PT Cat Dictionary of FURMINOLOGY

ack ack, acking - sound made when kitty is hunting bugs, moths, birds, etc.

ape s**t - as in "going ape s**t -episode of completely losing it and racing around the house at top speed - see*below

airplane ears - aka yoda ears - those funny pulled back ears that show kitty is NOT very happy!

Batonga Wongas-noun-(Bah-tahn-ga Wahn-gas)- See 'Bits'

bits - aka cookies, equipment, truffles - testicles

Boat motor: What a cat sounds like when getting a tummy rub

Bookmeowk (verb): what the cat does when you are trying to read; action taken by a cat who parks herself on the book/magazine/newspaper before you can turn the page.

brushtomer: this is someone waiting on the brushing table for his daily brushing and massage

bumple - (see headbumpies) - the action of furkitty giving you head butts

bundle foot - aka 'tortellini with a stem' - curled up posture in which all four paws are extended and neatly stacked

bunny butt - short, stubby cat tails

butt squitch - when your cat is getting ready to pounce and they wiggle their rear end to get the feet set

buttbath - just the essentials

carpet condom - round cat beds with rolled rim

Cat Babble: A disorder affecting all cat owners, in conversation, when someone brings up cats you find yourself COMPULSIVELY talking about your cat. Especially if they just recently did something cute

cat fit - see* below

Cat House- n. (kat howse) The place where your cat lets you live.

Cat in the Sack- Noun-(Kat n the Sak) A capture and cuddle technique first perfected by Queen Scoop A Lot and Laura's Babies. Also known as the 'pillow case thing'

cat nap - Noun- (kat nap) Dreaming of your cats or being awakened by the tail whipping across your face.

cat Pilates - essentially any pretzel type posture that usually involves cleaning hard to reach areas

Cat Scan V. (Kat Skan) The examination of any object in front of you.

Cat sailing - This is when they run and make a jump putting to much spring into the jump and miss the target and go sailing off into the air...paws extended of course! * see catfit below

Cat treadmill: noun- (kat tred-mil)-A white paper treadmill used to keep a cat in shape. Also known as toilet paper.

Cat's Pajamas-noun- (Katz Pa-Jah-Mahs) What MooShoo's Mom dresses him in for bed, "nekkid"

Cat-aclysm v. (Kat a kli sum) the remains of an area a cat(s) has run around in while you were gone.

Cat-A-Comb: When a kitty jumps on your head, scraping your scalp with its claws, usually in the early morning hours, and scares you nearly to death!

cataholic - Ohio PT member and probably an apt description for ALL PT cat folks.

Cata-log-(noun)- Kat-a-lawg
1. The "big one" left in the litter box for your inspection.
2. The current magazine the cat decides to make his own.

Cat-alyst-verb- (Kat-a-list) 1) The cat that starts all the fights. 2) Cat supplies written on a piece of paper, What the cat needs from the store.

Catalympics: Noun (Kat-a-lim-picks) The daily athletic competitions that cat owners enjoy and laugh about.

Cat-apult: Objects sent flying when a cat jumps off a high perch onto loose objects below.

Catatonic: Noun (Kat-a-tawn-ic) The blissful stare on your cat's face that freaks you out.

Caterwaul: Verb, (kat er wall): The pitiful moaning that makes you jump up to see what the cat is crying about..

Cat-mouflage: Cat’s ability to blend into the surrounding area just before you need to find him/her.

Catography N (kat ohh gra fee) Pictures of your cat.

Cat pipes: Noun-(Kat pypes) The 'musical instrument' a cat becomes when he is picked up. Usually caused by air escaping from either end

Cat Scan V. (Kat Skan) The examination of any object in front of you.

Cat-ropractor-Noun- (Kat-row-prak-tor) A cat who sleeps on your back and realigns your spine. A cat who give Biscuit massages.

Cat-tention (verb): 1) Meeting a cat for the first time, and receiving its undivided attention. 2) what cat expects from staff and visitors alike

Catutation - Khat-you-tay-shun (Verb)- Any feline attempt to post a message onto the internet.

cattage: noun- (kat-age) Any visible leftovers from a cat visit. Examples: hair, shredded rugs, paper bags, cat litter

cat-tastrophe- Any kitten/cat emergency that occurs just as you are ready to walk out of your residence.

cattitude - what cats have

Cat-tle Drive -verb-(Kat tel Dr-eye-ve): The trip to the White Coats. See White Coats.

CATtle stampede...what happens when they hear that can pop!

Cattling N. (kaht a leen) The feline form of cuddling.

cat-tricity: noun- (kat tris i tee) The random discharge of electrons when a cat, carrying a positive charge, jumps onto your negatively charged lap.

Circle of kitty (noun): see tortellini

Claw Cushion: Your feet transform into this at 5 am if you happen to roll over and hit the resident feline and disturb its sleep patterns. Sometimes, the feline will return to sleep without removing the claws from your feet!!

clingon - those little hangers that don't seem to make it into the litter box

Curb feelers -- those leg whiskers that hoomans just can't figure out the reason for?

