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03-09-2006, 04:51 PM
This is what it looks like at my house:D
Watch the Video! (http://youtube.com/watch?v=a91_oDG-JnQ)

Now...what's it like at your house when the phone rings?!

03-09-2006, 04:53 PM
LOL!! What a riot Anna!

My boys don't care about the phone.. the door bell on the other hand..

Pawsitive Thinking
03-09-2006, 04:57 PM
LOL! Tobey doesn't notice phone either but someone knocking on a door 4 houses away is another matter................

03-09-2006, 04:57 PM
Sadie is the only one that will howl at the phone. As a matter of fact I made it ring today and she went to howling. It makes me laugh because of the way her lips are. The other 2 just stand there and look at me. If I am in the shower and I hear her howling I know the phone is ringing. :D

03-09-2006, 05:01 PM
I cant see the video yet but I can tell you that my little dog runs and jumps at your knees if you dont answer the phone quick enough! Im sure she thinks its her duty :rolleyes: :)

03-09-2006, 05:08 PM
ROTFL!!!!!! i HAD to laugh so bad!!!

Huney is like "OMG, what a pair of freaks i got as bro and sis........."

and Bon really has taken the Husky talk lessons pretty good................

Lovely Roxey, good work honey, I LOVE YOU!!!!

my phone is not the prob, the thing is when anyone i mean ANYONE honks, LOL...........and now not just my dogs all adjacent dogs learned to howl at honks....LOL we have a symphonic orchestra here LOL

03-09-2006, 05:18 PM
lol They are so cute and funny!!! omg t.j started howling with them!!! to cute!!!!

03-09-2006, 05:56 PM
Anna that is a scream!!! I don't think I have ever seen such a funny video! Bon seems to be *talking* and Roxey is so funny!! She sounds like she is in pain! LOL! What fun it must be to live at your house! :D Huney looks like - :confused: LOL!

When my phone rings nothing happens, other than if Ripley is on my lap he will jump off because he knows I am going to be getting up. :p Now the DOOR, that's another thing altogether!! :eek:

03-09-2006, 06:09 PM
ROTFL,that is adorable Anna.
Mine dont care about the phone.But when someone knocks or rings the doorbell,they'll start barking and growling.

03-09-2006, 06:19 PM
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Just look at Huney's face .......... :D

The phone doesn't bother my 2 either, the doorbell makes them bolt to the door, barking ......

I have always said I wanted to get their reaction to me coming home ......... that is funny .......... I shall try on the weekend .....

Thanks Anna ....:D

03-09-2006, 06:20 PM
OMG...I am sitting here dying!!! You have never told me that they do that! What in the world was going on? Do they always do that when the phone goes off? OMG..I was laughing so hard! Not only at your furkids but MINE too! Katie came running and just looked and cocked her head, no biggie, ...uh, but...Tori..well, lets just say you should have been here to record that too...lol. Jeepers, Anna, she stood up with her paws on the desk and started talking to the screen and then pawing at me like crazy and chattering like crazy and then when Roxey does her little bit at the end she really got agitated and started tugging at my clothes! Now her and Katie are all wound up and doing major zoomies through the house. Thanks, girlfriend, it was a nice quiet evening here;)!

My two never react to the phone and barely react to someone knocking at the door or ringing the doorbell...lol.

03-09-2006, 06:33 PM
That's hilarious Anna! :D At our house Lacey will bark her head off if the phone is for my husband.She watches to see if I'm going to hand the phone to him! :rolleyes:

03-09-2006, 06:36 PM
OMG! That is too funny!

Tucker doesn't do anything when the phone rings, but if someone comes to the door or a car is out in the driveway. Well lets just say he goes nuts!

Daisy and Delilah
03-09-2006, 06:43 PM
That is just hilarious Anna!! What a hoot those dogs of your's are ;) I can't believe that's how they react to the phone :D Daisy and Delilah couldn't care less about the phone. Delilah howls if she can't see Daisy for a bit but of course that's a rare occasion. Daisy howls when I pull into the driveway after work. Now that is priceless and I fall out in the driveway laughing. Thanks for the great video. I can't stop smiling at how cute they are. Huney is yawning in the background :D

03-09-2006, 06:56 PM
OMG!!!! I have LES from laughing so hard! Huney is like "what's wrong with these two?" Bon's big ol' hoof on your leg and Roxey wooing her fool head off. OMG, I love it, Anna! Your trio are such characters. If I'm ever in Ohio again, do you mind if I stop by? I've just got to meet you and your family! :D

03-09-2006, 07:00 PM
That is soo funny!!! :D I love it, Anna!!

03-09-2006, 09:27 PM
That is soo funny that they howl at the phone! cute. It was cute that Huney was the only one not barking. hehe! Thanks for sharing.

Cinder & Smoke
03-09-2006, 09:38 PM

THAT was worth waiting for it to load!!

(Even da KAT wandered by to see what the *FUSS* was all about!)

