View Full Version : Designer breeds in toys now????

critter crazy
12-05-2006, 03:18 PM
Build-a-bear workshop now has a stuffed Maltipoo!!!!! what the heck!! so now are all little kids gonna want this mixed breed dog??? seems like the BYB of this breed are gonna get rich quick!! so disgusting!!:mad:


12-05-2006, 04:36 PM
Great more kids are going to want a one for a pet :rolleyes: What are people thinking or not thinking.

12-05-2006, 06:13 PM
Ugh, I saw that a few weeks ago and was not thrilled with them.

12-05-2006, 07:32 PM
I see it two ways:

1 - It's a greyt irony! Part of the proceeds will go to animal shelters/welfare (or so they say), which kind of plays on the notion that many mixed breeds end up at the shelter anyways so why the fancy name. OR..

2 - They're just stupid and don't realize what a mockery and hypocritical statement they're making.

I think it's #2 :) Honestly, the less material goods we desire, the less we suffer. Simple.

12-05-2006, 09:12 PM
I see stuff like that all the time-especially on things like keychains, plaques, etc. (I Love My Cockapoo!) I'm ready to write to those companies saying, why can't you make one for ME saying I Love My Huskashepralabracolliedoodle. ;) They can at least do that if they're going to start making signs with mixed breeds on it.

12-05-2006, 09:23 PM
I remember the days when they would lable any scruffy dog like that 'Mutt'. Shirts, keychains etc. would all say "I love my Mutt". I bet in like 10 years the word 'mixed breed' or 'mutt' will totally vanish and instead they will give them all these retarded 'fancy names'. *People walking in a Humane Society. Sees cute dog. Looks at name* "This is Max. He is a 4 year old borderretrieverdoodle"


12-05-2006, 09:30 PM
Yuck! I saw that on a commercial a week ago and it's so sick! I was thinking well atleast their isn't a build-a-bear around and what do I find when I go shopping this weekend? A Build-a-bear place. :mad: Why not make a cute little mixed breed and call it a mutt instead of calling it a maltipoo and making it more popular.

12-05-2006, 11:44 PM
That's pretty sad indeed. :(

We bought the updated version of Monopoly a few weeks ago, because our old one was worn out. The scotty dog has been replaced by a ... labradoodle. Seriously. I used to always be the dog when we played. I just can't do it now. Now I'm the Starbucks coffee.

12-06-2006, 11:05 AM
That's pretty sad indeed. :(

We bought the updated version of Monopoly a few weeks ago, because our old one was worn out. The scotty dog has been replaced by a ... labradoodle. Seriously. I used to always be the dog when we played. I just can't do it now. Now I'm the Starbucks coffee. :eek: Oh no! That was always my favorite playing piece too. Was this in the regular Monopoly, or the dog-opoly version? :(

12-06-2006, 12:57 PM
Wow! Those things sure are getting uglier since the last time I saw them. I thought the originals were cute.

12-06-2006, 01:58 PM
*sigh* :(

12-06-2006, 03:00 PM
That's pretty sad indeed. :(

We bought the updated version of Monopoly a few weeks ago, because our old one was worn out. The scotty dog has been replaced by a ... labradoodle. Seriously. I used to always be the dog when we played. I just can't do it now. Now I'm the Starbucks coffee.

NO WAY!!! Labradoodle?

I was always the Scottie dog too!

And do they really have Starbucks coffee in Monopoly? Talk about branding!

I guess I'll be the shoe....or has that changed too?

12-06-2006, 04:50 PM
I guess I'll be the shoe....or has that changed too?

Probably changed it a Converse or Vans shoe. :p (Nothing against them, they are actually my favorite brand)

I used to be the little Scottie all the time too! That's the only piece that I liked! *sigh* I wonder if more people are buying it now just because it has a 'labradoodle' in it.

12-06-2006, 04:52 PM
*sighs* :rolleyes:

12-06-2006, 04:54 PM
:eek: Oh no! That was always my favorite playing piece too. Was this in the regular Monopoly, or the dog-opoly version? :(

It's the new Here and Now edition of monopoly. It's a more modern verison of the original. The game tokens are now a labradooble, McDonalds french fries, starbucks cup, laptop, airplane, toyota prius, new balance running shoe and a motorla cell phone.

critter crazy
12-06-2006, 04:56 PM

12-06-2006, 05:05 PM
The game tokens are now a labradooble, McDonalds french fries, starbucks cup, laptop, airplane, toyota prius, new balance running shoe and a motorla cell phone....which means that McDonalds, starbucks, Toyota, New Balance, and Motorola must have fronted some BIG BIG BUCKS to this project! :eek:

12-06-2006, 05:47 PM
...which means that McDonalds, starbucks, Toyota, New Balance, and Motorola must have fronted some BIG BIG BUCKS to this project! :eek:

"Unlike advertisers that typically pay to be included in branded-entertainment projects, the five marketers whose products are becoming branded tokens did not ask Hasbro to be included in the new edition nor did they pay Hasbro a fee, Mr. Blecher said.

