View Full Version : Easter Baskets (sssshhhhhhh...don't tell Lillycat!)

03-24-2006, 08:03 PM
Alright. Growing up, we had Easter Baskets every single Easter. They were stuffed full of candy, small toys, and hidden through out the house. We would search all over for ours, and not tell someone else when we found theirs. Apparently, Lillycat took a blow to the head, as she absolutely cannot recall such fun, and ALWAYS blabs on about how I will be ruining Jonah's health (for life, apparently) if I indulge him in such a tradition. Like ten pounds of chocolate at one sitting is BAD? :rolleyes:

I am doing it..she is NOT the boss of me anymore (don't tell her I said that, please!!!), and it is MY house, and I will swear Jonah to sweet secrecy. I think Easter egg hunts are F-U-N, Easter Baskets are as necessary as fine Easter duds for Easter Sunday, and it helps bring in the Spring season!

What do you guys think? Do/did you have Easter Baskets? Hunts? Want me to send YOU a basket? He he he....maybe I should say, "the first ten recipients to respond..blah, blah, blah"

03-24-2006, 08:07 PM
We always had Easter baskets growing up. The Easter bunny hid them all over the house. I make one up every year for my furkids, no chocolate, of course. ;) Jonah definately needs the bunny to bring him a basket full of candy! :D

03-24-2006, 08:08 PM
I love getting easter baskets, every year until the year I moved out my mom made me one. Sometimes if I am able to go home for Easter, I'll come home and find an easter basket on my bed. I want to make one for Alexa this year, but right now we are both in MAJOR saving mode so I'm not sure if I'll make her one this year. I made her one the first year we were together and it was her first easter basker ever! I put lots of yummy candy in it (good chocolates like Lindor bunnies), some fun little travel games since she travels so often and toys like play-doh and silly putty because even as a grown up it's still fun :D

03-24-2006, 08:10 PM

3 for Jonah getting a basket

0 for Jonah being deprived and irreparably harmed :D

03-24-2006, 08:12 PM
Feel free to PM me for my address so you can mail me my easter basket :D

03-24-2006, 08:13 PM
we always had baskets and I still make them for my adult kids. I'm making one for my unborn grand baby send her the chocolte via mom. :D You should see the one I'm making for hubby. I'm putting oh shoot almost blew it I forgot he's on here now too. Pm me I;ll tell ya what. I always love to get baskets. (hint)

03-24-2006, 08:19 PM
I will be keeping both Laura and Corinna in mind for baskets this year! :D

I LOVE them, and Jonah is getting one HUGE basket from the Mr. E. Bunny :D

4 Dog Mother
03-24-2006, 08:29 PM
We always had Easter baskets when we were kids and had the same tradition for our kids. They had baskets for a lot of years - I'm a thinking even until Amy was in college. Then we just started getting them their favorite Easter candy instead of a basket of things that didn't get eaten and were left to go stale.

Last year I didn't get Jasmine a basket cuase she has a mean mommy. But she got some books and stuffed toys. Probably won't get her much candy this year either cause her mommy won't let her eat it cause she might get messy or soemthing. (Good thing Christy doesn't have time to get on pet Talk anymore, huh?) And anyone who tattles is in real trouble with me.

(Johanna, I like the malted milk ball eggs and Jelly beans (not spiced ones though) and.... Oh heck, anything chocolate!)

03-24-2006, 08:37 PM
We always found a big empty basket on the couch and had to search for the rest filling our huge basket. Have fun Jonah these fun things don't last long!!

03-24-2006, 08:37 PM
I loved getting Easter baskets as a child!
I think you should spoil Jonah!

03-24-2006, 09:05 PM
My mom did it 2 yrs in a row. I was 14 & 15yrs old. I cheated. I took Max (RIP dog) & pointed to all sorts of areas of the house, telling him to search (I taught him so many usefull things hehe). I found sooo many. He even found some that were 6 feet up! I didn't even have to get them myself either.. He would grab the chocolate eggs & spit them on the floor for me. SO all I had to do was pick them up off the floor & every so often give him a carrot :D I was sooo bad hahaha

03-24-2006, 09:12 PM
As my mom already said, we got Easter baskets for a long. I remember getting clothes, CD's and other cool things as we out grew the need for 8 tons of candy!
I know Ralph's family did the Easter basket thing too, as his mom still colors eggs and makes one for each of the dogs.

So yes, Jonah should have his! And if you just happen to have any extra Greater's choclate laying around, you have my address!!

03-24-2006, 09:13 PM
We didn't get baskets exactly, but we had candy hidden all over the house. Sometimes we found those marshmellow egg things months later! It was great fun. My Mom still sends me a chocolate bunny every year! Jonah should definately have some Easter goodies!

03-24-2006, 09:24 PM
I love Easter baskets. my grandma would always make us older kids a basket full of candy. I think I will have to go get myself one. ;)


that sounds like a great idea to make up easter baskets for your pets! :D I may do that. :)

03-24-2006, 09:34 PM
I love Easter baskets!! :D I think it's great that you give Jonah one, too :).