With Bon - you don't need a ringer on the phone!

And Roxey is something with her "Creaky Hinge" Howl
at the end.

Huney seems to be saying "I can't believe this!"

THANKS for the Laughs!! :)

/s/ Phred

03-09-2006, 09:39 PM
:eek: SO CUTE!

03-09-2006, 09:45 PM
Great video!! Roxey sounds like she has some potential and she looks passionate about singing. With a little coaching I think she could be the next American Idol.

Bon, I don't mean to say you're not passionate about your singing cause you obviously are it's just that Roxey might have more natural talent. But how lovable you are! All the ladies must be begging you to sing to them.

Huney, you're still a sweetheart, I wasn't born a singer either - nothing wrong with that :) .

03-09-2006, 09:51 PM
that made Ginger bark! :p that was hilarious! :D my dogs don't care when the phone rings. :)

03-09-2006, 11:25 PM
Oh Anna! Thanks for the late night giggle! I had the door closed the first time I played it, then John called in Logan whose eyes got as big as saucers! She stared at the ceiling, looked around the room, then decided it was John doing the howling, since he'll imitate her sometimes. She plopped her behind in front of him and just started to pant and wag her tail. We laughed so hard! Logan doesn't care about the house phone, but when my cell rings it's crazy tune, she appears from anywhere and nudges it with her nose!
I LOVED hearing their voices and seeing their expressions! Silent "Huney in the middle" was precious!

03-09-2006, 11:36 PM
ommmmyyyyy Anna!
That was funny!
Keegan didn't even flinch until I played it like the 3rd time and Roxey started howling and creaking! The cats stood in the room just looking.
Nothing happens in my house when the phone rings but when someone knocks on the door Keegan starts to jump and bark and the cats are vapor!

03-10-2006, 03:53 AM
that is cute :D they sort of magnify the ringing tone with their howling :p

03-10-2006, 04:38 AM
Anna, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard! :) Sounds like they are just singing right along to the tone of your phone ringer! Too Cute! :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-10-2006, 05:13 AM
that is the cutest thing i have ever seen!!!!

I just love Roxey's face. She looks so serious..... like she is really getting her point across.


Maya & Inka's mommy
03-10-2006, 06:31 AM
OH MY GOSH!! I had no idea that the sound was on "loud" here :eek: :eek:

My cats couldn't care less! They don't even open an eye :rolleyes:

03-10-2006, 07:47 AM
That is absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen! Huney just looked at them both like "what the what"? Then, her yawn.....too funny!

03-10-2006, 08:10 AM
I'm so glad you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I couldn't resist posting it:D

Needless to say I've played it back numerous times already :o and everytime the dogs come in here, look at the monitor and start it right back up again! They are just too funny and keep me laughing all the time!

03-10-2006, 08:13 AM
Oh my goodness, Anna, that is hilarious.

My dogs don't care one bit when the phone rings. It's a good thing too because Justin often gets work calls at home. They don't like when someone knocks at the door though.

03-10-2006, 09:18 AM
ROTFLMAO, that is just way too funny. I love Roxey's howl/growl/talk, and then Bon, it looks like he's just doing it because she is, he keeps looking over at her to see if she's done yet. lol too funny & awful cute!

03-10-2006, 09:40 AM
ROTFLMAO, that has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I have watched that video a couple of times this morning. It makes me laugh every time. Ebony jumped up in the chair with me when she heard it, the other two were looking out the window barking their heads off. The fur kids liked it too. :D Thank you so much for posting that it made my Friday!! Give those three a hug for me would you please?

03-10-2006, 10:48 AM
We watched it several times here too. Hannah felt it necessary to put in her two cents worth (while wagging her stubby tail). What a hoot or should I say...what a howl! :D

03-10-2006, 11:42 AM
Anna, that has to be one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. It certainly got the attention of my three kitties!!

I love the expression on Huney's face!

03-10-2006, 11:44 AM
I just played it here at work and my immediate office mates and I were laughing so hard 1/2 dozen other people had to poke their heads in. Next thing you know we are re-playing it and the whole office is hysterical!!

03-10-2006, 12:14 PM
Anna, have you thought about sending that in to Funniest Home Videos?

03-10-2006, 12:32 PM
Anna, have you thought about sending that in to Funnies Home Videos?

Thats a great idea!! :D

03-10-2006, 12:37 PM
What an absoulute riot! You must get really annyoed! My puparoo doesn't care about the phone.

03-10-2006, 01:06 PM
:D :D I Just LOVE that video!!!:)

03-10-2006, 02:06 PM
Awww, that video is so cute! My three don't care for the phone but when someone's at the door they all start howling, barking etc. When I played the video Molly and Astra came and looked at me with their ears perked up.