Rather, he said, the company sought out the marketers because their products will help the new version offer “a representation of America in the 21st century.”

Taken from this website. (http://www.commercialalert.org/news/featured-in/2006/09/would-you-like-fries-with-that-monopoly-game)

Sorry to stray from the topic so much!

12-07-2006, 01:11 AM
I'm getting used to the Here & Now Monopoly, but it was very strange at first.

There are no more railroads, they are airports now. The utilities are now cell phone and internet service. All the properties have changed ... you can now buy Red Rocks Ampitheater in Denver, Disney World, The Grand Ole Opry, Las Vegas Blvd., etc.

And the money is crazy now ... it goes from $10,000 to $5,000,000! And you have chance cards like, "Get a tax break for driving a hybrid" and "Go to jail for identity theft."

My kids actually like it so much more, though. It makes so much more sense to them.

And I apologize for hi-jacking this thread with my Monopoly story! :o

12-07-2006, 09:49 AM
It's the new Here and Now edition of monopoly. It's a more modern verison of the original. The game tokens are now a labradooble, McDonalds french fries, starbucks cup, laptop, airplane, toyota prius, new balance running shoe and a motorla cell phone.

OMG, that is beyond silly.

12-07-2006, 09:58 AM
:mad: just for the record.....i HATE..all these 'somethin poo's' why cant folk just leave poodles alone and stop crossing them with allsorts just so some twerp can gush and say '' oooh yes we have a darling cockapoo''
Sorry i dont often get mad on here but these folk who are breeding these so called fashionable digdogs should be marched out and shot :mad: ....it is iresponsible and god only knows what the damage they are doin to the poodle and the other breed they are 'mixing'.....
But they will be continued to be bred,whilst there is a market....nuff said :confused:

12-09-2006, 11:37 PM
This is horrible! Whatever happened to the good old days? I could cry with this new "advance" in toys and games. Blech!

I do have to say however, that I love the names that were brought up, the "borderretrieverdoodle" and the "Huskashepralabracolliedoodle" That would make Jemi' a Chiratbimalttzu or something along those lines (I don't know her exact breeds, I am completely guessing!)

What has this world come to? *sigh*

12-10-2006, 07:53 AM
:eek: I thought that was supposed to be a purebred Maltese! :(

I had no clue it was a designer dog, I'm boiling mad. My sister was like "AW! It's soo cute mom." and I agree with her because I wasn't listening to the stupid commercial. This is sick. How can they change a classic game like monopoly? I'm NOT buying that new version, I'd rather play the old one anyday.

12-10-2006, 09:57 AM

Wow. That is all I can say. Why can't people just leave certain things alone? Kinda like all these new Uno and Yahtzee games. I'll take the original any day.

12-10-2006, 10:54 AM
It's just a little statue dog I mean it's not going to kill anyone,

Build a Work shop toys are so cute, my cousin made her own santa bear for only $50.00, I want to make one of my own probably mumble lol, that little cross breed dog was realy not needed in there company tho .. why not just stick with a regulare dog?, I geuss they wanted somthing un-commen.

Ya I don't like it when they cross animals I think it's stupid (not the animals) but I don't get mad about it because there's nothing we can realy do about it, we can't fine the company because they cross breed there little teddy bears. :rolleyes:

12-10-2006, 11:03 AM
Guys listen, It's just a stuffed dog. Kids probably don't even know what a maltipoo is! If the mother was smart they would say no when the kid says "Mommy I want a maltipoo!" Kid doesn't even know what it is. So what if they want a mixed breed. Big whoop.

12-10-2006, 11:08 AM
Guys listen, It's just a stuffed dog. Kids probably don't even know what a maltipoo is! If the mother was smart they would say no when the kid says "Mommy I want a maltipoo!" Kid doesn't even know what it is. So what if they want a mixed breed. Big whoop.

