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12-23-2006, 07:29 AM
First of all, it does seem like to me, that certain people will only support someone getting a new dog if they get the dog from a shelter, and again, as stated, with no guarrentee. Also- its her new dog, and stop trying to rain on her parade.
Breeders can have many dogs- and 3 litters- come on now- these are pugs- they would not have max 3 pups per litter- and usually that its 2 or even one. I had two litters at one time before- bred the second female because the other female missed the time before. Both litters had the same sire- I had 6 pups from one litter and 9 in the other. I also had a waiting list, and all had homes- most as show candidates, some police work- and two as pets.( one of the pets were to a retired police officer that missed his partner that he had gotton from my first litter.)
We have several people here that have over 10 dogs- are you saying they do not take good care of their dogs??? I have several friends that have a menagerie of animals, seems like alot of me, but it runs like clock work. Junes even checked if ALL THE DOGS- NOT JUST THE PUPPIES- but ALL THE dogs were healthy- something that can not be seen over the phone. And NOTE TO SELF- DO NOT POST NEW PICTURES OF ANY ADDITION INTO MY HOME...
We have another pt'r that recently posted pictures of her new Gordon setter puppy. Maybe its because Junes is young that she is attacked so- but I never saw on the other thread ONE SINGLE SOLITARY WORD to the poster with the Gordon pup " you should have checked the shelters etc.."I find it even more appalling that she would be ambushed, but the adult wasnt with the Gordon. There is a prejudice here against the pure bred dog- and I have had enough of this. If this appears harsh in statement- read as an outsider the words that have been posted by some..

*** THAT being said- JUNES- I AM THRILLED YOUR MOTHER WAS SO THRILLED! Ollie is a perfect name as well, and I am sure your mother even let the puppy sleep with her last night.. lol.. It sure does sound like it. :D

12-23-2006, 10:05 AM
Junescrater I apologize for posting a seemingly negative comment in your thread. I wish you and your family nothing but joy and happiness with the new pup.

My comments should have been and will be reserved for the Breeder Impressions thread from now on. Enjoy!

12-23-2006, 10:23 AM
thanks guys. Ollie is sitting right here with me even as I type. :D Curly is still getting used to Ollie but little Oliver is just so hyper!!! I'd act like curly too if I had this little thing bouncing all around me!!! lol :p

12-23-2006, 10:33 AM
At one point in my life, and for several years, I had many dogs in my house that were past showing, and breeding age- and they lived out thier lives with me. To the outsider- it would look like " alot of dogs" but the fact is- what was I supposed to do- just because they are too old to show etc- THROW THEM OUT??? No- they stayed with me as loving companions- and deserved their retirements. You could come into my house- find 25 shepherds, all but 2 females and two males were of retirement years... And at one point I had 35- and in one year, I had 7 deaths that year. ( It was heart breaking) from old age.
All of this is why I have 4 spaced out in age- but the fact is- they really are not- Hottie is the oldest- but femka is right behind him.. Zubin and Galina are brother and sister- However- it will take these two well into age before facts are- we will loose Femka. ( And that is if we do not loose Hottie in the next year as the vets say...).. Having alot of dogs doesnt mean they are being bred- it just means you have ALOT OF PETS.. And anyone that knows me would also know- when Galina is bred- it will be Borzoi number 5 that stays here- as a loved companion, well cared for and deeply loved. My mother still has her last cavalier- having many at a time over the years- same thing- they each lived out their lives with her.. Old dogs or not. People think I am an idiot to spend so much on Hottie every year- the fact is- I can not see him not being in my life- and he is AFFECTIONALLY CALLED- THE 10 GRAND DOG!!! NEUTERED AND RETIRED! And if the money wasnt there for the next scare- would I borrow the money- YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!! IN a heart beat- no questions asked! And he is not even of my breeding- ... Actually- none of them are- ( yet..).. In fact- the only impact I had other than having them come here, is I waited for the breeding of Zubin and Galinas parents for a puppy- but that was it! And- as anyone that breeds dogs knows- they keep a puppy out of a litter, but they do not come out as nice as you like. However- they still stay here...