03-10-2006, 02:20 PM
Hahah, that's so funny! Mine don't care about the phone

03-10-2006, 02:46 PM
Oh my goodness Roxey! That's not very lady like. :o :eek: :D :D

How funny! And how mean of you Anna to torture them... ;)

Poor Huney looks so :confused: . :D

Kia ignores the cell phone/phone. Andy has a 'meow' tone set for certain people that call and the cats will perk their ears up.

I don't have a doorbell. A knock on the door will send her into a barking frenzy though. :)

Dixieland Dancer
03-10-2006, 03:23 PM
I really needed that today! :D Sweet Huney must think the other two were completely crazy. ;)

BTW... I have had a lot of comments on how precious Bon is in the Pet Talk calendar this month! He sure has a way of stealing your heart! :D

03-10-2006, 09:10 PM
What a great video! I was laughing so hard, and it even made me miss my "howling" girl that use to howl at the phone. Riley just looked at the computer like it was crazy and went and layed down. She'll only bark at things that move along the fence.

One of my roommates came out and wanted to know what the dog was doing to the sea lion at the end. I showed him the video and he couldn't get over Bon's attempt at being a husky, and Roxey's howl.

Thanks for sharing.

03-10-2006, 09:14 PM
Oh my gosh, Anna that is just hilarious! Too cute! I love Bon's whine.. it's so cute! Thanks so much for sharing!!! :D

03-11-2006, 07:18 AM
That was too funny!! Bon's huge lips just going had me laughing hysterically! And at the beginning it sounds like he is saying, Hurry, Hurry, hurry!

And Roxey, youhave a lovely voice for singing the blues!! What fun!

I didn't get asmuch of a reactionhere as I had hoped. Cincy did look at the screen, look at me, and then sniff around to try to find the other dogs. Sadie sat and stared at me, and Spot walked away :rolleyes:

I've have to try to get Spot signing when Ralph comes home. That is when he does his best work!!

03-11-2006, 07:23 AM
I have decided that I have to visit this thread at least once a day so that I can have something to smile about every day!! Anna, your three certainly are movie stars! LOL! I think this thread should be nominated Thread of the Year! ;)

03-11-2006, 08:43 AM
Gosh, I don't know what had me laughing more...the dogs or all of you:D
So nice that you've all shared the video too, glad we could make you all laugh!

All your comments are the smile that I need on this (another) gloomy day here in Ohio! THANK YOU ALL!

Ohhh and I never thought about America's Funniest, good idea! Off to check out how to submit...

03-11-2006, 08:54 AM
Lol, great video Anna! :D It's also nice to know that Bob is not alone in being noisy when the phone rings.

03-16-2006, 11:13 PM
I saw this thread earlier but I didn't have time to wait for it to load until now. I'm glad I did, it was worth it! That is sooooooo funny! Especially Roxey's "howl" at the end. I played it for my dogs and Nebo's reaction was so cute. He just sat there and cocked his head to either side (I took a video of it lol) which I think that's the first time I've ever seen him do that. Reggie and Sydney didn't seem to care. I've never thought of dogs even reacting to the phone, mine only go crazy for the doorbell!

03-16-2006, 11:17 PM

Near the end they're like "...wait... why are we still doing this... it stopped..."

ohhh man what a RIOT!!!

Charlie goes nuts when the alarm on my phone goes off... hehehe. I don't know if it scares him or what :o But only that ONE ringtone, no others!

03-16-2006, 11:29 PM
Anna, here's the short clip of Nebo's reaction when he first heard it. Not too exciting but I think it's cute, I swear he was really trying to figure out what they were saying. ;)

03-17-2006, 02:53 AM

03-17-2006, 05:55 AM
HA! I have subscribed to this thread because I just love it and I see that others are still enjoying it as much as I do. I really have to visit this thread any time I need a lift. It never fails to crack me up and I must have watched it a zillion times. Amy, Nebo is so cute with his little head tilt. It looks like he is trying to figure out what Roxey is so bothered about! LOL! I had Ripley on my lap watching it and he was riveted but didn't make a peep. :)

03-17-2006, 07:05 AM
That is too cute!! How funny- when I played it the dogs came rushing over to see what was going on. I just love hearing their different barks and howls- what an awesome video!

03-18-2006, 07:25 AM
Oh gosh Amy, that's so cute! I wonder if he "knew" those voices:D

Glad to see that my three (well 2 I guess;)) goofballs are still making people smile!

03-18-2006, 07:42 AM

Anna, i haven't been on PT much this past couple weeks, I have been chained to the computer to finish my thesis (yeah! it's done!) plus a couple really stressful things have happened, and WOW, those howlin' dolls of yours is just what I needed! That is tooo funny! :D Honestly, I NEEDED that!

03-18-2006, 04:34 PM
LMAO! Oh my gosh, how cute is that!? :)

Anna and Rosie doesn't care about the phones ringing...

03-18-2006, 04:39 PM
LOL! That's hilarious, Anna. While watching it, Jasper came over and was turning his head to each side.

03-18-2006, 04:40 PM
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK. Lucky my dogs don't do that when the phone rings :p