Cyclops-N. (Si-klops) The one eye look (stink eye) you get when you wake up the sleeping kitty.

dingle, dingleberry - see 'clingon' above

doily kitty - long haired kitty gracefully draped - usually on the back of a sofa

drumsticks - meatloaf with high hipbones resembling a trussed turkey

Dusteater - cat who helps with the housework by going around and eating all the dustballs in the house....of course that leads to "PV" projectile vomit of a huge dust ball.

excavator - fastidious cat who is not happy unless the litter box is empty

elevator butt - touch butt/will rise -who knows why they do this??

Emasculated-Verb- (ee-mas-que-lay-ted) Having the old "bits" taken care of at the white coats’.

feeding frenzy - when kitties all act like starved sharks - best seen in multi-cat households.

"fingers and paws crossed" - gesture of PT support and love

fluffing - a euphemism for ...uh...becoming amorous with an object such as a blanket, pillow or stuffed toy.

fluffy - a euphemism for ...uh...well...plush, Rubenesque

flyby - racing through room at top speed for no apparent reason, often a group activity in multiple kitty homes, see *below

forever or furrever home (love this one!) - a real home that all kitties deserve

Found Cats - when a Cat, that was sad and lost finds his Furr Ever Home (as in Catmandu's Found Cats Hotel)

frito feet - smell kitties feet to determine THIS one

full sweep - this is the extreme affectionate gesture - beginning with a headbumpie, followed by a tooth rub, full body sweep and topped off with the one eyed salute.

Furranus N. (fuhr-aynus) The area in space (also known as a Black Hole) where cat-steroids come from.

Fur Piece - cat that you wear around your neck...makes a wonderful fashion statement.

furrkid and skinkid - self explanatory unless you have a hairy skinkid I guess

Furry Tripline: What a cat makes himself into when you have an armload of stuff *example, laying in the middle of the walkway while you're carrying in grocerys*

Get Down From There- Noun- (get down from thayr) Every cat's last name.

grandmeowmie - a cat mommy or cat daddy's mommy, of course

Halloween cat (n.): posture cat uses to demonstrate fear or surprise; characterised by arched back, fluffed-out tail, and flattened ears. When cat adopts this posture, leave cat alone.

happy feet: same as making biscuits. Or disco feet for the cat still stuck in the '70's.

headbumpies - bumping heads - a sign of affection

Heateorite- N. (heet-ee-ore-eyte) The lump of cat that lands on top of you while you are sleeping.

hernia cat - a "fluffy" cat that gets all floppy when its servant tries to pick up said cat. (dedicated to Doogie)

hooman - a cat mommy or daddy with skin on

Hot Bunking-v. (Haut Bun-keen) From the practice used on submarines to save space/two sailors taking turns using a bunkbed. Warming up the spot on the couch/bed/chair, getting up only to come back and find the cat soaking up your heat.

huffing - sniffing freshly licked and sunwarmed kitty fur

Hugsnuggle (noun): Highly desirable way to spend time; cat wedges herself against person's arm; cross between hug and snuggle.

Initial Squish -verb- (In-ISH-al Sqw-ish)- the moment your brain registers the soft, cold cat puke easing between your toes around three in the morning.

katma Sutra- N. (Khat muh Suh trah)
The book (illustrated, of course) of all the positions cats can get into.

Kissing Kitty Kan- verb- (ki-seen kit-tee kan)- Making up with your cat.

kitty cakes - same as pee biscuits, only larger *edited

kitty kisses - that sleepy looking blink of the eyes that sends a "kiss"

Kitty Sausage-Noun- (Khe-tee Saw-sege)- The stretched out, on-my-back, scratch-my-stomach postition.

Kitty Smooches-Eskimo Kisses given as a hello or when your kitty wants something. See "headbumpies."

Kitty Wake-Up Call - see Power Ricochet or What the H**L

Lap Cat Nap: V - Laap Kaat Naap- The unpredictable nap the cat takes in your lap.

lap fungus - a kitty growth on your lap!! AH!!

Leaky Eye Syndrome or LES n. (Leekey AYE Sin-Droom) - The affliction that all PTers get when they read about another pet or PTers triumphs or tragedies.

MAD or Meowmie Anxiety Disorder - a temporary condition that affects hoomans usually brought on by whitecoat visits and especially if kitty is losing his Batonga Wongas (see 'Bits'). It usually goes away when kitty is safe at home again.

making bread or making biscuits - that cute kneading motion the kitties make with their paws when they are contented

meatloaf or loaf of bread (for vegetarians ) paws tucked in, also known as parade float pose

meowmie – 1) a cat mommy 2) synonym for cat's personal attendant, financial provider, litter box monitor, nurse, nutrition consultant and finder of lost toys.

meezer - a Siamese

muffin - aka 'lovemuffin', a sweet, affectionate kitty

NASCAR cat or NASCAT- Instead of single pass in the home this is a series of passes or laps made during the cleanup of a house. Often ends with a yellow flag caution
when household objects fall onto the track. *See FLYBY

Nibblets: kitty love bites as Pee Wee loves to give on your nose or chin or cheek. Amber also loves to give these on your ankles or hands and arms!

