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03-03-2007, 09:47 PM
I know this is a weird question, but I've always debated with people whether or not drowning would be painful.

I have always believed that drowning would be a very very painful way to die. I have been close to drowning once and I know it was extremely painful for me, it pains very sharply in the chest and you just want to find any morsel of air for the life of you.

I always thought that drowning must be basically like having a heart attack, because your heart is getting no more oxygen. Is this true? I know its hard to answer seeing as if you're alive you haven't died from drowning, but does anyone have any idea if drowning really is painful or not?

Sorry for the weird topic, it is just something that I have always wondered about and wondered if I was right or not when I say I think its painful.

03-03-2007, 10:22 PM
People say its peaceful...I don't know if they have asked people that have been resuccitated or what. That is what I remember hearing though.

03-04-2007, 02:10 AM
id assume it was very painful! you drown because there is no air in your body! i bet that destroys body tissue and muscle when you drown and well after you die. i bet that hurts alot!

03-04-2007, 09:06 AM
I wouldn't think it would be painful, more like terrifying. :eek: More & more
panic stricken when your mind realizes you are going to die. :eek:

03-04-2007, 11:06 AM
Yeah I've heard some people say that is is peaceful, but then again I have heard others say that it is pure agony...I know I would never want to drown.

03-04-2007, 11:31 AM
I almost drowned when I was little, I kept drinking the water lol. *Blah*

I put my arms in the air and tried to doggy paddle and thank God my dad came to the rescue!

I read that if the water is cold enough and a child drowns in the water, the child can still be saved even tho the heart has stopped beating, it has somthing to do with the body tempature.

I don't wanna know if it hurts or not. O.o

03-04-2007, 01:53 PM
Someone once said it was peaceful and that you heard bells or chimes....maybe it's when the oxygen runs out. Never been there, hard to know.

critter crazy
03-04-2007, 02:09 PM
I almost Drowned 2 yrs ago, and well it sucked! My chest hurt for days, and my whole body just felt bad! It was not an experiance I would ever want to repeat!

03-04-2007, 02:46 PM
Very lucky that you are here to speak of it today. So I guess from your experience it does hurt...something I wouldn't want to experience.

03-04-2007, 04:13 PM
I almost drowned once when I was little. It was very painful to say the least. I still didn't know how to swim so I was trying to get into those little doughnut things. While I was trying to get in, the thing flipped over and put me underwater. I kept drinking the water and breathed it in a bit too. My mom pulled me out by my foot and saved my life. It was so scary! Even after that I was scared to go into the water. I finally learned how to conquer my fears and now I know how to swim! :D

03-04-2007, 08:25 PM
wow thats some good info

03-06-2007, 07:42 AM
I don't even want to think of drowning :S that would just be sad and i would think that it would be painfull. That would really hurt and suck. :(

03-06-2007, 08:46 AM
I almost drowned a few years back on a white water rafting trip. The raft flipped and it landed, upside down on top of me. I had some room to try to breath, but the raft was stuck in the rapid and water was splashing up in my face constantly and I kept sucking in water. I've never felt so close to dyeing and I've never been so scared in my life.
I knew all I had to do was take a deep breath and swim out from under it, but with the water splashing like crazy and every time I tried to take a deep breath all I got was water. I was 100% freaked out and thought I was going to die. I remember thinking about my family and how much I'd miss them. Then.. the next thing I knew, I somehow was out from under the raft. I have no idea how it happened. I was never able to take a breath big enough to swim out on my own because I had already sucked in so much water.
Someone was with me in spirit that day watching over me and they had a hand in getting me out from under that raft, I could never have done it on my own.
That was my first and LAST rafting trip.
Drowning is NOT the way I would want to die.

03-06-2007, 11:15 AM
I was gonna say that more than painful it would seem more terrifying and feeling desperate cause you know what´s coming so you panic......I think that when you lack air you black out, and then as you are unconcious (SP?) I´ve heard your lungs fill with water and you heart explodes ( well maybe not that drastically, but due to the pressure of water and all) and the little things in your lung I think alveoli or something too.......then your brain dies as consecuence of lack of oxygen........so maybe It would be painful until you pass out or if you make it, as said by many drowning experienced Pters,and their chests hurt afterward ........JMO

03-06-2007, 02:10 PM
Hmm what an odd topic, however i would like to think of it as being peaceful, my auntie comitted suicide by drowning herself, they say though because it was in Scotland, and at the time of year it was, the water was so cold, she would have had a heart attack and died very quickly, i can only hope so, it haunts me to this day. :(

03-06-2007, 05:26 PM
This is something I have looked into for many years (about 8). I know people HATE when i bring this up, but it goes very well with this topic. I breed feeder rats (no imbreeding, I'm ubber picky as I do give some away as pets). I feed live & dead. I once thought drowning was painless & thats how I killed my feeders many years ago... I soon realized that not only was it painful, but the animal was being scared to death in the process. I then held off on killing them until I found a better way. I read info online & talked to my Bio & Chem teachers. We all disscussed this in great detail for a long time.

Besides dying in your sleep, freezing to death is the next best way. But it has to be done right. There needs to be shaving or someway for the animal to keep its feet warm as frost bite is painful! What happeneds is that hypothermia sets in. What that does, is it slows the body down, which then makes the animal fall asleep until death happeneds.

03-06-2007, 05:32 PM
I flipped over one of those styrofoam boats and couldn't flip it back over. I wasn't really close to drowning I guess, just really scared. I'd be really scared drowning, it sounds painful, seeing as you're filling your lungs with water instead of air. But I'm a fully qualified lifeguard now :D So I'm not scared much anymore. :D

03-06-2007, 05:55 PM
Hmm.. Lol I wouldnt really know because I've never drowned before.. But I've always thought of it as if you just like pass out from not having enough air so that would be it...

03-06-2007, 06:02 PM
im sure your body would ache because unless someone is suicidal, i would try and swim to get to the top and swimming makes you tired, just like the feeling of not making it when you know deep inside that if you try real hard...i know when i would go swimming in the summer i'd try and swim as long as i could without taking a breathe, my body ached and my head was pounding so hard.
It might hurt a little...but the feeling of knowing your going to die just isnt pleasant!

03-06-2007, 11:42 PM
But I've always thought of it as if you just like pass out from not having enough air so that would be it...

Its actually a long death. It can take 5-10 mins to drown to death.. .just because you stop moving, doesn't mean your 100% dead yet... I've learned that with rats. they look dead but they can jump start again. Its a god aweful thing.