12-10-2006, 11:39 AM
Lol well it's true. :D

12-10-2006, 07:37 PM
It may be true that the kids know what it means, but it is basically advertising designer dogs. The kids may 'upgrade', if you will, and say "Mommy, I want this *holds up maltipoo dog* for Christmas" Another designer dog sold, another shelter dog killed.

12-10-2006, 07:45 PM
It looks more like a Bichon Frise than a maltipoo. A toy isn't going to change anything. The kid will love it for two weeks, then forget about it.

12-10-2006, 11:53 PM
It's just a little statue dog I mean it's not going to kill anyone,
Build a Work shop toys are so cute, my cousin made her own santa bear for only $50.00, I want to make one of my own probably mumble lol, that little cross breed dog was realy not needed in there company tho .. why not just stick with a regulare dog?, I geuss they wanted somthing un-commen.
Ya I don't like it when they cross animals I think it's stupid (not the animals) but I don't get mad about it because there's nothing we can realy do about it, we can't fine the company because they cross breed there little teddy bears. :rolleyes:

Guys listen, It's just a stuffed dog. Kids probably don't even know what a maltipoo is! If the mother was smart they would say no when the kid says "Mommy I want a maltipoo!" Kid doesn't even know what it is. So what if they want a mixed breed. Big whoop.

Is it okay for the Homies company (little 1 inch plastic people) to have 2 different guys holding up pit bulls that look like they are going to kill eachother then? I mean "they are just toys."
I am sorry but I disagree. It is advertising these designer breeds, along with many other area's of interest, and these things are only the start. Every company will start to use these different thing, and advertise things like dog fighting and designer breeds.

12-11-2006, 12:29 PM
Well facts are people are going to keep crossing and breeding dogs no matter what.
So if you don't adopt a designer breed then someone else will, honestly I would adopt one because either way a dog at a shelter or from a breeder needs a loving home & it's not the poor pups fault it's a cross .. It's the humans.

My family wants a dog when we move, I saw this dalmation x german shepard in the adoption shelter and it had both my favourit breeds in one .. he was beautiful but I'm not going to be mad at the dog for being a cross, I would be mad at the owner and the person who put him in the pound.

It would be so much better if people would stop crossing animals, even tigers & lions where crossed, zebras and donkeys ect ... it's so stupid what humans are trying to come up with & as for that toy company I realy don't care about there teddy dog because chances are the kids won't even know what the fudge it is, I didnt even know it was a cross teddy dog.

12-14-2006, 03:03 PM
Well facts are people are going to keep crossing and breeding dogs no matter what.
So if you don't adopt a designer breed then someone else will, honestly I would adopt one because either way a dog at a shelter or from a breeder needs a loving home & it's not the poor pups fault it's a cross .. It's the humans.

My family wants a dog when we move, I saw this dalmation x german shepard in the adoption shelter and it had both my favourit breeds in one .. he was beautiful but I'm not going to be mad at the dog for being a cross, I would be mad at the owner and the person who put him in the pound.

It would be so much better if people would stop crossing animals, even tigers & lions where crossed, zebras and donkeys ect ... it's so stupid what humans are trying to come up with & as for that toy company I realy don't care about there teddy dog because chances are the kids won't even know what the fudge it is, I didnt even know it was a cross teddy dog.
I have no problems whatsoever with adopting a mutt or a crossbreed cause like you say its not the 'digdogs' fault....BUT..my problem is and will continue to be...
1.crossing these doggies on purpose just to cater to 'fashions whim',is wrong..
2.these then so called breeders charge stupid amounts for these fashion items just cause some body thinks its cool to have a 'cockerpoo'
I have to take issue with this because are those folks buying this 'digdog' out of desire to have a addition to their family who will be loved for years to come or just because they have seen these designer breeds advertised and think this is the way to go as opposed to going to a regular breeder or rescue home/society?(and for the record all our babies are rescue).
So turning these designer breeds into toys only highlights a way i wish the dog world wasnt going. :(

12-14-2006, 03:08 PM
Look! You can even get all the stupid things a designer dog owner would buy. So you can act like a "real" ideot. :rolleyes:

12-14-2006, 04:30 PM
Argranade, that really isn't the point here. Sure, Back yard breeders and bad breeders(Such as designer dog ones) are being advertised through this new toy. Designer dogs are another way of saying overpriced mutt. There are "cockapoos" in shelters but they are reffered to as a Cockers spaniel/poodle mix. Having a "cutesy" name does not change what the dog is.