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-24-2006, 09:35 PM
We always got baskets too. My oldest brother had the biggest, mine was medium sized and my youngest brother got the smallest - no wonder he has a complex these days. :rolleyes: ;) :D

I can remember finding mine in the oven one year. And if I remember right, if we found someone else's basket, we snatched a piece of candy but didn't tell them where the basket was. :D

As we got into our teens and Easter baskets became oh so uncool, my mom started putting just one basket in the middle of the dining room table - filled with her and my dad's favorite candy (black jelly beans (mom) & those orange marshmallow peanut thingys and candy corn (dad). Needless to say we kids thought that candy was G-R-O-S-S, so we didn't eat any of it - my mama was no dummy! ;) :D

Peanut, CJ & Terry do not get baskets - I'm so boring these days. :rolleyes:

03-24-2006, 09:37 PM
I've never heard of hiding the gifts before, that sounds like a really fun idea. There was one easter tradition in my family that I loved, but I've never heard of anyone else doing it (other than people that grew up where I did). You would save and wash out your egg shells, just leaving a small hole on the top to get the inside out. Then fill the eggshell with confetti and glue a piece of tissue paper on the top where the hole is. Then we would hide them in the yard. After they were all found we would chase each other and crack them on each others heads! There was nothing more fun then smashing a confetti filled egg on my sisters head.

03-24-2006, 09:52 PM
When I was growing up, we did have an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday morning and that was always alot of fun. I remember one year my Mom got the idea to really make us hunt. She posted a note on the fridge that said "go look in the oven". When we looked there, there was a note to look downstairs on Dad's workbench. Then there was a note there to look somewhere else. Finally, after about 20 min, we were lead to our baskets. They were always filled with little easter eggs and lots of chocolate. Funny, I loved chocolate when I was a kid, now I can't stand anything sweet.

Laura, that's too funny!!! :D That would be fun to do at the BBQ this year.... ;) :p

03-24-2006, 10:04 PM
Of course Jonah should have an Easter Basket!!!!

We had the same tradition when I was a child. Every year my mom would make my sister and I beautiful Easter baskets filled with candy and little gifts. Then she would hide them in the house. It was such a thrill waking up Easter morning and searching for our baskets. I can also remember coloring eggs. Such a fun time. As we got older we still got baskets but we didn't have to search for them anymore. Mom always had them sitting on the table waiting for us. Of course I carried on the tradition with my son and it was a favorite time for him also. I don't know what I will do this year since he has moved out. I'll probably just pick him up some of his favorite Reece's peanut butter eggs and mabye a gift card or something like that.

03-24-2006, 10:08 PM
Easter egg hunting and baskets are so much fun! Ask the dogs in Findlay.. we had a lot of fun hunting for eggs at the April Meeting last year.

I was really excited when we went to Anna's... she made Amy & I Easter baskets. I hadn't gotten one from my parent's in a long time so it was a very, very nice treat. I really enjoyed that (Thanks again, Anna!) :D

03-24-2006, 10:11 PM
We colored eggs, mine being the most complex and elaborate, of course, and had some easter candy, sometimes hidden in the house or yard, depending on the weather. But each year we'd each get a stuffed animal. Mine were ALWAYS bunnies, (again of course), but after a while my sister's were always elephants, Lady's Human always some kind of bird, and I think my big brother got Easter bears. They were more fun and lasted longer than the candy anyway!

Of course Jonah needs a basket - what you put in it, though, is up to you, whether it's candy, toys, or other fun stuff!

03-25-2006, 07:21 AM
I never heard of that before, we just had chocolate eggs and I still get them for my grandaughters. It's given me ideas for this year though, I think I will do something similar for grandaughter Dannielle instead of just getting her an egg.

And yes, add my vote to the Easter Basket for Jonah pile!

03-25-2006, 11:00 AM
We got an empty basket and had to search for the eggs and candy hidden all over the house. In an ideal year this egg hunt would take place outside in the garden- but most of the time around Easter it was too cold and rainy so there was egg hunting in the house. We had candy and chocolate eggs but of course also coloured hard boiled eggs. We ate eggs for days :D

If anybody wonders how to boil eggs hard I remember a helpful thread ;)

Of course that boy needs an Easter basket :cool:

03-25-2006, 11:08 AM
We always had Easter baskets, too. My sister and I both got the actual baskets on our first Easter, and we would put them out every year for the Easter bunny to fill. We also dyed and hunted Easter eggs.

03-25-2006, 08:11 PM
Yes! Jonah needs an Easter Basket this year! :)
You don't have to fill it with chocolate, a few toys and some of those plastic eggs will make him happy enough at his age.
Easter eggs hunts are fun, you can't let him miss out on that fun either!
Tell Lillycat that it is her duty as a grandmother to spoil Jonah! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
03-25-2006, 08:37 PM
Oh yes....easter basket! Don and I still give each other Easter baskets (although he saves the "grass" from year to year!)

When I was a kid we had Easter baskets and ALWAYS an egg hunt. One of my favorite family movies involves an egg hunt in which I found more eggs than my big brother. He cries and I offer him one of my eggs.... :D :D

We continued the egg hunt even after we were grown and before there were any grandchildren. In the house unless weather permitted an outside hunt. Of course....since I am now in California....no family with whom to hunt.... :(