't get it." And the posts are strange and become even more strange. And I think, "here we go again!"

But then I think about Karen and Paul and how they have to moderate each and every post and I wonder how they do it!

Paul, gotta give it to ya, - you are the fastest deleter in the East!
(and Karen isn't too shabby either).

Why? In such a short amount of time, I have friends from all over the country and Europe that I share parts of my life with. And it has been so rewarding and fun.

The only part that is difficult at all is that Rascal (all 15-16 pounds of him) likes to sit on my lap while I am on this forum.

This site will keep on getting better - because we will make sure it does. It saddens me when we lose members and I hope that the ones we have recently lost, will take Karen's advice. Take a deep breath, calm down and think it over.

This is just too special a place to walk away from.

07-29-2002, 09:31 PM
VERY well said Gini.

07-29-2002, 10:40 PM
I read WHY sometimes and always smile regarding the second comment in the list. We know who that is, don't we?

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-29-2002, 11:26 PM
This is an awesome thread Tonya!!
This is the reason WHY I love Pet Talk soooooo much.... Where else can you find a place full of REALLY GREAT people.. who just want to talk about their pets and will read a post five paragraphs long about your pet..:D ?!?!!?
I was beginning to think I was alone in this big ol world and that no one would ever understand my love for animals... AND THEN... I found Pet Talk!!
Paul and Karen are awesome and deserve an award for working so hard at making this place so great.!!!

07-30-2002, 05:05 AM


07-30-2002, 10:08 AM
Thanks Tonya for sharing your thoughts with us, I think I speak for most of everyone when I say, you took the words right out of our mouths.

07-30-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
I read WHY sometimes and always smile regarding the second comment in the list. We know who that is, don't we?

I think I wrote that the 1st week I found the website!
Altho it's not as easy for me to check it as often as I did in the beginning, it is the only website I check at all. I feel so out of the loop when I don't catch up right away, but even if I don't reply, I've usually had a chance to read it late at night.

Friends? Nah! My SISTERS and BROTHERS and my extended family. You all know who you are...there will never ever be a way to thank you with all my heart for the friendship you've afforded me. How lucky and blessed I am to have found people who just love all critters like I do. People who smell FRITO FEET!!! C'mon!! Who else would understand????

Thank you as always Karen and Paul for your intuition and cleverness in developing this sight..you are the absolute best!

Love you guys!!

08-01-2002, 12:20 AM
What a wonderful thread!! What a good girl!! You know how precious you are to me. I don't know what I would do without our late night talks.

I agree with everyone. I love this site and the people on it. Yes we have had our 'fights' and disagreements, etc. But we have made it thru and I hope we can make it thru this one.

We have been with each other thru all sorts of heartaches and joys. And without each and everyone of you I would lose my sanity.

This 'family' has seen me thru the joys of dog ownership, adding a traumatized cat to the family, the sudden death of my beloved Shaianne, and the trials and tribulations of owning a new puppy, Keegan, all within the last year.
You have laughed with me with the antics of Shaianne, Kylie and Keegan. Sobbed with me during our nations tragedy of 9-11 and my own, when Shaianne died, and waited with bated breath for me to bring Keegan home b/c I was ready to add another dog into my home, not as a replacement, but an addition, b/c I felt there was room in my heart for another one.
You have compassionately given me advice when I was afraid it was too soon to add another dog to my home, given me advice on potty training, and how to get poor little Kylie thru this traumatizing puppy stage.
And last but not least I have added some very dear to my heart friends b/c of this board. Now I might not be able to recognize some of you in person, but I would recognize your dogs if we ran into each other at a rest stop!!!! ;) But I love you all, and am so glad to call you my friends. Or as Karen put it, my sisters and brothers in PetLand or something like that.
Thank you for accepting me into your beloved family. All of you.
Love Always,
Keegan and Kylie and
in memory and honor of beloved Shaianne, she loved you all too thru me

08-01-2002, 07:57 AM
I just woke up (it's 8:30 a.m., I work nights) and what do I do?? Make coffee?? Noooooooo. Take a shower?? Nooooooooo. I come here.:D

Thank you Tonya for this wonderful thread.

I haven't been a member for very long. But in the time I have been here, I've met some very awesome people! I only wish I had found this site much sooner.

This is just too special a place to walk away from.

I couldn't have said it better. :)

08-01-2002, 04:18 PM
Tonya, what a great great post, and you expressed it so beautifully. I couldn't have said it better!! PT is my little haven, so to speak. I come here because I love the people at PT and I especially love to see all the furkids and hear the stories. This is really a neat neat group of people from all over who share a common interest. Animals. For me, PT is my hot cocoa and warm blanket on a cold night:) Comfort.


Kudos to Karen and Paul for making it all possible!