Having the knowledge to not buy a designer dog and not advertising them will eventually stop the process, or atleast decrease it. The people who breed these dogs care about nothing but wealth so when people stop buying these dogs they will stop making them. Now with a big industry like Build-a-bear Workshop advertising it, I don't see this happening anytime soon.

12-14-2006, 07:41 PM
Argranade, that really isn't the point here. Sure, Back yard breeders and bad breeders(Such as designer dog ones) are being advertised through this new toy. Designer dogs are another way of saying overpriced mutt. There are "cockapoos" in shelters but they are reffered to as a Cockers spaniel/poodle mix. Having a "cutesy" name does not change what the dog is.

Having the knowledge to not buy a designer dog and not advertising them will eventually stop the process, or atleast decrease it. The people who breed these dogs care about nothing but wealth so when people stop buying these dogs they will stop making them. Now with a big industry like Build-a-bear Workshop advertising it, I don't see this happening anytime soon.
Someone HAS to buy one no matter what, yes I wish humans could stop buying those doo daa blah dogs but those dogs need a loving home designer or not, that's the problem ... when someone buys a designer dog they may have just done it to give the cute dog a home .. but then when other people see them with that dog they can think of the kind human as a stupid person for having that dog .. no not all people think like that but yes .. lots do!

If only the breeders would STOP breeding! there's enough dogs in the shelters.

12-14-2006, 08:24 PM
Hmm. I don't agree with designer breeds, but it's just a toy. And there is nothing we can do about it. I wish it would stop, but like Alyssa said, with Build-a-Bear Advertising it, it won't happen anytime soon.

The way I've always seen it is -- be against the stupid people who breed them, and against the deed, not the dog. The dog definitely needs a loving home, just like any other. Just because they are "designer breeds" does not mean that they don't deserve love.

But like some people always say -- supply and demand -- which is so true. For me, it's a tough situation because I don't want to see designer breeds continuing, but I also do not want to see innocent puppies/dogs dying because of the deeds of their owners/breeders.

Anyhow, I'm just going on now.

12-14-2006, 09:13 PM
If the dog is a kind sweet dog that will love you no matter what does it really matter if it's a mix or not? no it doesn't as long as it gives you unconditional love.

12-15-2006, 01:45 AM
If the dog is a kind sweet dog that will love you no matter what does it really matter if it's a mix or not? no it doesn't as long as it gives you unconditional love.

I think there is a very common misconception here, and it is very prevelant. Let me see if I can clarify it.

People ... like myself ... who are opposed to "designer dogs" are opposed to the act of intentionally breeding mixed breed dogs. We are not opposed to the dog itself. I have a whole house full of dogs ... about half of them purebred dogs, and half of the mixed breeds. I have nothing whatsoever against mixed breed dogs.

Adopting a mixed breed dog from a shelter because it is a sweet loving dog that needs a home is a WONDERFUL thing to do. It saves the dog's life. But purchasing a mixed breed dog for an high price from a backyard breeder who is just trying to make a buck is a very WRONG thing to do. Yes, the dog gets a home. However, you are putting a lot of money into the pocket of someone who is only breeding dogs for money. They are not trying to better the breed, like a responsible breeder of purebred dogs does, because there IS no breed. They are not doing genetic testing, they are not certifying eyes, hips, etc. They are sticking two "cute" dogs together and selling the mixed breed puppies for a lot of money.

They could care less WHY you are buying their puppy. They WANT you to feel sorry for it. Just so they get the money in their pocket, they don't care if you bought it to "save" it or not. And when they sell a litter of whateverapoos, they are just going to breed another litter. Just so the money keeps coming in. Buying from a backyard breeder or puppymill or "designer dog" breeder to "save" the puppies is funding their industry. Good intentions or not, every dollar they get going to motivate them to breed more and more dogs. And while you may have "saved" one puppy and given it a home, you can't "save" every puppy from every litter from every breeding dog they have, every year. What about the mothers of these puppies? They don't get "saved", ever ... until they die. Far better to stop providing these people money. If no one is buying their "designer dogs" they are going to quit breeding them after a litter or two, instead of breeding thousands of litters. Here ( is just the latest example of the kind of people whom we give our money to when we buy "designer dogs" and pet store or puppy mill puppies.

