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View Full Version : My Two "Older" Rescues .... Abu and Hudson

09-30-2006, 03:13 PM
To find out how these guys came to be my latest rescues, read this thread first http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=113754
Be sure to scroll down to my updated post on the thread to get the whole story! ;)


These were the two oldest guys they currently had at the Animal Control ... they are both believed to be about 7 or 8, so not too terribly old ... and they both tested NEGATIVE for Felv and FIV :D

Abu ..... he has a "cauliflower ear" ;) He is out and about, but still hissy and slappy with the others ... but I think he will soon be fine.


Hudson .... doing great already, a few hisses but nothing major!

When they showed me Hudson, I could not believe how much he looked like my beloved Harper. Harper was my boy who I had raised for 5 years from birth, who one day accidentally got out, ran off and I never saw again! He disappeared so quickly that I know someone had to have let them in their house and kept him. That's at least what I have convinced myself, as I can't bear to think otherwise. Here was my Harper:

09-30-2006, 03:28 PM
Kim, they are gorgeous lucky boys. I instantly saw the Harper resemblence.

Your heart is so big.

09-30-2006, 04:05 PM
Bless you Kim, you are such a wonderful and kind person to help these precious babies. They are both so beautiful and I wish them many happy days ahead with you that they deserve! :)

09-30-2006, 04:19 PM
Kim, The Lord meant for Abu and Hudson to end up in your home where they would get some love and understanding.
And have a place where they can live out thier lives to the fullest.
Its a wonderful thing to see two Older Cats so happy.

09-30-2006, 04:29 PM

They are real sweeties!! Looks like they're already making themselves at home. Bless your heart for rescuing them.

09-30-2006, 05:57 PM
Handsome lovely boys!

I am glad you didn't get the Sphynxes (tho I hope they made out all right!), because these two cats are alive because of it.

Hope you understand what I mean!

Welcome, Abe and Hudson! :)

09-30-2006, 06:29 PM
Handsome lovely boys!

I am glad you didn't get the Sphynxes (tho I hope they made out all right!), because these two cats are alive because of it.

Hope you understand what I mean!

Welcome, Abe and Hudson! :)

I understand completely!!! ;)

09-30-2006, 06:54 PM
Kim, they sure are handsome and I'm glad that you were able to get them out of the high kill shelter.:)

09-30-2006, 07:11 PM
I love them BOTH.God Bless You Kim :) All they want is a home.And someone to watch over them.Your a lovely lady to do this. :) You know they would of been stuck in that cage until they died if you didn't take them.What a world!
Thank You again Kim from Abu and Hudson :)

09-30-2006, 10:34 PM
As others have said Kim, bless you for rescuing these lovely boys from the shelter and I pray that the two Sphynxes are okay also.

You have a heart of gold girl. :D

K & L
10-01-2006, 07:32 AM
Both are gorgeous. It's so sad how there's still so many cats that need rescuing. We just trapped 2 more at the park. One was a male and the other a female. The male had an URI so he was treated and finally released. The litte girl was fixed and just released yesterday. We have about 5 more news ones we discovered to catch. It's just never ending. And to top it off, someone dumped their pet ferret in the park! We put it in a cage and one of the park rangers adopted it. UGH....people sometimes...