12-23-2006, 10:47 AM
We have another pt'r that recently posted pictures of her new Gordon setter puppy. Maybe its because Junes is young that she is attacked so- but I never saw on the other thread ONE SINGLE SOLITARY WORD to the poster with the Gordon pup " you should have checked the shelters etc.."I find it even more appalling that she would be ambushed, but the adult wasnt with the Gordon. There is a prejudice here against the pure bred dog- and I have had enough of this. If this appears harsh in statement- read as an outsider the words that have been posted by some..

this statement is only partly true
EssTer is an adult -and she herself is a teenager, but she is a long time member here - she started here when she was 15.
While I agree that this pug breeder sounds like the beginning of a puppy mill MAYBE - I do feel Mr. Chiwawa was a bit harsh in his YELLING post. But Pam's post was nicely and eloquently written as always. :)
everyone is allowed to have their opinions about pure breds or mixed breeds. I'm not entirely sure this board is against pure breds per' se- I definately think that getting from a breeder is looked down upon by some people.
I never thought I would have a purebred dog - ever - b/c I simply wouldn't pay the money for one when I could go to the pound or the shelter and get a dog. Well, my first dog from the local Humane Society was a PURE BRED greyhound. My 2nd dog - is a pure bred Golden retriever by you guessed it a back yard breeder! egads! -
Did I pay for her? No - A friend from work found out my first dog had died and offered me the puppy from the litter b/c she had the sire of the litter and they were getting a pick of the litter pup - and their whole family already had multiple dogs. She was given to me out of friendship. Would I trade her for the world? No way. Do I know the love and satisfaction I can get from a shelter dog - yes - but no way would I trade my maybe poorly bred - PURE OF HEART - love of my life Keegan - ever. And if that makes me a bad person - so be it - b/c Keegan sure doesn't think so!
We should ALL be the person our DOGS think we are!
Congrats Junes - looking forward to the pics. :)

12-23-2006, 10:55 AM
At one point in my life, and for several years, I had many dogs in my house that were past showing, and breeding age- and they lived out thier lives with me. To the outsider- it would look like " alot of dogs" but the fact is- what was I supposed to do- just because they are too old to show etc- THROW THEM OUT??? No- they stayed with me as loving companions- and deserved their retirements. You could come into my house- find 25 shepherds, all but 2 females and two males were of retirement years... And at one point I had 35- and in one year, I had 7 deaths that year. ( It was heart breaking) from old age.
All of this is why I have 4 spaced out in age- but the fact is- they really are not- Hottie is the oldest- but femka is right behind him.. Zubin and Galina are brother and sister- However- it will take these two well into age before facts are- we will loose Femka. ( And that is if we do not loose Hottie in the next year as the vets say...).. Having alot of dogs doesnt mean they are being bred- it just means you have ALOT OF PETS.. And anyone that knows me would also know- when Galina is bred- it will be Borzoi number 5 that stays here- as a loved companion, well cared for and deeply loved. My mother still has her last cavalier- having many at a time over the years- same thing- they each lived out their lives with her.. Old dogs or not. People think I am an idiot to spend so much on Hottie every year- the fact is- I can not see him not being in my life- and he is AFFECTIONALLY CALLED- THE 10 GRAND DOG!!! NEUTERED AND RETIRED! And if the money wasnt there for the next scare- would I borrow the money- YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!! IN a heart beat- no questions asked! And he is not even of my breeding- ... Actually- none of them are- ( yet..).. In fact- the only impact I had other than having them come here, is I waited for the breeding of Zubin and Galinas parents for a puppy- but that was it! And- as anyone that breeds dogs knows- they keep a puppy out of a litter, but they do not come out as nice as you like. However- they still stay here...

Let's all be considerate and let Junescrater enjoy her puppy in this thread. These types of comments would be less personal and easier discussed if they were in the breeder discussions. :)

12-23-2006, 11:02 AM
Let's all be considerate and let Junescrater enjoy her puppy in this thread. These types of comments would be less personal and easier discussed if they were in the breeder discussions. :)
I agree- I was supporting why the breeder had so many dogs- ...

12-24-2006, 10:24 PM
Sweetie, enjoy and love your new puppy with all your heart. I'm so glad your mom was excited and got her wish. I love the name Oliver (Ollie) Good job!!!!

I just spent Christmas Eve with 2 black female pugs (oh and people were there too, but who cares?LOL) and a white French Bulldog. The puggies let you IN the house but went crazy when you started to leave!!! They love company and wanted everyone to stay!!! I thought of you, kiddo, and was very happy for you.!! Merry Christmas!

12-25-2006, 02:32 PM
With all differences aside.....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-25-2006, 04:26 PM
Thanks K9Karen!!! Merry Christmas to all!!! Ollie and Curly say hi!!! lol