What makes this especially sad and wrong is that there are far, far too many dogs in the world. Tens of thousands of dogs die horrible deaths daily for the simple reason that too many dogs are bred and there are not enough homes for them all. If someone buys a "maltipoo" or whatever for $1,000 from a backyard breeder because it's cute and trendy and their kid wants one after seeing them at Build-A-Bear, that means one less home available for a shelter or rescue dog and one more mixed breed dog in the world. That means somewhere a dog is dying because it has no home. That potential home was just filled with designer breed, promoted by Build-A-Bear or Monopoly or whatever.

As soon as people start saying, "Well, nothing I can do.", "Can't be stopped. Can't be fixed.", "It's going to happen anyway.", etc. that is when bad and wrong things increase and go on. Everyone must make small choices that are right and good. Every small choice that is made by one person adds up. If enough people in the world stop giving their business to Build-A-Bear or wherever, if enough people stop buying puppies from pet stores, if enough people put pro-spay/neuter bumper stickers on their cars, a change will happen. It will happen slowly, but it will happen.

All great, large wrongs in the world are corrected one small, personal right at a time. What if everyone would have said, "Oh, nothing we can do. Can't fix it. Can't change it." about school segregation, equal rights, toxic waste, car seat laws, etc. etc? Every positive change in the world starts with one small, brave action on one person's part.

12-15-2006, 06:48 AM
I think there is a very common misconception here, and it is very prevelant. Let me see if I can clarify it.

People ... like myself ... who are opposed to "designer dogs" are opposed to the act of intentionally breeding mixed breed dogs. We are not opposed to the dog itself. I have a whole house full of dogs ... about half of them purebred dogs, and half of the mixed breeds. I have nothing whatsoever against mixed breed dogs.

Adopting a mixed breed dog from a shelter because it is a sweet loving dog that needs a home is a WONDERFUL thing to do. It saves the dog's life. But purchasing a mixed breed dog for an high price from a backyard breeder who is just trying to make a buck is a very WRONG thing to do. Yes, the dog gets a home. However, you are putting a lot of money into the pocket of someone who is only breeding dogs for money. They are not trying to better the breed, like a responsible breeder of purebred dogs does, because there IS no breed. They are not doing genetic testing, they are not certifying eyes, hips, etc. They are sticking two "cute" dogs together and selling the mixed breed puppies for a lot of money.

They could care less WHY you are buying their puppy. They WANT you to feel sorry for it. Just so they get the money in their pocket, they don't care if you bought it to "save" it or not. And when they sell a litter of whateverapoos, they are just going to breed another litter. Just so the money keeps coming in. Buying from a backyard breeder or puppymill or "designer dog" breeder to "save" the puppies is funding their industry. Good intentions or not, every dollar they get going to motivate them to breed more and more dogs. And while you may have "saved" one puppy and given it a home, you can't "save" every puppy from every litter from every breeding dog they have, every year. What about the mothers of these puppies? They don't get "saved", ever ... until they die. Far better to stop providing these people money. If no one is buying their "designer dogs" they are going to quit breeding them after a litter or two, instead of breeding thousands of litters. Here ( is just the latest example of the kind of people whom we give our money to when we buy "designer dogs" and pet store or puppy mill puppies.

What makes this especially sad and wrong is that there are far, far too many dogs in the world. Tens of thousands of dogs die horrible deaths daily for the simple reason that too many dogs are bred and there are not enough homes for them all. If someone buys a "maltipoo" or whatever for $1,000 from a backyard breeder because it's cute and trendy and their kid wants one after seeing them at Build-A-Bear, that means one less home available for a shelter or rescue dog and one more mixed breed dog in the world. That means somewhere a dog is dying because it has no home. That potential home was just filled with designer breed, promoted by Build-A-Bear or Monopoly or whatever.

As soon as people start saying, "Well, nothing I can do.", "Can't be stopped. Can't be fixed.", "It's going to happen anyway.", etc. that is when bad and wrong things increase and go on. Everyone must make small choices that are right and good. Every small choice that is made by one person adds up. If enough people in the world stop giving their business to Build-A-Bear or wherever, if enough people stop buying puppies from pet stores, if enough people put pro-spay/neuter bumper stickers on their cars, a change will happen. It will happen slowly, but it will happen.

All great, large wrongs in the world are corrected one small, personal right at a time. What if everyone would have said, "Oh, nothing we can do. Can't fix it. Can't change it." about school segregation, equal rights, toxic waste, car seat laws, etc. etc? Every positive change in the world starts with one small, brave action on one person's part.