Putte is a troublemaker and loves a good petting! The thing I love most about him appearance-wise is his blue eyes He is a Mini Lop, dwarf rabbit mix. He's my second bunny. I got him shortly after the first one passed away, because I hoped it would help my anxiety.

He will follow us around anywhere, but likes to stay underneath the couch. He does not like to be picked up (like most rabbits) but he loves to be petted. His mission in life is to get up on the couch and he can jump through the tiniest holes to make that goal come through - even though he knows he's not allowed up there. He will be a free-range bunny, when he moves into my room (which needs to be bunny-proofed first).
Hello, Putte in Denmark! Happy Bunny Pet of the Day!

What a beautiful fellow you are with your fur that looks so soft; your alert ears; and your gem-like blue eyes! You are very handsome! I would be delighted to pet you - since I can't, though, I hope your person will give you extra pats from me!

You do not like to be picked up, though you love being petted! I imagine that petting you is very nice for the person doing the petting too. You follow your people around anywhere, but you like to stay under the couch. You are determined to get up on the couch, even though you are not allowed up there. Your person's room needs some bunny proofing, and then you can move in and be a free-range bunny! That will be so much fun! Best of all- you are a very handsome and much-loved bunny!

Happy, happy Bunny Pet of the Day to dear Putte!