Night-night needle: sometimes the only way to humanely say goodbye to our dear friends when their time to go is near

one eye salute - that's when they get up in your face, giving you lots of love and kisses and head bumps and suddenly present the other end, tail raised to attention, for close inspection. You just got the one-eye salute

Parade Float Kitty - see meatloaf

PawPaw - daddy to the kitties

pee biscuits - clump of pee in the catbox

PILEOCATS when they all get together

pip-flip - jumping and flipping off the wall.

plush - see fluffy

poo log, poo pancake - various forms of poo, 'cakes are not good

*Poof* - when a kitty is compassionately disappears into the night, a magic act of rescue for neglected and needy kitties.

Port-o-prison -- for transport to white coats, groomers, or other traumatic locations

Power Ricochet: When a cat starts off at the end of the hallway, speeds to the living room, bounces off a couch or chair and beans you in the head with his body (sometimes with claws)! Also known as Kitty Wake-Up Call and What the H**L?! *see catfit

pretzel kitty - any one of numerous postures that would send a hooman to the chiropractor

projectile pee - when you can hear the pee hit the side of the box and trickle down. Eeeeeewwwwwww.....

PT'er - an addiction, quite harmless, you probably are one if you are reading this, go huff your furrkid

purrgasmic - a blissfully purring kitty

purrno - see RedHedd about this one

PYRO MANI CAT: Cats mesmerized by movement of flame: Or those that like to Play with Fire.

RB or Rainbow Bridge - where our kitties go to wait for us when they are done on earth

Richard - aka RICHARD!!! amusing and easily amused PT member. known for pithy comments and wry humor.

Rodent Alert: This is the high-pitched wailing sounds in the middle of the night when your kitty finds and "catches" one of his toy micies and brings them to your bedroom!!!

royal sceptre - posture where kitty extends one paw like a staff to be adored and kissed, as in "extending the royal sceptre", aka "the Elvis"

SBS aka Stinky Butt Syndrome -noun-(stihn-kee butt sin-drom)
Self Explanatory.

sausage - see *tootsie rolls*

schmoozle - To put one's face on/in a fluffy cat belly

scooterbug - little baby kitties scooting around!!

scritches - essentially a scratch - but obviously better because it must also scratch an itch and feels SOOO good to kitty

squeak freak - episode of completely losing it and racing around the house at top speed. (similar to ape s**t above) but involves a loud squeaking noise, I believe. also see * below

tea-cozy: similar to meatloaf pose, but on the kitchen counter where one would have a tea cozy cover for your tea pot!

telescope kitty - kitty stretches l o n g - usually for a treat!

tits-up - that's when they are lying upside down with full belly exposed

Thousand Yard Stare- Noun- (tho-sand yard stayr) The look your cats give you when they come back from the white coats.

toe jammin' - same as toe crunching. Basically working on that toe jam between the toes!

tortitude - what tortie cats have; an extra dose of cattitude

tortellini - the round curled up posture my cats cannot do because they are too fluffy

toothrubs - when kitty rubs his cheeks on you to mark and you get jabbed by a tooth!

tootsie rolls - those little rolls you scoop up from the litter box every day .. AKA *Sausages*

Toy Hog - any kitty that hogs toys and keeps them all for him/herself

Treat Scream- verb (treet skream) Any vocalizations made by a spoiled cat demanding a treat.

Turkey Toes- noun-(Tuhr-kee Tohs)- stretched out toesies - ready for a good washing or show of pleasure as in biscuit making

velcro kitty - lovey-dovey attached kitty - often when the hooman has been gone awhile

War and Peace: Cat edition - starting a thread about the cat intending for it to be a sentence, maybe two and ending up writing a novel

Webbing - a cat whose primary job is to eat all the spider webs around the house.

What the H**L - see Power Ricochet

Whinusitis: the groveling, high-pitched wailing "WAAAAA" sound that comes from certain Pters who insist on having their wishes granted!!!

white coats - vet

Why me?: question asked by cat's Meowmie (q.v.) when being hugsnuggled, head-bumpied or cattled; often accompanied by leaky-eye syndrome and an urgent need to visit friends on Pet Talk, and/or, to send a check to shelter from which cat was adopted.

wideload - rear view of a plush meatloaf

yoda ears - aka airplane ears - those funny pulled back ears that show kitty is NOT very happy!

Yowlitis: Symptoms: Yowling, caterwaling, mewling, mouthing off or otherwise being LOUD. Treatment: Pay attention to cat. Pet cat. Tell cat how good/pretty/handsome he or she is. Repeat as necessary

*catfit - this one seems to have many variations. collectively, it involves an episode of completely losing it and racing through rooms at top speed for no apparent reason, often a group activity in multiple kitty homes. It is aka storm of the Mongol hordes, thunder paws, couch-cat pinball, nine-o'clock crazies, herd of turtles, Random Cat Outburst (RCO), Matrix moves, kitty wake up call, what the h**l?, kitty sprints, cat sailing, thundering herd of cat, squeak freak, flyby, flying fluffies, and going ape s**t.
